Romney: I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners.

Article 15

Dr. House slayer
Jul 4, 2008
Asked by the AP reporter if he follows NASCAR, Romney responded, "Not as closely as some of the most ardent fans. But I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners."

Romney: I have friends who own NASCAR teams - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Why is being successful a bad thing?

I have a heart surgeon as a friend. I've never asked but I'm sure he has a ton of money. Should I shun him?
Very weak Obama-Bot programming. This thread is a huge Obama-Bot crash. This OP needs to reboot immediately. lol! :)
I don't know anyone who works for a living but I know some great outsourcers. LOL

George Bush grew up with a silver spoon and had little idea how the other half lived but he could at least fake it. Romney is just incredibly naive about the people he wishes to lead.
What is wrong with NASCAR?

Nothing according to 97.3% of rednecks ;)

I Just never was into auto eroticism.
None of these clowns can relate to average people. It shouldn't come as a huge shock.

But I will admit that it's kinda cute when they try.
Romney's attempts to show America that he's just a hard working regular guy who feels the pain of the middle class is down right silly. His life style doesn't really have anything to do with his qualifications for the presidency. There is good reason to reject him as a presidential candidate, but wealth is not one of them. We haven't had a president from the middle class since Truman.
Mitt Romney went to the Daytona 500 NASCAR race Sunday for what should have been a chance to show he's one of the guys. Instead, in casual conversation with an Associated Press reporter at the Florida track, he reminded people once again that he is not exactly a regular Joe.

Asked by the AP reporter if he follows NASCAR, Romney responded, "Not as closely as some of the most ardent fans. But I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners."

Democrats and liberals quickly ridiculed the remark on Twitter.

Shocking! :rolleyes:

I suppose they'd prefer he'd pose as if he's some ardent fan, so they could ridicule him for that instead...........

OMG Mitt has rich friends! TWIT TWIT TWITTAH! :lol:
What would be the point of schmoozing with the peons anyway? We already know he isn't one, it's not like that would trick me into a newfound appreciation for the guy.
Why is being successful a bad thing?

I have a heart surgeon as a friend. I've never asked but I'm sure he has a ton of money. Should I shun him?
There is certainly nothing wrong with being successful, however it depends on what you have done to become successful.
None of these clowns can relate to average people. It shouldn't come as a huge shock.

But I will admit that it's kinda cute when they try.
Romney's attempts to show America that he's just a hard working regular guy who feels the pain of the middle class is down right silly. His life style doesn't really have anything to do with his qualifications for the presidency. There is good reason to reject him as a presidential candidate, but wealth is not one of them. We haven't had a president from the middle class since Truman.
I generally agree, except that I wouldn't call Truman middle class, either. He was part of the Democratic elite in Kansas City since the early 20's.
its too bad we couldnt "outsource" occupiers to a more favorable setting for the useless.........

cuba, venezuela, russia, north korea, vietnam and France could use a few good unemployable malcontents.........

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