Roger Stone gets 40 month sentence.

He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

He will serve until November.
I don’t think he stays a night in jail.
Trump will pardon him and count on his puppets to defend another of his dishonorable decisions.

I would prefer Trump not do anything until after the election.
I'm sure you would it’s a tough thing to defend. But politics aside, do you think Stone should get a get out of jail free card just because he is buddy’s with POTUS?

I think there should have been a mistrial because of a tainted jury.
How was it tainted?
He will serve until November.
I don’t think he stays a night in jail.
Trump will pardon him and count on his puppets to defend another of his dishonorable decisions.

I would prefer Trump not do anything until after the election.
I'm sure you would it’s a tough thing to defend. But politics aside, do you think Stone should get a get out of jail free card just because he is buddy’s with POTUS?

I think there should have been a mistrial because of a tainted jury.
How was it tainted?

Jury forewoman was a rabid Anti Trump activist and ran for office as a Dimm. She should not have been on the jury. She cheered when the verdict was read. I thought I already posted this.

Anti-Trump social media posts by Roger Stone jury forewoman fuel controversy in case

Is an NBC affiliate a credible source?
What exactly was this “lie” he told? Got a quote?

The juror lied about her political positions.
the case was laid out before a judge and jury and he was found guilty on several
Counts.... are you wanting to relitigate it right now based in info we’ve read in the news media?! You really think that will solve something?

So you still can’t produce one of these “lies” he told.

I can definitely tell you didn't pay a lick of attention to the Mueller report. Stone lied about being the middle man between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.

He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

I don’t think he stays a night in jail.
Trump will pardon him and count on his puppets to defend another of his dishonorable decisions.

I would prefer Trump not do anything until after the election.
I'm sure you would it’s a tough thing to defend. But politics aside, do you think Stone should get a get out of jail free card just because he is buddy’s with POTUS?

I think there should have been a mistrial because of a tainted jury.
How was it tainted?

Jury forewoman was a rabid Anti Trump activist and ran for office as a Dimm. She should not have been on the jury. She cheered when the verdict was read. I thought I already posted this.

Anti-Trump social media posts by Roger Stone jury forewoman fuel controversy in case

Is an NBC affiliate a credible source?
That information was all known during jury selection and Stones attorneys approved her. They had every opportunity to dismiss her if they believed she was compromised. That doesn’t warrant a mistrial
the case was laid out before a judge and jury and he was found guilty on several
Counts.... are you wanting to relitigate it right now based in info we’ve read in the news media?! You really think that will solve something?

So you still can’t produce one of these “lies” he told.

I can definitely tell you didn't pay a lick of attention to the Mueller report. Stone lied about being the middle man between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.

He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

Barr’s DOJ had every opportunity to investigate and indict if the evidence warranted charges. He did investigate many of those and decided they didn’t amount to prosecutable crimes. He thought differently about Stone.

y’all have thrown your weight behind Barr so how do you explain his decisions?
I would prefer Trump not do anything until after the election.
I'm sure you would it’s a tough thing to defend. But politics aside, do you think Stone should get a get out of jail free card just because he is buddy’s with POTUS?

I think there should have been a mistrial because of a tainted jury.
How was it tainted?

Jury forewoman was a rabid Anti Trump activist and ran for office as a Dimm. She should not have been on the jury. She cheered when the verdict was read. I thought I already posted this.

Anti-Trump social media posts by Roger Stone jury forewoman fuel controversy in case

Is an NBC affiliate a credible source?
That information was all known during jury selection and Stones attorneys approved her. They had every opportunity to dismiss her if they believed she was compromised. That doesn’t warrant a mistrial

How do you know all these details?

IMO, the jury was tainted. If the evidence is clear, a mistrial with an impartial jury shouldn’t be a problem.

Do you know specifically that she disclosed her social media and political past? Do you have her exact quotes?
I'm sure you would it’s a tough thing to defend. But politics aside, do you think Stone should get a get out of jail free card just because he is buddy’s with POTUS?

