Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

Ya know....I've attended a Catholic school, been raised by one of my stepfathers as a Catholic, and even still......I can't fucking understand why people would choose to believe a lie.

Catholics are pagans dressed up as Christians.
I guess I get what you are saying.
It's easy for Allie to make proclamations about death and what comes after seeing as she won't be around to be shown how mistaken she was.

Oh, I'll be around.
The Saints get to's going to be uncomfortable when it comes time to judge people who ridiculed the beliefs of the saved during their lives, and start in with excuses....
I guess I get what you are saying.
It's easy for Allie to make proclamations about death and what comes after seeing as she won't be around to be shown how mistaken she was.

Ya know....I've attended a Catholic school, been raised by one of my stepfathers as a Catholic, and even still......I can't fucking understand why people would choose to believe a lie.

Catholics are pagans dressed up as Christians.

If that's true, I wouldn't blame the Catholics. Pagans seem to have the most fun.
Oh, I'll be around.
The Saints get to's going to be uncomfortable when it comes time to judge people who ridiculed the beliefs of the saved during their lives, and start in with excuses....

the saints wont be judging shit. Your faith dictates that you'll be too busy having spiritual orgasms worshipping at the sight of your god like the seraphim. It's not like you get to be some angelic judge judy all of a sudden banging a gavel in some "i told you so" line of shit from all high.

give me a break, baba.
the saints wont be judging shit. Your faith dictates that you'll be too busy having spiritual orgasms worshipping at the sight of your god like the seraphim. It's not like you get to be some angelic judge judy all of a sudden banging a gavel in some "i told you so" line of shit from all high.

give me a break, baba.

Oh, I'll be around.
The Saints get to's going to be uncomfortable when it comes time to judge people who ridiculed the beliefs of the saved during their lives, and start in with excuses....


"Here come da Judge!!"
:shock: OMG! :eusa_naughty: :eusa_naughty:

Don't get them started! Now they will be saying that Jesus is Black! lol :lol:

(Hides - because this has never been confirmed. And I have never met Jesus, personally to verify it.) :eusa_angel:


A bit of trivia. In Sicily there are many Madonna shrines where the Madonna is black. Caucasian features but black skin. I forget why this is but I do think it's kind of ironic as Italians, or Sicilians, I should say, aren't exactly known for their anti racist views.
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jesus sure as hell wasn't caucasian. THATS the fucking fact. When you see a blue eyes jesus THAT is an idol. You might as well be worshiping a golden calf.
Aren't Jews caucasian?

I watched a show where they reconstructed, using a skull from around the same time as Jesus' life, from a tomb in the right part of the world, of a Jewish family, what Jesus' face could have looked like.

Not black, not white...he looked Middle Eastern. Short curly hair, clean shaven, based upon what they know of the customs of Jewish men at the time. I don't know if anthropologically speaking that's caucasian or not...I think it is. Brown eyes.

Though I don't know why it would make any difference what color his eyes or his skin are. Who cares, honestly?
I don't see you as having won any argument here. If anything you have shown that you aren't really as much of a Christian as you claim to be. I don't recall you mentioning that though you don't approve of homosexual actions you love gay people because they are a child of God, or that you pray for them , which is also mentioned in the Bible that you base your arguments on.

Go back in this thread, the Bass loves gays in the sense that he wants them to turn away from living a sinful lifestyle to repenting and being saved. When you guys say the Bass doesn't love gays, what you're saying is unless the Bass accepts their sinful lifestyle as ok he's not showing any love. The bass doesn't has to accept anyones sinful actions in order to love them. On the flip side, how many homosexuals preach love towards those who oppose their lifestyle based on the Word Of God? Noooo, they brand us all as homo hating fundies, when we only oppose their sinful activities, not the person

I'm familiar enough with the teachings of the Bible to know that you aren't really what you claim you are. You previously claimed not to be a sinner which is the weakest argument you have made in this debate.

No, <the Bass isn't a sinner, the Bass got saved 8 years ago and turned away from a life of sin.
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Perhaps Charlie Ass is just a troll having fun with us. I wonder sometimes.

Personal attacks isn't going to change the fact of what is written in the Bible and if people want to attack the Bass for the Word of God sake, so be it, attack the Bass for putting out the truth, thats ok with the Bass.
Go back in this thread, the Bass loves gays in the sense that he wants them to turn away from living a sinful lifestyle to repenting and being saved. When you guys say the Bass doesn't love gays, what you're saying is unless the Bass accepts their sinful lifestyle as ok he's not showing any love. The bass doesn't has to accept anyones sinful actions in order to love them. On the flip side, how many homosexuals preach love towards those who oppose their lifestyle based on the Word Of God? Noooo, they brand us all as homo hating fundies, when we only oppose their sinful activities, not the person

No, <the Bass isn't a sinner, the Bass got saved 8 years ago and turned away from a life of sin.

That's absolutely right on. Just because you don't condone the lifestyle or choice of a person has no bearing on whether or not you feel love and compassion for them.

My kids do the wrong thing a dozen times a day, and I tell them and correct them. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't, sometimes (okay, usually) they do it again...but I always love them.

Same with gays and abortionists. Just because I don't support what you do, and just because I defend the rights of babies, and the sanctity of the traditional marriage between a man and a woman, apart and separate from a gay marriage, does not mean I hate gays, or women who have had abortions. The fact that I believe babies have the right to live does not mean I hate homosexuals. The fact that I believe marriage should be honored as a special union between man and woman does not mean I think girls who get pregnant outside of marriage should be stoned to death. Far from it. I think a stable traditional family is in a unique position to provide children, even unexpected ones, with the support and love they need to be successful in life.

You minimalize the importance of that, you demean the people who support that, and you are the one who is the hater.

Bobo, didn't you also have the friend who turned out to be some weird stalker/child molester/prison dude who ruined your friend's family? You have some mighty odd friends, buddy.
Aren't Jews caucasian?

I watched a show where they reconstructed, using a skull from around the same time as Jesus' life, from a tomb in the right part of the world, of a Jewish family, what Jesus' face could have looked like.

Not black, not white...he looked Middle Eastern. Short curly hair, clean shaven, based upon what they know of the customs of Jewish men at the time. I don't know if anthropologically speaking that's caucasian or not...I think it is. Brown eyes.

Though I don't know why it would make any difference what color his eyes or his skin are. Who cares, honestly?

no. just like moses wasn't white either. And I know the show you are talking about.. saw that one too.

but it's not caucasian.
Personal attacks isn't going to change the fact of what is written in the Bible and if people want to attack the Bass for the Word of God sake, so be it, attack the Bass for putting out the truth, thats ok with the Bass.

Chucky, I bet you're a nice piece of bass.
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