Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

09630 cgrbr.23.09.08 #9,630 “Democrats will protect unborn bald eagles but write laws destroying unborn human children?”

09639 nf.23.07.08 #9,639 to #9,630 “What law ever written or passed by Democrats applies a specific penalty upon conviction for violation of a law that requires the destruction of unborn human children?”

09640 cgrbr.23.07.09 #9,640 to #9,639 “ Laws in states that are attempting to overturn the SCOTUS decision on abortion.

You wrote in post #9,630 that Democrats write laws destroying unborn human children?” I questioned your expressed observation by asking you in post #9,630 What law ever written or passed by Democrats applies a specific penalty upon conviction for violation of a law that requires the destruction of unborn human children? Your response came in post #9,640 which was “Laws in states that are attempting to overturn the SCOTUS decision on abortion.”

I have not heard of any laws that are attempting to overturn Dobbs. Let me remind you what Justice Sam Alito said when Dobbs was handed down;

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion”​

States under Democrat Control and Red States like KANSAS do not need to pass laws like the one you made up In post #9,640

So I will ask you again: “What law ever written or passed by Democrats applies a specific penalty upon conviction for violation of a law that requires the destruction of unborn human children?”

No such law exists. You just made that up.

To support your recovery from your obsession you need to quit making things up about Democrats.

RvW itself was not a law passed by Democrats to destroy unborn human children. If it was then Dobbs is also a law that destroys unborn human children.

You might do well to learn the truth about the religious Protestant Christian right’s first six years of support for RvW having nothing to do with Democrats passing laws to destroy unborn human babies:

Live, learn and grow intellectually instead of wasting time preparing for the Rapture:

Just read this through. It will take only a few minutes.

The Southern Baptist Convention’s president at the time of the Roe ruling, Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell, celebrated the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling by taking the time to write that he was pleased. •••• “I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.” (author bold) ••••• That assessment informs that even evangelical leaders were still reading their “Holy Bible” and attempting to follow the teachings of their “unerring god” prior to becoming agents of the Catholic Church in America. •••• To be fair, at the time of the Roe decision there were a few, very few, evangelical extremists who only mildly criticized the ruling. For the most part “the overwhelming response was silence, even approval.” In particular, evangelical fundamentalists “applauded the decision as an appropriate articulation of the division between church and state, and between personal morality and state regulation of individual behavior.” (author bold) ••••• W. Barry Garrett wrote in the Baptist Press that, “Religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the Supreme Court abortion decision.” •••• It is particularly noteworthy that nearly all evangelical fundamentalists regarded any and all opposition to Roe v. Wade a perverse Catholic issue; most were wholly indifferent to what choice a woman made concerning her own body. •••• During a symposium sponsored by the Christian Medical Society and the so-called “flagship magazine” of the entire evangelical movement, Christianity Today “refused to characterize abortion as sinful, citing individual health, family welfare, and social responsibility as adequate justifications for ending a pregnancy.” (author bold) •••• It took a full six years (1979) for the religious right leadership to abandon its pro-choice position and summarily obey the Vatican, the Heritage Foundation and its so-called “Moral Majorityfounder Paul Weyrich. The religious right extremist Weyrich convinced evangelical clergy to “seize on abortion as a Republican cause célèbre and rallying cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term.” ••••​
•••• The Christian opposition to President Carter was due to his threat to strip evangelicals’ tax exempt status if they continued actively supporting school segregation across the South. Sustaining and protecting segregated schools was a racial dog whistle and dependable electoral stratagem to elect Republicans in the former Confederacy.​

When CarsomyrPlusSix goes all emoticon in with the “Fake News” button you will know all this is true. He can’t fathom a sentence that can refute any of it.

nf.23.07.09 #9,641 to #9,640
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" Moral Majority Is Neither "

* Get Off Your Fat Lazy Ass And Pay Attention *

Aside from the blatant sedition of us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments on the issue of abortion , the only reason abortion is being prohibited is because a direct populous vote is being withheld from the people , as abortion is rolled in with other issues that determine public policy positions by representatives , such as economics .

The Kansas No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment was on the ballot in Kansas as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on August 2, 2022. The ballot measure was defeated.

A "yes" vote supported amending the Kansas Constitution to:
  • state that nothing in the state constitution creates a right to abortion or requires government funding for abortion and
  • state that the legislature has the authority to pass laws regarding abortion.