I think there should have been a mistrial because of a tainted jury.
How was it tainted?

Jury forewoman was a rabid Anti Trump activist and ran for office as a Dimm. She should not have been on the jury. She cheered when the verdict was read. I thought I already posted this.

Anti-Trump social media posts by Roger Stone jury forewoman fuel controversy in case

Is an NBC affiliate a credible source?
That information was all known during jury selection and Stones attorneys approved her. They had every opportunity to dismiss her if they believed she was compromised. That doesn’t warrant a mistrial

How do you know all these details?

IMO, the jury was tainted. If the evidence is clear, a mistrial with an impartial jury shouldn’t be a problem.

Do you know specifically that she disclosed her social media and political past? Do you have her exact quotes?
Personally I’ve only heard an interview with a judge who was following the case and she said that the background of this juror was well known and heavily discussed at the time of jury selection. I wasn’t following closely back then so I’m playing catch up.

Her past of running for office made her political background very known and public. All that was available for Stones attorneys to find, question, and evaluate. It’s public record. It was their call to allow her on the jury... can’t accept her on jury and then try and call a mistrial for their decision. Doesn’t work that way.
the case was laid out before a judge and jury and he was found guilty on several
Counts.... are you wanting to relitigate it right now based in info we’ve read in the news media?! You really think that will solve something?

So you still can’t produce one of these “lies” he told.

I can definitely tell you didn't pay a lick of attention to the Mueller report. Stone lied about being the middle man between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.

He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:


Oh bullshit. Politics these days isn't about doing anything right, it is all about the ones that get caught and their responsive "what-about-ism" reflex.
So you still can’t produce one of these “lies” he told.

I can definitely tell you didn't pay a lick of attention to the Mueller report. Stone lied about being the middle man between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.

He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

Barr’s DOJ had every opportunity to investigate and indict if the evidence warranted charges. He did investigate many of those and decided they didn’t amount to prosecutable crimes. He thought differently about Stone.

y’all have thrown your weight behind Barr so how do you explain his decisions?

When a judge tells the DoJ to stop wasting people's time if they don't have any evidence, then you know it is time to move on... but not in Trump's new world.
Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months by the unhinged Obama judge, however he will not start serving it until the ruling about a retrial occurs.

Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Trump
Unhinged?! How do you figure? She ignored the initial 7-9 year recommendation and sentenced Stone exactly in line with how Barr recommended. That doesn’t sound unhinged to me.

She proclaimed Stone was “covering up” for President Trump. Covering up what? Stone receiving emails isn’t illegal, nor would President Trump’s knowledge of any emails.

She also allowed a batshit crazy anti-Trumper to be the jury foreman. Yea, I’m sure she went in with an opened mind. Not a very good judge of that one slipped through, or she was aware and let it happen knowing it would be a rigged result. Either way she’s a terrible judge.
Stone covering for Trump is an obvious statement... he was found guilty of lying and tampering with another wittiness. That is covering up the truth. I do t see how you can dispute that.

She didn’t allow the juror... Stones lawyers allowed the juror to serve. He political affiliations were well known, she was questioned and she was accepted by both legal teams.

You sound desperate to place blame on this judge but I’m not seeing a reasonable argument to back up your accusations.
The charge of witness tempering if obvious horseshit. His only charge is lying about a tweet, and it didn't help Trump a bit.
Then why did he lie about it?
He isn't accused of lying about that. He's accused of lying about his communicating with Wikileaks and the Trump campaign. None of these lies harmed a single person. Stone was simply boasting and he didn't want to be called out on it.
Unhinged?! How do you figure? She ignored the initial 7-9 year recommendation and sentenced Stone exactly in line with how Barr recommended. That doesn’t sound unhinged to me.

She proclaimed Stone was “covering up” for President Trump. Covering up what? Stone receiving emails isn’t illegal, nor would President Trump’s knowledge of any emails.

