Romney has money parked in the Cayman Islands???

You're so right. Romney's little $10,000 bet with Perry over a healthcare issue also highlights the incredible difference between the lives of the ultra rich and the common man. Remember Bush marveling over a cash register scanner. The man had obviously not been in a grocery store in years.

Romney has been trying to show he identifies with the common man by staying in a thirty hotel instead of his usually $500 a night suite and flying a discount airline instead of his usually private jet, rolling up his sleeves as if he had ever done a real days work in his life. Unfortunately it comes across as so damn phony, like so many things that he does.

If Romney wins the nomination we will have the wealthiest candidate in 70 years, Romney with 250 million running against the poorest, Obama with 5 million.

Really? You think Mitt Romney hasn't worked a day in his life...? :cuckoo:

We talking roll up your sleeves and work up a sweat work?

manual labor is the only thing you consider work?
You're so right. Romney's little $10,000 bet with Perry over a healthcare issue also highlights the incredible difference between the lives of the ultra rich and the common man. Remember Bush marveling over a cash register scanner. The man had obviously not been in a grocery store in years.


Just an aside here. This was a slander the media was able to perpetrate. The new cash register was a new model that could extrapolate a bar code even if the bar code was damaged or smeared. It wasn't in general circulation yet, and it was cutting edge technology in 1992. Not that the media didn't push the "Bush doesn't understand the common man" meme.

I think they will push the same thing with Romney. And some of the attacks will be unfair. But it's Romney, so I'm not going to care.
Why won't Mitt release his tax returns?

What is he hiding?

I suspect we'll find out. He will release his tax records for 2011, modified to be sure so that he appears to be paying his fair share and any little embarrassments have been redacted. If he were an honest man his tax records and finances for the last ten years would be available for all to see.

It appears he has been running for POTUS for the past ten years, nice 'job' if you can get it. Romney is a plutocrat, of this there is no doubt. See:

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - Yahoo! News

As noted before, why would anyone place tens of millions of dollars in a foreign bank? Do small businessmen and women seek loans from banks in the Cayman Islands? Does the common man or women seek auto or home loans from banks in the Cayman Islands? Does the money earned by Romney and parked off shore stimulate the nation's economy where he wants to be president?
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Why won't Mitt release his tax returns?

What is he hiding?

I suspect we'll find out. He will release his tax records for 2011, modified to be sure so that he appears to be paying his fair share and any little embarrassments have been redacted. If he were an honest man his tax records and finances for the last ten years would be available for all to see.

It appears he has been running for POTUS for the past ten years, nice 'job' if you can get it. Romney is a plutocrat, of this there is no doubt. See:

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - Yahoo! News

As noted before, why would anyone place tens of millions of dollars in a foreign bank? Do small businessmen and women seek loans from banks in the Cayman Islands? Does the common man or women seek auto or home loans from banks in the Cayman Islands? Does the money earned by Romney and parked off shore stimulate the nation's economy where he wants to be president?

your petty jealousy is disturbing.

if no laws were broken, he did nothing wrong.

get over it.
Our infrastructure deteriorates, as $Trillons sit in off shore accounts.

when did it become Romney's personal responsibility to pay for US infrastructure?
So much for the GOP motto of personal responsibility.

it is his personal responsibility to pay what the law tells him to pay, which he's done.

It is NOT his personal responsibility to pay for fixing the potholes in your street.
We all know why wealthy people and criminals park their dough in foreign banks with numbered banks accounts, folks.

Let's not pretend that we don't.
We all know why wealthy people and criminals park their dough in foreign banks with numbered banks accounts, folks.

Let's not pretend that we don't.

has a law been broken?

Nope, but that's not the point (but you knew that anyway).

Romney has been working very hard to paint himself as an "average Joe" by saying things about being afraid of getting a pink slip (lie) or being "unemployed" but then completely counters those with the reality of Willard...

The reality that his "real streets" are around three different houses...a HUGE mansion in California he's making even bigger, a mansion in Massachusetts and a third in New Hampshire. Average Joe's can't park millions in offshore tax havens in the Cayman Islands.

It is also going to be increasingly obvious to voters WHY Romney doesn't want to release his records just isn't going to look good for Mr. Richey Rich who is trying to paint himself as the (ironed) blue jean wearing "fella".
We all know why wealthy people and criminals park their dough in foreign banks with numbered banks accounts, folks.

Let's not pretend that we don't.

has a law been broken?

Nope, but that's not the point (but you knew that anyway).

Romney has been working very hard to paint himself as an "average Joe" by saying things about being afraid of getting a pink slip (lie) or being "unemployed" but then completely counters those with the reality of Willard...

The reality that his "real streets" are around three different houses...a HUGE mansion in California he's making even bigger, a mansion in Massachusetts and a third in New Hampshire. Average Joe's can't park millions in offshore tax havens in the Cayman Islands.

It is also going to be increasingly obvious to voters WHY Romney doesn't want to release his records just isn't going to look good for Mr. Richey Rich who is trying to paint himself as the (ironed) blue jean wearing "fella".

