Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

When the rules are set before the vote and every legal ballot issued is counted, no vote is being thrown out.

The Trump Jan6 criminal enterprise wanted Pence to not count all the votes from Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin Michigan Arizona New Mexico and Nevada. No rules allow that to change the outcome of the election where the certified loser wins. That is disenfranchisement if all the winning voters.

When the rules are set before the vote and every legal ballot issued is counted, no vote is being thrown out.

Ok….if every legal ballot is counted, and the state says “eh…you voted for this guy..but we’re going to send our electors for the other guy”…what do you call that?
Not in 2020.
It’s not 2020

As far as im aware, repubs still control the most state legislatures.

I don’t even know why we’re arguing this to be honest. It’s likely never going to happen. I was merely pointing out that those 18 states passed ths illegal compact, and you never heard any in the left say “wait a minute…that’s not right”. That was my point.
1) It is impossible to separate church and state over issues like abortion and gay marriage, so we shouldn't try.
I'm a Jeffersonian Christian.
Nothing was learned after Hillary lost except "make sure we don't let this happen again".
An unhappy U.S population helps China immmensely.
However, if they individually want to disenfranchise their voters,
Dems are pissed that they can't FORCE their view onto others. You can have all the abortion you want in your state, you just have to convince the people living in your state to agree with you.
Trump’s biggest victory For white Bible Believing Republican voters was appointing three Catholics who made it possible to overturn RvW.

It’s all there. Jenna Ellis’s show in the Morning. CHRISTIAN NATION STUFF for Saint Mashmont all day, and a black married preachy couple’s show in the afternoon getting the nation right with Trump and Jesus.

Jesus Politics on steroids sort of thing sprinkled with a little Armageddon spice just for fun all day. It’s the irrational explanation of everything going on by experts on irrationality at their finest.

Jefferson was a rational theist who must be rolling over in his grave to find out that irrational minds and self absorbed lower educated populists have electoral power ove the fate of the nation he helped establish with his most prized achievement being separation of church and state.

Everybody listed above is I generally believe from reading your opinions and analysis over the years here should listen to American Family Radio once in a while because those patriotic Christian people will decide if Trump and the Republican Party survives the next presidential election or ceases to exist.

I was listening one day after the Georgia Indictment of the Orange Messiah and Jenna Ellis which forced a discussion that day on the legality of the good Christian’s fake electors plot to overturn the 2020 election for Trump.

One host brought up the fact to a constitutional expert from some high school I’m guessing that all fifty states certified the election on December 14th but did not want to say the truth that the election was over and Trump had no legal or constitutional way to overturn his loss.

The host kept badgering the expert until the expert conceded yes yes yes Trump had to concede and should have moved on.

Then the spent the next ten minutes begging his listeners to not send him hate mail because he loves Trump as much as he loves Jesus.

I think white evangelicals in large numbers will begin disengaging from zealous anti-abortion politicking and return to being prepared for the second coming of Christ instead of wasting energy on the second election of the Pusey Grabber - because overturning RvW turns out to be a huge flop for religious conservatives hell bent on uniting church and state for Jesus.

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Trump’s biggest victory For white Bible Believing Republican voters was appointing three Catholics who made it possible to overturn RvW.

It’s all there. Jenna Ellis’s show in the Morning. CHRISTIAN NATION STUFF for Saint Mashmont all day, and a black married preachy couple’s show in the afternoon getting the nation right with Trump and Jesus.

Jesus Politics on steroids sort of thing sprinkled with a little Armageddon spice just for fun all day. It’s the irrational explanation of everything going on by experts on irrationality at their finest.

Jefferson was a rational theist who must be rolling over in his grave to find out that irrational minds and self absorbed lower educated populists have electoral power I’ve the fate of the nation he helped establish with his most prized achievement being separation of church and state

Everybody listed above is I generally believe from reading your opinions and analysis over the years here should listen to American Family Radio once in a while because those patriotic Christians people will decide if Trump and the Republican Party survives the next presidential election.

I was listening one day after the Georgia Indictment of the Orange Messiah and Jenna Ellis which forced a discussion that day on the legality of the good Christian’s fake electors plot to overturn the 2020 election fir Trump.

