Romney joins the Yang Gang! Mittens proposes giving every American 1 thousand dollars

Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November
1000 dollars?

The entire 700 billion should be divided among all working people.

The last stimulus did nothing for the people this one should be exclusively for the people

It shouldn't be $700 billion, there are only around 254 million adults in the country out of a total population of around 329 million. That would be $254 billion. The airline industry are asking for $58 billion from the government... I say fuck them, give it to the people that are hurting much more than they are. A couple of months of down time is not going to put them out of business. They don't deserve to take advantage of socialism... they think it is evil anyway.
You really think a measly 1000 dollars is going to make a difference if people are not able to work for many weeks?

The last stimulus was great for business but not so great for the people who actually lost their homes so I don't think a paltry 1000 dollars is enough it should be more like 10000 per household and nothing for businesses
Yes it will help those that can't go to work...I don't like it but I recognize the need....
When the government actively prevents people from earning a living and supporting their families then the government takes on that responsibility.

It's about time the fucking government actually did something for the people first and not big business
Both are important at a time like this...we need our industry to remain strong and we need to help those that are harmed by the measures taken to prevent the spread of this virus...I remember what it was like to live check to check and not know how you will pay rent at the end of the month....
1000 dollars?

The entire 700 billion should be divided among all working people.

The last stimulus did nothing for the people this one should be exclusively for the people

It shouldn't be $700 billion, there are only around 254 million adults in the country out of a total population of around 329 million. That would be $254 billion. The airline industry are asking for $58 billion from the government... I say fuck them, give it to the people that are hurting much more than they are. A couple of months of down time is not going to put them out of business. They don't deserve to take advantage of socialism... they think it is evil anyway.
You really think a measly 1000 dollars is going to make a difference if people are not able to work for many weeks?

The last stimulus was great for business but not so great for the people who actually lost their homes so I don't think a paltry 1000 dollars is enough it should be more like 10000 per household and nothing for businesses
Yes it will help those that can't go to work...I don't like it but I recognize the need....
When the government actively prevents people from earning a living and supporting their families then the government takes on that responsibility.

It's about time the fucking government actually did something for the people first and not big business
Both are important at a time like this...we need our industry to remain strong and we need to help those that are harmed by the measures taken to prevent the spread of this virus...I remember what it was like to live check to check and not know how you will pay rent at the end of the month....

When people have money business will still be OK

We have already seen what happens when business get the government's aid in the last stimulus
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November
1000 dollars?

The entire 700 billion should be divided among all working people.

The last stimulus did nothing for the people this one should be exclusively for the people

It shouldn't be $700 billion, there are only around 254 million adults in the country out of a total population of around 329 million. That would be $254 billion. The airline industry are asking for $58 billion from the government... I say fuck them, give it to the people that are hurting much more than they are. A couple of months of down time is not going to put them out of business. They don't deserve to take advantage of socialism... they think it is evil anyway.
You really think a measly 1000 dollars is going to make a difference if people are not able to work for many weeks?

The last stimulus was great for business but not so great for the people who actually lost their homes so I don't think a paltry 1000 dollars is enough it should be more like 10000 per household and nothing for businesses
Yes it will help those that can't go to work...I don't like it but I recognize the need....
When the government actively prevents people from earning a living and supporting their families then the government takes on that responsibility.

It's about time the fucking government actually did something for the people first and not big business

Exactly... That's why "one time checks" are not gonna have any effect if you can't SHOP or you lose a job..

Should be shoring up unemployment funds, home energy, food stamps, things like that.. SOME industries WILL need help or the "unemployed" problem gets bigger astronomically....

Actually, I'd like the panic to stop and focus on the medical triage problem issues.. You cannot start/stop an economy this size without COLOSSAL side effects and bad things happening...
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November

Trump is proposing a payroll tax holiday. This is no different.
Tax cuts for the unemployed?

Good plan.:290968001256257790-final:

A payroll tax cut is the same principle as giving $1,000 checks. Trump supporters want to criticize Romney but were praising Trump for a payroll tax cut.

I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
and why are liberal Americans not fiscally responsible? Maybe this will jar your memory.

That video has nothing to do with being fiscally responsible. What are you talking about?
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November
Think about the total ignorance of this thread. Democrats have been sounding the alarm about the virus before the first death, heeding the advise of the scientists. Now that the dems were right to heed that advise, while Trump called it the new democrat hoax, now you want to blame democrats for not bringing financial relief to the table. Here's a spoiler alert for you, those who called it a hoax, can't afford to take credit for shit. Get it?
It was part of his plan on how to fix the growing gap between the rich and shrinking middle class. Why would he NOT use that while on the campaign trail? It is no different than a candidate campaigning on cutting taxes for certain groups....

"The GAP" is not a money problem.. It's a systemic poverty problem.. And without BLAMING the poor for the gap, you WORK to fix the anchors that hold them down.. Not make them comfortable in dead end jobs...

Universal ANYTHING is nothing the govt is good at.. They've criminally mismanaged every "universal" program and Trust FUnd that they've EVER started....

And it's NOT like tax relief policy.. It's the OPPOSITE of tax relief in terms of the working class wallets...

