Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

I believe it, as I've witnessed acts of intolerance by religious persons, fellow Catholics actually, first hand. But I agree with you that atheists/ agnostics are also intolerant, many more so and more vehement, as evidenced by many examples in this forum. Here's a recent example:

Take it to Monticello, dude. Oh.. wait.. how INTOLERANT of them!


gravity is intolerant too, you know. And that fucking SUN! don't EVEN get it started on HELIOCENTRISM!

Take it to Monticello, dude. Oh.. wait.. how INTOLERANT of them!


gravity is intolerant too, you know. And that fucking SUN! don't EVEN get it started on HELIOCENTRISM!


Shogun, I remember you saying your family was religious and you were raised in some church. I forget which. Do you get grief from people close to you for becoming an atheist? Do you get approached often by religious recruiters?
You know, I've heard this story so many times, but I just don't believe it. I've been a Christian all my life, and a Baptist for all my adult life...and I have yet to see anything like that. How old were you when this happened? Was it in school? I could see it of school kids.

We're told to set a good and kindly example....I just don't know who all these red faced bigots are.

Though I've certainly had a few bigots get in my face and say some highly inflammatory things about my faith..

My experience with atheists and agnostics is that they will ask for a statement of faith, then try to pick it apart, and then make fun of the person who states they have faith...then claim that by having faith, that person is a bigot. Just because I believe in God does not mean I hate you, ok? Just because I think you are going to hell does not mean it's my choice that you go to hell, or that I want you to go to hell, or even that it has anything to do with me. It's my belief. It's not personal. Get over it. If you don't like it, quit discussing theology with those who have faith in God.

You are going to hell for the things you say. The anger in your heard alone is enough to prove to God that you do not repent for your sins. You have to really mean it when you ask for forgiveness. And you have to improve.

You are like the abusive husband who beats his wife every Friday night after the bar and then every Sunday he asks for forgiveness, knowing he will strike again next week.

And you are worse, because you don't even know that you are evil.

You are the Tammy Fae Baker of these boards.:evil:
After the merciless thrashing I gave, you finally learned to spell that word. Congratulations, "Dude"! :badgrin:



oh shit.. now THAT is comedy gold... Despite the the Jefferson Estate AND Franklin's autobiography YOU were the one handing out the THRASHINGS!

oh man thats rich...

Shogun, I remember you saying your family was religious and you were raised in some church. I forget which. Do you get grief from people close to you for becoming an atheist? Do you get approached often by religious recruiters?

no. because, as we see with the likes of ole glock, I have a habit of putting the smack down on overzealous dogma junkies with tools like facts, evidence.. you know.. tangible shit like that.
I believe it, as I've witnessed acts of intolerance by religious persons, fellow Catholics actually, first hand. But I agree with you that atheists/ agnostics are also intolerant, many more so and more vehement, as evidenced by many examples in this forum. Here's a recent example:

Glock, thanks for recognizing that intolerance exists on both sides. As an atheist, I've never been harassed about my religious non beliefs by an atheist, but then why would I be? I, myself, am pretty reticent about discussing religion in real life unless I think the person is sincere about discussing and respecting opposing views. I don't remember ever seeing any of my atheist friends or family provoke an argument with anyone over their religion, but I'm sure it does happen that some atheists get obnoxious about it. I haven't read much of Christopher Hitchens but a friend of mine who has says he's too much on the attack. I'm not saying atheists are more tolerant people but many of us have learned we have to be in order not to perpetrate the kind of abuse that has been directed at us in this society which favors the religious over the non religious. Not to excuse any rabid atheists but I believe some atheists just get so fed up with having religion pushed on them that they become overly defensive and over react. Or in turn become aggressive themselves.

Whenever I ask people for examples of real life personal experiences of intolerant aggressive behavior on the part of atheists I get no real responses only vague grumblings. It usually turns out to be something they heard about that happened to someone else or it was something that happened on a message board. I would honestly like to hear of someone's real life experience where an atheist approached a religious person and tried to convince them to that their religious beliefs were wrong.
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no. because, as we see with the likes of ole glock, I have a habit of putting the smack down on overzealous dogma junkies with tools like facts, evidence.. you know.. tangible shit like that.

Well, you are certainly well armed! ;)
You are going to hell for the things you say. The anger in your heard alone is enough to prove to God that you do not repent for your sins. You have to really mean it when you ask for forgiveness. And you have to improve.

You are like the abusive husband who beats his wife every Friday night after the bar and then every Sunday he asks for forgiveness, knowing he will strike again next week.

And you are worse, because you don't even know that you are evil.

You are the Tammy Fae Baker of these boards.:evil:

Thank you for proving my point, bigot.
Remember? You told me about real life last night and I do believe it exists.
Examples are popping up all around you. :cuckoo:

No kidding.

People don't see discrimination against Christians because it's acceptable.

That's pretty much the definition of bigotry.

But if you ask a Christian to define their beliefs to you, it's considered "okay" to call him a bigot because he believes in Heaven and Hell, it's considered "okay" to call him other names, to tell him he's ignorant, and to offer your determination of whether or not he's a good Christian.
No kidding.

People don't see discrimination against Christians because it's acceptable.

That's pretty much the definition of bigotry.

But if you ask a Christian to define their beliefs to you, it's considered "okay" to call him a bigot because he believes in Heaven and Hell, it's considered "okay" to call him other names, to tell him he's ignorant, and to offer your determination of whether or not he's a good Christian.
Yeah but that's OK because its only a message board. :cuckoo:

:lol: You deny that people express their real opinions and hatred on message boards? :cuckoo:

Of course not. But most of these people would not behave in real life as they do on message boards. So I would like to hear some real life, face to face with an atheist examples of religious people being harassed or persecuted by atheists.

Allie Babs said it happens to her all the time. But that was 5 minutes ago and we know her attention span doesn't last that long.
No kidding.

People don't see discrimination against Christians because it's acceptable.

That's pretty much the definition of bigotry.

But if you ask a Christian to define their beliefs to you, it's considered "okay" to call him a bigot because he believes in Heaven and Hell, it's considered "okay" to call him other names, to tell him he's ignorant, and to offer your determination of whether or not he's a good Christian.

Allie please provide real life examples that do not include the times you've protested outside abortion clinics or done door knocking or whatever type missionary work your church requires of you or that time you tried to bust up a gay wedding riding in fat and naked on a white stallion.

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