She also allowed a batshit crazy anti-Trumper to be the jury foreman. Yea, I’m sure she went in with an opened mind. Not a very good judge of that one slipped through, or she was aware and let it happen knowing it would be a rigged result. Either way she’s a terrible judge.
Stone covering for Trump is an obvious statement... he was found guilty of lying and tampering with another wittiness. That is covering up the truth. I do t see how you can dispute that.

She didn’t allow the juror... Stones lawyers allowed the juror to serve. He political affiliations were well known, she was questioned and she was accepted by both legal teams.

You sound desperate to place blame on this judge but I’m not seeing a reasonable argument to back up your accusations.
The charge of witness tempering if obvious horseshit. His only charge is lying about a tweet, and it didn't help Trump a bit.
Then why did he lie about it?
He isn't accused of lying about that. He's accused of lying about his communicating with Wikileaks and the Trump campaign. None of these lies harmed a single person. Stone was simply boasting and he didn't want to be called out on it.
If his lies didn’t harm anybody and weren’t helping Trump then why did he lie? And why did Barr prosecute him and recommend sentencing him for 3 years instead of dismissing the case altogether?
I can definitely tell you didn't pay a lick of attention to the Mueller report. Stone lied about being the middle man between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.

He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

Barr’s DOJ had every opportunity to investigate and indict if the evidence warranted charges. He did investigate many of those and decided they didn’t amount to prosecutable crimes. He thought differently about Stone.

y’all have thrown your weight behind Barr so how do you explain his decisions?

When a judge tells the DoJ to stop wasting people's time if they don't have any evidence, then you know it is time to move on... but not in Trump's new world.
How is indicting criminals who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president "wasting people's time?" The deep state minions in the DOJ have been obstructing these investigations. The fact is well documented. All of these malefactors deserve long prison sentences.
I'm sure you would it’s a tough thing to defend. But politics aside, do you think Stone should get a get out of jail free card just because he is buddy’s with POTUS?

I think there should have been a mistrial because of a tainted jury.
How was it tainted?

Jury forewoman was a rabid Anti Trump activist and ran for office as a Dimm. She should not have been on the jury. She cheered when the verdict was read. I thought I already posted this.

Anti-Trump social media posts by Roger Stone jury forewoman fuel controversy in case

Is an NBC affiliate a credible source?
That information was all known during jury selection and Stones attorneys approved her. They had every opportunity to dismiss her if they believed she was compromised. That doesn’t warrant a mistrial

How do you know all these details?

IMO, the jury was tainted. If the evidence is clear, a mistrial with an impartial jury shouldn’t be a problem.

Do you know specifically that she disclosed her social media and political past? Do you have her exact quotes?
How do you know what challenges for no reason were used by Stone, or even if his lawyers challenged the foreperson for cause? If there was no challenge, the trial was fair. All a person gets is an opportunity to defend himself. Unless the juror lied or the govt hid her belief there's no legal merit to anything here

it's up to Stone, not the govt, to show he tried to challenge her but wasn't allowed, or she or the govt hid her beliefs.
He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

Barr’s DOJ had every opportunity to investigate and indict if the evidence warranted charges. He did investigate many of those and decided they didn’t amount to prosecutable crimes. He thought differently about Stone.

y’all have thrown your weight behind Barr so how do you explain his decisions?

When a judge tells the DoJ to stop wasting people's time if they don't have any evidence, then you know it is time to move on... but not in Trump's new world.
How is indicting criminals who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president "wasting people's time?" The deep state minions in the DOJ have been obstructing these investigations. The fact is well documented. All of these malefactors deserve long prison sentences.

You can repeat that same conspiracy theory over and over and over and over and over... it isn't changing the fact that despite it being so easy to indict a ham sandwich, the Trump DoJ couldn't get a grand jury to get a single fucking indictment. That is well documented.
You mean like this?

what exactly bothers you about that clip???

Obama is offering a quid pro quo to a Russian dictator.

really? for what?

What difference does that make?

Quid pro quo’s and be appropriate or inappropriate depending on the details... it’s a valid question.

