Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

00001 23MAY17 ¥ Independentthinker #1

1. Directed at the left: If pharmaceutically induced abortions were a legal right during those first 12 weeks, would you accept the fact that after that 12 week period was over women DO NOT have the right to choose anymore and that after that 12 week period the only abortions that could be done are if the woman's life or her child were in danger?

23MAY18 NFBW {to: 00,001} white predominantly Christian MAGA believe the sanctity of life begins at conception. They are the anti-abortion voters that support the Republican Party’s existence. I do not see how you can negotiate for them:

Either the value of life begins at conception without exception or the woman has autonomy over her own body and she decides if the value of life begins.

It’s been settled and precedent for fifty years on the latter. The value of life begins at 28 weeks at an approximation of viability. The bottom line is for the government to do no harm to women. Keep them healthy, safe and as equals to men.

There is no reason to negotiate with America’s version of the Taliban. I go with fifty years of precedence and will watch the GOP groan and scream into permanent predominantly white gun worshipping minority party status.
00020 23MAY18 ¥ martybegan ¥ #20 I'm good with abortions for any reason by any sound method up to 16 weeks, with exceptions for the mother's life afterwards, and of course non-viable fetuses being medically removed as safely as possible.

00492 22MAY03 ¥ BackAgain ¥ #492 “The thrust of the draft decision does seem to hold that abortion law will be a state law matter”

00496 22MAY03 ¥ mvrtybegan ¥ #496 {to: 00,496} And unlike the doomsayer progressives think, most people against Roe will be willing to stop at that.

23MAY19 NFBW {to: 00,020} If you accept that the sanctity of life begins at 16 weeks why do you accept that state governments can ban a medical procedure that terminates a life prior to 16 weeks?
00020 23MAY18 ¥ martybegan ¥ #20 I'm good with abortions for any reason by any sound method up to 16 weeks, with exceptions for the mother's life afterwards, and of course non-viable fetuses being medically removed as safely as possible.

00492 22MAY03 ¥ BackAgain ¥ #492 “The thrust of the draft decision does seem to hold that abortion law will be a state law matter”

00496 22MAY03 ¥ mvrtybegan ¥ #496 {to: 00,496} And unlike the doomsayer progressives think, most people against Roe will be willing to stop at that.

23MAY19 NFBW {to: 00,020} If you accept that the sanctity of life begins at 16 weeks why do you accept that state governments can ban a medical procedure that terminates a life prior to 16 weeks?

Dude, what type of quoting clusterfuck is this?
Dude, what type of quoting clusterfuck is this?

It does not matter if you really want to have a conversation on the subject.

Many people here are capable of comprehending the format

You are apparently OK with states banning a medical procedure prior to the point you believe the sanctity of life begins.

Are you in favor of the state of Florida forcing a woman to give birth to a baby her doctors told her early on would not survive?

When Milo was finally born, without properly functioning lungs or kidneys, "He was really trying to breathe. ...​
He didn’t cry when he was born and he didn’t open his eyes at all. But I mean, he struggled," said Deborah.​
It does not matter if you really want to have a conversation on the subject.

Many people here are capable of comprehending the format

You are apparently OK with states banning a medical procedure prior to the point you believe the sanctity of life begins.

Are you in favor of the state of Florida forcing a woman to give birth to a baby her doctors told her early on would not survive?

When Milo was finally born, without properly functioning lungs or kidneys, "He was really trying to breathe. ...​
He didn’t cry when he was born and he didn’t open his eyes at all. But I mean, he struggled," said Deborah.​

I'm only concerned about what my State does, as a federalist.

I oppose national laws on abortion, and oppose the NY law basically allowing a woman to have an abortion 5 seconds before birth if she can convince the doctor she might get a cold due to giving birth.
23MAY19 NFBW #8,963 {to: 00,020} “If you accept that the sanctity of life begins at 16 weeks why do you accept that state governments can ban a medical procedure that terminates a life prior to 16 weeks?”

08966(a) 23MAY19 ¥ martybegan ¥ #8,966 “I'm only concerned about what my State does, as a federalist.”

08966(b) 23MAY19 ¥ martybegan ¥ #8,966 “I oppose national laws on abortion,”

08966(c) 23MAY19 ¥ martybegan ¥ and {I} oppose the NY law basically allowing a woman to have an abortion 5 seconds before birth if she can convince the doctor she might get a cold due to giving birth.

