Roman Catholicism is an unscriptural cult

"Created by the imagination" according to you.
There is plenty of evidence of God, just none that you choose to accept.

I guess I just have to take your word for it since you provide none of the evidence of which you speak.
I guess I just have to take your word for it since you provide none of the evidence of which you speak.

that is EXACTLY it. AND, why creationism FAILS in the SCIENCE class.

come on glock.. show your hand. POST YOUR EVIDENCE.

I have experienced NO BIGOTRY for being a devout Christian from anyone on this Board...I think this needs to be said, because I have received no true bigotry from anyone, ever, regarding my own personal beliefs and Faith....

Even on this thread regarding Catholic bashing, I don't see it as bigotry....I honestly don't....I see it as people that really have not done their homework, or are just confused...and this is argument between Christians and the different denominations out there not even athiests....i see more argument among Christians than Athiest's....

And I only see athiests that debate the topic on this board and other boards, as people who feel it is 'worthy of argument'....they have interest in it...whether they realize it or not...thus to me :), it is God that has lead them to the argument!!! Or to us, or to me....

In other words, Christians are suppose to obey God and love as God has loved them....if they can try to follow Christ then OTHERS will be brought to the Faith...thru kindness, thru compassion, thru love, and thru the honesty the Christian has shown.... they will or could come to long to have the same...peace and happiness that the Christian has shown to have...

That's just what I have gotten out of reading the Gospels...not thru any kind of Church rearing, just by reading the Bible....and the Lord knows, I could be way off base and not know what the heck I am talking about...hahahahaha,

but honestly....i never heard or read about Jesus telling anyone personally that they were going to hell....i only read about Him talk about offering forgiveness of sins towards others, so that your own sins may be forgiven.... and Heaven knows, I got plenty of my own baggage and sins that need forgiving, so I certainly am not going to condemn someone else of theirs...and honestly, I know (and feel as though) my sins are forgiven, I owe the same to others, with their mistakes.

that all was probably off topic a bit, but you are getting it anyway! lol :D

if you ask a Christian to define their beliefs to you, it's considered "okay" to call him a bigot because he believes in Heaven and Hell, it's considered "okay" to call him other names, to tell him he's ignorant, and to offer your determination of whether or not he's a good Christian.

Christians may be subject to discrimination in the US today, but it's nothing compared to those of us who believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. People think we're crazy. You've never seen such intolerance.
why is it that dogma junkies, like glock here, ALWAYS refuse to be specific about this "evidence" they insist upon? oh, I'm pretty sure I know why..

it's kinda like that "girlfriend" he had in about three towns outside the county back in jr high...
I'm wondering myself. When I asked him and everyone else who claiming atheists accost people and harass them to provide one real life example, other than message board stuff, suddenly everyone went silent.
I'm wondering myself. When I asked him and everyone else who claiming atheists accost people and harass them to provide one real life example, other than message board stuff, suddenly everyone went silent.
I didn't respond because you've adopted a rather silly position of denying that members of a message board say things here that they would not otherwise say in "real life". Its not worth the effort arguing with a child. :cuckoo:
I didn't respond because you've adopted a rather silly position of denying that members of a message board say things here that they would not otherwise say in "real life". Its not worth the effort arguing with a child. :cuckoo:


another bullshit excuse. Dude.. if you have nothing to offer just admit it. OR, bring on the fucking evidence. Either way, your snakeoil fucking rhetoric just isn't impressive.
Why would I try to convince you not to rot in hell? You obviously mistook me for someone else. :badgrin:

you are not trying to convince me anything about hell. YOU are trying to convince America that your bullshit mythology has any relevance whatsoever outside your cultish little den of backwards flat-earthers. So, again, PLEASE whip out your physical fucking evidence or just sit there while this agnostic proves how worthless your opinion is in yet another thread.
I didn't respond because you've adopted a rather silly position of denying that members of a message board say things here that they would not otherwise say in "real life". Its not worth the effort arguing with a child. :cuckoo:
After giving one of my real life, ( is real world more acceptable to you?) examples of how I had been harassed by a religious person because of my atheistic beliefs, I asked you and Babaloney and whoever else had been claiming to have been harassed by atheists to please relate some of your experiences as such in the real world to back up your claims that atheists are offensive and in your face.

But you guys have none, it appears. Just admit it. Why try to quibble about whether message board discussions equal real life experiences? It looks lame on your part.

Anyone on a message board can just be ignored. Not so in real life when they ring your doorbell or accost you in the street. I've had many real life experiences with religious nuts who wouldn't leave me alone. Those kinds of incidents constitute real harassment.
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After giving one of my real life, ( is real world more acceptable to you?) examples of how I had been harassed by a religious person because of my atheistic beliefs, I asked you and Babaloney and whoever else had been claiming to have been harassed by atheists to please relate some of your experiences as such in the real world to back up your claims that atheists are offensive and in your face.

But you guys have none, it appears. Just admit it. Why try to quibble about whether message board discussions equal real life experiences? It looks lame on your part.

Anyone on a message board can just be ignored. Not so in real life when they ring your doorbell or accost you in the street. I've had many real life experiences with religious nuts who wouldn't leave me alone. Those kinds of incidents constitute real harassment.

I would argue that revisionist historians and gay marriage advocates constitute real anti-religious or atheist harassment. :D
I would argue that revisionist historians and gay marriage advocates constitute real anti-religious or atheist harassment. :D

Okay, you answered my question in an oblique way. No atheist has ever got up in your face and told you are are going straight to hell. ... or I guess an atheist would tell you you weren't going to hell.

It's just as I thought, Christians really are the worst offenders as far as harassing people about their religious convictions goes. Atheists are more like Jews, Buddists, Moslems, etc. in that proselytizing and coerced conversions are practically never done.

We live and let live.
Okay, you answered my question in an oblique way. No atheist has ever got up in your face and told you are are going straight to hell. ... or I guess an atheist would tell you you weren't going to hell.

It's just as I thought, Christians really are the worst offenders as far as harassing people about their religious convictions goes. Atheists are more like Jews, Buddists, Moslems, etc. in that proselytizing and coerced conversions are practically never done.

We live and let live.
Nice attempt to paint everyone with the same broad brush- bigot. Like evangelical Baptists are the same as Catholics. :lol:

But back to the point I made and you deflected, these godless liberals who want queer marriage and re-write American history books to exclude Christianity do so brazenly, and offend literally hundreds of millions of people. And not just on the internet.
I would argue that revisionist historians and gay marriage advocates constitute real anti-religious or atheist harassment. :D

Really? Gay marriage advocates aren't anyone that would hassle you for being religious, they just get you religious fanatics to give everyone the same consideration that is due them.

Revisionist historians? Ever hear about those nutjobs that are going around promoting intelligent design as a viable science discipline?

C'mon......religious nuts are MUCH worse than atheists.

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