A "no" vote opposed amending the Kansas Constitution, thereby maintaining the legal precedent established in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt (2019) that the Kansas Bill of Rights provides a right to abortion.
You lose, otherwise you attempt to frame the abortion issue as if it is being "prohibited" (your words), when infact that is absolutely NOT what the Ruling was about. It just got the federal government out of the business of sanctioning the killing of unborn human beings, otherwise due to an uncivilized order that had evolved within the situation.
I've always been against the bad liberalization of America, so a traitor I'm not, but a good rational minded God loving Christian I am.

09642 bvvgl.23.07.09 #9,642 to #9,633 It just got the federal government out of the business of sanctioning the killing of unborn human beings,

Get back to the point being about the good rational minded God living Christians living in Kansas who must think you are an extreme right wing fundamentalist whackjob Christian fir accusing other Christians of destroying civilization because they want to keep your sanctimonious meddling nose from snooping into the private uteruses of Kansas women. They don’t want a bunch of Jesus goons being in there. They voted you and your MAGA warped Bible brain out of their lives.

And you are here telling everybody on this board that you are winning?

Jesus man! Grab some bench.

bvvgl.23.04.08 #8,206
nf.23.07.09 #9,641
You do promote an uncivilized SOCIETY, because you support abortion as a means to cover up sinful activities that lead to dramatic and what's worse are the tragic consequences born of it all in life.
05019 bvvgl.22.09.02 #5,019 “Do you want to live in a civilized society or an uncivilized SOCIETY?”

If I had to choose between the two states Kansas and Mississippi for my daughters and granddaughters to grow up in; I’m going with Kansas for having more civilized adults who agree the government should not pass laws that force full term gestation on any woman..

bvvgl.23.02.12 #7,268
nf’23.07.09 #9,644
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It all goes back to having a CIVILIZED organized civilization/society that in each thing the right thing is done no matter what it is, and a common sense approach is given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable.
Our fourth president, James Madison, didn’t see much of a contribution to civilization from the clergy and the laity of Christianity. Instead he saw pride and indolence in the clergy, He saw ignorance and servility in the laity, In both he saw superstition, bigotry and persecution when we take him at his word.
“Experience witnesseth that ecclesiastical establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and efficacy of religion, have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution. [James Madison, A Memorial and Remonstrance,addressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1785]​
Why should any true American have to take orders in any state such as forced full term gestation at the behest of present day Republican Catholic Judges as well as mostly white Christian clergy and laity who are still full of the Dane 15 centuries of pride; indolence; ignorance; servility, superstition, bigotry and persecution that our framers of our Constitution saw up close and first hand?

bvvgl.22.11.11 #5,544
nf.23.07.10 #9,645
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Pro life is about saving innocent lives..

Do you think Jewish women who believe that life begins at first breath and abortion must be legal are taking an innocent life when they request to have an abortion?

Do you think the good Christian people of Kansas, most of them voted to keep the freedom for women to choose to have an abortion in the Kansas constitution are not fit to live in your perverted MAGA version of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth?
The neo-bolsheviks demand that we worship The State as god.....That Christian "God" guy gets in the way of that

There is nobody in the United States of America who demands a Christian of any sect must worship in any other way than what their beliefs and religious dogma and the hierarchy of the chosen religious authoritarian institution they attend,

Who demands that you worship a state?

ddbll.23.04.13 #3
There is nobody in the United States of America who demands a Christian of any sect must worship in any other way than what their beliefs and religious dogma and the hierarchy of the chosen religious authoritarian institution they attend,

Who demands that you worship a state?

ddbll.23.04.13 #3

Pass on kicking in to their "collection plate" every April 15, and we'll see.
Do you think Jewish women who believe that life begins at first breath and abortion must be legal are taking an innocent life when they request to have an abortion?

Do you think the good Christian people of Kansas, most of them voted to keep the freedom for women to choose to have an abortion in the Kansas constitution are not fit to live in your perverted MAGA version of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth?
You perverting the kingdom is what won't stand, but I guess you'll soon learn that the hard way. Behold the coming of our Lord is drawing near, so take a stand for good, and also stand up and/or abandon evil thoughts and evil activities when ever possible.
I am taking a stand for good. Stopping white fanatical MAGA Christians from empowering state governments to force full term gestation on woman who do not want to give birth.
So. Your “stand for good” is absolutely a stand for evil.

