Romney joins the Yang Gang! Mittens proposes giving every American 1 thousand dollars

Hey. If Romney wants to give me a thousand dollars from his millions. Who the hell are we to stop him?

Although it would be more likely if Midget Mike Bloomberg did it.....he might not run out of money!
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
and why are liberal Americans not fiscally responsible? Maybe this will jar your memory.

Yeah... that's craziness...but it's not just the liberals. If you don't have $1,000 saved just for an emergency but you do have a new car (on payments), an Iphone and a big screen tv... you're not fiscally responsible.
Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....
Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
And all of this is unconstitutional.
Does that even matter when Americans, by large, are willing to give freedom for a false sense of security?
Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....
Which is unconstitutional
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.

One time CASH payouts fix virtually nothing.. Recessions are TOO LONG compared to the sizes of the checks that get written... When Obama ALSO chose to excuse "payroll" taxes, he hastened the Red ink at SocSec/Medicare by about 10 years...

And speaking of "fiscally irresponsible" -- what do you call a govt that IGNORED the "baby boomer" SS crisis for 30 years while ROBBING the Trust fund of actual cash value??? They are $23TRILLION in debt.. That's $200,000 for EVERY taxpayer.. Does not even COUNT the offbook phony bookkeeping for SS and Medicare/MediCaid

DOn't LET them do "feel good" that improves their image.. It's too costly.. Stick to ACTUALLY EFFECTIVE stuff like backstopping UNEMPLOYMENT funding or reimbursing for COVID treatments. Or temporarily expanding Food stamps... TEMPORARILY....
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November

I apologize for voting for that jackass in 2012. America should be glad he really didn't want it and Mr. Romney refused to fight for the office. Even when Vice President Biden accused him of wanting to bring back Slavery ( he told a group of blacks that Mitt intended to put them back in chains) he still didn't respond.
Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances?
Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances?

I understand UBI.. The benefits that are claimed for it just won't happen in D.C. It will be an ADD-ON to EXISTING welfare programs..

I also understand the diff between tax cuts and "checks for nothing".. The former STOPS the theft of money from MY wallet.. The latter robs some wallets to just redistribute it...

The MAIN problem with UBI is that its' a BANDAID on poverty.. It's a cop-out to actually DOING anything about it.. Mainly for POLITICAL points...
Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances?

I understand UBI.. The benefits that are claimed for it just won't happen in D.C. It will be an ADD-ON to EXISTING welfare programs..

I also understand the diff between tax cuts and "checks for nothing".. The former STOPS the theft of money from MY wallet.. The latter robs some wallets to just redistribute it...

The MAIN problem with UBI is that its' a BANDAID on poverty.. It's a cop-out to actually DOING anything about it.. Mainly for POLITICAL points...

Thanks. You solidified my point that you don't know what UBI is, and that there is no reason for me to correct you because you hav your mind made up. :thup:
NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances?

I understand UBI.. The benefits that are claimed for it just won't happen in D.C. It will be an ADD-ON to EXISTING welfare programs..

I also understand the diff between tax cuts and "checks for nothing".. The former STOPS the theft of money from MY wallet.. The latter robs some wallets to just redistribute it...

The MAIN problem with UBI is that its' a BANDAID on poverty.. It's a cop-out to actually DOING anything about it.. Mainly for POLITICAL points...

Thanks. You solidified my point that you don't know what UBI is, and that there is no reason for me to correct you because you hav your mind made up. :thup:

Don't tell me what you THINK I dont know.. Tell me why what I said was wrong...
It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances?

I understand UBI.. The benefits that are claimed for it just won't happen in D.C. It will be an ADD-ON to EXISTING welfare programs..

I also understand the diff between tax cuts and "checks for nothing".. The former STOPS the theft of money from MY wallet.. The latter robs some wallets to just redistribute it...

The MAIN problem with UBI is that its' a BANDAID on poverty.. It's a cop-out to actually DOING anything about it.. Mainly for POLITICAL points...

Thanks. You solidified my point that you don't know what UBI is, and that there is no reason for me to correct you because you hav your mind made up. :thup:

Don't tell me what you THINK I dont know.. Tell me why what I said was wrong...

Why? You've become nothing but a conspiracy theorist on the forum, and your post about UBI, and your stance that only UBI was a bribe for votes and other campaign promises show me I'd be wasting my time. You'd be more likely to believe a post about Yang being a lizard person wearing a disguise, than to listen to the truth of what UBI is, and why many people in the tech field see how important it might end up being and why they support it. Not wasting my time, it would be better spent watching funny cat videos.
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
Oh and if you did let folks miss a few meals then they would be out there looking for a job or get shot stealing. Want to see what people look like who really are starving? Wasnt a brown turd in the White House during this time?

Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances?

A better way to go is to put the responsibility where it belongs.

The employers.

Raise the minimum wage to a living wage. It has not been increased since the bush boy years.

If people were paid a living wage there would be no need for the government to send checks out to anyone.

As for the situation we're in now, I think it should be on the employer too. Most nations have paid sick leave but not America. I think that paid sick and family leave would help in this situation.

If this situation goes on longer than that people can get unemployment until they go back to work.

It's not the government's job to pay people. It's the government's job to make sure business pays people proper living wages with proper benefits.
Yang wanted to pay everyone every MONTH. His plan was not a bribe to vote for him.

NOooo.. Of course not.. Telling voters his grandest plan was sending EVERYONE a check (including millionaires and billionaires) every month wouldn't POSSIBLY buy any votes....

Programs like that once started, WILL be concrete shoes on the Federal budgets for several generations... And don't tell me it would be in LIEU of welfare.. By the time that got ground up in Cap Hill sausage factory -- it would icing on the cake of EXISTING and DUPLICATED welfare programs...

It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances? isnt fair that black men who make millions of dollars , whore themselves out to professional ball teams, while i am just a shitfuck stupid liberal, who doesnt want to work, so i should get paid the same as they do.....

Of course this is what a liberal thinks every day they wake up.

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