Romney has it locked up!

News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!

yeah, how'd that work out for ya?
Mittens had good poll showings much like Cruz (who financed his own poll to show he's doing good) had good poll showings.

Too bad for Mittens that his poll was wrong. Cruz is going to find this out shortly.

Sorry, but the GOP is responsible for the shutdown, and if we go past the deficit ceiling, it's going to be their fault as well.

Good luck to Cruz in his next election.
Of course Decker is a concern troll but a better one than Neotrotsky.

fuck of with that. I have never been a concern troll. Its sadly shows you can,t take someone who wants to not take sides and instead have a intellegent debate. so you resort to this wum as it suits your lack of debating skills
you make a good point.
decker's back :D You AREN'T a concern troll?

Nope never have been and it bollocks. I just thought romney would win the election last year and so people wrongly accused me of being a concern troll. the whole promblem with this forum is it seem you either have to be biased on either the left or right and if your not and more in the middle like me then people resort to lazy name calling. Their brains are not smart enough to deal with some not obsssed with taking sides.

pathetic really. I think this is a issue in both here in the uk and in the states . People who are unable to have serious calm debate with each other on the internet because it far to hard for people to do.

well, welcome back.

well thank you for the welcome

the concern troll thing is just plain bollocks from othere on here. Why call me that just because i have mix of views that both liberal and maybe conservative. It just lazy and show people don,t want to have a debate
I've run your message through Google translator; it doesn't recognize your language.


Why do you have to be so abusive. Why the hate from you to me. Why can,t you have the ability to debate me in a calm and measured way.

Your trolling is done because your scared of someone coming on this forum who does not throw insults back at you. This is not the flame zone. This is forum where people should behave like grown adults and debate with each other. I am sure americans are mostly not like yourself and can do that.

Decker, a patient minute, please.

No one "hates" you, only having fun with you.

However, several do believe you are a son of Concern Troll.

You best grow a thick skin if you wish to play here.

First of all i don,t think people are having fun with me. Their hating on me because i took a view during election last year on who might win that pissed them off and therefore have been on my case ever since

also when you keep the concern troll wum going you just feeding idiots who don,t want to debate but resort to lazy attacks. Its the worst aspect of the internet

Thirdly i would point out that this thread is not the flame zone so i don not feel i need to grow a thick skin. Flame zone is there for people to atatack each other. No need for it on the other threads.
Why do you have to be so abusive. Why the hate from you to me. Why can,t you have the ability to debate me in a calm and measured way.

Your trolling is done because your scared of someone coming on this forum who does not throw insults back at you. This is not the flame zone. This is forum where people should behave like grown adults and debate with each other. I am sure americans are mostly not like yourself and can do that.

Decker, a patient minute, please.

No one "hates" you, only having fun with you.

However, several do believe you are a son of Concern Troll.

You best grow a thick skin if you wish to play here.

yeah decker. Take one side or the other & stop trying to be a self-appointed arbitrator.

Why do i have to take sides. Their are many people in the world i am sure like myself who are liberal on some thing and conservative on others. In the uk i don,t vote for either labour or conservatives as neither represent my full views. I be same with dems or gop in america. Also i don,t try to be self appointed arbitrator. I try to look at the fact that people take sides with mainstream parties that deep down never fully represent people views
What's a concern troll?

It lazy fucking lie aimed at me that i am concern troll because whenever i am worried about things

It done by fucking idiots who do it as they have no ablity to debate and resort to trying to wind me up.

It done also as many are scared of outside view from another country on here. Too scary someone who is not a flame thrower for some people.
Mittens had good poll showings much like Cruz (who financed his own poll to show he's doing good) had good poll showings.

Too bad for Mittens that his poll was wrong. Cruz is going to find this out shortly.

Sorry, but the GOP is responsible for the shutdown, and if we go past the deficit ceiling, it's going to be their fault as well.

Good luck to Cruz in his next election.

I think in end that it be someone in the centre from either left or right who win the election. Independents are the key. Its why obama, bush junior, clinton, bush senior, reagan won as they won those middle. Not sure cruz will get that independent vote as he seen by independents too right wing. Think others in gop like jeb bush would have better chance with independents.

