Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

All your little personal attacks against the Bass accusing him of "self idolatry" is total nonsense. so that part of your posts get no response, you're just mad because there's no escaping what the bible is saying and since the Bible can't be attacked you all have taken to attacking me.
Funny. Adam didnt seem to have a problem with not having a Bible. Nor Moses, Elijah, Enoch, etc.

They all followed the Words of God as it was spoken to them and Elijah most certainly did know and read the book of the Law, he was a prophet who appeared long after Moses. Enoch did in face record the Words that God spoke to him in the Book of Enoch.
Homophobia is NOT a scientific word.

Neither is it listed as a psychological condition or illness.

It is just a word used by the radical homo agenda to describe people who are against homosexuality and the sodomite lifestyle.

Why do you want to bring this subject up to me?

Co-sign 100%. Being against homosexuality doesn't make one homophobic unless these idiots also believe God and the prophets were/are homophobic, in the way they define homophobic. How can any man who claims to love women only support the notion of two men shagging each other?
All your little personal attacks against the Bass accusing him of "self idolatry" is total nonsense. so that part of your posts get no response, you're just mad because there's no escaping what the bible is saying and since the Bible can't be attacked you all have taken to attacking me.

This is a two way street, pal!
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Whatever, you guys are attacking because you've already lost the battle, the majority of what the RCC does is non-scriptural and therefore its a cult.

Maybe you missed this one :confused:

Homophobia is a neologism coined to reflect a theory that violence towards homosexuals was rooted in an irrational fear of homosexuality,
which in turn was a result of the "homophobic's" own homosexual urges.
Whatever, you guys are attacking because you've already lost the battle, the majority of what the RCC does is non-scriptural and therefore its a cult.

I don't see you as having won any argument here. If anything you have shown that you aren't really as much of a Christian as you claim to be. I don't recall you mentioning that though you don't approve of homosexual actions you love gay people because they are a child of God, or that you pray for them , which is also mentioned in the Bible that you base your arguments on.

I'm familiar enough with the teachings of the Bible to know that you aren't really what you claim you are. You previously claimed not to be a sinner which is the weakest argument you have made in this debate.
Maybe you missed this one :confused:
Your pseudo scientific definition of the word homophobia was talking about violence against homosexuals.

I haven't seen any violence here, just a debate.

The word "phobia" is used to describe an irrational "fear" of something.

Homos are not feared by people.

They are just seen as sick and degenerate.
Whatever, you guys are attacking because you've already lost the battle, the majority of what the RCC does is non-scriptural and therefore its a cult.

That assumes that a religion can't evolve. It's a fundamentalist mindset and there's no convincing argument in someone saying that what was written to guide a nomadic society a couple of thousand years ago should translate without amendment or updating to contemporary societies.

The strength of the Roman Catholic Church is in its ability to adapt its theology. The original Christian Bible, the Septuagint, translated from the Hebrew into Greek by Hebrew scholars, is the Catholic Bible. But the religion itself has adapted. The Catechism is part of that adaptation. It's why Vatican II under Blessed John XXIII - a quite amazing Pope - accepted the scientific theory of evolution. That's something a fundamental Christian would find hard to do, preferring a literal interpretation of the Bible and therefore rejecting the theory of evolution. It's why fundamentalist Christians are seen as a bit odd, not just by Catholics, but by other non-fundamentalist Christians and a probably nearly all agnostics and atheists.

Fundamentalism is easy. You just point to the scriptures and intone them. It's a bit like the Islamic Madrassas that teach kids to memorise and repeat the Qur'an. What's the point? A religion has to be lived, it's not in a glass case in a museum. Given that everything on Earth changes, evolves, it must be apparent to a religious person who believes the Earth and the universe were created by a deity to accept that deity has willed change. Reaching back to fundamentalist interpretations of revealed texts is the very definition of "cult", it completely cuts out the contemporary world from contemplation.
I commend you Care4all, in that you are well versed in your churches doctrine. Most Catholics that I have meet know very little about Catholic doctrine or what it means.
I'm married to a nondenominational Christian, had to study and research all of this on my own and with him, who questioned darn near everything of the Catholic Church when we were first we went looking for answers together...

I never went to Catholic school and I probably had less than 2 years of Catechism over a 12 year period, because we moved all the I am self taught, when it comes to the Bible and Catholic Doctrine...

