Romney Destroys Trump!

So far, no repudiation of what Mr. Romney actually said.

It must be true.
No one knows if what Trump does will help, no one. What we do know is, if we keep letting them do the same old, it will get worse and worse and worse. As it has been.

If you do what youve always done, you'll get what you've always got.

We've got:

The highest standard of living ever
The strongest military in the history of the world
Freedoms and opportunities that citizens in other nations could only dream of

I say we keep doing what we're doing....

Yeah but if you listen to trumpoline...... Our military is no better than El Salvador.
Our economy is worse that Yemen.
Our standard of living is worse than Sierra Leone.
Our freedom is no better than communist country.........
His followers believed all of that.
They don't believe that, but they do believe things will get worse than that if they keep allowing these corrupt parasites run the country ad they are correct.
Romney hasn't destroyed anyone...but himself.

Romney is completely INSIGNIFICANT. He had his chance, people rallied around him for the good of the party, and he lost. Now he sees Trump more popular, with a larger fan base, more support, more delegates than he got...and he's throwing a tantrum, showing his ass, and not showing the same support he was given.

Even those who supported him when he ran are now slamming him for what he's doing. He's just cutting his own throat...he's become a joe, an object of ridicule.
So far, no repudiation of what Mr. Romney actually said.

It must be true.
No one knows if what Trump does will help, no one. What we do know is, if we keep letting them do the same old, it will get worse and worse and worse. As it has been.

If you do what youve always done, you'll get what you've always got.

We've got:

The highest standard of living ever
The strongest military in the history of the world
Freedoms and opportunities that citizens in other nations could only dream of

I say we keep doing what we're doing....
You are an embarressment to the west and a 2nd world country. You just rattled off a load of propaganda catch cries. Every western country and many many non western countries have far more opportunity than your debt laden, leaky tub.

You should get paid for your comedy act. You're not very good but I am amused by your senseless rambling.
You are so insular.
So far, no repudiation of what Mr. Romney actually said.

It must be true.
No one knows if what Trump does will help, no one. What we do know is, if we keep letting them do the same old, it will get worse and worse and worse. As it has been.

If you do what youve always done, you'll get what you've always got.

We've got:

The highest standard of living ever
The strongest military in the history of the world
Freedoms and opportunities that citizens in other nations could only dream of

I say we keep doing what we're doing....
You are an embarressment to the west and a 2nd world country. You just rattled off a load of propaganda catch cries. Every western country and many many non western countries have far more opportunity than your debt laden, leaky tub.

You should get paid for your comedy act. You're not very good but I am amused by your senseless rambling.

Unbelieveable, but you are not unique in your stuborn ignorance.

Anyone who believes the US is a 2nd world nation is either an idiot or retarded or both. You believe that so I will let you inform us whether you're merely an idiot or are mentally ill.
A lot of attacks on Governor Romney. No attack on what he said.

Thats because it is true and irrefutable I suppose.
No one knows if what Trump does will help, no one. What we do know is, if we keep letting them do the same old, it will get worse and worse and worse. As it has been.

If you do what youve always done, you'll get what you've always got.

We've got:

The highest standard of living ever
The strongest military in the history of the world
Freedoms and opportunities that citizens in other nations could only dream of

I say we keep doing what we're doing....
You are an embarressment to the west and a 2nd world country. You just rattled off a load of propaganda catch cries. Every western country and many many non western countries have far more opportunity than your debt laden, leaky tub.

You should get paid for your comedy act. You're not very good but I am amused by your senseless rambling.
You are so insular.
No one knows if what Trump does will help, no one. What we do know is, if we keep letting them do the same old, it will get worse and worse and worse. As it has been.

If you do what youve always done, you'll get what you've always got.

We've got:

The highest standard of living ever
The strongest military in the history of the world
Freedoms and opportunities that citizens in other nations could only dream of

I say we keep doing what we're doing....
You are an embarressment to the west and a 2nd world country. You just rattled off a load of propaganda catch cries. Every western country and many many non western countries have far more opportunity than your debt laden, leaky tub.

You should get paid for your comedy act. You're not very good but I am amused by your senseless rambling.

