Romney joins the Yang Gang! Mittens proposes giving every American 1 thousand dollars

I sometimes wonder if Romney would have been any better than a lame duck Obama....
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November

Kinda like a reward for stripping the grocery stores and buying out a years worth of paper products and food you'll never eat??? Money's no object when your using OPM.. (other peoples money).

And Yang was PAYING people to support him... And wanted to PAY EVERYBODY EVERY year... Sounds like bribery and election fraud to me... I'm sure he had good lawyers...
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November

Kinda like a reward for stripping the grocery stores and buying out a years worth of paper products and food you'll never eat??? Money's no object when your using OPM.. (other peoples money).

And Yang was PAYING people to support him... And wanted to PAY EVERYBODY EVERY year... Sounds like bribery and election fraud to me... I'm sure he had good lawyers...

Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him. It is a plan that has been discussed and tried in other countries, and is even backed by some innovators like Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. While still some others think it might become essential eventually like Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak.
We tax you 70% of it but here ya go lol
Btw your boss just closed so you have no job
What are we going to do when the virus is over and I have 47 cases of creamed corn?!

Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.
AND -- Yang's hand went up when asked which candidates would DECRIMINALIZE illegal border crossings.. The combination of THAT news in Central America coupled with GUARANTEED INCOME cash is just a MORONIC confluence of PANDERING and STUPIDITY...

OPEN the borders and GUARANTEE welfare to everyone.... Geebuzz -- WTF could go wrong there????

Mental midgets... ALL OF THEM....
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

when have they ever been???
That beats the hell out of Bernie taking $1000 from every adult in the country. You know damned well he would.
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?
Fuck, every month billions of dollars is spent on worthless liberal morons who sit on their ass in their parents basement doing nothing but coming to this website and bitch and moan about giving a 1000 dollars to everyone else. Talk about double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all...
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
and why are liberal Americans not fiscally responsible? Maybe this will jar your memory.

I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
Oh and if you did let folks miss a few meals then they would be out there looking for a job or get shot stealing. Want to see what people look like who really are starving? Wasnt a brown turd in the White House during this time?


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