One host brought up the fact to a constitutional expert from some high school I’m guessing that all fifty states certified the election in December 14th but did not want to say the truth that the election was over and Trump had no legal or constitutional way to overturn his loss. The host kept badgering the expert until the expert conceded yes yes yes Trump had to concede an move on.

Then the spent the next ten minutes begging his listeners to not send him hate mail because he loves Trump as much as he loves Jesus.

I think white evangelicals in large numbers will begin disengaging from zealous anti-abortion politicking and return to being prepared for the second coming of Christ instead of wasting energy on the second election of the Pusey Grabber - because overturning RvW turns out to be a huge flop for religious conservatives hell bent on uniting church and state for Jesus.


Why are you taking my quote from another thread and extrapolating it here?
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That RvW was “unconstitutional” is an errant interpretation of the Constitution’s silence on the matter of whether a state has a right to force full term gestation on an individual against their will.

Dobbs sanctions state coercion by law not because the alleged victim of an abortion procedure is a “person” with rights. A fetus does not have right to use another person’s body until it is capable of being separated from that other person. According to the Constitution right to life begins as an independent self-sustaining newborn individual life when born.

Dobbs did not address the constitutionality of that. The critical essence of the entire conflict of rights between fetus and mother.

No, Dobbs decided essentially that the state can take possession of the million and a half eggs that every female child is born with if they live within that state and one of those eggs becomes fertilized and subject to producing a new potential human being.

I contend along with probably every honest, rational human being alive, that those eggs belong to her, not the state or society,

Dobbs is a decision that any given state can intervene in a life or death health decision by banning a medical procedure that is safe and effective in ending gestation of a fertilized egg, if that is so chosen by a woman.

Therefore Dobbs requires a scientific lie, in that the state of Mississippi suggested that the medical procedure of abortion was harmful to women and that is why it can be banned.

Six Catholic supremes had to be daydreaming about their vacations on billionaires yachts when they let that one slip through.

nf.23.08.22 #10,466
Where did you get your law degree from that you can so confidently say that THIS SC interpreted the Constitution wrongly, but the one that created a brand-new Constitutional right out of nothing did not?
"the Dems believe in abortion a day before pregnancy, this is a state issue".
I have voted for Democrats my entire life since the end of the Vietnam war because it’s the only correct moral choice an American can make on everything.

What you said about Democrats and abortion is not true and you should know it because RvW maintained legal abortions through 24 weeks and that is when 98% of abortions occur. The majority of the electorate in my country were “happy” with this law.

The remaining 2% in my opinion rest with women and their doctors and the government has no fucking business getting involved. Those abortions are tragic. Situation’s where a woman carry her baby for eight months and something catastrophic goes wrong.

So I invited you here to see if you have the intellectual curiosity and commitment to truth by trying to defend that statement which offends me specifically as it comes from foreign soil.

That’s all for now. Talk to you later I have more to say.

nf.23.08.23 #10,486
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An unhappy U.S population helps China immmensely.

That which helps China most is internal undermining of American Democracy and sowing distrust in our elections and system of justice by self-righteous religious minority who prefer authoritarian godly rule to being associated with secularism and reproductive freedom for women.

Thanks for your advice on how to undermine our system but we don’t want it,

nf.23.08.23 #10,487
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shckdcndn.23.08. #18
They have seen their standard of living eroded,

Flag draped body bags and injured service members are not flown into Dover or Germany from the Republican fuck up in Iraq every single day.

Our standard of living is fine.

Did you see the wealth of arms that would-be assassin owned in Utah hanging up within camera shot on his wall. where else can you work hard and buy all the dream come true fired to shoot up politicians who don’t agree with you.

Poor fella feeling sorry for himself because the Deep State took what he was saving to by an Abrams tank.

The standard of living problems we have in America are nothing that white Christian nationalists and Trump are hoping to fix.

The Evangelicals gave Bush the incentive and cheerleading to ignore peace keeping UN inspections and invade Iraq. So there’s the $trillions and ruined standards of “living” wasted on that as Obama says “dumb” war.

All the while the Saving Baby Fetus Cult since 1970’s all told spent billions on propaganda and Republican politicians on overturning RvW and demonizing Dems as Baby Killers.

