Roger Stone Admits he has had contact with Russian Hacker today ( Trumps campaign Adviser )

More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election, why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election

Did the exposure of DNC and Clinton corruption change any votes?

why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

They didn't.
Stone seems to think otherwise. He was aware of the hacking before the hacked emails were released publicly.

He was aware of the hacking before the hacked emails were released publicly.

You know the hacker could have told Stone, without any collusion.

You know the hacker could have told Stone, without any collusion.

The very fact that the hacker told him is the collusion dumbfuck.
I've seen nothing where Guccifer 2.0 informed Stone that Podesta's email was going to be leaked. Stone already knew about it before those released tweets.

I've never seen a Nigerian albino but then again, I wasn't looking either.
And why would exposure of the DNC's and Hillary's corruption change any votes?

Why would exposure of Hulk Hogans sex tape change peoples opinion of his to the tune of over $100 million in damages?

A Florida jury today ordered Gawker Media to pay $115 million for publishing a sex tape showing Terry Bollea, also known as Hulk Hogan

Bollea v. Gawker was a Florida lawsuit in which Terry Gene Bollea, known professionally as Hulk Hogan, .... "$115 million verdict in Hulk Hogan sex-tape lawsuit

A jury has awarded former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan (real name Terry Bollea) a whopping $115 million in his legal case against Gawker Media
More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election, why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election

Did the exposure of DNC and Clinton corruption change any votes?

why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

They didn't.
Did the exposure of DNC and Clinton corruption change any votes?

That's the question and the point, dope.

Why would the exposure of her corruption change any votes?
Did her corruption change your vote?

That is indeed the question.
Why do you suppose that some voters may find such a story repugnant and perhaps not vote for her as a result?
Rightard, Stone colluded with Russians to hack the election. Who called whom is irrelevant.

Show me.

View attachment 116541


No more gross than what they're asking us to deal with time and again. I simply posted a photograph that represents what I feel they're pushing. Shocking? Yes. More shocking than what they say? Mmm..maybe not.

You know I hope we get to the bottom of this and the people sent to jail .. But if Trump was impeached, then we would get Pence..

Pence is Ted Cruz in disguise, I don't like him at all..


Pence is at least predictable. It would be much easier for Dems to build a strategy against Pence. No one knows where we land in '18 with Trump.
More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election, why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election

Did the exposure of DNC and Clinton corruption change any votes?

why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

They didn't.
Stone seems to think otherwise. He was aware of the hacking before the hacked emails were released publicly.

He was aware of the hacking before the hacked emails were released publicly.

You know the hacker could have told Stone, without any collusion.

You know the hacker could have told Stone, without any collusion.

The very fact that the hacker told him is the collusion dumbfuck.

Hey, Hutch, I just hacked the DNC.

You're now guilty of collusion, dumb fuck.

Except that isn't in any way true and you are nobody in that story.
Guccifer 2.0 is believed by the U.S. intelligence community to be a cover identity for Russian intelligence. The intelligence community concluded that Moscow sought to interfere in last year's election specifically to help Trump win.

Stone told the Times exchanged a handful of messages with Guccifer 2.0 in the weeks following a hack of the DNC, which was revealed in late July.

In one message from Aug. 14, Stone said he was "delighted" that Guccifer 2.0's Twitter account had been reinstated after being suspended.

Trump adviser admits to contact with DNC hacker

See how the far left does not care about security?

They want to blame others for the fact that used an unsecured sever in a basement!

It is a prime example of the far left abusing their power and blaming others for their mistakes!
Guccifer 2.0 is believed by the U.S. intelligence community to be a cover identity for Russian intelligence. The intelligence community concluded that Moscow sought to interfere in last year's election specifically to help Trump win.

Stone told the Times exchanged a handful of messages with Guccifer 2.0 in the weeks following a hack of the DNC, which was revealed in late July.

In one message from Aug. 14, Stone said he was "delighted" that Guccifer 2.0's Twitter account had been reinstated after being suspended.

Trump adviser admits to contact with DNC hacker

No one has proven that Guccifer 20 0 is a Russian hacker.

The brief contact took place long after the hacking.

Whoever helped expose the DNC did a good thing. Whether an insider, as WikiLeaks stated, or someone else, now we know that they can't be trusted.

This is another desperate attempt to attack Trump.

