Romney has money parked in the Cayman Islands???

wow... just...


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why is it a 'veil of secrecy'? Because YOU did not know he was doing it? Please.

Obama threw up a few curtains during the election, and still has them up. Where are the investigative reports on that?

Like his birth certificate?

No, no-one reported on that one. Not at all. Not even once.


Of course, the fact that it (to no-one's surprise) turned out to be a BS conspiracy theory, doesn't stop some people from still claiming he wasn't born in Hawaii.


Did I mention the birther crap? No.
Our infrastructure deteriorates, as $Trillons sit in off shore accounts.

when did it become Romney's personal responsibility to pay for US infrastructure?

When he was born an American citizen?

Paying your taxes is the law in the good old U S of A. And taxes pay for infrastructure.

Therefore it is every American's personal responsibility to pay for US infrastructure.

If you don't like paying your taxes that much, you should move to another country.

Did I mention the birther crap? No.

You didn't mention anything specifically. You just made some vague reference to "Curtains" Obama threw up, and then claimed the press paid no attention to them.

That category would in fact include the birther crap.
So does every other politician who has made millions, the only difference is Romney made his through smart business decisions, most of the rest of them made there's through insider trading that the rest of us would get locked up for. Nothing illegal happened so I see no news here.
I think they should open the books on exactly who in American politics has money there, I think you'd be very surprised at the names from the Democrat party.

Again, we wouldn't know if anything illegal happened, because Romney won't release his tax returns.

For all we know, he could have been putting his money there to avoid paying taxes, and that would in fact be illegal.
Until a law is passed making it illegal, no law has been broken, and alot of rich people do it, if the left hate the rich so much then they need to pass a law that prevents this from happening, the only problem is that so many on the left and right both put there money in off shore accounts that this would never happen. He is doing nothing more than any of the rest of them already are doing.

There is already a law in place.

The crime here is commonly known as "Tax Evasion".

The question is: Has he committed the crime of tax evasion?

And we simply do not know the answer because he won't release the records.
If people think this won't be a huge image problem for Romney in November, you're living on another planet.
seems the only people it resonates with are lefties. looking like the right could care less, unless he's broken the law.

Which is why Romney is losing traction in the Republican primaries because of it, and Newt Gingrich is gaining.

No, i guess it just doesn't "resonate" with people on the right at all...

Mitt Romney has broken no laws and is just minimizing his tax profile. There is nothing wrong with playing by the existing rules

But let Mitt defend those rules to the voters who are struggling to get by and why maintaining them is best for America

Indeed, it's the rules that are the problem. And he's a big supporter of those rules.

That is, unless he did do something illegal, in which case he's got bigger fish to fry.
big deal!! how about all of the millions that went to Obama's campaign from overseas? why hasn't the MSM ever bitched about that? not one peep about the illegal contributions coming from the east in 2008? all we saw was Chris Matthews playing with his wrinkled winkee every time Obama spoke.

No, nobody at all:

Washington Post

CBS News

San Francisco Chronicle

Washington Times

And that was just the first four entries from a search of news archives on Google.

Try to verify claims that you make before you make them... It'll make the whole conversation flow that much smoother.
I hardly think any average Joe would consider Romney, Obama, or anyone running for President, to be an average Joe, regardless of how they might portray themselves. Not the point though.[

No, it kind of is the point. True, Obama and Gingrich are well off now, but they haven't always been. They started out and worked their way up. Mittens was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's never had to worry about a mortgage payment or a light bill.

The argument by the left in this thread is an implication that Romney is tax dodging. It's flat out stated by a few lefties. Problem is, they have no proof, just their suppositions.

I don't work on supposition. If Romney broke a law, prove it, have a trial, convict and punish. Until then, as far as I am concerned, it's nothing but a bunch of lefties making unsubstantiated accusations.

Give me something solid, something that proves he broke the law, and I'm right there with you smacking his ass into next Tuesday.

I think the standard for picking a presidential candidate should not be, "Prove to us he hasn't broken a law." Remember, he isn't doing something for us, he's asking us to do something for him. So when people ask him to come clean on his finances, and he says, "Well Maybe" (that got him booed last night.)

It also shows bad management. Because he's taken this stance, WHEN (not if) he finally gives up his tax returns, they will be a much bigger story than they would have been otherwise. In short, he picked a fight he knew he was going to lose. Do you really want a guy like that with nukes? I don't.
The "SECRET" WEAPON any liberal Democratic can and will use against ANY moderate to conservative Republican:

"He's RICH!"

(Note: it does not matter one tiny little bit if the Democratic using that claim as an attack is himself a millionaire. Pfft. Irrelevant. What the fuck has THAT got to do with the use of the STEREOTYPE?)
Well, poor people generally don't run for President. Would that somehow be preferable? He is broke, so let's vote for him. I dont' get it.
It also shows bad management. Because he's taken this stance, WHEN (not if) he finally gives up his tax returns, they will be a much bigger story than they would have been otherwise. In short, he picked a fight he knew he was going to lose. Do you really want a guy like that with nukes? I don't.

Oh, that is rich. Too funny. The irony.
The "SECRET" WEAPON any liberal Democratic can and will use against ANY moderate to conservative Republican:

"He's RICH!"

(Note: it does not matter one tiny little bit if the Democratic using that claim as an attack is himself a millionaire. Pfft. Irrelevant. What the fuck has THAT got to do with the use of the STEREOTYPE?)

I think it's HOW he got rich that's the issue.

Romney got rich by-

Investing in failing companies.

Laying off a lot of people from good paying jobs with benefits.

Creating a lot of low paying jobs with no benefits.

Loading up the companies with debt and letting them file bankruptcy, leaving investors and creditors holding the bag.

Putting his money into Cayman Island Bank accounts.

Only paying 15% in taxes due to various tax schemes.

When you are trying to appeal to Joe working guy who took a pay cut at the beginning of this recession, his 401K is busted and his mortgage is underwater, this is NOT the guy you run.

Not if you want to win, anyway.

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