Romney: Income inequality is just "envy"

Choosing a job doesn't mean both parties voluntarily agreed to the terms imposed by a gang of thugs. The employer didn't agree voluntarily. The union forces the employer to accept its terms at gun point. It's the same as if some armed crooks entered a bank and forced the clerks to hand out money to anyone who entered the lobby at gunpoint. Great for a lucky few, but not good for the bank or its depositors.

That's your conception of "voluntary." It's the kind of "choice" a mugger offers you: your money or your life.

More moronic hyperbole from you. Is that all that you have to offer?? You be sure to let me know when you want to discuss this like an adult, then we can talk. until then keep your childish inane and baseless rantings to yourself. gun point?? LOL

What he fails to mention is that unions don't really favor having a little "choice and competition", so they do what is called Salting. This is where a union employee fakes a resume and infiltrates the nonunion company. This is done, so they can "keep tabs" on their rival businesses, while trying to convince enough workers of the benefits a union can bring without giving them the entire picture of how a union is run. If enough of them are convinced, after secretly recieving only one side of the argument and without the owner's chance to divulge other informative facts, they can force the company to assimulate into the union no matter if the owner desires to or not. Unions never favors competition. Which is also why they put SO MUCH funding (through union dues) into lobbying government into promoting policies that are anti-business, and favor more union power influence over private business owners. Owners who believe in allowing the FREE MARKET to dictate and bring competitive pricing, along with the "choice" of quality satisfaction, to fight for the consumer's business.

Do you ever actually respond to the content of the posts that you reply to or do you just post fiction like the above to spread misinformation in the hopes someone stupid enough will buy it and repeat it?
Pensions should be gone.

Or would you want to pay more for everything than you do now?

To think a company has to guarantee the income of a retiree is ridiculous.

And I have been forced to join unions before so don't tell me a union can't force you to join. I had to join and pay dues just so I could get a job.

You didn't have to take the job if joining a union was against your principles.

Must've been a good job, with good pay and benefits? If it was, you'd have to give the union credit for that.

It was a summer job and I didn't get benefits as I was only going to be there for a few months

And as I said before there was no other job I could take that would allow me to work 60 or 70 hours a week in the area but that one.

So my choice was to not work and not go to school or to work be forced to pay union dues and then go to school.

As I said not much of a choice.

SO you made a CHOICE to work there because they gave you the hours and pay that you wanted. You were not FORCED to take that job and it was not the ONLY job available.

You made a choice and only have yourself to blame, now stop whining about it and accept personal responsibility for your choice.


Well I guess that's one word for what they're feeling.

Just pray to GOD they continue to just envy the fat cats instead of getting pissed at them.

Because if this trend of wealth inequity continues to grow as it has in the last 40 years, the people are going to stop being envious and start being PROACTIVE.

you do know that that 'distribution' has not fundamentally changed since the industrial age began...right?
If records went back to Adam and Eve, they'd blame God.

Hey fitz I missed your reponse to my post concerning your "merit warfare" argument where you decide who "deserves" what they have and who doesn't.
You know, the one where you claimed that public sectors workers are the "servants" who should never earn more than their "masters", the taxpayers (which includes public sector workers)?
So either I missed your response or you were too busy running away from your own argument since you admitted that you engage in what the right calls class warfare even though you tried to rename it "merit warfare." LOL
you do know that that 'distribution' has not fundamentally changed since the industrial age began...right?
If records went back to Adam and Eve, they'd blame God.

Hey fitz I missed your reponse to my post concerning your "merit warfare" argument where you decide who "deserves" what they have and who doesn't.
You know, the one where you claimed that public sectors workers are the "servants" who should never earn more than their "masters", the taxpayers (which includes public sector workers)?
So either I missed your response or you were too busy running away from your own argument since you admitted that you engage in what the right calls class warfare even though you tried to rename it "merit warfare." LOL
You didn't miss anything. I didn't bother to respond to your cretinous posts anymore for it was beneath my interest to keep slamming my fingers in the car door of your lack of intellect.
If records went back to Adam and Eve, they'd blame God.

Hey fitz I missed your reponse to my post concerning your "merit warfare" argument where you decide who "deserves" what they have and who doesn't.
You know, the one where you claimed that public sectors workers are the "servants" who should never earn more than their "masters", the taxpayers (which includes public sector workers)?
So either I missed your response or you were too busy running away from your own argument since you admitted that you engage in what the right calls class warfare even though you tried to rename it "merit warfare." LOL
You didn't miss anything. I didn't bother to respond to your cretinous posts anymore for it was beneath my interest to keep slamming my fingers in the car door of your lack of intellect.

How typical, you and your arguments get exposed and your best rertort is to call me names and run away because you can't defend your own indefensible arguments. LOL

I engage in 'merit warfare'. What have YOU done to deserve the life you want, versus the life you have?


The public sector should NEVER be superior in pay and benefit to the private sector employment. Ever. Lest it forget that they are public SERVANTS and the servant never makes more than it's master, the taxpayers... which in this case is only the upper 53% of wage earners in this nation.