And I am an excommunicated I suppose I am not really a Catholic any more....?

when very young, I married a Catholic man, and 3 years later, I was divorced. 6-7 years after staying single, I met my current husband and married that point I was excommunicated and did not have the time or money to pursue an annulment, so I accepted my punishment, I suppose...

My Father, had a Southern Baptist mother and his father was Methodist, I believe? My mother raised her children, including me, as Catholic...

I did not get in to studying the Catholic Doctrine until after I was excommunicated...I was looking for an OUT to my excommunication or to find as many faults as possible with the Catholic Church to say she was a Cult myself so that I could take on my husband's Christian Church with comfort...

The OPPOSITE happened.

All those things that my husband questioned regarding the Catholic church which were very similar to your list, that we ended up researching the Doctrine on, turned out to actually be Biblically sound husband agreed with me....on most if not all of them, were Biblically sound Doctrine in our opinions.

I just want to remind people that the reformation is over.

This Catholic bashing some of you are obviously so enjoying is so 15th century.

FWIW my family was one of those Bohemian families which started the reformation, folks.

Martin Luther was a Johnny come lately from my standpoint, and I was raised a Lutheran.

Catholics are okay in my book...well a few of them, at least...just like only a few Lutherans are really okay in my book, too.
I see "The Bass" (not to be confused with "The Boss") has changed his avatar. I was thinking it should be more like this ....


... than the one he chose. Go figure! :cool:

LOL Charlie has been misspelling his name as well.

The correct spelling is Charles Ass.
You know, I think that even though Charlie Bass is right, Catholicism IS a cult, I can't quite agree with the stupid way that he keeps referring to himself in the 3rd person.

Catholics developed out of the pagans that originally were living in Rome. The Romans went to Jerusalem, took over the city and sacked it, and also took a lot of ideas from the Jews and incorporated it into their own religion. Most notably, the 2 major holidays, Christmas and Easter are based on solstice observances (sunrise services anyone), as well as quite a few of their rituals have a basis in paganism.

No....catholics aren't "true" christians.

Honestly, who cares if the Catholics are true Christians or not? Does it mattter?
What's with some religious people?? Isn't it enough that you all believe in God or gods? Why do you have to get all pissy about this and that bit of religious trivia? Why do you keep branching off in to smaller and smaller cliques? Most of us get past that phase in high school.

You religious nit pickers crack me up. It's almost like watching Monty Python to see you in action.
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I'm wondering why you're obsessed with controlling what other people are or believe. If what people believe hurts no one else, who cares?

Perhaps Charlie Ass is just a troll having fun with us. I wonder sometimes.
You would have to study Mormonism a little in order to understand the totally heretical teachings it embraces.

Such as, Jesus and Satan were brothers, celectual marriage, proxy baptism, God lives on a planet named Koleb, the Book of Mormom supercedes the Bible, etc.

No Christian Church or denomination accepts Mormons as fellow christians.

I can't wait till you and Charlie Ass get together and start interpreting atheism for the atheists.

Should be a gas. LOL!
I can't wait till you and Charlie Ass get together and start interpreting atheism for the atheists.

Should be a gas. LOL!

It's like that joke,

A Muslim, a Christian and an Atheist walk into a bar.....................
Praying to and venerating humans as saints is idolatry, in no place in the scriptures does it say to do that. That is un-Christian and non-scriptural, but 100% Catholic. The Bible says nothing about electing people as popes and with them being endowed with "papal infallibility", that is un-Christian and non-scriptural but 100% Catholic.

Baptizing babies is useless, they are *NOT* at an age when they can say that they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, only those who believe *AND* are baptized will be saved. The Bible says nothing about baptizing babies and confirmation at age 13, that is un-Christian and non-scriptural, but 100% Catholic.

Calling men "Father" in the religious sense is un-Christian and non-scriptural, but 100% Catholic. Jesus even forbade his disciples from calling men "Father" on earth. Only God is to be called Father.

All of these things mentioned are *NOT* in the Bible and are all non-scriptural therefore un-Christian, believeing and being baptizing isn't the only thing that makes on a Christian , following the Word makes on a Christian.

Where does Santy Claus fit into the story?
Honestly, who cares if the Catholics are true Christians or not? Does it mattter?
What's with some religious people?? Isn't it enough that you all believe in God or gods? Why do you have to keep get all pissy about this and that bit of religious trivia? Why do you keep branching off in to smaller and smaller cliques? Most of us get past that phase in high school
Why does it bother you so much?

Just because you are not able to keep up. Is no reason to bash us.

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