You don,t win election from far left or far right. You win it being center right or center left canidadate.
Everyone's favorite concern troll is back! Welcome back decker!

Really fuck of with that wum. Its beneath you. I am sure you are smart person in real life. Resorting to lies on a internet message board does you no good. I dare you to have calm and thoughtful debate with me. I doubt you rise to this.
Why do you have to be so abusive. Why the hate from you to me. Why can,t you have the ability to debate me in a calm and measured way.

Your trolling is done because your scared of someone coming on this forum who does not throw insults back at you. This is not the flame zone. This is forum where people should behave like grown adults and debate with each other. I am sure americans are mostly not like yourself and can do that.

Decker, a patient minute, please.

No one "hates" you, only having fun with you.

However, several do believe you are a son of Concern Troll.

You best grow a thick skin if you wish to play here.

First of all i don,t think people are having fun with me. Their hating on me because i took a view during election last year on who might win that pissed them off and therefore have been on my case ever since

also when you keep the concern troll wum going you just feeding idiots who don,t want to debate but resort to lazy attacks. Its the worst aspect of the internet

Thirdly i would point out that this thread is not the flame zone so i don not feel i need to grow a thick skin. Flame zone is there for people to atatack each other. No need for it on the other threads.

No smack here..

You have an inflated view of your importance to others.

What would you like to debate...feel free to lob the first volley. But geez, it's been 10 months; if you want to wade into why you think X or Y would win or lose (I've frankly forgotten what your stance was--no shit--really; it was THAT important) it's sort of moot right now; dontchathink? #lame
Decker, a patient minute, please.

No one "hates" you, only having fun with you.

However, several do believe you are a son of Concern Troll.

You best grow a thick skin if you wish to play here.

First of all i don,t think people are having fun with me. Their hating on me because i took a view during election last year on who might win that pissed them off and therefore have been on my case ever since

also when you keep the concern troll wum going you just feeding idiots who don,t want to debate but resort to lazy attacks. Its the worst aspect of the internet

Thirdly i would point out that this thread is not the flame zone so i don not feel i need to grow a thick skin. Flame zone is there for people to atatack each other. No need for it on the other threads.

No smack here..

You have an inflated view of your importance to others.

What would you like to debate...feel free to lob the first volley. But geez, it's been 10 months; if you want to wade into why you think X or Y would win or lose (I've frankly forgotten what your stance was--no shit--really; it was THAT important) it's sort of moot right now; dontchathink? #lame

I don,t pretend to have any self importance. I agree about moving on from 10 months ago. Shame that you can,t with all this concern troll boring attacks from you.

I won,t lob a volley but i will ask you what your views on american politics is at the moment and who you think is doing well and not doing well.

So what do you think candy ?
First of all i don,t think people are having fun with me. Their hating on me because i took a view during election last year on who might win that pissed them off and therefore have been on my case ever since

also when you keep the concern troll wum going you just feeding idiots who don,t want to debate but resort to lazy attacks. Its the worst aspect of the internet

Thirdly i would point out that this thread is not the flame zone so i don not feel i need to grow a thick skin. Flame zone is there for people to atatack each other. No need for it on the other threads.

No smack here..

You have an inflated view of your importance to others.

What would you like to debate...feel free to lob the first volley. But geez, it's been 10 months; if you want to wade into why you think X or Y would win or lose (I've frankly forgotten what your stance was--no shit--really; it was THAT important) it's sort of moot right now; dontchathink? #lame

I don,t pretend to have any self importance. I agree about moving on from 10 months ago. Shame that you can,t with all this concern troll boring attacks from you.

I won,t lob a volley but i will ask you what your views on american politics is at the moment and who you think is doing well and not doing well.

So what do you think candy ?

You brought it up...10 months after the fact. So obviously you are interested in trying to re-establish your stellar career here. LOL :lol:

Not interested in discussing that at this time; too big a question and too little time. Maybe I'll look at it this Sunday. Deal?
No smack here..

You have an inflated view of your importance to others.

