Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I am smarter than you, I am glad you know that
You are smarter than 150 million voters so I don’t feel too bad about that.

If you do not vote for a Democrat in any election you are voting as an extremist who supports government control over women’s bodies when they get pregnant and want end it,
You are smarter than 150 million voters so I don’t feel too bad about that.

If you do not vote for a Democrat in any election you are voting as an extremist who supports government control over women’s bodies when they get pregnant and want end it,
If you vote Republican or Democrat, you are voting for big government, big business, corruption.

I am voting for change and for a better America.


If you vote Republican or Democrat, you are voting for big government, big business, corruption.
Do you think Citizens United was a bad ruling?

Ginni Thomas and rightwing activists exploited supreme court ruling – Ahead of Citizens United decision that unleashed dark money flood, Thomas worked with Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow​

Martin Pengelly in Washington​
Mon 11 Sep 2023 11.52 EDT​
In the months before the US supreme courthanded down Citizens United, the 2010 ruling which unleashed a flood of dark money into American politics, the wife of a conservative justice worked with a prominent rightwing activist and a mega-donor closely linked to her husband to form a group to exploit the decision.​
So said a blockbuster report from Politico, detailing moves by Ginni Thomas – wife of Justice Clarence Thomas – and Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society chief who has worked to stock the court with rightwingers, leading to a series of epochal decisions, including the removal of the federal right to abortion.
Is your Nobody’s Party going to help the Democrats reverse five decades of Ginny Thomas, Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow working to deprive women of the right to make their own life and health and financial decisions about her on body?

Or just hide behind you being snarter than everybody else?

nf.23.09.12 #10,884
You support Trump on some sort of free speech platform

You are voting for woman to be oppressed by Republicans if they get pregnant and do not wish to be. So no that is not a better America.
I am voting for a person, not against another person, your logic gets us one of two embarrassing Presidents. I will probably vote for a pro-choice third party.

Gee, more than one person is pro-choice, who would have thought. Maybe Democrats should find a good candidate that people would want to vote for instead of against the other guy.

You need to find a good candidate I can vote for because as it stands, I won’t vote for Trump and I won’t vote for Biden, no matter what you claim about women and all your other BS.

I am going to vote for solutions, you can vote because your guy isn’t the other guy. That sounds stupid to me.

Do you think Citizens United was a bad ruling?

Ginni Thomas and rightwing activists exploited supreme court ruling – Ahead of Citizens United decision that unleashed dark money flood, Thomas worked with Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow​

Martin Pengelly in Washington​
Mon 11 Sep 2023 11.52 EDT​
In the months before the US supreme courthanded down Citizens United, the 2010 ruling which unleashed a flood of dark money into American politics, the wife of a conservative justice worked with a prominent rightwing activist and a mega-donor closely linked to her husband to form a group to exploit the decision.​
So said a blockbuster report from Politico, detailing moves by Ginni Thomas – wife of Justice Clarence Thomas – and Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society chief who has worked to stock the court with rightwingers, leading to a series of epochal decisions, including the removal of the federal right to abortion.
Is your Nobody’s Party going to help the Democrats reverse five decades of Ginny Thomas, Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow working to deprive women of the right to make their own life and health and financial decisions about her on body?

Or just hide behind you being snarter than everybody else?

nf.23.09.12 #10,884
Off topic, I am not going to answer stupid questions that I already gave answers to many times. We already went over that.
I promise not to vote for any of those you mentioned, funny how you can’t accept the fact there are people that wont do as you say. Intolerant Democrats that are trying to infringe on free speech don’t get my vote. Third party will be a more of a choice that lines up with the Constitution, not a party over country party.
Off topic,
Did you read this paragraph last nine words and look at the title of this thread SIr Smartest Earthperson in America ?

So said a blockbuster report from Politico, detailing moves by Ginni Thomas – wife of Justice Clarence Thomas – and Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society chief who has worked to stock the court with rightwingers, leading to a series of epochal decisions, including the removal of the federal right to abortion.
I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries in the 2000's as I felt he was a real conservative.

