Romer's Prediction of 5.1% Unemployment With Stimulus Was Horribly Wrong (U3 Unemploy


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Anthony B. Sanders

The sequesteria (irrational fear of sequestration) continues. For example, Newark Mayor Cory Booker claims that the sequester “is brunt, brutal and blind.” The Obama Administration suspended tours of the White House “because of sequestration.” George Mason University City and Regional Planning Professor Stephen Fuller claims that 2.14 million jobs could be lost because of the sequester.

Now, take a deep breath.

*** Sequestration reduces the rate of increase in federal spending. It does not cut a penny of actual spending.

*** Under the sequester, total federal spending goes up, just by less than it would have gone up without sequestration. HOW is this a “cut” in spending?

*** Total federal spending in 2012 was $3.53 trillion. The President’s budget request for 2013 was $3.59 trillion, an increase of $68 billion (about 2%). Under sequestration, total federal spending in 2013 will be $3.55 trillion, an increase of only $25 billion (a little less than 1%).​

The only way that the sequester is a “cut” in spending is if corporations and the government PLANNED on increased spending and it does not happen. Moral to the story: do not count your chickens until they hatch.

Well, the government has made erroneous predictions before (or oversold the impact of spending). Take for example Chrissie Romer and Jared Bernstein’s prediction of unemployment with and without the economic “stimulus.”

As Don Adams from Get Smart once said: “Missed it by that much.”


Read more:
Economic Mirages: House Prices, Unemployment, Stimulus Spending and Sequesteria | Confounded Interest
All those lies and errs in judgment by Obama's people make one wonder if Bush League scum lied about the risks of letting the free market work its magic in 2008?

Was it $700kkk that ratty little halfwit sleazeball from Tejas gave Wall Street before Obama was ever elected?

Maybe America would be better off it all that debt had been wiped out in 2008?

We know how little else Junebug got right, so it is probably time to take a closer look at the stage he set for the inexperienced community organizer from Chicago American voters have now chosen twice over NeoCon Ron's wild-eyed descendants.
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