I hardly think any average Joe would consider Romney, Obama, or anyone running for President, to be an average Joe, regardless of how they might portray themselves. Not the point though.

The argument by the left in this thread is an implication that Romney is tax dodging. It's flat out stated by a few lefties. Problem is, they have no proof, just their suppositions.

I don't work on supposition. If Romney broke a law, prove it, have a trial, convict and punish. Until then, as far as I am concerned, it's nothing but a bunch of lefties making unsubstantiated accusations.

Give me something solid, something that proves he broke the law, and I'm right there with you smacking his ass into next Tuesday.
Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

This alarms me a bit. I'm sure further investigation will follow but this causes me a few red flags.

We gotta make damn sure our nominee is FULLY vetted. We don't need any October surprises to cost us the election.

So does every other politician who has made millions, the only difference is Romney made his through smart business decisions, most of the rest of them made there's through insider trading that the rest of us would get locked up for. Nothing illegal happened so I see no news here.
I think they should open the books on exactly who in American politics has money there, I think you'd be very surprised at the names from the Democrat party.
Why would it alarm you? As long as he isn't funding mass murder or treason, I don't really care what he does with his money. It's his money. He is responsible to God for what He does with it. Not me.

Because that is one of many places that the rich try to shelter their money are from taxes.

I'm not saying he is guilty of such activities but I want to be fully informed and not just stick my head in the sand as many do to support their prospective parties.

Until a law is passed making it illegal, no law has been broken, and alot of rich people do it, if the left hate the rich so much then they need to pass a law that prevents this from happening, the only problem is that so many on the left and right both put there money in off shore accounts that this would never happen. He is doing nothing more than any of the rest of them already are doing.
His daddy was wealthy. He inherited some dough.

On his own he earned a lot of dough.

He has invested quite a lot of his wealth.

Is he (a) supposed to know exactly what each investment firm does with each insignificant or each significant portion of his investments? or (b) supposed to care all that much if some of his money gets invested in a place like the Cayman Islands?

How and why should that be an "oh nozies" moment?

I am not a Mitt fan, but I see lots of good reasons to limit the criticism to the politics the guy has, and not waste a freakin' second on this kind of tripe.
Especially when it comes to personal wealth.

No one else's business. But for those wringing thier hands and wanting that wealth for themselves?

Get a job and work hard...for that could be you too. Mind your own fucking business...and get to work.

Are you really trying to make the point that it is no ones business if a potential POTUS is a tax cheat? Seriously?

If no law is being broken, noone has cheated on taxes. Look at half of Obamas friends in his administration, they are all tax cheats, but yet noone is up in arms over them actually breaking the law and cheating taxes, compared to romney who has broken no law whatsoever being scolded for moving money overseas so the nanny state cannot touch it.
The GOP candidates need to remember, the left and the MSM will try to make this election all about petty shit like this, the GOP candidates need to keep the focus on Obama and his failed policies, as long as they do that everything will be okay.
has a law been broken?

Nope, but that's not the point (but you knew that anyway).

Romney has been working very hard to paint himself as an "average Joe" by saying things about being afraid of getting a pink slip (lie) or being "unemployed" but then completely counters those with the reality of Willard...

The reality that his "real streets" are around three different houses...a HUGE mansion in California he's making even bigger, a mansion in Massachusetts and a third in New Hampshire. Average Joe's can't park millions in offshore tax havens in the Cayman Islands.

It is also going to be increasingly obvious to voters WHY Romney doesn't want to release his records just isn't going to look good for Mr. Richey Rich who is trying to paint himself as the (ironed) blue jean wearing "fella".

I hardly think any average Joe would consider Romney, Obama, or anyone running for President, to be an average Joe, regardless of how they might portray themselves. Not the point though.

The argument by the left in this thread is an implication that Romney is tax dodging. It's flat out stated by a few lefties. Problem is, they have no proof, just their suppositions.

I don't work on supposition. If Romney broke a law, prove it, have a trial, convict and punish. Until then, as far as I am concerned, it's nothing but a bunch of lefties making unsubstantiated accusations.

Give me something solid, something that proves he broke the law, and I'm right there with you smacking his ass into next Tuesday.

I am sure Romney broke no law. It is merely smart money handling on his part. But it highlights that there is a different set of rules for the money of the super wealthy than those who work for a living.

This is the same argument we have been having with the OWS people since last summer. The game is set up to facilitate the accumulation and preservation of wealth for the one percent. Why do we need to continue when the wealthy are stockpiling wealth and the working class is struggling
I am sure Romney broke no law. It is merely smart money handling on his part. But it highlights that there is a different set of rules for the money of the super wealthy than those who work for a living.

This is the same argument we have been having with the OWS people since last summer. The game is set up to facilitate the accumulation and preservation of wealth for the one percent. Why do we need to continue when the wealthy are stockpiling wealth and the working class is struggling

Different set of rules? You mean Romney is allowed to put money into a Cayman Island account, but you're not? I was unaware of that rule. Could you possibly link to your source for this information?

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