I am going to vote for solutions,

Good Gid? Alan Keyes ? You are no moderate. Forced Birth on victims of rape and incest?

Alan Keyes on Abortion​

American Independent nominee for President; 2004 Republican challenger for IL Senate​

God-given right to life from fertilization to natural death​

The right to life of all innocent persons, from fertilization to natural death, is God-given and unalienable. That is why we consider it to be a moral imperative to fully establish in law that Personhood is granted by our Creator to all human beings from the very beginning of their biological development.
For the principled man or woman, no compromise is possible concerning such a critical matter of life and death. We believe that violators of this supreme right, in words or actions, are unfit for any office of public trust, since any such violation constitutes the breaking of the oath of office and the ultimate destruction of the very basis of our liberty.

Judges who attempt to legislate from the bench, or who abandon the clear principles of our Constitution, must be checked if liberty and justice are to prevail in our society once again.

Source: America‘s Independent Party 2008 Platform & Constitution , Aug 20, 2008

Recognize the personhood of all unborn children​

Because the stated ultimate purpose of the United States Constitution is “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity,” we recognize the personhood of all unborn children and their protection by the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments.Source: America‘s Independent Party 2008 Platform & Constitution , Aug 20, 2008

Principles in Declaration of Independence prohibit abortion​

The Declaration of Independence states plainly that we are all created equal, endowed by our Creator with our basic human rights. But if human beings can decide who is human & who is not, the doctrine of God-given rights is utterly corrupted.
For these & similar reasons, abortion must be understood as the unjust taking of a human life, & a breach of the fundamental principles of our public moral creed. Some people talk about “viability” as a test to determine which human offspring have rights that we must respect, & which do not.

But “might does not make right.” So the mere fact that the person in the womb is wholly in its mother’s physical power & completely dependent upon her for sustenance gives her no right whatsoever with respect to its life --since the mere possession of physical power can never confer such a right. Therefore, medical procedures resulting in the death of the unborn child, except as an unintended consequence of efforts to save the mother’s physical life, are impermissible.

Source: 2008 Senate campaign website,, “Issues” , Oct 1, 2007

Embryonic stem cell research experiments with human life​

No medical advance, and certainly no material profit, justifies denying the claim to humanity of the embryonic human person. Those who try to justify it are driven from one tortured rationalization to another, none addressing the real issue. Being undeveloped, unconscious, unattractive, small, or unwanted--these are not reasons that we accept in any other context for failing to respect the wholeness of moral worth that every human being has from his Creator. Why, therefore, should we accept it in regard to embryonic research?
No--we do not have the right to take human life merely because it is unconscious, or because it is undeveloped or damaged, or for any other reason that tempts us to deny the equal dignity of all human persons. We ourselves don’t want to be used as the basis for experiments without regard for our humanity--and neither should they.

Source: 2008 Senate campaign website,, “Issues” , Oct 1, 2007

Constitutional amendment defining life from conception​

Q: What will you do to restore legal protection to the unborn?
A: The first and most important thing that we would do is champion an amendment to the United States Constitution that makes it crystal clear that the right to life of all human beings, from conception to natural death, must be respected. It’s simple. It’s clear. It must be done. I would issue an executive order immediately granting the full protection of the presidency, and every element of the executive branch, to the life in the womb

Source: 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate , Sep 17, 2007

Preamble to Constitution includes our unborn posterity​

We also need to reiterate the truth that, in the Preamble to our Constitution, it makes clear that the ultimate aim of our government is to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Our posterity includes many we can’t even imagine, who have not yet been born. Surely, it includes those who are sleeping in the womb. I would make sure that no judges were appointed to the Supreme Court who did not strictly respect its mandate to secure the liberties of our posterity.Source: 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate , Sep 17, 2007

