Rome fell, will we also fall?

...Workers are getting fewer hours because of obamacare.
Yep... and it's happening all over the country... the damned thing is gonna have to go... after January 20, 2017, anyway.
And when it doesn't happen? Then what? Do you realize every single GOP prediction of doom hasn't happened? Why is this time different?

...Workers are getting fewer hours because of obamacare.
Yep... and it's happening all over the country... the damned thing is gonna have to go... after January 20, 2017, anyway.
And when it doesn't happen? Then what? Do you realize every single GOP prediction of doom hasn't happened? Why is this time different?


Doesn't the Democrat party do this with climate change?
Also I used to live very near the Honda plant in Alabama, it is not the economic boon that you haters of the working class like to hold it up as. None of those factories had the effect of raising Alabama's economy out of the toilet because they just do not generate enough economic activity and tax revenue.

You are a lying, scum sucking piece of dimocrap filth

Honda plant contributes 4.5B to Alabama economy

Honda Manufacturing Alabama, the Lincoln-based automotive plant, contributes some $4.5 billion to Alabama's economy annually and 45,000 direct and indirect jobs.

The new data was released November 13 by the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama, which conducted an economic impact study on the plant in conjunction with the Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Alabama.
...Workers are getting fewer hours because of obamacare.
Yep... and it's happening all over the country... the damned thing is gonna have to go... after January 20, 2017, anyway.
And when it doesn't happen? Then what? Do you realize every single GOP prediction of doom hasn't happened? Why is this time different?

What is not happening?

Workers' hours are not being cut back in many businesses across the country, because of the onerous burdens imposed by ObamaCare?

Is that what you're trying to say?
Also I used to live very near the Honda plant in Alabama, it is not the economic boon that you haters of the working class like to hold it up as. None of those factories had the effect of raising Alabama's economy out of the toilet because they just do not generate enough economic activity and tax revenue.

You are a lying, scum sucking piece of dimocrap filth

Honda plant contributes 4.5B to Alabama economy

Honda Manufacturing Alabama, the Lincoln-based automotive plant, contributes some $4.5 billion to Alabama's economy annually and 45,000 direct and indirect jobs.

The new data was released November 13 by the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama, which conducted an economic impact study on the plant in conjunction with the Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Alabama.
Really? I wonder then why Lincoln Alabama can only afford to cut the grass by the highway once a month? The place has a run-down and neglected look about it. They hire people from temp agencies and give them no benefits, my cousin worked there 4 years before they hired him as an actual employee and then his pay and benefit package was a laugh compared to what they were in the north. I do not care what your figures say, on the ground it looks like someone sold them out.
Congress has been controlled by the GOP for most of the last twenty years, so we will put the spotlight where it belongs.

The massive wars drained our treasury and further threatened our global safety.

We need to pull back from the extremes of the left and the right, and start doing the right things for our country and citizens, not the corporations and the neo-cons and the social cons.
We will not fall because there is no place to fall to. If America goes down in some way it will only be because the rest of the world is already in ashes. People like to compare us to ancient Rome and predict a great fall but that is impossible in an interconnected global society such as ours. In our case the entire world is Rome and there are no barbarians at the gates.
Our "barbarians"are not Visigoths and such. Rather the are those who recently came from "teaming shores".

Not entirely. Our biggest problem is the Organized Crime Syndicate which has taken over the government.
i wonder if all of the lazy bums who vote for anyone with a "D" next to their names{even if the candidate died five years ago or is an actual living turkey} have any idea what happened in greece or cyprus}.
We will not fall because there is no place to fall to. If America goes down in some way it will only be because the rest of the world is already in ashes. People like to compare us to ancient Rome and predict a great fall but that is impossible in an interconnected global society such as ours. In our case the entire world is Rome and there are no barbarians at the gates.
Our "barbarians"are not Visigoths and such. Rather the are those who recently came from "teaming shores".

Not entirely. Our biggest problem is the Organized Crime Syndicate which has taken over the government.

You and Charles Murray are "Cockeyed Optimists"....
Me....not so much..

You may like his new book, "By The People."
He has a plan.
We're a little before Constantine splitting the empire in two, but we're clearly on the decline and have been since the Kennedy assassination
We will not fall because there is no place to fall to. If America goes down in some way it will only be because the rest of the world is already in ashes. People like to compare us to ancient Rome and predict a great fall but that is impossible in an interconnected global society such as ours. In our case the entire world is Rome and there are no barbarians at the gates.
Our "barbarians"are not Visigoths and such. Rather the are those who recently came from "teaming shores".

Not entirely. Our biggest problem is the Organized Crime Syndicate which has taken over the government.

You and Charles Murray are "Cockeyed Optimists"....
Me....not so much..

You may like his new book, "By The People."
He has a plan.

Charles Murray is a eugenicist.
The 47 percent believe they deserve a slice of the pie and the American Dream


This is what will lead to the downfall of the U.S. empire. Diminishing wealth among the masses as the privileged few hoard all available resources

It is what brings down most empires

and to think that "The 47 Per-cent" actually believe the free money is forever. someday the checks will stop coming.

