Rome fell, will we also fall?

Rome tried to conquer and control the known world with conscripts that had no loyalty to Rome. Too much territory with too little manpower.

THAT is why Rome fell.
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?

You assume too much, scumbag.

I hate, despise and detest scum like you with every fiber of my being.

The rest, I couldn't give a fuck less about.

I don't care about abortion, or religion, or if and your butthole-buddy want to bugger yourselves into a coma...... I don't care about any of that.

I don't even like Republicans very much....... At all.

What I DO care about is wiping scum like you from the surface of the planet.

By whatever means are available.

If that were to happen? I could gladly go through the rest of my long life without ever bothering about politics ever again.

Do NOT think I am kidding
You talk big but real men do not fling threats around like little children playing cowboys and indians. I despise people like you who talk big but are really the worst kind of coward.
One of the main things that contributed to the decline of Rome was that it ended up being run undemocratically by a wealthy elite who did nothing to address to the social woes within their domain. Rome advanced because there was an upside to Roman occupation, security, infrastructure, protected trade, codified laws, etc. but they evetually declined into a lousy plutocratic aristocracy that neglected to keep the trains running on time, so-to-speak. You do not lose empires by promoting social stability, you lose them by abandoning the common folk who grow food, serve in the military and do all the other tasks that make civilization possible.

I think there's a book or two written about the fall of Rome.

Suffice it to say that NO society can exist without the full participation of all its populace.

Once the Republic fell, it was only a matter of time.

If we remain a Republic, we can survive, literally, forever. With no end. I'm talking THOUSANDS of years.

But if we go in the direction that scum of the earth dimocfrap filth want us to go, we WILL fall.

Sure, dimocrap filth will tell you they'll still have elections once they take complete control (which is their goal)

But the election will consist of socialist scumbag #1, #2 or #3.

Once socialism sets in, it can NOT be rolled back except by violence.

And dimocrap scum (socialists, same thing) are not at all above using violence to achieve their ends.

socialism sets in -- We're done.

Believe it. Or not. Don't care.

It will be fun watching all the lemmings following their Judas Goat leaders into the abyss
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?

You assume too much, scumbag.

I hate, despise and detest scum like you with every fiber of my being.

The rest, I couldn't give a fuck less about.

I don't care about abortion, or religion, or if and your butthole-buddy want to bugger yourselves into a coma...... I don't care about any of that.

I don't even like Republicans very much....... At all.

What I DO care about is wiping scum like you from the surface of the planet.

By whatever means are available.

If that were to happen? I could gladly go through the rest of my long life without ever bothering about politics ever again.

Do NOT think I am kidding
You talk big but real men do not fling threats around like little children playing cowboys and indians. I despise people like you who talk big but are really the worst kind of coward.

Who's making threats cockbreath? Not me.

Eat a Glock, scumbag
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?

You assume too much, scumbag.

I hate, despise and detest scum like you with every fiber of my being.

The rest, I couldn't give a fuck less about.

I don't care about abortion, or religion, or if and your butthole-buddy want to bugger yourselves into a coma...... I don't care about any of that.

I don't even like Republicans very much....... At all.

What I DO care about is wiping scum like you from the surface of the planet.

By whatever means are available.

If that were to happen? I could gladly go through the rest of my long life without ever bothering about politics ever again.

Do NOT think I am kidding
You talk big but real men do not fling threats around like little children playing cowboys and indians. I despise people like you who talk big but are really the worst kind of coward.
Only an idiot proclaims others cowardly based on written text rather than real world actions. You don't know him anymore than he knows you.
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?

You assume too much, scumbag.

I hate, despise and detest scum like you with every fiber of my being.

The rest, I couldn't give a fuck less about.

I don't care about abortion, or religion, or if and your butthole-buddy want to bugger yourselves into a coma...... I don't care about any of that.

I don't even like Republicans very much....... At all.

What I DO care about is wiping scum like you from the surface of the planet.

By whatever means are available.

If that were to happen? I could gladly go through the rest of my long life without ever bothering about politics ever again.

Do NOT think I am kidding
You talk big but real men do not fling threats around like little children playing cowboys and indians. I despise people like you who talk big but are really the worst kind of coward.
Only an idiot proclaims others cowardly based on written text rather than real world actions. You don't know him anymore than he knows you.
It's painfully obvious this guy lives a sheltered entitled life and is ignorant of how the world works, if he had any of the wisdom that comes from living in the world by your own wits he would not talk like a punk.
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?

