Roman Emperor was transgender

Not such a modern phenomenon after all

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was one of the crappiest Emperors of the Empire.

He took the throne at age 14, his entire rule was mostly remembered for scandals and sexual excesses, and finally after pissing off his Praetorian Guard and ordering most of them to be executed they instead killed him and threw his body into the Tiber.

He was freaking 14 when he took the throne, and was 18 when he was killed. Yet by that time he had 3 wives and a husband. One of his wives he married, divorced, then married again. And that caused outrage because she was actually a Vestal Virgin.

He was just a freaking messed up teenager, that like others before and after was spoiled rotten and thought he could do anything he wanted. But he was not "Transgender" in any way I can think of. He was just a messed up kid.

And he was not even the first one. Nero had a slave castrated and married him, so Antoninus was not even unique there.
To some degree, we already have been. Why do you think bottled and filtered water is so popular?

Calcified (they're all calcified) lead pipes are no danger to anyone.
It appears the Romans believed that Gender is fluid. "Romans were aware of gender fluidity".

The question I pose to YOU, why do yo not accept the fact that Gender is fluid? In the year 218AD, the Romans knew all about it.

Along with the fluidity, came the promiscuity. It is all documented.

As they say.. When in Rome... Enjoy.

A museum is to relabel its display about a Roman emperor after concluding that he was in fact a trans woman.

North Hertfordshire Museum will now refer to emperor Elagabalus with the female pronouns of she and her.

It comes after classical texts claim the emperor once said "call me not Lord, for I am a Lady".

A museum spokesperson said it was "only polite and respectful to be sensitive to identifying pronouns for people in the past".

The museum has one coin of Elagabalus, which is often displayed amongst other LGBTQ+ items in its collection.

It said it consulted LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall to ensure "displays, publicity and talks are as up-to-date and inclusive as possible".

What happened to the Rome empire?
Calcified (they're all calcified) lead pipes are no danger to anyone.
Calcification is brittle. It can easily fall off if the chemistry isn't correct. This is what occurred in Flint.

The pervasive threat of lead (Pb) in drinking water: Unmasking and pursuing scientific factors that govern lead release​

The fact that mental illnesses and sexual fetishism existed in the past is supposed to be 'news' now? lol just more evidence the education system is a joke. It's even more hilarious that some loons think that makes it acceptable and 'normal'.

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