Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

Aren't Jews caucasian?

I watched a show where they reconstructed, using a skull from around the same time as Jesus' life, from a tomb in the right part of the world, of a Jewish family, what Jesus' face could have looked like.

Not black, not white...he looked Middle Eastern. Short curly hair, clean shaven, based upon what they know of the customs of Jewish men at the time. I don't know if anthropologically speaking that's caucasian or not...I think it is. Brown eyes.

Though I don't know why it would make any difference what color his eyes or his skin are. Who cares, honestly?

Jesus sounds hot. Too bad he was gay.
Note to Baba :

In reference to your neg rep comment: Sacrilege is a term that only frightens people who subscribe to your belief system. Personally, if I was going to try to convince people my belief system was the one and only one worth subscribing to, I'd use honey instead of vinegar.
There is no authorative basis for religion at all. The bible is a complilation of stories with a samtering of history. There is no proof of any of it. No matter what religion it is. One is just like the other.

That's why it's called faith. That you have faith, not proof, is kind of the whole point.
I am in no way saying the Catholic Church doesn't have some strange things going on, not in the least....

and i haven't been to Mass regularly in nearing 20 years now, all I am saying is that they are not a cult of the Christian moreso than any Christian Denomination out there....yes, they and the Lutherans believe that Baptism is a necessity in being saved as TheBass's link showed....that is a matter of interpretation of what Grace and Faith is to our salvation and what the Bible says about Baptism....nothing to fight over imho, with the differently believing other Christian Denominations...

And it is very well KNOWN and not hidden in the least of changing holiday dates to somewhat coincide with what many Pagans had...these Pagans/Gentiles were converted to Christianity and they needed them to stop being creatures of habbit and celebrating their Pagan holidays of past so they put Christian Holidays near those days to help the conversion of the masses to Christianity kick their Pagan Holiday habbits....

Was this the right way to go about it, probably NOT, however it is understandable....and it still has nothing to do with ones Faith that accepts Christ as our Salvation, and as the Son of God....imho...but what do I know? ;)

I would argue that atheism is a cult and we are better off without it. :eusa_whistle:

Please explain you logic here. Are you saying that because a person refuses to follow some arcane religious dogma that he is by definition an atheist?

Please check your logic and get back to me.
Please explain you logic here. Are you saying that because a person refuses to follow some arcane religious dogma that he is by definition an atheist?

Please check your logic and get back to me.
Actually, no, what I said was: "I would argue that atheism is a cult and we are better off without it." Nice Straw Man though. :badgrin:
Actually, no, what I said was: "I would argue that atheism is a cult and we are better off without it." Nice Straw Man though. :badgrin:

wasn't a straw man it was just a question. Are you denying that religions are cults? And if so why.
wasn't a straw man it was just a question. Are you denying that religions are cults? And if so why.

1: formal religious veneration : worship
2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b: the object of such devotion c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

Which definition?:muahaha:
I would argue that atheism is a cult and we are better off without it. :eusa_whistle:

Whether we would be better off without atheism, is a matter of opinion, but the word "cult" can't be applied to atheism by any of it's definitions. They are mutually exclusive.

So now, why would you think we would be better off without atheism?
Whether we would be better off without atheism, is a matter of opinion, but the word "cult" can't be applied to atheism by any of it's definitions. They are mutually exclusive.

So now, why would you think we would be better off without atheism?

Atheism meets definition 5.
Society is better off without people who have no fear of Judgment Day.
Atheism meets definition 5.
Society is better off without people who have no fear of Judgment Day.

That's quite stretch. I am a life long atheist but I have no great devotion to the idea that no god exists nor am I devoted to any atheist movement. Atheism is not a literary or intellectual fad. Nor are atheists a small group of people.
Atheism meets definition 5.
Society is better off without people who have no fear of Judgment Day.

I have no fear of Judgment Day. If you think society is better off without me then I want the pos rep I gave you yesterday back!!! :lol:


Just kidding, Gunny ;)

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