Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

Ya know....I'm gonna agree with some of what you say and piss off a lot of people in the process......(bonus in my book)......

Taking the high ground with a Harry Potter book? Yep...after the Niecine council, it became a book of half-truths and myths. Nothing like controlling the masses with religion like you said.


There is evidence of a church (news story was carried on CNN), that was discovered. It's date is approx. 100 years after the Crucifixion, it was DEFINITELY a Christian church, and they even found a coin with the likeness and name of Jesus upon it. I kinda doubt that Constantine was the one that created Christianity. Matter of fact, I view that just like I do all the rest of Rome........

Nothing but a bunch of rip-off artists........

OF course there was christianity before Emperor Constantine... however it would have died out with hundreds of other similar cults.... However Constantine chose that one to control the peasants.

And here endeth the theology lesson.
Laughing my ass off at the original poster...

Taking the high ground with his harry potter bible book... .

Utterly hilarious.

Christianity was invented 300 years after the death of the jesus figure ... of whom no one knows anything about.

It was invented by Constantine.... would have died out...but he saw the power of controlling peasants with fairytales...

Bushteam's War on terror fairytale is just the latest in the line.

utterly hogwashable!
However Constantine chose that one to control the peasants.

And here endeth the theology lesson.

That's very believable. I also recall reading somewhere that at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman bureaucracy was being managed mostly by Christians. They were the social class from which most civil servants came at that time. So once the emperors where gone, Christians controlled the government.
There is no proof of any of it.

That's why it's religion based on faith, not science based on evidence. Two are both useful, but serve different purposes, and I'd be disappointed if some geologist or biologist decided to go out and prove that Abraham did in fact live 175 years.

As a church going Christian, I think we set ourselves back with intelligent design for the same reason. Subjecting to religion to science's methods only suggests you don't have faith in the true teachings of the bible.
Again, I would argue that gay marriage advocates are intent on forcing their godless unions on a much larger majority, and I can't think of anything more sacred than marriage.

On what basis can you prove their unions are "godless"?

Are you the voice of god?
The best situation for a kid growing up is a mom and dad. Anything else is less than ideal. Gay parents are cheating the kids out of a full childhood for their own selfish, abnormal interests.

I don't give two shits if you think my opinion is twisted, because a vast majority of Americans think the same way that I do. :drillsergeant:

That would be those same eggheads who also demand that unwed mothers carry their unwanted fetus to term, because they do give two shits for welfare babies, eh?
That would be those same eggheads who also demand that unwed mothers carry their unwanted fetus to term, because they do give two shits for welfare babies, eh?
Wow you're really mixed up. Actually some people, including myself, think that women should fall in love, get married, get stable financially, and take their babies to term, in that order. I'm not sure what that has to do with the subject being discussed (gay marriage), but then Liberals love to change the subject when their argument is weak, so no real surprise here. :badgrin:
Actually Charlie the (b)ASS, it doesn't say it "many" times in the Bible, it only refers to it approximately 3 times.

Do your research dipstick.....your ignorance is showing again.

I might be wrong, but I don't think the New Testament says anything about gays... and I thought Christians don't follow the Old Testament... which DOES talk about gays in Leviticus.

But then again, it also talks about stoning people for wearing cloth made of mixed fibers...

ah well...

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