You’re an odious asshole.
You’re an odious asshole.
You are making the argument that this is a human being who is equal to the living breathing human being who has this happening inside her body.


It takes a genuine asshole like you to degrade and devalue living breathing women with such bullshit.
What is evil about protecting women from government causing them to suffer harm?
Nothing. That’s a good thing. But, as usual, you ask the wrong question.
You make no sense to the secular world of facts and science.

No. The problem is that you make no sense at all.

You simply reject the notion that a preborn human being has a right to live. Sure, it is a good thing to protect a woman from suffering. But it’s also a good thing to save the lives of utterly helpless and totally innocent preborn human beings.

You’re a very troubled human being.
You are making the argument that this is a human being who is equal to the living breathing human being who has this happening inside her body.

View attachment 803347
I do support that argument. For once the zygote is created, it is as unique a human being as anybody else who has ever lived.
It takes a genuine asshole like you to degrade and devalue living breathing women with such bullshiit

It takes a completely reprehensible piece of filth — exactly like you — to deny any human of his or her right to life itself. Your argument is bullshit and you are a depraved scumbag.
my opposition (in most cases) to abortion ••>>•• I don’t say that from any religious perspective since I’m not very religious. I say it from a legal perspective and a justice perspective.
Who makes your verdict? Before society ends a “guilty life” there must be a verdict in our Justice System ••>>••
you have created your guilty verdict within your own self-righteous mind ••>>•All these women get no Justice System verdict on a case by case basis. ••>>•• When protected life begins, in common law, it is not at conception.
Our society has a hierarchy of values. The right to life is at the very top.
The non-religious reasons to oppose abortion on demand for the sake of convenience is still a defense of life.
The point of anti-abortion laws is to focus on the life of the preborn human being.
You are making the argument that this is a human being who is equal to the living breathing human being who has this happening inside her body.


I do support that argument. For once the zygote is created, it is as unique a human being as anybody else who has ever lived.

Your demand that the state has an interest in protecting pre-viable life during the first 24 weeks of gestation you claim is from a legal and a justice perspective. The legal right to life for every fetus begins at conception.

Legally then you are saying you want homicide statues to be written so that a woman who terminates a pregnancy will be charged with murder the same as laws that apply to murdering a human being after successful taking that first breath and recorded by the state as a live birth.

If so, you have fallacy issues.

1 bckvgn.23.05.13 #3,171
2 nf.23.03.14 #7,660
3 nf.23.03.14 #7,660
4 bckvgn.23.03.11 #7,592
5 bckvgn.23.03.11 #7,599
6 bckvgn.24.03.22 #7,611
7 nf.23.07.10 #9,653
8 bckvgn.23.07.10 #9,655
nf.23.07.11 #9,656
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Our society isn’t governed by any particular religious belief. Our society has a hierarchy of values. The right to life is at the very top. I don’t care what the religion of the pregnant woman is.

In Kansas last year according to an actual vote; your hierarchy of values fared not at all well.

The right to life for the breathing born was not on the ballot. It probably is a right at the top of a hierarchy of values.

The right to life of the not-breathing, brainless 15 week fetus in Kansas does not exist.

bckvgn.23.03.11 #7,592
nf.23.07.11 #9,657
I am taking a stand for good. Stopping white fanatical MAGA Christians from empowering state governments to force full term gestation on woman who do not want to give birth.
You and your "white" bull shite, when in fact I bet you're white yourself... LOL.... That's how you leftist liberals roll though, so it's no surprise to me.
So. Your “stand for good” is absolutely a stand for evil.

You’re an odious asshole.
That's right, because he keeps trying to hide behind this bull shite narrative that government is forcing this or forcing that, when in fact it's the leftist liberals that want government to be their strong arm in which they totally control. It's why he's fighting so hard to keep leftist liberalism in control of government, because without that him and his bud's fear the worst if government becomes neutral again, and goes strictly by the constitution.
It takes a completely reprehensible piece of filth — exactly like you — to deny any human of his or her right to life itself.
There is no such thing to be legally defined as a human being that does not have its own consciousness, produced by its own brain, connected to a neurological system by trillions of connections and neurons necessary to sustain a new unique life on its own.

During pregnancy a human fetus lives inside a woman’s body. I have never denied any human fetus a right to life during my lifetime. Never. you are a liar.

bckvgn.23.07.10 #9,655
nf.23.07.11 #9,660

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