Rome fell, will we also fall?

You all worried about what Redfish has to say.

The dodo uses Cicero, does not quote him accurately, and the quote does not apply.

American Creepiness in action.
Eventually, there will be some massive natural or man-made disaster which will render cohesion impossible.

Then the fun will begin.

In some places, that's happening right now.

Most is outside the US but we're already seeing what desperation does to people.

psssst! Think global climate change, water and food shortages, 1% taking from the rest of us. Get the picture?

Republicans will never balance the budget, because they have taken tax increases entirely off the table and they don't have the political will,

when they're in power, to cut spending.

We've had exactly 5 budget surpluses in the last 50 years.

1969 - after a surtax was imposed to pay for the Vietnam War.

1998 - 2001 - in the wake of Clinton's tax increases that every Republican opposed.
Republicans will never balance the budget, because they have taken tax increases entirely off the table and they don't have the political will,

when they're in power, to cut spending.

We've had exactly 5 budget surpluses in the last 50 years.

1969 - after a surtax was imposed to pay for the Vietnam War.

1998 - 2001 - in the wake of Clinton's tax increases that every Republican opposed.

Far left propaganda alert!!
I would like for all of my friends (and enemies) on the left to carefully read the Cicero quote in the OP.

He is talking about liberalism and the dangers it creates. Its not partisan its ideological. Read, think.

Cicero never said the quote in the OP, dumbass. It's from a work of fiction written in 1956.

Rome fell, will we also fall?

Unlike the citizens of Rome, most of our population isn't superstitious and believes in myths and fairy tales of gods that will save us from our own stupidity.
When is the OP going to come back and admit that he was duped? Cicero never said that. Idiot nutter dupe.
Hell will freeze over before Redfish admits he's a dupe. Parroting bullshit is what he does.

Now see how the far left is now trying to use Lincoln as their own..
Lincoln was a liberal so was Cicero

If they were they prove that you are not a liberal, but a far left drone..

OR How does one burn his credibility to the ground without really trying. Repeat something stupid much?

Says the far left drone!

Go on keep posting tour far left propaganda all over the board, just expect to be called out on it..
The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.

Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC), 55 BC
We will not fall because there is no place to fall to. If America goes down in some way it will only be because the rest of the world is already in ashes. People like to compare us to ancient Rome and predict a great fall but that is impossible in an interconnected global society such as ours. In our case the entire world is Rome and there are no barbarians at the gates.

Oh, there are barbarians at the gate for sure, they are called radical islamists, and our foolish govt is looking the other way as they cross our southern border by the thousands.

LOL......thats funny.
Well lets see- the quote in the OP was a known fake- yet Redfish claimed it was real.

And the United States has been in existence for a little over 200 years. The Western Roman empire lasted for over 500 years- so we should be good for at least another 300 years.


Unless of course those hordes of Islamic Extremists pour over our Southern Border(because apparently Mexico is a hotbed of Islamic Extremism)

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