Romney impersonated a police officer

Mitt And Me: Romney At Cranbrook -- A Personal Glimpse - Forbes

But did Romney cut John Lauber’s hair? I have no personal knowledge of the incident; in fact, I can’t even remember John. But when men like Mitt’s classmates, Tom Buford and Matt Friedemann, say publicly that it happened, then it happened. “Kraut,” as we affectionately called Friedemann (note to reporters: pronounce his name with three syllables, the second “e” being the “uh” sound) in those pre-political correctness days, was the prefect on my hall, and very kind to this freshman. I knew Tom, another prefect, too (Big Del’s Algebra II class, maybe?). I’d trust those two any day.

Uncensored, have you gone selectively blind again?
Bummer that it actually did,

The family of the alleged victim says it didn't, and that he wasn't gay. But you demagogues don't care about that, you have someone who needs smearing.

and a current Romney supporter from that school vouched for the people who participated in the incident.

Hey, you're a democrat, you're proud of having zero integrity. You say that which serves the party - you're not caught up in sticking to the truth - you have a party to serve.

democrats, sociopaths and proud of it.
Mitt And Me: Romney At Cranbrook -- A Personal Glimpse - Forbes

But did Romney cut John Lauber’s hair? I have no personal knowledge of the incident; in fact, I can’t even remember John. But when men like Mitt’s classmates, Tom Buford and Matt Friedemann, say publicly that it happened, then it happened. “Kraut,” as we affectionately called Friedemann (note to reporters: pronounce his name with three syllables, the second “e” being the “uh” sound) in those pre-political correctness days, was the prefect on my hall, and very kind to this freshman. I knew Tom, another prefect, too (Big Del’s Algebra II class, maybe?). I’d trust those two any day.
So what? They weren't there, they don't know, and that's what you want to hitch your wagon to?


You weren't there either. Those who were the actual family note that it never happened - you partisan hacks have a different story.

As far as "hitching my wagon." One thing that pisses me off about that fuckup Obama more than all else is forcing me to vote for a pile of shit like Romney, yet Obama is SO bad, that I have no choice but to vote for ANYONE who will get him out. Obama is stage 4 cancer for this nation. You know it, you're just rooting for the demise of the constitutional republic.
You have a choice, you dumb fuck. But your blind racism, er I mean, distrust of Obama is making you decide to once again vote for a guy who has only the best interests of Wall Street and financiers in mind. But it's cool. You're probably just a big ol' billionaire blowing off steam on this message board, right Mr. Trump?
I know a guy that overheard someone that went to school with Michelle Obama say that she used steal all the other kids lunch money. True story. How does that make you feel about the character of any man that would marry such a vicious beast with a protruding lower jaw, BD?

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