Had Christian concern about standard of living diverted that money just to resolving homelessness, child hunger, assistance to pregnant teens and battered women what a higher standard of living we would have now.

And no ISIS

We are where we are but when you tie the culture war ignited by abortion activism and funded by a religious fanatical minority over five decades it will not be wise to ignore cause and effect.

nf.23.08.23 #10,488
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bblyck.22.08.28 a year ago
Abortion is not only evil; it is not only murder; it is also the rejection and repudiation of basic, undeniable science.

Murder, suicide, homicide, infanticide is between one or more independently alive human beings who have been separated from the process of gestational development usually regarded as time in the womb.

A fetus is not an independent life until it is capable of separation from gestational development or capability to be born.

A woman cannot “murder” a fetus during earlier stages of pre-viability gestational development.

How does the above truth repudiate basic, undeniable science?

nf.23.08.23 #10,489
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Here is a hint: Before Trump there were three Catholic judges in the USSC. Aftrr Trump there were six.

Six Catholics decided to reject precedence to overturn RvW. Do you think white Christian nationalism, MAGA and Trump have anything to do with the very unpopular ruling that is Dobbs.
You ain't done crying yet ? 😭😢😭😢😭
shckdcndn.23.08. #18

Flag draped body bags and injured service members are not flown into Dover or Germany from the Republican fuck up in Iraq every single day.

Our standard of living is fine.

Did you see the wealth of arms that would-be assassin owned in Utah hanging up within camera shot on his wall. where else can you work hard and buy all the dream come true fired to shoot up politicians who don’t agree with you.

Poor fella feeling sorry for himself because the Deep State took what he was saving to by an Abrams tank.

The standard of living problems we have in America are nothing that white Christian nationalists and Trump are hoping to fix.

The Evangelicals gave Bush the incentive and cheerleading to ignore peace keeping UN inspections and invade Iraq. So there’s the $trillions and ruined standards of “living” wasted on that as Obama says “dumb” war.

All the while the Saving Baby Fetus Cult since 1970’s all told spent billions on propaganda and Republican politicians on overturning RvW and demonizing Dems as Baby Killers.

Had Christian concern about standard of living diverted that money just to resolving homelessness, child hunger, assistance to pregnant teens and battered women what a higher standard of living we would have now.

And no ISIS

We are where we are but when you tie the culture war ignited by abortion activism and funded by a religious fanatical minority over five decades it will not be wise to ignore cause and effect.

nf.23.08.23 #10,488
Ohhhh so it is that you all cause all the bull shite, and then want the Republicans to pay for the damned fall out every other 4 year's eh ? Well we are catching on to the bull shite, and it ain't going to fly much longer.
You ain't done crying yet ?

I am not crying about anything. Dobbs is indeed harming women in deeply Christian states, but every bit of harm is attributed to the Republican Party from Kevin McCarty down to dog/catcher in Bumfluk Oklahoma.

Voters do not want politicians who harm women in the name of Jesus.

You harm women Saint Beagle. We know you are a Republican. It’s not gonna go well for your party,

Having 92 counts against the Republican front runner makes me grin ear to ear / The trials will drive voters from Republicans and lower Trump’s approval in the polls

Trump’s gonna panic at some point and say and do something really stupid that Christians won’t defend,

Then he’s done - when evangelicals dump him he’s done. / The whole party will be done.
my objection to abortion has never been a religious one as it is for many people,,
Then what is your objection to a woman you do not know deciding she does not consent to take the risk of giving birth.

Apparently you have materialistic life experience as we all do whereas you have determined that if you were ever to be involved with human fertilization resulting in pregnancy you and your partner agree to full term gestation.

Why do you expect everybody that you don’t know to make the same decision when roughly 20 women die every year out of every 100k births.

Maybe everybody else believes differently than you and also do not consent to take the risk of giving birth to a baby,

What makes you so special?

nf.23.08.24 #10,493

Then what is your objection to a woman you do not know deciding she does not consent to take the risk of giving birth.

Apparently you have materialistic life experience as we all do whereas you have determined that if you were ever to be involved with human fertilization resulting in pregnancy you and your partner agree to full term gestation.

Why do you expect everybody that you don’t know to make the same decision when roughly 20 women die every year out of every 100k births.