Nominate only judges who refuse to legislate from the bench​

Q: Will you nominate only judges who are demonstrably faithful to the judicial role of following only the text of the Constitution, and who not only refuse to legislate from the bench, but are committed to reversing prior court decision where activist judges strayed from the judicial role and legislated from the bench?
  • HUCKABEE: Yes.
  • TANCREDO: Yes.
  • COX: Yes.
  • PAUL: Yes.
  • HUNTER: Yes.
  • KEYES: Yes.
Source: [Xref Paul] 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate , Sep 17, 2007

Save “snowflake babies”: no experiments on frozen embryos​

Q: Our children were adopted as embryos. They were snowflake babies, which means that for the first part of their lives, they were frozen embryos. Can you look at them now and honestly tell me that it would be OK with you if someone used them in medical experiments and snuffed out their little lives? Is that your position?
  • COX: No.
  • PAUL: No.
  • HUNTER: No.
  • KEYES: No.
Source: [Xref Paul] 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate , Sep 17, 2007

No tax funding for organizations that promote abortion​

Q: The Mexico City Policy states that as a condition for a foreign organization to receive federal funds, they will neither “perform nor actively promote abortion.” Would you work to apply this Mexico City policy to organizations within the US?
HUCKABEE: Are we being asked to apply a Mexican law to the US?

Q: It’s the principle of not giving our tax dollars to organizations within our country that actively promote or provide abortions. It’s an American law.

BROWNBACK: This is Ronald Reagan’ policy that we wouldn’t use federal funds to support organizations that promote abortions overseas.

HUNTER: It’s actually a UN policy.

KEYES: Actually, it was a policy of the Mexico City Population Conference. I was the deputy chairman. I actually negotiated the language into the final resolution at that conference.

Q: I want to know, will you defund Planned Parenthood?

  • HUCKABEE: Yes.
  • TANCREDO: Yes.
  • COX: Yes.
  • PAUL: Yes.
  • HUNTER: Yes.
  • KEYES: Yes.
Source: 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate , Sep 17, 2007

Pro-choice stance is the slaveholder’s position​

Q: Doesn’t your pro-life stance conflict with your support of the death penaty?
KEYES: It doesn’t conflict at all. Abortion and capital punishment are at different level of moral concern.

OBAMA: It’s unfortunate that with the death penalty Mr. Keyes respects that people may have a different point of view but with the issue of abortion he has labeled people everything as terrorists to slaveholders to being consistent with Nazism for holding an opposing point of view.

KEYES: Mr. Obama has read the newspapers too much. I don’t call people names. I make arguments. And in point of fact, [the pro-choice stance] is the slaveholder’s position. Slaveholders took the view that black people were not developed enough to be treated as human beings and therefore can be bought and sold like animals. People looking at the babe in the womb take the view that it is not developed enough to be treated as a human being and therefore can be killed at will.

Source: Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes , Oct 21, 2004

Running because of Obama’s extreme pro-abortion votes​

[In looking over Obama’s] record, I was absolutely convinced that SOMEBODY had to run against Barack Obama! But if [his liberal voting record] had been the only points of difference between us, it would not have been me!
What finally caught my eye, is when I learned that he had, in April 2002, apparently cast a vote that would continue to allow live birth abortions in the state of Illinois.

Source: Senate announcement speech in Arlington Heights, Illinois , Aug 8, 2004

Constitutional “posterity” implies protecting the unborn​

We have to have a human life amendment. The courts have violated the terms of the Constitution. They act as if the unborn are not mentioned in the Constitution, and they lie. In the preamble to the Constitution, regarded as an important and preeminent statement of the goals and purposes and principles of the whole form of government we have, the Constitution says that our aim is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Our posterity are those not yet born.Source: Organizational website,, “On The Issues” , Aug 3, 2004