From your link:

"Even if [Guccifer 2.0] is/was a Russian asset, my brief Aug. 14 correspondence
with him on twitter comes AFTER I wrote about his role in the DNC hacks (Aug 5)
and AFTER Wikileaks released the DNC material," Stone said. "How does one
collaborate on a matter after the fact?"

Stone wrote about the guy after all this came out and then there was contact. Personally, I'd like to send a thank you to the person(s) responsible for showing just how creepy the Dems are.
Guccifer 2.0 is believed by the U.S. intelligence community to be a cover identity for Russian intelligence. The intelligence community concluded that Moscow sought to interfere in last year's election specifically to help Trump win.

Stone told the Times exchanged a handful of messages with Guccifer 2.0 in the weeks following a hack of the DNC, which was revealed in late July.

In one message from Aug. 14, Stone said he was "delighted" that Guccifer 2.0's Twitter account had been reinstated after being suspended.

Trump adviser admits to contact with DNC hacker

Contact by twitter. Yea, how secretive.
This is so totally phony that it makes one gag.

The Romanian, Guccifer, has been in prison since last year. He's serving 52 months. He has no computer and no access to twitter from his prison cell.

Sometimes democrat lies step over the credibility line.

According to copies of the conversations provided to The Times, Mr. Stone said in an Aug. 14 message that he was “delighted” that Twitter had reinstated Guccifer 2.0’s account following a brief suspension. Two days later, Mr. Stone again privately messaged the Twitter account and asked for it to retweet a column he had written about the prospects of the presidential election being “rigged.”

Guccifer 2.0 wrote Mr. Stone back with messages of admiration for him.
How did Stone help the criminal?

A person who learns of the crime after it is committed and ...or simply fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".
Not true, asshole. If someone has already reported it, then no one else is under any obligation. The FBI was already aware of Guccifer's hacking.

That is why Roger Stone admitted it , the FBI had him cornered..

"Cornered" for doing what? Did they arrest him?

Not yet? :p But I am sure more is coming out ..

March 9th ~

Roger Stone‏ @RogerJStoneJr
FBI has records of me talking to the Russians ? #BS #They got nothing #fakenews …

4:13 PM - 9 Mar 2017
313 replies328 retweets729 likes
Why would exposure of Hulk Hogans sex tape change peoples opinion of his to the tune of over $100 million in damages?

A Florida jury today ordered Gawker Media to pay $115 million for publishing a sex tape showing Terry Bollea, also known as Hulk Hogan

Bollea v. Gawker was a Florida lawsuit in which Terry Gene Bollea, known professionally as Hulk Hogan, .... "$115 million verdict in Hulk Hogan sex-tape lawsuit

A jury has awarded former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan (real name Terry Bollea) a whopping $115 million in his legal case against Gawker Media
More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election, why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

More to the point, if it were not to affect the outcome of the election

Did the exposure of DNC and Clinton corruption change any votes?

why would Trump's campaign work with Russians to hack Democrats?

They didn't.
Stone seems to think otherwise. He was aware of the hacking before the hacked emails were released publicly.

He was aware of the hacking before the hacked emails were released publicly.

You know the hacker could have told Stone, without any collusion.

You know the hacker could have told Stone, without any collusion.

The very fact that the hacker told him is the collusion dumbfuck.

That doesn't constitute collusion, moron.
That's a felony. Co-conspirator, after the fact.

Sure thing, sparky.

Accessory (legal term) - Wikipedia

In the United States, A person who learns of the crime after it is committed and helps the criminal to conceal it, or aids the criminal in escaping, or simply fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

and helps the criminal to conceal it, or aids the criminal in escaping,

Nothing there.

or simply fails to report the crime

Ummm...FBI? This guy named Guccifer said he hacked the DNC. No, this isn't a joke.

Yeah, he told me on Twitter. No...really.

Hello? Hello? Hello?


Thanks. That was funny.

The fact that the Russians hacked is not in question at this point.

It's not funny in any way.

Now we find out that a Trump campaign confidant was corresponding with the perpetrator.

Keep laughing, Dumbass.

Hmmmm, yeah it is, moron. Furthermore, even it there was a hack, precisely what does that mean? A "hack" can mean all manner of things, and no one has ever said what was done during this so-called "Russian hack."

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