Those are your own words so why run away from them now? LOL
Hey fitz I missed your reponse to my post concerning your "merit warfare" argument where you decide who "deserves" what they have and who doesn't.
You know, the one where you claimed that public sectors workers are the "servants" who should never earn more than their "masters", the taxpayers (which includes public sector workers)?
So either I missed your response or you were too busy running away from your own argument since you admitted that you engage in what the right calls class warfare even though you tried to rename it "merit warfare." LOL
You didn't miss anything. I didn't bother to respond to your cretinous posts anymore for it was beneath my interest to keep slamming my fingers in the car door of your lack of intellect.

How typical, you and your arguments get exposed and your best rertort is to call me names and run away because you can't defend your own indefensible arguments. LOL

I engage in 'merit warfare'. What have YOU done to deserve the life you want, versus the life you have?


The public sector should NEVER be superior in pay and benefit to the private sector employment. Ever. Lest it forget that they are public SERVANTS and the servant never makes more than it's master, the taxpayers... which in this case is only the upper 53% of wage earners in this nation.

Those are your own words so why run away from them now? LOL
I didn't run away from them. I just stopped trying to explain them to someone with the intellectual absorption capability of a chunk of granite. I heard enough from other people to know that you're the only one not getting it and vocal about it. You haven't merited anything more.
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You didn't miss anything. I didn't bother to respond to your cretinous posts anymore for it was beneath my interest to keep slamming my fingers in the car door of your lack of intellect.

How typical, you and your arguments get exposed and your best rertort is to call me names and run away because you can't defend your own indefensible arguments. LOL


The public sector should NEVER be superior in pay and benefit to the private sector employment. Ever. Lest it forget that they are public SERVANTS and the servant never makes more than it's master, the taxpayers... which in this case is only the upper 53% of wage earners in this nation.

Those are your own words so why run away from them now? LOL
I didn't run away from them. I just stopped trying to explain them to someone with the intellectual absorption capability of a chunk of granite. I heard enough from other people to know that you're the only one not getting it and vocal about it. You haven't merited anything more.

WOW another failed attempt to dodge on your part. You made those statements and I asked you if you could explain them and you disappeared with NO explanation.

Furthermore this converstaion was between you and me and no one else was involved so please drop the BS about "other people" that never existed.

Face it, you exposed yourself with those contradictory and inflammatory arguments and are now trying to attack messenger instead of manning up and taking personal responsibility for your comments. Attacking me personally as you turn tail and try to CYA won't change anything.
How typical, you and your arguments get exposed and your best rertort is to call me names and run away because you can't defend your own indefensible arguments. LOL


Those are your own words so why run away from them now? LOL
I didn't run away from them. I just stopped trying to explain them to someone with the intellectual absorption capability of a chunk of granite. I heard enough from other people to know that you're the only one not getting it and vocal about it. You haven't merited anything more.

WOW another failed attempt to dodge on your part. You made those statements and I asked you if you could explain them and you disappeared with NO explanation.

Furthermore this converstaion was between you and me and no one else was involved so please drop the BS about "other people" that never existed.

Face it, you exposed yourself with those contradictory and inflammatory arguments and are now trying to attack messenger instead of manning up and taking personal responsibility for your comments. Attacking me personally as you turn tail and try to CYA won't change anything.

A 'conversation' in a public place viewed by dozens of people. One that I got bored with a while back as you kept moving the goal posts. I am not required by law, morality, ethics or good manners to continue to waste my time on an utter cretin who couldn't get a point even if superglued to his forehead. So keep 'declaring victory' all you want. Just because you don't get my point doesn't mean I failed to reach my intended audience. (which excluded you a while back)
SO you made a CHOICE to work there because they gave you the hours and pay that you wanted. You were not FORCED to take that job and it was not the ONLY job available.

You made a choice and only have yourself to blame, now stop whining about it and accept personal responsibility for your choice.

As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.
SO you made a CHOICE to work there because they gave you the hours and pay that you wanted. You were not FORCED to take that job and it was not the ONLY job available.

You made a choice and only have yourself to blame, now stop whining about it and accept personal responsibility for your choice.

As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.
dead on target.
SO you made a CHOICE to work there because they gave you the hours and pay that you wanted. You were not FORCED to take that job and it was not the ONLY job available.

You made a choice and only have yourself to blame, now stop whining about it and accept personal responsibility for your choice.

As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.

You cons and uber capitalists are responsible for unions. Live with it...Not that I support them, but there would never have been any need for unions in the first place if companies and employers didn't exploit workers...
SO you made a CHOICE to work there because they gave you the hours and pay that you wanted. You were not FORCED to take that job and it was not the ONLY job available.

You made a choice and only have yourself to blame, now stop whining about it and accept personal responsibility for your choice.

As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.