Do everything to overthrow Roe vs. Wade to acknowledge God​

I will do everything in my power to overthrow Roe vs. Wade and get us back where we belong in the acknowledgment of God. But I have made a conscious resolve, in the face of the great opportunity God has given us, starting with the integrity and courage of Roy Moore in Alabama. If we are killing our babies today, it is not just because of our lust, and not just because of our indifference, and our desire to achieve our agendas at every cost and indulge our own satisfaction and give in to our own fears.Source: Ten Commandments rally in Lufkin, Texas , Oct 1, 2003

Withdraws; job done since GOP & V.P. are both pro-life​

Talk-radio host Alan Keyes will officially end his long-shot campaign for the Republican presidential nomination next week, but aides said the well-spoken conservative has not yet decided whether to endorse George W. Bush.
“His work is done now that the Republican Party has adopted a pro-life platform and pro-life running mate,” said a Keyes spokesperson. Bush announced Tuesday that Dick Cheney would be his vice presidential running mate.

Source: Reuters, in Boston Globe, p. A15 , Jul 27, 2000

Not OK to kill child of 6; not OK to kill child in the womb​

[Keyes offered] a civics lesson to fifth graders at a NH school today. “If I were to lose my mind right now and pick one of you up and bash your head against the floor and kill you, would that be right?”
A chorus of “No.”
“It’s wrong to kill children, isn’t it? At what age is it right to kill children? Think it was OK to kill you when you were 6?,” Keyes asked one child. The child shook his head no.
“Think it was OK to kill you when you were 6 months? You sure? Because we live in a country right now where according to some of our courts and some of our politicians, it is OK,“ Keyes said.
”Our rights come from God. We human beings don’t have the right to take away that right from any human being, including the human beings who haven’t quite got here yet. Because we have denied freedom to children in the womb who haven’t yet gotten to this world, freedom will be denied to you and to your brothers and sisters and to your children.“Source: Boston Globe on 2000 race, p. A27 , Jan 28, 2000

God’s choice: “Just Say No” to abortion​

KEYES [to McCain]: What you would say if your daughter was ever in a position where she might need an abortion? You answered [earlier today] that the choice would be up to her and then that you’d have a family conference. That displayed a profound lack of understanding of the basic issue of principle involved in abortion. After all, if your daughter said she was contemplating killing her grandmother for the inheritance, you wouldn’t say, “Let’s have a family conference.” You’d look at her and say “Just Say No,“ because that is morally wrong. It is God’s choice that that child is in the womb. And for us to usurp that choice in contradiction of our declaration of principles is just as wrong.
McCAIN: I am proud of my pro-life record in public life, and I will continue to maintain it. I will not draw my children into this discussion. As a leader of a pro-life party with a pro-life position, I will persuade young Americans [to] understand the importance of the preservation of the rights of the unborn.

Source: (X-ref to McCain) GOP Debate in Manchester NH , Jan 26, 2000

Abortion is unjust and immoral.​

If the Declaration of Independence states our creed, there can be no right to abortion, since it means denying the most fundamental right of all, to human offspring in the womb. But if human beings can decide who is human and who is not, the doctrine of God-given rights is utterly corrupted. Abortion is the unjust taking of a human life and a breach of the fundamental principles of our public moral creed. Source: 1/6/99 , Jan 6, 1999

Mothers have no right to take a fetus’ life.​

Some people talk about “viability” as a test to determine which offspring have rights that we must respect, and which do not. The mere fact that the individual in the womb is wholly in its mother’s physical power and completely dependent upon her for sustenance gives her no right whatsoever with respect to its life. Medical procedures resulting in the death of an unborn child, except as a collateral and unintended consequence of efforts to save the mother’s physical life, are therefore impermissible.Source: 1/6/99 , Jan 6, 1999

Abortion issue epitomizes corruption of freedom​

I talk about abortion not just because of the issue in and of itself, but because I think it epitomizes the deeper issue, which is the corruption of our idea of freedom--a corruption that is really killing us. I think abortion is a very dramatic example of that corruption and its consequences, because obviously that has direct consequences for the heart that we need to sustain the family. If we harden our hearts against our offspring, and if we aggrandize our self-fulfillment to the extent that we are willing to kill our offspring, that is the extreme case of the self-centered and egotistical and self-worshipping concept of freedom I think is being promoted in various ways in the society.
We are not going to remain a free people if we arrogate to ourselves the right to destroy the rights of others. And that is exactly what we are doing when we embrace the so-called “pro-choice” agenda--which is actually just the pro-abortion agenda.

