Rome fell, will we also fall?

And the voices of American Creepy speak.

The 47% include military veterans, social security and medicare recipients (folks who earned their way, folks), the poor, the ill, the orphan, the widow.

Yes, the US will fall, because all countries eventually do. However, we need common sense Americanism, because if we accept any sort of American Creepy libertarianism or far right reactionary social conservatism, this country will quickly fall.
This is correct, without the stabilizing influence of social programs and infrastructure projects and the rise of an untouchable aristocracy it is not unreasonable to see the conditions of revolutionary France occur. France did not fall but they killed a lot of each other just because the aristocracy thought they were safe to exploit at will and give nothing back.
and to think that "The 47 Per-cent" actually believe the free money is forever. someday the checks will stop coming.

And to think some people actually believe the lie about the 47%.

That's nothing though. The OP thinks we've been here only 2070 years.

Yes, the US has problems but we've withstood a lot worse than tee potties and 1%'ers and we will get past this as well.

Will the US eventually "fall"? Probably. How about we work on the US as it is right now though?
and to think that "The 47 Per-cent" actually believe the free money is forever. someday the checks will stop coming.

Oh, good God, that talking point again....

So who exactly are these people “who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them?” Here, seven noteworthy facts about the 47 percent.

Most are taxpayers…
The dangerous misconception of the 47 percent argument, according to Kevin Roose writing in New York magazine, Daily Kos’s Jed Lewison, and the Washington Post’s Brad Plummer, is that it is too often misinterpreted to mean that 47 percent of households pay no taxes at all, that they’re freeloaders. But the truth is that only 18.1 percent of households pay no tax—two thirds of the households that pay no income tax still pay payroll tax. (Many, says Plummer, actually pay it at higher rates than Romney.)

…And future income tax payers
As Matthew Schmitz points out at First Things, in addition to most of the 47 percenters paying sales tax, property tax, and payroll tax, most of them also will begin paying income tax—the very thing Romney blasts them for not paying—within two years.

Many are elderly
Just over 10 percent of those paying no federal income tax are retired or elderly, according to the Tax Policy Center. As Roose at New York magazine points out, Social Security benefits aren’t considered taxable income, so if most or all of an elderly person’s income is from Social Security, he or she has no income tax to pay. “Romney is conflating the people who pay no net income tax with the people so dependent on government aid that they have to vote for Obama,” says David Weigel at Slate. “But these aren’t the same people!” In fact, elderly voters voted heavily Republican in the 2010 elections.
And the voices of American Creepy speak.

The 47% include military veterans, social security and medicare recipients (folks who earned their way, folks), the poor, the ill, the orphan, the widow.

Yes, the US will fall, because all countries eventually do. However, we need common sense Americanism, because if we accept any sort of American Creepy libertarianism or far right reactionary social conservatism, this country will quickly fall.
This is correct, without the stabilizing influence of social programs and infrastructure projects and the rise of an untouchable aristocracy it is not unreasonable to see the conditions of revolutionary France occur. France did not fall but they killed a lot of each other just because the aristocracy thought they were safe to exploit at will and give nothing back.

Proof that the far left wants the US to fall and be a third world country..
and to think that "The 47 Per-cent" actually believe the free money is forever. someday the checks will stop coming.

Oh, good God, that talking point again....

So who exactly are these people “who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them?” Here, seven noteworthy facts about the 47 percent.

Most are taxpayers…
The dangerous misconception of the 47 percent argument, according to Kevin Roose writing in New York magazine, Daily Kos’s Jed Lewison, and the Washington Post’s Brad Plummer, is that it is too often misinterpreted to mean that 47 percent of households pay no taxes at all, that they’re freeloaders. But the truth is that only 18.1 percent of households pay no tax—two thirds of the households that pay no income tax still pay payroll tax. (Many, says Plummer, actually pay it at higher rates than Romney.)

…And future income tax payers
As Matthew Schmitz points out at First Things, in addition to most of the 47 percenters paying sales tax, property tax, and payroll tax, most of them also will begin paying income tax—the very thing Romney blasts them for not paying—within two years.

Many are elderly
Just over 10 percent of those paying no federal income tax are retired or elderly, according to the Tax Policy Center. As Roose at New York magazine points out, Social Security benefits aren’t considered taxable income, so if most or all of an elderly person’s income is from Social Security, he or she has no income tax to pay. “Romney is conflating the people who pay no net income tax with the people so dependent on government aid that they have to vote for Obama,” says David Weigel at Slate. “But these aren’t the same people!” In fact, elderly voters voted heavily Republican in the 2010 elections.

Then the far left drone rushes in using far left propaganda blog sites as their "facts" to show that their talking points are more important even though they are not connected to reality..
Of course we will fall.

Nothing lasts forever.

Especially Man's creations.