NFBW 23MAY19 In general, and as a male of the human species, my view is prior to 28 weeks every unwanted pregnancy should be able to be terminated in private in safety as an option for every woman.

It is not because I believe that the sanctity of life begins at 28 weeks. I believe that the best minds with constitutional, medical and legal professional backgrounds, reached their conclusion 50 years ago and made it settled law for the entire country. It was a fair decision for every potential new human life and for every woman who must have every option available to be secure in her fundamental human rights when she gives consent to be governed like every other person in this country.

Basically as a male speaking, if you don’t knock her up, don’t send the government to knock on her door and tell her what to do about it,

Do you take issue with the last paragraph or any of what I’ve written so far?
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08966(b) 23MAY19 ¥ martybegan ¥ #8,966 “I oppose national laws on abortion,”

23MAY19 NFBW {to: 08,966} What if a state bans abortion in all cases regardless of rape and incest or to save the life of the mother. Which side are you on? the government? Or the woman suffering harm?
00044 23JAN08 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #44 South Carolina needs to fix any part of their state constitution that could be abused this way and they need to remove any corrupt evil asshole judges who could rule like this. •••• It is up to them to fix it though, though they could certainly join a consensus of states to ban abortion via Constitutional Amendment, and they should

08966(b) 23MAY19 ¥ martybegan ¥ #8,966 “I oppose national laws on abortion,”

23MAY20 NFBW {to: 08,966 b} You say women should have the right to an abortion in private through the first 16 weeks of gestation. But you would not I assume under any circumstances vote for a Democrat at any local state or federal level who is in the only political party that could possibly put a stop to men like C+6 who want the government to force woman into forced gestational slavery to the state nationwide.

How do we stop C+6 from harming women and driving your GOP into the permanent minority ground thanks to Dobbs and siding with a loser like Trump?

NFBW ref: 230520^a​

How the Kansas legislature is influenced by white Christian nationalism around the clock on a daily basis​

Rachel Mipro, Kansas Reflector
May 20, 2023, 7:27 AM ET

How the Kansas legislature is influenced by white Christian nationalism around the clock on a daily basis

Dave DePue, facing the camera in shades, participates in a 2021 prayer ceremony at the Statehouse in Topeka. A steady source of religious guidance in the state Capitol, DePue says his role is to encourage lawmakers. (Sherman Smith/Kansas Reflector

23MAY20 NFBW {230520^a} In 2015 In Iowa Trump promised all the white rightwing Christian leaders that he would give them “power” and he certainly delivered on that in exchange for the massive white Christian voter base that he still owns.

DJT put three Catholics on the SC for a total of six who handed down Dobbs as an indicator that the highest unchallengeable court in the land of freedom and justice for al, l is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the white Christian religious right. This is not good for the open, fair and free democratic system of governance that used to be cherished by all.
I contributed to the creation of two new human beings, they are now both wonderful women, with kids of their own.

After them my family planning involved a vasectomy. So no I’m not OK with using abortion as birth control.
Then why do you support abortion, and therefore fight for it against every opposed opinion to it here, otherwise position's that have been posted on the issue over and over here ? Either you are just a crap stirring knucklehead or something ain't right in your head. Very wishy-washy.

To much has been learned of your position by your own word's spoken, but then you back pedal when cornered or caught in self contradictory situation's here.
It does not matter if you really want to have a conversation on the subject.

Many people here are capable of comprehending the format

You are apparently OK with states banning a medical procedure prior to the point you believe the sanctity of life begins.

Are you in favor of the state of Florida forcing a woman to give birth to a baby her doctors told her early on would not survive?

When Milo was finally born, without properly functioning lungs or kidneys, "He was really trying to breathe. ...​
He didn’t cry when he was born and he didn’t open his eyes at all. But I mean, he struggled," said Deborah.​
No doctor is going to force a woman to give birth to a baby that will not survive. Stop your ridiculous fear mongering and fake bull shat.
Then why do you support abortion, and therefore fight for it
23MAYNFBW: I do not support abortion nor do I fight for it. You are a liar. I support every woman’s choice to make that decision for themselves. I support all the Christian and Jewish and other religious and not religious Americans who support a woman’s choice to make their decision for themselves. I fight against you, all of you MAGA culture war Republicans in favor of using the government to harm women by forcing them into reproductive slavery by forcing ‘gestation to live birth’ against their will.