Source: Our Character, Our Future, p. 13 , May 2, 1996

Only exception is to preserve life of mother​

I MAKE an exception only for the physical life of the mother. Given the unalienable right to life (i.e., self-preservation) I see no way in principle to avoid making this exception. I would ACCEPT the rape and incest exceptions only as a matter of political necessity if that is the best legislation we could achieve at the time. I see no grounds in principle for making these exceptions, but as a matter of political prudence it would be suicidal for the pro-life movement to reject these people.Source: Letter to David Quackenbush , Jun 30, 1995

Yes, the Russian Collusion case was a slam dunk. Oh, wait a minute, I guess it wasn't.

All Russian collusion is not criminally attributable to Trump but his preponderance of associates with Russian Spies goes back to his first wife who came from a pro-Soviet communist family in Czechoslovakia.

Trump’s 2016 Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, after all, just last month admitted that during the 2016 election he was handing secret campaign polling and strategy information off to Russian intelligence, presumably so they could successfully use it to micro-target vulnerable voters via Facebook and other social media in swing states.​
nf.23.09.12 #10,890
Last edited:

All Russian collusion is not criminally attributable to Trump but his preponderance of associates with Russian Spies goes back to his first wife who came from a pro-Soviet communist family in Czechoslovakia.

Trump’s 2016 Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, after all, just last month admitted that during the 2016 election he was handing secret campaign polling and strategy information off to Russian intelligence, presumably so they could successfully use it to micro-target vulnerable voters via Facebook and other social media in swing states.​
nf.23.09.12 #10,890
Conspiracy theory. You are spreading misinformation.
which is a vote against women being pro -choice when you siphon off votes for pro-choice Dems and Republican wins any seat.
Get me better candidates, that is on you, I am happy with my voting choices, you are the one that is upset. I am not a one issue voter.
Did you read this paragraph last nine words and look at the title of this thread SIr Smartest Earthperson in America ?

So said a blockbuster report from Politico, detailing moves by Ginni Thomas – wife of Justice Clarence Thomas – and Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society chief who has worked to stock the court with rightwingers, leading to a series of epochal decisions, including the removal of the federal right to abortion.
I told you I am not voting for them. I am also not a one issue voter and nothing you have posted moves the needle, I am not voting for either senile old rich racist white guy because they are both bad for the country.

Why don’t you poor Dems take charge of your party and put up good candidates? I am fine with my choice in the election as I am fine with your vote, you are the one upset with me for voting my way and you have posted Nothing that would compel me to vote for an old rich racist white guy. Give me a better reason to vote for something than against the other, Earthling Bush.

rhdyptrt.23.08.07 #1 Posted this idiotic garbage:

Pence just admitted he did have the authority to turn the election over to the House under the Constitution That means that efforts to prepare for that could not have been an illegal conspiracy​
Jack Poso @JackPosobiec Senior Editor, Navy intel vet. Catholic. 中文​
Saint Jack Poso is not too bright when it comes to what happened on Jan6 if he thinks Pence had admitted he did have the authority to turn the election over to the House under the Constitution.

This man is an absolute numbskull because the Trump criminal enterprise in order to fraudulently seize a second term needed Pence to commit the fraud on the floor of the House on January 6th by not counting the votes from seven states that Biden certifiably won.