Maybe everybody else believes differently than you and also do not consent to take the risk of giving birth to a baby,

What makes you so special?

nf.23.08.24 #10,493
she can get over it and not kill her child,,,

your solution ends in a dead child,,
my solution ends in a living child,,

the choice is very simple,,
she can get over it
You have a logical fallacy. If she is one of the maternal death statistics who dies, she cannot “get over it”

Why does someone you do not know have to risk death and other harm in order to comply with your conscience that is materialistically based on your own personal concept of reproductive morality?

You cannot guarantee with absolute certainty that every woman who gets pregnant will survive the ordeal with her life.

Why do you put something in writing on the record a claim like “she can get over it” when you know that she can’t “get over”death.

nf.23.08.24 #10,495
your solution ends in a dead child,,
my solution ends in a living child,,

I do not have a solution for what a woman whom I have no acquaintance does with regard to her life and the health of her body because it is none of my business what anybody does with her body.,

Why are you offering your solution to women you do not know which is none of your business oh wise without religion one?

nf.23.08.24 #10,496
nothing potential about it,, its human at conception,,
It’s human at conception and as you say the “it” is an “it”; shall we say a human “it”. The human “it” is a potential human being until it isn’t “potential” anymore. The potential classification is dropped at live birth or first breath. Potential was dropped at 24 weeks under RvW.

nf.23.08.24 #10,497
I watch because I care and I'm a persecuted Canadian. You should all care too.

Do you watch more because you care or do you watch more because you are persecuted?

What can I do to help you with the latter

Have you ever been forced to give your body over to the state to be used for gestating an unwanted fetus until birth because white Christians in the state believe all human bodies belong to God?

That kind of persecution?

nf.23.08.24 #10,498
As people become separsted from each other and bow the knee to the wonders of technology, will religion simply disappear? If so, what will be Humankinds guiding light?
1 shckdcndn 23.03.21 #1
2 nf.23.06.28 #9,444
3 bckvgn.23.06.28 #9,446
4 nf.23.06.29 #9,448
5 bvvgl.23.06.29 #9,449 to #9,446
6 evgle.22.06.26 #2
7 evgle.14.06.21 #31
8 evgle.23.05.15 #3,399 to #3,398
nf.23.06.29 #9,451

I doubt the Evangelicals will support Vivek.
Why not Lenny? To follow up on Mr Shocked from Canada’s concern about our standard of living and losing our religion here in America, perhaps the white Republican Evangelicals will see the Jesus in Vivek being a “saving bsby fetus” Hindu as a revived “guiding light” for the Christian Nation.

[1] The Mahanarayana Upanishad lists abortion with actions such as breaking one's vow of chastity.[2] Some Hindu scriptures assert that "abortion is a worse sin than killing one's parents" and another text says that "a woman who aborts her child will lose her status".[1]In general, Hinduism teaches the guiding principle of Ahimsa, abstention from causing harm or injury to all living beings, which serves as the root of the ethic of non-violence.[2]
Of course there this electability issue in the general after seeing the latest special vote that the white evangelicals took a big hit and list in Ohio.

nf.23.08.24 #10,499
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How many of you believe these lies but won’t discuss them?

The first Republican presidential debate included a lot of fake news about abortion.​
At least four of the eight candidates standing on the debate stage on Wednesday night repeated the flagrant lie that people are getting abortions “up until birth.”​
“I would love for someone to ask Biden and Kamala Harris: Are they for 38 weeks, are they for 39 weeks, are they for 40 weeks? Because that’s what the media needs to be asking,” said Nikki Haley, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, referring to President Joe Biden and his vice president.​
“What the Democrats are trying to do on this issue is wrong — to allow abortion all the way up to the moment of birth,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis added, before diving into a story about a woman named Penny who allegedly “survived multiple abortion attempts” until her grandmother saved her. So-called “born-alive” anti-abortion legislation ― purportedly meant to protect fetuses that survive botched abortions ― has flooded the country in recent years and become a right-wing talking point even though it has no scientific basis.​
Other contenders like Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) fanned the flames around the “abortion up until birth” myth.​
“We cannot let states like California, New York and Illinois have abortions on demand up until the day of birth,” Scott said. “That is immoral. It is unethical. It is wrong.”​

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