But it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Even if we develop a Ruling Class complete with patents of Nobility.

Such as Crown Princess Chelsea.
Of course we will fall.

Nothing lasts forever.

Especially Man's creations.

But it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Even if we develop a Ruling Class complete with patents of Nobility.

Such as Crown Princess Chelsea.
when then levee breaks, best case scenario, we become two nations, the yankees, and the civilized south. but where do we draw our border?
And the voices of American Creepy speak.

The 47% include military veterans, social security and medicare recipients (folks who earned their way, folks), the poor, the ill, the orphan, the widow.

Yes, the US will fall, because all countries eventually do. However, we need common sense Americanism, because if we accept any sort of American Creepy libertarianism or far right reactionary social conservatism, this country will quickly fall.
This is correct, without the stabilizing influence of social programs and infrastructure projects and the rise of an untouchable aristocracy it is not unreasonable to see the conditions of revolutionary France occur. France did not fall but they killed a lot of each other just because the aristocracy thought they were safe to exploit at will and give nothing back.

Proof that the far left wants the US to fall and be a third world country..

It's all over for the self entitled white christians in America, The best days of this country are ahead of us
And the voices of American Creepy speak.

The 47% include military veterans, social security and medicare recipients (folks who earned their way, folks), the poor, the ill, the orphan, the widow.

Yes, the US will fall, because all countries eventually do. However, we need common sense Americanism, because if we accept any sort of American Creepy libertarianism or far right reactionary social conservatism, this country will quickly fall.
This is correct, without the stabilizing influence of social programs and infrastructure projects and the rise of an untouchable aristocracy it is not unreasonable to see the conditions of revolutionary France occur. France did not fall but they killed a lot of each other just because the aristocracy thought they were safe to exploit at will and give nothing back.

Proof that the far left wants the US to fall and be a third world country..

It's all over for the self entitled white christians in America, The best days of this country are ahead of us
Oooooooohhhh... I'll bet they're really scared, now...

Of course we will fall.

Nothing lasts forever.

Especially Man's creations.

But it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Even if we develop a Ruling Class complete with patents of Nobility.

Such as Crown Princess Chelsea.
when then levee breaks, best case scenario, we become two nations, the yankees, and the civilized south. but where do we draw our border?

Southern white inbred trash is civilized?
Eventually, there will be some massive natural or man-made disaster which will render cohesion impossible.

Then the fun will begin.
and to think that "The 47 Per-cent" actually believe the free money is forever. someday the checks will stop coming.

The 47 percent believe they deserve a slice of the pie and the American Dream

and to think that "The 47 Per-cent" actually believe the free money is forever. someday the checks will stop coming.

Oh, good God, that talking point again....

So who exactly are these people “who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them?” Here, seven noteworthy facts about the 47 percent.

Most are taxpayers…
The dangerous misconception of the 47 percent argument, according to Kevin Roose writing in New York magazine, Daily Kos’s Jed Lewison, and the Washington Post’s Brad Plummer, is that it is too often misinterpreted to mean that 47 percent of households pay no taxes at all, that they’re freeloaders. But the truth is that only 18.1 percent of households pay no tax—two thirds of the households that pay no income tax still pay payroll tax. (Many, says Plummer, actually pay it at higher rates than Romney.)

…And future income tax payers
As Matthew Schmitz points out at First Things, in addition to most of the 47 percenters paying sales tax, property tax, and payroll tax, most of them also will begin paying income tax—the very thing Romney blasts them for not paying—within two years.

Many are elderly
Just over 10 percent of those paying no federal income tax are retired or elderly, according to the Tax Policy Center. As Roose at New York magazine points out, Social Security benefits aren’t considered taxable income, so if most or all of an elderly person’s income is from Social Security, he or she has no income tax to pay. “Romney is conflating the people who pay no net income tax with the people so dependent on government aid that they have to vote for Obama,” says David Weigel at Slate. “But these aren’t the same people!” In fact, elderly voters voted heavily Republican in the 2010 elections.

Then the far left drone rushes in using far left propaganda blog sites as their "facts" to show that their talking points are more important even though they are not connected to reality..

And then, there's THAT tired excuse.


Post proof its wrong.
Of course we will fall.

Nothing lasts forever.

Especially Man's creations.

But it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Even if we develop a Ruling Class complete with patents of Nobility.

Such as Crown Princess Chelsea.
when then levee breaks, best case scenario, we become two nations, the yankees, and the civilized south. but where do we draw our border?

Southern white inbred trash is civilized?
not me, i am not that southern. now the carolinas? maybe.
Redfish: " so what if Cicero never said it?!! It's true anyway isn't it?!! Obama is causing the fall of our once great nation just like Cicero said!!!"
How idiotic is it to think that governments from 55 BC worried about public assistance?

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