Unbelieveable, but you are not unique in your stuborn ignorance.

Anyone who believes the US is a 2nd world nation is either an idiot or retarded or both. You believe that so I will let you inform us whether you're merely an idiot or are mentally ill.
From the few interactions I've had with him I can def say he is both
Romneys continued effort to denounce Trump is obviously more than just a personal thing, he seems convinced that Trump is unqualified and would only cause damage to this country. So much to the point where last elections Republican nominee would prefer this years Democratic nominee to win the election. That is pretty damn amazing
Romney made his fortune as a vulture capitalist and he knows that Trump is a threat to his livelihood.
Anyone who believes the US is a 2nd world nation is either an idiot or retarded or both. You believe that so I will let you inform us whether you're merely an idiot or are mentally ill.

The USA is at the bottom of the First World nations in so many categories that the argument could be made we are a Second World country today.

That you think it outlandish pretty much proves it.
We've got:

The highest standard of living ever

What a joke. We are 6th in per capita income and household income which builds in welfare recipients effective income estimates. Even after 8 years of Obama Greenbacks (i.e. food stamps) climbing year after year, we are only sliding down to 6th, but still falling.

The strongest military in the history of the world

That cant beat a 'JV team' like ISIS.

Freedoms and opportunities that citizens in other nations could only dream of

I'll take what they have in Switzerland any day. This nation is not more free than in 2000 unless you are a queer or a cross dresser.

I say we keep doing what we're doing....

Of course you do. How else would a perv go other than sprinting for more perversions?
So far, no repudiation of what Mr. Romney actually said.

It must be true.

i'm not inclined to defend Trump, although I think Romney is full of shit on the trade claims. Free Trade has been a disaster for American workers and American companies trying to do the right thing.

I also think the Weird Mormon Robot(TM) is the last person who needs to be bitching about Trump.

In 2012, Romney could have repudiated Trump and all his racism and birtherism. He didn't. He embraced Trump.

Now he's kicking and screaming because he knows Trump will be a 50 year disaster for Republicans with women and Hispanics.
Republican leaders seem to hate Trump more than the Dems hate him. Even by Republican standards Trump is a scumbag.

Romney explains why.

First, the economy: "If Donald Trump's plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into a prolonged recession."

:A few examples: His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war that would raise prices for consumers, kill export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses to flee America. His tax plan, in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and to honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. So even as Donald Trump has offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.

But wait, you say, isn't he a huge business success that knows what he's talking about? No he isn't. His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them. He inherited his business, he didn't create it. And what ever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University? And then there's Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he is not.

What he said on “60 Minutes” about Syria and ISIS has to go down as the most ridiculous and dangerous idea of the campaign season: Let ISIS take out Assad, he said, and then we can pick up the remnants. Think about that: Let the most dangerous terror organization the world has ever known take over a country? This is recklessness in the extreme.

Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.

I am far from the first to conclude that Donald Trump lacks the temperament of be president.
After all, this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter, who attributed a reporter's questions to her menstrual cycle, who mocked a brilliant rival who happened to be a woman due to her appearance, who bragged about his marital affairs, and who laces his public speeches with vulgarity.

Donald Trump says he admires Vladimir Putin, while has called George W. Bush a liar. That is a twisted example of evil trumping good.

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He's nothing but a carnival barker who would set this country back for decades if elected; which isn't going to happen.

There just aren't enough really stupid people in this country to get him elected. Sadly, I am shocked at how many really stupid people there are though that got him this far.

He never thought his schtick was going to get him this far either, but like me, he clearly underestimated the level of stupidity on the right.
Republican leaders seem to hate Trump more than the Dems hate him. Even by Republican standards Trump is a scumbag.

Romney explains why.

First, the economy: "If Donald Trump's plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into a prolonged recession."

:A few examples: His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war that would raise prices for consumers, kill export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses to flee America. His tax plan, in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and to honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. So even as Donald Trump has offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.

But wait, you say, isn't he a huge business success that knows what he's talking about? No he isn't. His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them. He inherited his business, he didn't create it. And what ever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University? And then there's Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he is not.

