Rome fell, will we also fall?

We will not fall because there is no place to fall to. If America goes down in some way it will only be because the rest of the world is already in ashes. People like to compare us to ancient Rome and predict a great fall but that is impossible in an interconnected global society such as ours. In our case the entire world is Rome and there are no barbarians at the gates.

Oh, there are barbarians at the gate for sure, they are called radical islamists, and our foolish govt is looking the other was as they cross our southern border by the thousands.
Even they like modern technology and durable goods, as long as people like comfort and entertainment America will be preeminent in the world.
Only two things are necessary to take down America, and politics are welfare aren't on the list. All you need do is take down the power grid and the banking system with it. With those out it all comes to a screeching halt and in no time at all you are back to the Dark Ages, literally.
Caesar destroyed the Roman Republic. After that it was simply a matter of time.

Will dimocrap scum destroy this Republic?

They're trying. They're trying really hard.

Look what socialist scum (fascist scum, Fabians, the Perons) did to Argentina. At one time, the 4th richest Country on earth, the bread basket of an entire Continent -- After socialist scum got done with it, it is now a basket case instead of a bread basket

dimocrap FILTH (socialists, National Socialists, democratic socialists, Fascist, Fabians, dimocraps et al) are like locusts. They swarm, they destroy and all they leave behind is ruins.
No...we won't fall. That is why we have a revolution every four years. Despite what knee-jerk-racist-teapers say...we are ok.
It fails mostly because Rome never really fell, not in the way it is popularly envisioned.
It fails mostly because Rome never really fell, not in the way it is popularly envisioned.

Well, the Western Empire fell. Constantinople took about a 1,000 years longer to fall -- To goat-fucking, boy-raping, woman-abusing ragheads...

Who says history doesn't repeat itself :dunno:
We will not fall because there is no place to fall to. If America goes down in some way it will only be because the rest of the world is already in ashes. People like to compare us to ancient Rome and predict a great fall but that is impossible in an interconnected global society such as ours. In our case the entire world is Rome and there are no barbarians at the gates.
Our "barbarians"are not Visigoths and such. Rather the are those who recently came from "teaming shores".
It fails mostly because Rome never really fell, not in the way it is popularly envisioned.

Well, the Western Empire fell. Constantinople took about a 1,000 years longer to fall -- To goat-fucking, boy-raping, woman-abusing ragheads...

Who says history doesn't repeat itself :dunno:
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?
It fails mostly because Rome never really fell, not in the way it is popularly envisioned.

Thank you! It really ain't rocket science.
We will fall because people like you demand that their birth control should be paid for, among other things. For God's sake!

Trust me........ Creatures like that? You WANT to pay for their birth control
The question is by what means do you recognize the fall, how do you quantify that it has fallen? As a nation our economic strength is in decline, has been for several decades, as witnessed by the decline in upward mobility and staggered growth of the middle class. The basis for the decline centers on legislation and government regulations that continue to force manufacturing off shore. At such time that re-repatriation of earned, post tax earnings are funneled back into the US economy without further taxation, coupled with reductions in corporate tax liability to the world average of 20%, or so, there will be no change, the decline will continue. From the standpoint of government spending, we are a credit based economy that will eventually result in overwhelming our currency and standard of living. Remember nothing is for free and eventually the man needs to be repaid. At some point the rekindling of the American spirit as Alexis Tocqueville wrote of eloquently of will need to be addressed which is counter to main stream liberal beliefs. On a final note, at the turn of the 19th century liberal elitists embraced the culture and progressive beliefs of Europe, sought to meld this philosophy within our political fabric, and succeeded, however with it came the baggage, complete with a ruling class and political elitism that was counter to what formed and developed this country into a world power. So yes we will fall and it can only be attributed to one simple fact, we sacrificed our sense of resolve, personal accountability, and can do spirit, for the prestige of the decadent trappings of the European model. Is it not rather ironic in that the very people that risked and sacrificed all to escape the corruption of Europe, build their dream, only to be betrayed by their own descendants?
I doubt the predicted fall will take place. Too many have too much to lose. At some point, there will be a large correction/ejection of conservative hate however and it will likely be quite violent. All of that mis-placed testosterone and firearms has to go off at some point. The military will put down Cletus and Redfish and they will be footnotes into history.

I thought getting a republican congress would take the gloom and doom out of the right wing. Apparently not. It's good to see the rampant defeatism taking root so early in the 2016 election season.
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?

You assume too much, scumbag.

I hate, despise and detest scum like you with every fiber of my being.

The rest, I couldn't give a fuck less about.

I don't care about abortion, or religion, or if and your butthole-buddy want to bugger yourselves into a coma...... I don't care about any of that.

I don't even like Republicans very much....... At all.

What I DO care about is wiping scum like you from the surface of the planet.

By whatever means are available.

If that were to happen? I could gladly go through the rest of my long life without ever bothering about politics ever again.

Do NOT think I am kidding
You would think ugliness would make birth control unnecessary, but then there is alcohol so you can never be sure.


^^Not Enough^^
and to think that "The 47 Per-cent" actually believe the free money is forever. someday the checks will stop coming.

And then they will all vote for democrats.
We will fall because people like you demand that their birth control should be paid for, among other things. For God's sake!
One of the main things that contributed to the decline of Rome was that it ended up being run undemocratically by a wealthy elite who did nothing to address to the social woes within their domain. Rome advanced because there was an upside to Roman occupation, security, infrastructure, protected trade, codified laws, etc. but they evetually declined into a lousy plutocratic aristocracy that neglected to keep the trains running on time, so-to-speak. You do not lose empires by promoting social stability, you lose them by abandoning the common folk who grow food, serve in the military and do all the other tasks that make civilization possible.

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