Out of ten we on the side of freedom are six while you are a measly four! Dobbs has immediately diminished your self proclaimed moral superiority over the majority of Americans, and it has rendered your culture war propaganda ineffective forevermore. Take that to the bank.

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23MAYNFBW: I do not support abortion nor do I fight for it. You are a liar. I support every woman’s choice to make that decision for themselves. I support all the Christian and Jewish and other religious and not religious Americans who support a woman’s choice to make their decision for themselves. I fight against you, all of you MAGA culture war Republicans in favor of using the government to harm women by forcing them into reproductive slavery by forcing ‘gestation to live birth’ against their will.

Out of ten we on the side of freedom are six while you are a measly four! Dobbs has immediately diminished your self proclaimed moral superiority over the majority of Americans, and it has rendered your culture war propaganda ineffective forevermore. Take that to the bank.

You blanket the word "women" in your post, when infact everything has it's separating points. So what we do as a nation if bad behavior begins to become the norm, is that we separate the bad from the good if that bad becomes overwhelmingly abusive and hurtful to an otherwise civilized SOCIETY.

If a ban or partial ban on abortion procedures takes place, it's only because the thing was being wrongfully abused, and therefore it had become somehow a recreational sport for many, and a sickening profitable thing for those who support it for that reason.
" Calm Down And Follow Legitimate Principles Of Political Science "

* Differentiating Between Things To Be Allowed As Public Policy And Rules Within A Temple *

You blanket the word "women" in your post, when infact everything has it's separating points. So what we do as a nation if bad behavior begins to become the norm, is that we separate the bad from the good if that bad becomes overwhelmingly abusive and hurtful to an otherwise civilized SOCIETY.
The good from the bad can be established without betraying Render unto Caesar - Wikipedia .

A republican supports a credo of e pluribus unum for us republic that espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

* Imaginative Tabloid Horror Stories To Goad For The Holier Than Thou *
If a ban or partial ban on abortion procedures takes place, it's only because the thing was being wrongfully abused, and therefore it had become somehow a recreational sport for many, and a sickening profitable thing for those who support it for that reason.
A partial birth abortion would occur because abortion would be magnanimously a better alternative for the health of the mother than delivery , when a fetus is brain dead , or not expected to live , or possibly morbidly handicapped or deformed , and would be likely to occur if not caught earlier in pregnancy during ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks .

What is with the abortion antichoice that it is incapable of acknowledging the precedence of abortion for fetal abnormalities ?
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" Calm Down And Follow Legitimate Principles Of Political Science "

* Differentiating Between Things To Be Allowed As Public Policy And Rules Within A Temple *

The good from the bad can be established without betraying Render unto Caesar - Wikipedia .

A republican supports a credo of e pluribus unum for us republic that espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

* Imaginative Tabloid Horror Stories To Goad For The Holier Than Thou *

A partial birth abortion would occur because abortion would be magnanimously a better alternative for the health of the mother than delivery , when a fetus is brain dead , or not expected to live , or possibly morbidly handicapped or deformed , and would be likely to occur if not caught earlier in pregnancy during ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks .

What is with the abortion antichoice that it is incapable of acknowledging the precedence of abortion for fetal abnormalities ?
LOL.. Partial as in partial ban, not partial birth abortion. Duh.
* Recreational Ban Without Sufficient Proof Of Existence While Negligent In Simple Remedies *

* Too Much To State About The Extremes *

If a ban or partial ban on abortion procedures takes place, it's only because the thing was being wrongfully abused, and therefore it had become somehow a recreational sport for many, and a sickening profitable thing for those who support it for that reason.
LOL.. Partial as in partial ban, not partial birth abortion. Duh.
Have hue been listening to too much sensationalism from cracked pots , degenerates mentally deficient for need of attention , such as a woman claiming to be a satanist and intending to abort a healthy fetus at term as a ritual of sacrifice ?

The purposeful infliction of suffering , as would be expected of the ritual , is ethically repugnant , and roe v wade directed that states could outlaw abortion in the third trimester , that should include exceptions for maternal life or morbid congenital defects .

