Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

Really? Gay marriage advocates aren't anyone that would hassle you for being religious, they just get you religious fanatics to give everyone the same consideration that is due them.

Revisionist historians? Ever hear about those nutjobs that are going around promoting intelligent design as a viable science discipline?

C'mon......religious nuts are MUCH worse than atheists.

Again, I would argue that gay marriage advocates are intent on forcing their godless unions on a much larger majority, and I can't think of anything more sacred than marriage.
Again, I would argue that gay marriage advocates are intent on forcing their godless unions on a much larger majority, and I can't think of anything more sacred than marriage.

Forcing their "godless unions" on you? Are you fucking kidding me? How does 2 gay people making a life together "force" anything on you? And, you can't think of anything more sacred than marriage? I can.....lots of things in fact, all you'd have to do is look in the Jewish religion and you can find MANY more things more sacred than marriage.

Bigoted assholes like you are what makes me wonder if it was worth it to spend 20 years of my life fighting for freedom when idiots like you want to take it away from others and force YOUR views upon them.
Throughout this thread I've been mystified. When I used to belong to the Catholic church all the sermons were based on Scripture, and all the readings were from Scripture. So what the hell is this idiot talking about?
Bigoted assholes like you are what makes me wonder if it was worth it to spend 20 years of my life fighting for freedom when idiots like you want to take it away from others and force YOUR views upon them.

Wow! I have to rep you for that!
You're confused glock. Do you understand the term "freedom"?

Mockmail does not. That's why he forgets that the Catholic Church has tried to force laws in the US restricting abortion choice. In my state the Catholic lobby was very successful in limiting women's access to birth control in the 50's and 60's
You're confused glock. Do you understand the term "freedom"?
To liberals, that means "freedom from responsibility", as in, the freedom to go against societal norms, cause all sorts of problems with the vast majority and not have to take responsibility for that. So yes, I understand what the real meaning is, along with the liberal bastardization.
Mockmail does not. That's why he forgets that the Catholic Church has tried to force laws in the US restricting abortion choice. In my state the Catholic lobby was very successful in limiting women's access to birth control in the 50's and 60's
"Abortion choice"? Why not call it what it is: murder of the unborn.
To liberals, that means "freedom from responsibility", as in, the freedom to go against societal norms, cause all sorts of problems with the vast majority and not have to take responsibility for that. So yes, I understand what the real meaning is, along with the liberal bastardization.

Okay, that's clear.
Mockmail does not. That's why he forgets that the Catholic Church has tried to force laws in the US restricting abortion choice. In my state the Catholic lobby was very successful in limiting women's access to birth control in the 50's and 60's

Indeed Anguille, it appears that "freedom" has a restrictive definition. I'll be interested to pursue it.
Mockmail does not. That's why he forgets that the Catholic Church has tried to force laws in the US restricting abortion choice. In my state the Catholic lobby was very successful in limiting women's access to birth control in the 50's and 60's

The Catholic Church itself? Orthe people within the Catholic Church, the parishioners?

Because the parishioners, as individuals have the right to petition their gvt or to request laws to be passed or anything that any other individual has the right to do...

However, if this is the Church itself...the priests, bishop etc....they can act as individuals to request such changes, but as the leaders of their church, I do not believe they can actively promote such, from the pulpit, to their congregation, but i am not 100% certain on that rule...

It could be that they can only not promote a candidate from the pulpit, but issues that they agree with or disagree with are okay as a non profit, like it would be okay for planned parenthood to lobby for legislation in their favor, or the NRA to lobby for their causes....churches are not in a separate category from all other non profits, but are part of the SAME category as other nonprofits....when it comes to the rules on this and their tax exemption.

I have experienced NO BIGOTRY for being a devout Christian from anyone on this Board...I think this needs to be said, because I have received no true bigotry from anyone, ever, regarding my own personal beliefs and Faith....

Even on this thread regarding Catholic bashing, I don't see it as bigotry....I honestly don't....I see it as people that really have not done their homework, or are just confused...and this is argument between Christians and the different denominations out there not even athiests....i see more argument among Christians than Athiest's....

And I only see athiests that debate the topic on this board and other boards, as people who feel it is 'worthy of argument'....they have interest in it...whether they realize it or not...thus to me :), it is God that has lead them to the argument!!! Or to us, or to me....

In other words, Christians are suppose to obey God and love as God has loved them....if they can try to follow Christ then OTHERS will be brought to the Faith...thru kindness, thru compassion, thru love, and thru the honesty the Christian has shown.... they will or could come to long to have the same...peace and happiness that the Christian has shown to have...

That's just what I have gotten out of reading the Gospels...not thru any kind of Church rearing, just by reading the Bible....and the Lord knows, I could be way off base and not know what the heck I am talking about...hahahahaha,

but honestly....i never heard or read about Jesus telling anyone personally that they were going to hell....i only read about Him talk about offering forgiveness of sins towards others, so that your own sins may be forgiven.... and Heaven knows, I got plenty of my own baggage and sins that need forgiving, so I certainly am not going to condemn someone else of theirs...and honestly, I know (and feel as though) my sins are forgiven, I owe the same to others, with their mistakes.

that all was probably off topic a bit, but you are getting it anyway! lol :D


Total nonsense, the only research that needs to be done is looking through and searching the scriptures for the truth, not emotive arguments and comments.
Total nonsense, the only research that needs to be done is looking through and searching the scriptures for the truth, not emotive arguments and comments.

Sooooo very true, charlie, and you should try to take your own prescribed medicine on this, then let's talk.... ;)

Sooooo very true, charlie, and you should try to take your own prescribed medicine on this, then let's talk.... ;)


The Bass searches the scriptures the truth and not the words and traditions that proceeds from the lips of men.
The Bass searches the scriptures the truth and not the words and traditions that proceeds from the lips of men.
that's good to hear charlie....i have no problem doing such with you, issue by issue that you may have...reviewing Biblical text together, and discussing or debating it...and heaven only knows, it could turn out that on some, I may agree with you! :)

Again, I would argue that gay marriage advocates are intent on forcing their godless unions on a much larger majority, and I can't think of anything more sacred than marriage.
Are you also opposed to marriage between atheists or marriages performed at City Hall or by JPs?

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