What would you like to debate...feel free to lob the first volley. But geez, it's been 10 months; if you want to wade into why you think X or Y would win or lose (I've frankly forgotten what your stance was--no shit--really; it was THAT important) it's sort of moot right now; dontchathink? #lame

I don,t pretend to have any self importance. I agree about moving on from 10 months ago. Shame that you can,t with all this concern troll boring attacks from you.

I won,t lob a volley but i will ask you what your views on american politics is at the moment and who you think is doing well and not doing well.

So what do you think candy ?

You brought it up...10 months after the fact. So obviously you are interested in trying to re-establish your stellar career here. LOL :lol:

Not interested in discussing that at this time; too big a question and too little time. Maybe I'll look at it this Sunday. Deal?

Firstly i responded to this thread because i wanted to end any crap about concern troll thing.

Secondly i got it wrong on the us election. Obama won and well done to him. He was more effective candidate and he deserved to win. But just because i got this election prediction wrong does not mean i get everything wrong.

Finally its fine if you don,t want to talk about until sunday. That is fine with me. Deal.
Why do you have to be so abusive. Why the hate from you to me. Why can,t you have the ability to debate me in a calm and measured way.

Your trolling is done because your scared of someone coming on this forum who does not throw insults back at you. This is not the flame zone. This is forum where people should behave like grown adults and debate with each other. I am sure americans are mostly not like yourself and can do that.

Decker, a patient minute, please.

No one "hates" you, only having fun with you.

However, several do believe you are a son of Concern Troll.

You best grow a thick skin if you wish to play here.

First of all i don,t think people are having fun with me. Their hating on me because i took a view during election last year on who might win that pissed them off and therefore have been on my case ever since

also when you keep the concern troll wum going you just feeding idiots who don,t want to debate but resort to lazy attacks. Its the worst aspect of the internet

Thirdly i would point out that this thread is not the flame zone so i don not feel i need to grow a thick skin. Flame zone is there for people to atatack each other. No need for it on the other threads.

Honey, nobody is hating on you. For all we know, you're a computer program. A very thin-skinned computer program.
Decker, a patient minute, please.

No one "hates" you, only having fun with you.

However, several do believe you are a son of Concern Troll.

You best grow a thick skin if you wish to play here.

First of all i don,t think people are having fun with me. Their hating on me because i took a view during election last year on who might win that pissed them off and therefore have been on my case ever since

also when you keep the concern troll wum going you just feeding idiots who don,t want to debate but resort to lazy attacks. Its the worst aspect of the internet

Thirdly i would point out that this thread is not the flame zone so i don not feel i need to grow a thick skin. Flame zone is there for people to atatack each other. No need for it on the other threads.

Honey, nobody is hating on you. For all we know, you're a computer program. A very thin-skinned computer program.

Well it seems like people were hating on me with this concern troll wind up lie.

It too lazy for people to do instead of debating with me on the issues whether we agree or disagree

I am not thin skinned but i won,t have people throw things at me which they can,t back up with evidence. I am not a computer programme but a poster like everyone else

Now lets debate the issues rather then attack each other

I am sure your a good poster with lots of intresting things to say on state of american and world affairs.
First of all i don,t think people are having fun with me. Their hating on me because i took a view during election last year on who might win that pissed them off and therefore have been on my case ever since

also when you keep the concern troll wum going you just feeding idiots who don,t want to debate but resort to lazy attacks. Its the worst aspect of the internet

Thirdly i would point out that this thread is not the flame zone so i don not feel i need to grow a thick skin. Flame zone is there for people to atatack each other. No need for it on the other threads.

Honey, nobody is hating on you. For all we know, you're a computer program. A very thin-skinned computer program.

Well it seems like people were hating on me with this concern troll wind up lie.

It too lazy for people to do instead of debating with me on the issues whether we agree or disagree

I am not thin skinned but i won,t have people throw things at me which they can,t back up with evidence. I am not a computer programme but a poster like everyone else

Now lets debate the issues rather then attack each other

I am sure your a good poster with lots of intresting things to say on state of american and world affairs.

You are thin-skinned, and I can think of no forum where you could stay and have that debate you're looking for, unless and until you start ignoring the bullets that are flying.

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