You cons and uber capitalists are responsible for unions. Live with it...Not that I support them, but there would never have been any need for unions in the first place if companies and employers didn't exploit workers...
There are points to private sector unions. But not public sector unions. A private sector unions that makes it's company or industry unprofitable quickly finds itself without employers and goes out of business itself, killing the golden goose. That's why the AFL-CIO has been panicking for decades and dying at varying degrees. Same as the Steel Industry in the US.

A failed PUBLIC Sector union on the other hand has no connection to their failure. The government just taxes more and the incompetence rolls on till you have a tax payer revolt like you did, to a certain degree in WI by electing a government who FINALLY broke the back of the corrupt group known as WEAC (who are spearheading the charge to recall him with other out of state unions fearful the changes will come to them soon).

And yes, I do have personal inside knowledge of how a public sector union works as a former member.
I didn't run away from them. I just stopped trying to explain them to someone with the intellectual absorption capability of a chunk of granite. I heard enough from other people to know that you're the only one not getting it and vocal about it. You haven't merited anything more.

WOW another failed attempt to dodge on your part. You made those statements and I asked you if you could explain them and you disappeared with NO explanation.

Furthermore this converstaion was between you and me and no one else was involved so please drop the BS about "other people" that never existed.

Face it, you exposed yourself with those contradictory and inflammatory arguments and are now trying to attack messenger instead of manning up and taking personal responsibility for your comments. Attacking me personally as you turn tail and try to CYA won't change anything.

A 'conversation' in a public place viewed by dozens of people. One that I got bored with a while back as you kept moving the goal posts. I am not required by law, morality, ethics or good manners to continue to waste my time on an utter cretin who couldn't get a point even if superglued to his forehead. So keep 'declaring victory' all you want. Just because you don't get my point doesn't mean I failed to reach my intended audience. (which excluded you a while back)

WOW, you can post a picture GJ.

BTW how did I move the goal posts? Oh You mean I didn't, you got exposed and are now lying through your teeth in a very desperate attempt to CYA.

You see the difference between our posts is that I actually quoted your own words and yet all that's coming from you are baseless opinions and personal attacks.

I got your point and your point is that it's ok for you to engage in class warfare as you call it "merit warfare" where you decide who deserves what they have and who doesn't.

Calling me names will not change anything.
As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.
dead on target.

Notice that drsmith1072 is afraid to respond to my posts. The guy is a major league coward.
I work hard for my $$, most weeks 50+ hours.
I am 57 years old and have never made more than 120K in one year ever.
My net worth is over 2 mil.
Why? I drive old cars and do not waste $$.
Romney is right. I know many folks that make twice what I do and have NO assets. They spend it all.
If folks are envious of me: FUCK THEM.
SO you made a CHOICE to work there because they gave you the hours and pay that you wanted. You were not FORCED to take that job and it was not the ONLY job available.

You made a choice and only have yourself to blame, now stop whining about it and accept personal responsibility for your choice.

As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.

You cons and uber capitalists are responsible for unions. Live with it...Not that I support them, but there would never have been any need for unions in the first place if companies and employers didn't exploit workers...

You have it backwards. Unions exploit the companies.
As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.
dead on target.

Notice that drsmith1072 is afraid to respond to my posts. The guy is a major league coward.
I gave up trying to communicate to him.
SO you made a CHOICE to work there because they gave you the hours and pay that you wanted. You were not FORCED to take that job and it was not the ONLY job available.

You made a choice and only have yourself to blame, now stop whining about it and accept personal responsibility for your choice.

As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.

As i've already explained to you, your baseless rhetoric and hyperbole is beyond belief and you have been called to task on your baseless claims on multiple occasions and your only response is the repeat the same bs over and over again as if repeating it makes it true when it doesn't. Provide something REAL to support your rhetoric or stop wasting my time. Put up or shut up.

So again thanks for nothing
As I've explained to you already, dipstick, he has a "CHOICE" only in the same sense that someone being mugged has a choice of giving the mugger all his money or taking a bullet. Unions use force to control what "CHOICES" are available to employees and employers.

There's nothing voluntary about the terms of a union contract. Only a union thug would even attempt to dispute the fact.
dead on target.

Notice that drsmith1072 is afraid to respond to my posts. The guy is a major league coward.

UH I missed your ONE previous post which was a parrotting of your earlier posts. Furthermore, I think it's hilarious that you would try to claim I was afraid to respond to one of your posts when you skipped my responseS to multiple posts pf yours.

Where are your responses?? Come on what are you afraid of?? LOL
dead on target.

Notice that drsmith1072 is afraid to respond to my posts. The guy is a major league coward.
I gave up trying to communicate to him.

Actually you ran away from the debate after exposing yourself with comments like

I engage in 'merit warfare'. What have YOU done to deserve the life you want, versus the life you have?

, which is class warfare,

The public sector should NEVER be superior in pay and benefit to the private sector employment. Ever. Lest it forget that they are public SERVANTS and the servant never makes more than it's master, the taxpayers... which in this case is only the upper 53% of wage earners in this nation.


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