Roman Emperor was transgender

You are making assumptions based on one specific individual. You used the word 'appears' in your 1st sentence and then imply that gender fluidity was universally accepted by the Romans, when that assumption has not been established as true.

I really don't care about anyone else's gender identity or expression, live and let live. But no one gets to require me to accept your gender identity or expression as factual or require the use of specific pronouns to reference them. And I ain't real thrilled with people who were born male competing with people born as females in any sport.
deal with it.
It appears the Romans believed that Gender is fluid. "Romans were aware of gender fluidity".

The question I pose to YOU, why do yo not accept the fact that Gender is fluid? In the year 218AD, the Romans knew all about it.

Along with the fluidity, came the promiscuity. It is all documented.

As they say.. When in Rome... Enjoy.

A museum is to relabel its display about a Roman emperor after concluding that he was in fact a trans woman.

North Hertfordshire Museum will now refer to emperor Elagabalus with the female pronouns of she and her.

It comes after classical texts claim the emperor once said "call me not Lord, for I am a Lady".

A museum spokesperson said it was "only polite and respectful to be sensitive to identifying pronouns for people in the past".

The museum has one coin of Elagabalus, which is often displayed amongst other LGBTQ+ items in its collection.

It said it consulted LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall to ensure "displays, publicity and talks are as up-to-date and inclusive as possible".

People change sex on a whim.

Cuz science.
Couldn't care less what they accepted.....Gender dysphoria has nothing to do with homosexuality, and conflating the two is positively Orwellian....And yes, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was fucking deranged....There's a reason he was assassinated.

I'm an agorist/anarcho-capitalist, as though that's of any relevance.
you are fellating
Caligula once married his horse.

Is Tammy making all this fuss hoping he will be able to marry his?

Tammy lives in a tiny apartment. Besides which, no horse would have him, they have standards.
The Romans also believed in raping little boys. Do gender fluid freaks long for the good old days?

And that's become a staple of the modern LGBTQpbiWTF movement as well. No coincidence at all that NAMBLA was a big player in the early forms of that movement, only thrown under the bus when the faggots realized that society wasn't going to accept them if it meant accepting open childfuckers along with them.
Since the Roman Republic lasted nearly 500 years and the Empire about 1000... maybe we should start drinking from casks lined with lead. Can't hurt.
To some degree, we already have been. Why do you think bottled and filtered water is so popular?

Look at this absolute desperation, sacrificing all woke principles on a mere whim in the name of LGBTQ..

I mean, Wouldn’t Rome be considered the epitome of “Colonialization, Racist, Patriarchal, bigoted, etc” civilizations?

Yet when there’s a whiff of a possibility of some random LGBTQ reference it’s “ROME WAS PROGRESSIVE AND LEGITIMATE” from trans activists.

Why don’t they look at what else that Emporer said/did, or what Roman values were? LMAO

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