You assume too much, scumbag.

I hate, despise and detest scum like you with every fiber of my being.

The rest, I couldn't give a fuck less about.

I don't care about abortion, or religion, or if and your butthole-buddy want to bugger yourselves into a coma...... I don't care about any of that.

I don't even like Republicans very much....... At all.

What I DO care about is wiping scum like you from the surface of the planet.

By whatever means are available.

If that were to happen? I could gladly go through the rest of my long life without ever bothering about politics ever again.

Do NOT think I am kidding
You talk big but real men do not fling threats around like little children playing cowboys and indians. I despise people like you who talk big but are really the worst kind of coward.
Only an idiot proclaims others cowardly based on written text rather than real world actions. You don't know him anymore than he knows you.
It's painfully obvious this guy lives a sheltered entitled life and is ignorant of how the world works, if he had any of the wisdom that comes from living in the world by your own wits he would not talk like a punk.
Talk isn't what makes a man a coward. Actual life choices are. Sorry you haven't figured that out.
Yeah religion does terrible things to the stability of secular societies. Doesn't it Mr. Social Conservative?

You assume too much, scumbag.

I hate, despise and detest scum like you with every fiber of my being.

The rest, I couldn't give a fuck less about.

I don't care about abortion, or religion, or if and your butthole-buddy want to bugger yourselves into a coma...... I don't care about any of that.

I don't even like Republicans very much....... At all.

What I DO care about is wiping scum like you from the surface of the planet.

By whatever means are available.

If that were to happen? I could gladly go through the rest of my long life without ever bothering about politics ever again.

Do NOT think I am kidding
You talk big but real men do not fling threats around like little children playing cowboys and indians. I despise people like you who talk big but are really the worst kind of coward.
Only an idiot proclaims others cowardly based on written text rather than real world actions. You don't know him anymore than he knows you.
It's painfully obvious this guy lives a sheltered entitled life and is ignorant of how the world works, if he had any of the wisdom that comes from living in the world by your own wits he would not talk like a punk.
Talk isn't what makes a man a coward. Actual life choices are. Sorry you haven't figured that out.
All I have to go on is his incredibly hostile attitude and constant allusions to violence and murder, no one talks like that who has an ounce of real courage, you can't even fake that kind of fearful cowardice. I like to actually discuss the topic but when an asshole comes in and acts like that it requires a response. There is no need for that shit and it is increasingly getting on my nerves. When a punk wants to issue threats and talk all big and bad he needs a smackdown for his own good.
It's painfully obvious this guy lives a sheltered entitled life and is ignorant of how the world works, if he had any of the wisdom that comes from living in the world by your own wits he would not talk like a punk.

I got your 'punk' hangin scumbag.

You vote for dimocraps.... You're a scumbag. Fucking period.

Don't like it? Suck on it.
Well, this was a fairly interesting thread, for a while.
This thread is now worthy of only one thing...

Take two, and don't call us in the morning, just STFU.
All I have to go on is his incredibly hostile attitude and constant allusions to violence and murder, no one talks like that who has an ounce of real courage, you can't even fake that kind of fearful cowardice. I like to actually discuss the topic but when an asshole comes in and acts like that it requires a response. There is no need for that shit and it is increasingly getting on my nerves. When a punk wants to issue threats and talk all big and bad he needs a smackdown for his own good.

Boo fucking hoo, bitch.

I didn't issue threats. You're a lying scumbag piece of fucking shit.

And THAT is reason #1 why I hate, despise and detest dimocrp filth with all my heart and soul.

You are a lying piece of fucking shit.

You think I did? Show me. Paste it up here, scumbag.

This is when I fly off the handle..... dimocrap filth just fucking LIE about everything
It's painfully obvious this guy lives a sheltered entitled life and is ignorant of how the world works, if he had any of the wisdom that comes from living in the world by your own wits he would not talk like a punk.

I got your 'punk' hangin scumbag.

You vote for dimocraps.... You're a scumbag. Fucking period.

Don't like it? Suck on it.
Dial back the useless hostility, get back on topic and grow the fuck up.
And the voices of American Creepy speak.

The 47% include military veterans, social security and medicare recipients (folks who earned their way, folks), the poor, the ill, the orphan, the widow.

Yes, the US will fall, because all countries eventually do. However, we need common sense Americanism, because if we accept any sort of American Creepy libertarianism or far right reactionary social conservatism, this country will quickly fall.

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