Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

so you DO NOT BELIEVE that Moses and Abraham and Mary and Elijah etc are alive, and in Heaven? you believe they are DEAD....and not living with the Father, in one of his many houses?

ye of little Faith.... ;)


I don't believe they are in heaven. Not till I get a postcard. ;)
Actually, CB is correct.

Much of the Catholic doctrine is Not scriptual.

It is not just another Christian denomination, but is basically it's own religion.

I recently learned it's not considered Christian at all. Christians are those who follow the bible only, and the Catholics sprung from them...a combination of paganism and Christianity...and they've actually added additional writings which the Bible says pretty consistently we shouldn't do.

I just can't bring myself to believe that Catholics are lost, however. They believe in Christ as their savior, and I still think that's the only basic requirement for being recognized and accepted into heaven.
Actually it is technically a cult. All religion are cults. "cult" has many definitions.

1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies.

cult - Definitions from

No, not all religions have "rites and ceremonies". NT Baptists certainly don't. We don't even do the Lord's Supper.

I guess the only thing we do is whole immersion's not a rite, it's a ceremony of sorts, I suppose. It's recognized that the act isn't required for salvation, it's just an outward expression of inward conviction, and is done because the scripture implores us to.

So I guess we do have a rite or ceremony....
How can any man who claims to love women only support the notion of two men shagging each other?

Probably because it's none of his beeswax what two men do. Unlike you, Assman, most people live and let live when it comes to lifestyles.
I don't believe they are in heaven. Not till I get a postcard. ;)
And you might, someday, get an unexpected "spiritual post card" of sorts, you never know...? :D.... is how I look at it, thus you are just as important, if not moreso, than my fellow Believers.

Never underestimate "Mother Nature", God :), as the ad used to say...


Anyway, even if I am wrong and you don't someday get the spiritual postcard from God or the Saints or Jesus telling you that no matter what other's say, he adores you...

as a Christian, I would like to believe such could happen so pleaseeeeeeee don't shatter that belief.... or myth if you wish!!!! :) hahahahaha!

Believing you won't go to hell won't prevent you from going when it turns out there is one.

Greek's translated the Bible the best they could from Old Hebrew to Greek a long time ago. To this day, they are still debating it. You think you understand? You only understand what your church told you. You are going with their enterpretation. So what you are being brainwashed with is something completely different from the original script. Heck, Jesus didn't say start a new religion. He just didn't like the way the Jews were being hypocrites. I guarantee you if Jesus were here today, he'd say the same thing about us.

Men took stuff out of the Bible and they put stuff in. They ruined religion and use it to control the masses. Look at how many versions of Christianity. Like starting your own franchise. Born agains are the best. They came up with an angle that if you were baptized as a kid, that's not good enough. So they scare you into thinking that maybe you haven't done enough to get into heaven, so you pay to get baptized and belong to the church.

How smart to steal all the Catholics and Greek Orthodox or anyone who is baptised as a baby. I wonder if my church would do that for me. Just to cover my ass. LOL.
And you might, someday, get an unexpected "spiritual post card" of sorts, you never know...? :D.... is how I look at it, thus you are just as important, if not moreso, than my fellow Believers.

Never underestimate "Mother Nature", God :), as the ad used to say...


Anyway, even if I am wrong and you don't someday get the spiritual postcard from God or the Saints or Jesus telling you that no matter what other's say, he adores you...

as a Christian, I would like to believe such could happen so pleaseeeeeeee don't shatter that belief.... or myth if you wish!!!! :) hahahahaha!


Care, you are the kind of religious person I respect and appreciate. In fact I sometimes find I have more in common with very religious people than some atheists or agnostics. Not because of anything to do with the question of God's existence or non existence, but because of the desire to treat other people with compassion and kindness that many people have, regardless of where they believe that desire comes from.

If I get that postcard, believe me, I will be overjoyed to hear there really is a heaven, even if many religious people believe I am unqualified to enter. ;)
I don't worry about it though. While I find the idea of life after death preposterous, I find the idea that a god who could create the universe is a mean, spiteful control freak as some religious people would have us believe even more ridiculous.

In any case. If I die before you and there is a heaven I will send you a picture post card to let you know you were right. :eusa_angel:
Greek's translated the Bible the best they could from Old Hebrew to Greek a long time ago. To this day, they are still debating it. You think you understand? You only understand what your church told you. You are going with their enterpretation. So what you are being brainwashed with is something completely different from the original script. Heck, Jesus didn't say start a new religion. He just didn't like the way the Jews were being hypocrites. I guarantee you if Jesus were here today, he'd say the same thing about us.

Men took stuff out of the Bible and they put stuff in. They ruined religion and use it to control the masses. Look at how many versions of Christianity. Like starting your own franchise. Born agains are the best. They came up with an angle that if you were baptized as a kid, that's not good enough. So they scare you into thinking that maybe you haven't done enough to get into heaven, so you pay to get baptized and belong to the church.

How smart to steal all the Catholics and Greek Orthodox or anyone who is baptised as a baby. I wonder if my church would do that for me. Just to cover my ass. LOL.

Moron. The scripture is still around, people continue to study it, and archaeologists agree #1, it is one of the best documented and accurate pieces of history EVER to exist, and #2, the KJV remains about as true to the originals as one can get.

Other than that, you're too ignorant to argue with.
How smart to steal all the Catholics and Greek Orthodox or anyone who is baptised as a baby. I wonder if my church would do that for me. Just to cover my ass. LOL.


Your mention of stealing reminds me of something my grandfather told me as a kid. According to him it's okay for me to steal from Christians. The reason being that we are descended from two Gypsy tribes a few generations back and according to some story about the Crucifixion, as Jesus was being nailed to the cross, some gypsies stole some of the nails that were to be used to nail him to the cross. So, because gypsies lessened Jesus' suffering to some degree, we are permitted to steal from his followers.
He also told me Catholics are cannibals because they believe they are eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Jesus. LOL !!!
Of course, my grandfather was a man of subtle humor so don't anyone get their knickers in a twist, okay?
...and archaeologists agree #1, it is one of the best documented and accurate pieces of history EVER to exist, .

Link please?
Wait never mind.
You belong to a church that believes it predates the Catholic one although there is no evidence to prove that yet plenty to dispute it. I posted the link the other day.

Your mention of stealing reminds me of something my grandfather told me as a kid. According to him it's okay for me to steal from Christians. The reason being that we are descended from two Gypsy tribes a few generations back and according to some story about the Crucifixion, as Jesus was being nailed to the cross, some gypsies stole some of the nails that were to be used to nail him to the cross. So, because gypsies lessened Jesus' suffering to some degree, we are permitted to steal from his followers.
He also told me Catholics are cannibals because they believe they are eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Jesus. LOL !!!
Of course, my grandfather was a man of subtle humor so don't anyone get their knickers in a twist, okay?

I love him! Yes, my elders used to talk about Gypsies. I even saw some of them in Greece. I believe one stole my Yaya's purse. But it's ok, because she is always telling everyone what a good Christian she is, your family probably saw her coming from a mile away.

And we were playing with some Gypsies when I was a kid and my uncle yelled at us to stay away from the Gypsies. LOL. And he said, "don't stay out past 11 oclock, only the Gypsies stay out past 11 oclock!!!

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