What he said on “60 Minutes” about Syria and ISIS has to go down as the most ridiculous and dangerous idea of the campaign season: Let ISIS take out Assad, he said, and then we can pick up the remnants. Think about that: Let the most dangerous terror organization the world has ever known take over a country? This is recklessness in the extreme.

Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.

I am far from the first to conclude that Donald Trump lacks the temperament of be president.
After all, this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter, who attributed a reporter's questions to her menstrual cycle, who mocked a brilliant rival who happened to be a woman due to her appearance, who bragged about his marital affairs, and who laces his public speeches with vulgarity.

Donald Trump says he admires Vladimir Putin, while has called George W. Bush a liar. That is a twisted example of evil trumping good.

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Mitt Romney :deal: ~ "A man makes a $250 million fortune loading up companies with debt and then extracting million-dollar fees from those same companies, in exchange for the generous service of telling them who needs to be fired in order to finance the debt payments he saddled them with in the first place. "

Read more: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

And I guarantee you, you voted for him in 2012.
The Mexico wall is another suggestion
the raise in minimum wage a suggestion
Taxing the rich a suggestion

Making America Great is Just a suggestion and he is not to be held to that either ....get it right or "You a yuge losah"
Yeah, let's keep chugging along with average annual economic growth of 2% and massive debt that keeps growing by leaps and bounds. Why can't high information voters understand such a simple plan?
Republican leaders seem to hate Trump more than the Dems hate him. Even by Republican standards Trump is a scumbag.

Romney explains why.

First, the economy: "If Donald Trump's plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into a prolonged recession."

:A few examples: His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war that would raise prices for consumers, kill export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses to flee America. His tax plan, in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and to honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. So even as Donald Trump has offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.

But wait, you say, isn't he a huge business success that knows what he's talking about? No he isn't. His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them. He inherited his business, he didn't create it. And what ever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University? And then there's Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he is not.

What he said on “60 Minutes” about Syria and ISIS has to go down as the most ridiculous and dangerous idea of the campaign season: Let ISIS take out Assad, he said, and then we can pick up the remnants. Think about that: Let the most dangerous terror organization the world has ever known take over a country? This is recklessness in the extreme.

Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.

I am far from the first to conclude that Donald Trump lacks the temperament of be president.
After all, this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter, who attributed a reporter's questions to her menstrual cycle, who mocked a brilliant rival who happened to be a woman due to her appearance, who bragged about his marital affairs, and who laces his public speeches with vulgarity.

Donald Trump says he admires Vladimir Putin, while has called George W. Bush a liar. That is a twisted example of evil trumping good.

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Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Mitt Romney :deal: ~ "A man makes a $250 million fortune loading up companies with debt and then extracting million-dollar fees from those same companies, in exchange for the generous service of telling them who needs to be fired in order to finance the debt payments he saddled them with in the first place. "

Read more: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital


All this proves is that it takes a scumbag to know a scumbag. Trump and Romney are scumbags. Is anyone surprised?
And yet, Hillary and Romney are the establishment cronies that like things the way they are. It's almost as if you were in a coma.
I just love how liberals continue to bring up people like romney.
At what point do you chuckleheads figure out they're are done and we dont care what they think?
You'd think the Republican nominee would be a hint but apparently not.
So far, no repudiation of what Mr. Romney actually said.

It must be true.
No one knows if what Trump does will help, no one. What we do know is, if we keep letting them do the same old, it will get worse and worse and worse. As it has been.

If you do what youve always done, you'll get what you've always got.

We've got:

The highest standard of living ever
The strongest military in the history of the world
Freedoms and opportunities that citizens in other nations could only dream of

I say we keep doing what we're doing....

Ask the inner city slum dwellers or the people living in the "hollers" of Appalachia or the unemployed suburbanites or sick who are going broke with Obamacare about the standard of living.

Ask the people who ought to know, i.e. generals who wear the uniform about the strength of the military.

Ask the people who prefer to settle in Australia or Canada because opportunities are better than in the United States.

It is a rare occasion when two terms of presidency by one party is followed by a third one. Hasn't happened with Democrats since the chain smoking cripple, FDR.

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