Not according to Adolph Schiffler, Nadless and Piglosi. For months they said quid pro quo in itself was a crime. However, the video is enough to justify an investigation if the Trump phone call was.
Last edited:
He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

Barr’s DOJ had every opportunity to investigate and indict if the evidence warranted charges. He did investigate many of those and decided they didn’t amount to prosecutable crimes. He thought differently about Stone.

y’all have thrown your weight behind Barr so how do you explain his decisions?

When a judge tells the DoJ to stop wasting people's time if they don't have any evidence, then you know it is time to move on... but not in Trump's new world.
How is indicting criminals who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president "wasting people's time?" The deep state minions in the DOJ have been obstructing these investigations. The fact is well documented. All of these malefactors deserve long prison sentences.
In case you didn’t get the memo, Barr decided not to pursue any criminal charges vs McCabe or anybody else after months of investigations. You’re arguments are done. You have nothing left. Deal with it
You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

Barr’s DOJ had every opportunity to investigate and indict if the evidence warranted charges. He did investigate many of those and decided they didn’t amount to prosecutable crimes. He thought differently about Stone.

y’all have thrown your weight behind Barr so how do you explain his decisions?

When a judge tells the DoJ to stop wasting people's time if they don't have any evidence, then you know it is time to move on... but not in Trump's new world.
How is indicting criminals who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president "wasting people's time?" The deep state minions in the DOJ have been obstructing these investigations. The fact is well documented. All of these malefactors deserve long prison sentences.

You can repeat that same conspiracy theory over and over and over and over and over... it isn't changing the fact that despite it being so easy to indict a ham sandwich, the Trump DoJ couldn't get a grand jury to get a single fucking indictment. That is well documented.
Trump has opposition in his own DOJ, and indicting or convicting Democrats in Washington DC is one of the most difficult tasks in the world. The Stone trial jury foreman shows why.
You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:

Barr’s DOJ had every opportunity to investigate and indict if the evidence warranted charges. He did investigate many of those and decided they didn’t amount to prosecutable crimes. He thought differently about Stone.

y’all have thrown your weight behind Barr so how do you explain his decisions?

When a judge tells the DoJ to stop wasting people's time if they don't have any evidence, then you know it is time to move on... but not in Trump's new world.
How is indicting criminals who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president "wasting people's time?" The deep state minions in the DOJ have been obstructing these investigations. The fact is well documented. All of these malefactors deserve long prison sentences.
In case you didn’t get the memo, Barr decided not to pursue any criminal charges vs McCabe or anybody else after months of investigations. You’re arguments are done. You have nothing left. Deal with it
I've read that a prosecutor from the Obama administration is the one who decided not to prosecute. McCabe is guilty as sin. He admitted his own guilt. He deserves to be prosecuted far more than Stone every did.
what exactly bothers you about that clip???
Obama is offering a quid pro quo to a Russian dictator.
really? for what?
What difference does that make?
Quid pro quo’s and be appropriate or inappropriate depending on the details... it’s a valid question.
Not according to Adolph Schiffler, Nadless and Piglosi. However, the video is enough to justify an investigation if the Trump phone call was.
And yet there is no investigation. you make such a great point in your warped mind don’t you?! Problem is, here I reality, the facts don’t line up the way you try and paint them. Sorry.
So you still can’t produce one of these “lies” he told.

I can definitely tell you didn't pay a lick of attention to the Mueller report. Stone lied about being the middle man between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.

He lied about being “a middleman”, a complete subjective term.

Yea, he really deserves 3 years in prison for that. :cuckoo:

You're a Trump supporter, I never expected you to care about lies as long as they have an R after their name. So much for the Republican party I knew that was about law and justice... perfect example of why I'm not an Independent. In 5 years Trump and his sycophants have burned the republican party to the ground.
That's the Dim modus operandi, not the Republican. Do you care about the lies and leaks of classified information by the following people:


Oh bullshit. Politics these days isn't about doing anything right, it is all about the ones that get caught and their responsive "what-about-ism" reflex.
Did you have a point of some kind? Your hypocrisy couldn't be more obvious.

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