The 47 percent believe they deserve a slice of the pie and the American Dream


This is what will lead to the downfall of the U.S. empire. Diminishing wealth among the masses as the privileged few hoard all available resources

It is what brings down most empires

The 47% have their slice, and its being provided free by the other 53%. And, for the record, there are more liberals in the top 1% than there are conservatives.

progressive ideologies always put all of the wealth and all of the power in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is kept in EQUAL misery as long as they do and think as directed by the elite few.

You have no idea what you are asking for.
Remember this post next time you are throwing your weight behind the wealthy and accusing the left of class warfare.

are you claiming that obama, the libs, and the dems have not been engaging in class warfare? Really ??

What's wrong with class warfare? Should the poor, the low income, the middle class simply disarm unilaterally?

Yep... It's was around that time that sexual deviancy was creeping into cultural normality. And four centuries later... Rome was gone.

Naturally... The Cult of Idiocy will claim that this means that we've got another 400 years... Due to their ignorance of the time compression ... .
What's wrong with class warfare?


Sweet mother... They're helpless.

The wealthy and powerful have made war on the lower classes since the beginning of civilization. Why shouldn't the lower classes fight back?

Slaves and their allies fought back. The wars and rebellions to end slavery were the best example in history of class warfare.

What would you have had the slave class do?
The problems we have are a direct result of instituting "free market" trade policy since about 1980 or so. Most of our industrial base left to chase cheap slave labor around the developing world and no one on the right did a god damned thing to prevent it, in fact they facilitated it to a degree that could be considered economic treason if such a concept existed in conservative dogma.

LOL, thats some funny shit.

Manufacturing jobs left this country for two reasons: unions and taxes.

I do agree with you that we need a tariff system to keep cheat imports from competing with quality american products.

Democrats have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years, so the policies you complain about were mostly put in place by democrats (and liberal republicans).
Don't blame our formerly high standard of living and generous wages of the working class for that. It's the thing we should be aiming for, not trying to avoid. The "free market" people somehow thought it would be good for American workers to directly compete with third world slave labor and our wages and benefits fell and have never recovered. I wonder how they thought we could have a vibrant economy when the working class no longer has significant disposable income. As for who supports "free market" reforms take a look at who supports the Trans-Pacific partnership.

Did I say I blamed the people? no

The government has created an anti- business environment wherein the only way some companies could survive was to leave this country. That is terrible policy and no other country on earth does such things.

These policies come from a liberal mindset that we should feel guilty for being rich and successful as a country and we need to punish ourselves for that. That is, of course, lunacy. But both parties brought that kind of thinking to DC.

Unions, while necessary in the beginning, gained way too much power and drove the prices for american goods out of the competitive range. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and instead of talking about reducing it to help create american jobs, congress talks about making it even higher to "punish" the evil corporations.

Its self destructive and we citizens just sit around and watch the idiots in DC destroy this great country, it makes me very sad.
OK since you think unions are unnecessary, how much further do we have to slide back towards the 1920s before they again become necessary? The average worker is now working 7+ hours of unpaid overtime, job and wage security is a thing of past, things like paid vacations and pensions are a rarity and wages have declined as productivity has skyrocketed. Things are going pretty good for the stockholders but the working class is being left behind. How long will the "unions are unnecessary" argument persist when the real picture is one where workers have not been so powerless since before the great depression.

Detroit is a shithole due to liberals and unions running it for years. Corruption within the UAW has been demonstrated many times.

the non union car factories in the south are doing great, paying good wages, and providing good benefits. (Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, VW, Subaru, Kia, Honda, Hyundai). We now have laws to prevent the abuses that the unions stood up for in the 1920s. Unions today are nothing more than fund raisers for the dem party.

Workers are getting fewer hours because of obamacare.
Detroit is a shithole because the capitalists used it up and abandoned it

It was not the workers who were getting rich
can you just imagine if we have another ferguson/baltimore replay in Newark? What will Chris Christie do when all of his favorite restaurants shut down?
We will not fall because there is no place to fall to. If America goes down in some way it will only be because the rest of the world is already in ashes. People like to compare us to ancient Rome and predict a great fall but that is impossible in an interconnected global society such as ours. In our case the entire world is Rome and there are no barbarians at the gates.
Our "barbarians"are not Visigoths and such. Rather the are those who recently came from "teaming shores".

Not entirely. Our biggest problem is the Organized Crime Syndicate which has taken over the government.

You and Charles Murray are "Cockeyed Optimists"....
Me....not so much..

You may like his new book, "By The People."
He has a plan.

Charles Murray is a eugenicist.

Of course I know the answer....but....which of Murray's best sellers have you read?

(yes...I'm giggling.)

Now...if you'd really like to put your foot in your mouth....explain why you call Murray a 'eugenicist.'
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