You don't understand the purpose of UBI if you think it is just money. The rest of your post proves that is very clear. Yes it is very much the same as a candidate promising tax cuts to certain sections of society. Do you have any fucking clue how many rich people voted for Trump JUST for his promised tax cuts, despite not liking him as a person or any of his other stances? isnt fair that black men who make millions of dollars , whore themselves out to professional ball teams, while i am just a shitfuck stupid liberal, who doesnt want to work, so i should get paid the same as they do.....

Of course this is what a liberal thinks every day they wake up.

I'm not a Liberal, and there isn't a single thing in any of my post that has to do with professional athletes.
of course not, because that isnt the part of your income inequality you fucking douchebag. I just use this argument against you pansy asses because it shows how fucked in the brain you are.

You are the same guy that is so out of touch you think $10 per hour is the minimum wage. If anyone takes your opinion on anything like this seriously, they need to seek serious help. Not only do you not have a clue about the economy or income inequality, you think ad hominem attacks wins you discussions. You are out of place up here, go back to the basement where the flamezone is.
If these numbers are true, you would be looking at the federal government sending all U.S. adults that aren't rich, about $4,000, or $1,000 a month for the next 4 months. That would mean a huge addition to the federal deficit, or it would mean a huge bump in taxes after the election.

"One GOP leader, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, told reporters afterward it "could be" up to $1 trillion."

Trump pushes for massive aid from Congress, checks to public
I think that was actually Andrew Yang's proposal.

Probably going to have to do something like that.

Much like Bush's $600 per person stimulus in the 2000's.

They did it for the last two Republican recessions (2001 and 2008) so why not this one!

Is there a pattern developing? Republicans aren't fiscally responsible?

Americans aren't fiscally responsible. We can't let folks starve and we can't let the economy fall into a death spiral.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
and why are liberal Americans not fiscally responsible? Maybe this will jar your memory.

That video has nothing to do with being fiscally responsible. What are you talking about?

No fucking shit, dumbass. Why do you think liberals arent fiscally responsible, because your liberal elites tell you to quit your job, because they make shit that is broken and wont help that is why, yet you continue to vote for the very people who fuck you over.
The “UBI” ideas being thrown around as a response to the coronavirus are, in many cases, neither universal, basic, nor an income. But they do show how much the Left has shifted what’s considered possible over the past decade.

the government should just mail checks to people, my friends

For the originators of the UBI idea, it was crucial that cash payments be conceived as universal rights not tied to work or any other condition. Yet a recent Time magazine article, on the surge in interest in UBI, slips immediately from discussing Yang’s proposal to one by Congressmen Tim Ryan and Ro Khanna which “would give Americans who earned less than $65,000 in 2019 a check between $1,000 and $6,000.”

Universality is meant to challenge the stigma that often prevents people from seeking or receiving targeted welfare checks. Moreover, the theory is that universal programs are politically easier to defend and expand than those which help only a minority, which can then be portrayed as undeserving and parasitic on the hard-working majority. that's why Yang wanted to give UBI to every single American...And anyhow, anybody who really doesn’t need the money is still free to give the check to their favorite charity or out-of-work bartender.

It couldn’t be more urgent to demand that the response to the crisis take the form of universal social rights, rather than moves that intensify the authoritarian and paternalist tendencies that are already accelerating in response to fear of the pandemic.

Romney and Trump's actions shows us a ruling class and a political order that is desperately trying to find a stopgap measure to prevent social collapse, in the vain hope of returning to “normal” in short order. It’s up to those of us who rejected that normality, and who know that it’s unrecoverable anyway, to take whatever immediate forms of economic life support we can, as we look for new ways to organize.

So in the end, the “UBI” ideas being thrown around are, in many cases, neither Universal, Basic, nor an Income. Temporary income supports aren’t socialism, and aren’t a solution to capitalist crisis. Even a true Universal Basic Income, for its socialist advocates, was never meant to be that. But at this moment, the working class has to grasp on to the immediate means of survival as we try to get control of this moment of crisis which is going to radically transform global capitalism one way or the other.
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November

Kinda like a reward for stripping the grocery stores and buying out a years worth of paper products and food you'll never eat??? Money's no object when your using OPM.. (other peoples money).

And Yang was PAYING people to support him... And wanted to PAY EVERYBODY EVERY year... Sounds like bribery and election fraud to me... I'm sure he had good lawyers...
Now that Trump is handing out even MORE money than Romney suggested, I suppose you have already spun on a dime and are all for "bribery and election fraud".
Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

The fact that Dems aren't proposing this is a pretty troubling sign for November

Kinda like a reward for stripping the grocery stores and buying out a years worth of paper products and food you'll never eat??? Money's no object when your using OPM.. (other peoples money).

And Yang was PAYING people to support him... And wanted to PAY EVERYBODY EVERY year... Sounds like bribery and election fraud to me... I'm sure he had good lawyers...
Now that Trump is handing out even MORE money than Romney suggested, I suppose you have already spun on a dime and are all for "bribery and election fraud".

Of course you're oblivious to the diff between a "welfare program" and an emergency ONE TIME "bailout"... Because you're a political shill...

I don't even agree with "money for everyone" in the COVID bill... It's a misuse of funds.. ALL of that appropriation directed AT people -- should target the UNemployed right now...

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