Those emphasizing a sentient being requirement as a potentially valid basis to represent a fetus by proxy , based on empathy , could include prosecution with a penalty commensurate for illegitimate aggression of purposeful cruelty and for " without cause " abortion when " with cause " abortion would be valid .

A most disturbing dead baby joke to those proposing sentience as a basis to represent a legal victim by proxy , " Why is it always correct to babies in a blender feet first ? " , and a profane answer is , " For the expression . " .

* Imbecilic Dumb Founded Conclusions Of Ignorance From All Eat Toe Cheese *

Incidentally , the onset of sentience is largely concomitant in timeline with the onset of natural viability , that roe v wade substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement , given an ability to survive an imminent live birth , which the court referred to as " potential life " , with respect to logically , of course , limits of legitimate state interest in a constitutional wright to life .


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* Recreational Ban Without Sufficient Proof Of Existence While Negligent In Simple Remedies *

* Too Much To State About The Extremes *

Have hue been listening to too much sensationalism from cracked pots , degenerates mentally deficient for need of attention , such as a woman claiming to be a satanist and intending to abort a healthy fetus at term as a ritual of sacrifice ?

The purposeful infliction of suffering , as would be expected of the ritual , is ethically repugnant , and roe v wade directed that states could outlaw abortion in the third trimester , that should include exceptions for maternal life or morbid congenital defects .

Those emphasizing a sentient being requirement as a potentially valid basis to represent a fetus by proxy , based on empathy , could include prosecution with a penalty commensurate for illegitimate aggression of purposeful cruelty and for " without cause " abortion when " with cause " abortion would be valid .

A most disturbing dead baby joke to those proposing sentience as a basis to represent a legal victim by proxy , " Why is it always correct to babies in a blender feet first ? " , and a profane answer is , " For the expression . " .

* Imbecilic Dumb Founded Conclusions Of Ignorance From All Eat Toe Cheese *

Incidentally , the onset of sentience is largely concomitant in timeline with the onset of natural viability , that roe v wade substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement , given an ability to survive an imminent live birth , which the court referred to as " potential life " , with respect to logically , of course , limits of legitimate state interest in a constitutional wright to life .
You are one over rated narcissist that needs to take your ridiculousness to a board or platform that might entertain your bull shat, because no one is impressed by your incoherent ramblings found in your attempt to appear smart, when laughingly it's just incoherent ramblings at best.

Now take your Webster, and go find some more word's that might make you SOUND smart, when we know better. 😂
No doctor is going to force a woman to give birth to a baby that will not survive. Stop your ridiculous fear mongering and fake bull shat

00020 22AUG25 ¥carsmyrplssx ¥ #20 “Democrats are a child sacrifice death cult.”

Deborah Dorbert was forced by the state of Florida to suffer 14 weeks of gestating a fetus after finding out in the 23rd week her fetus had Potter syndrome. It is a condition where there is not enough amniotic fluid to support the pregnancy and shortly after giving birth her would be wanted fourth child will die.

The fetus was alive in Republican controlled Florida meaning it wouid be a crime for a doctor to kill it.

The fetus named Milo lived for 99 minutes after “he” was born alive beagle9. So, how dare you cross the Republican Party; Saint Ron DeSantis, Saint Donald J Trump, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and most importantly Saint CarsomyrPlusSix when you ruthlessly and perversely embrace the Democratic Party child sacrifice death cult by calling for a doctor to murder poor little innocent and defenseless Milo Dorbert in the womb?

At fifteen weeks Florida is a ‘forced gestation to full term’ state. Soon to become a ‘forced gestation to full term’ at six weeks “heartbeat” state and little Milo had a beating heart up to the moment the newborn baby died a natural death And you wanted the death cult doctors to slaughter him in the womb. What kind of depraved monster are you beagle9 ? JESUS! What have you become?
2nd. A majority probably supports allowance of Abortion on Demand ranging from 6-16 weeks, with anything after for the life of the mother only.

23MAY21 NFBW: the majority of Americans, who vote support the allowance of abortion on demand, ranging from 6 to 24 weeks. Do you ¥Martybgn¥ think Republican voters are justified in commonly labeling that majority as being baby killers

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