The only way that the election would be turned over to the House would be if any of the states were still in dispute over who the winner was in each state,

What Trump wanted Pence to do was recognize there being two slates of electors certified from the seven states where the fake Republican electors met and lied that they were the duly assigned elector because Trump won the majority of votes in the states even when the Republican electors knew damned well that he didn’t.

So to cause the House to get to decide the outcome Pence had to accept that somehow he and Trump had actually won Arizona NewMexico Nevada Wisconsin Michigan Georgia and Pennsylvania. Pence knew that they both lost so he could not tell the 80 million Biden voters that he decided the fake elector certificates were real and 80 million votes nationally were being overwritten by Republicans in Congress.

He was not the ruthless racist liar that sat atop their ticket.

As for what you can do with YOUR body, if you're talking about killing babies - it's not really just YOUR body now, is it?

Fetterman will lose.

Do you Saint Rhody have any predictions for the upcoming amendment to the Ohio Constitution to establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions?

A "yes" vote supports amending the Ohio Constitution to:​

• establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions," including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and​

• allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health​

nf.23.09.12 #10,895
You are spreading misinformation.

Manafort pleaded guilty, and then was pardoned by trump. What could be misinformation about that? I’m simply saying Trump had association with Manafort and Manafort’s had association with Russian intelligence agencies. That’s not enough to convict Trump of any crime, but we certainly can question his associations, right?

Or no one has a right to question any instance of Trump non compliance with any laws or defending the Constitution from enemies, both domestic and foreign

Paul Manafort, the chairman of former president Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, has admitted sharing confidential campaign polling data with a suspected Russian intelligence officer at the same time Moscow was interfering in the 2016 election on Mr Trump’s behalf.​
nf.23.09.12 #10,896
No. And the significance of certifying by December 14 was to lock each state’s election in so it would be counted on Jan 6 so the winner can be inaugurated on January 20. None of those dates can move. The 2020 election was over on December 24 2020, Nothing could change that..
Then the protocol is highly flawed, and worse it leaves the door wide open for what is alleged to have happened (a botched election that needed to be investigated), and it still needs to be investigated, especially this unwavering protocol that allows for an alleged crook to take the office of our presidency without any recourse.

Problem with Washington, is that we have way to many lawyer's, and worse it seems that they've been busy destroying or confusing everything we as citizen's had once believed in.


Do you Saint Rhody have any predictions for the upcoming amendment to the Ohio Constitution to establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions?

A "yes" vote supports amending the Ohio Constitution to:​

• establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions," including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and​

• allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health​

nf.23.09.12 #10,895
Oh, so you are for the state's doing exactly what the court has given over for them to do now eh ?

Get me better candidates, that is on you,
Democrats are better candidates. If you wonder why, then you do not understand that you live in a multicultural, multi-racial, multi-religious through no religion at all society. That’s too bad because you seem to be an earthperson, not a saint.

The bulk of the wealth is not controlled in this country by mist the non-white community of hard working Americans who voted for Biden and will again.

Think Ruby Freeman and her daughter.

Every Republican politician is locked into the Saving Baby Fetus and Book Banning Cult of authoritarian Trumpism and is diametrically opposed morally and politically to what Democrats stand for.

I could care less about your voting worldview which is don’t vote for anyone that will make a difference because nobody is as smart as you. You vote for nobody and stand for nothing except being grumpy as I see you.


Manafort pleaded guilty, and then was pardoned by trump. What could be misinformation about that? I’m simply saying Trump had association with Manafort and Manafort’s had association with Russian intelligence agencies. That’s not enough to convict Trump of any crime, but we certainly can question his associations, right?

Or no one has a right to question any instance of Trump non compliance with any laws or defending the Constitution from enemies, both domestic and foreign

Paul Manafort, the chairman of former president Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, has admitted sharing confidential campaign polling data with a suspected Russian intelligence officer at the same time Moscow was interfering in the 2016 election on Mr Trump’s behalf.​
nf.23.09.12 #10,896
And Biden was neck deep in the DOJ going easy on Hunter.

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