Romney NOT Running

Clinton was 10x the President Bush or Obama was/is....

Remember Ross Perot and all the idiots that voted for him and gave The Rapist the election?

that gave him the election?.....hey if your candidate cant convince people to vote for him....thats on HIM....not the people that thought the guy was another incompetent asshole....quit making excuses and come up with people that can convince people that they are the one to vote for...

When pushed, people always expose who and what they really are.


And you are who I thought you were
Sooo, now the question becomes whether the NaziCon base will support Jeb in the GOP Primary? Jeb could possibly win the General Election - but I'm less sure he can win the GOP Primary. IF he can survive the GOP Primary - the Daddy Bush political machine will be formidable. After all, Daddy Bush wanted Jeb in the White House instead of Dubya.

Know what 'Nazi' is short for, douche-nozzle? Didn't think so....

It is short for "NATIONAL SOCIALIST"

And you wonder why I call you stupid? Because you are.

Republicans are anything but socialists, National or otherwise
Sooo, now the question becomes whether the NaziCon base will support Jeb in the GOP Primary? Jeb could possibly win the General Election - but I'm less sure he can win the GOP Primary. IF he can survive the GOP Primary - the Daddy Bush political machine will be formidable. After all, Daddy Bush wanted Jeb in the White House instead of Dubya.
Looks like we will have to strike one clown off our list

You want to know who the radical, far left, bat shit crazy, whack job board progtards are?

If they have a clown in their avatar, that's one of them. GROUP THINK. They self identify. The HIVE MENTALITY. Nothing ORIGINAL comes from a one of them. They all think and speak in lock step. Nut job little sheeple.

Looks like it is working doesn't it?
As in you bubble heads self identifying?

Sure is, nut job.

Feel the rage....all from a bunch of clowns

Are you finally admitting that the far left are a bunch of clowns?
To all GOP supporters----------------Jeb is NOT the answer. He is Hillary in a man suit.
To all GOP supporters----------------Jeb is NOT the answer. He is Hillary in a man suit.

Jeb Bush will not get the nomination as he is for amenity..

If he does get the nomination then we know that Hilary will get the DNC nomination..

Although I doubt the far left will allow Hilary to get the nomination..
Sooo, now the question becomes whether the NaziCon base will support Jeb in the GOP Primary? Jeb could possibly win the General Election - but I'm less sure he can win the GOP Primary. IF he can survive the GOP Primary - the Daddy Bush political machine will be formidable. After all, Daddy Bush wanted Jeb in the White House instead of Dubya.

Know what 'Nazi' is short for, douche-nozzle? Didn't think so....

It is short for "NATIONAL SOCIALIST"

And you wonder why I call you stupid? Because you are.

Republicans are anything but socialists, National or otherwise


Its kind of like Saddam Husseins Republican Guards
Sooo, now the question becomes whether the NaziCon base will support Jeb in the GOP Primary? Jeb could possibly win the General Election - but I'm less sure he can win the GOP Primary. IF he can survive the GOP Primary - the Daddy Bush political machine will be formidable. After all, Daddy Bush wanted Jeb in the White House instead of Dubya.

Know what 'Nazi' is short for, douche-nozzle? Didn't think so....

It is short for "NATIONAL SOCIALIST"

And you wonder why I call you stupid? Because you are.

Republicans are anything but socialists, National or otherwise


Its kind of like Saddam Husseins Republican Guards

More proof the far left does not understand anything beyond their programming..
Who will Jeb select as his VP running mate? Romney? Did they strike a deal? Maybe Mitt decided that VP was better than nothing. However, since Mitt is currently almost 68 years old, that seems unlikely - unless he would just like to be VP for maybe 8 years. We may not be done with Mitt just yet...
It matters who you vote for, and the DEMOCRAT LITE ass hats the republican party has had to HOLD IT'S NOSE and vote for lately haven't made ANYTHING any better. So stop voting for them and maybe the republican party will figure it out. They can't win elections without the CONSERVATIVE vote, then maybe we'll start seeing true conservatives worthy of voting for, like Ted Cruz.

That's the same STUPID logic that gave us Bill the rapist Clinton.

Remember Ross Perot and all the idiots that voted for him and gave The Rapist the election?

Thanks a pantload, scumbags. Run away the very minute you don't get what you want, hold your breath and stomp your feet, pussy-boy
Clinton was 10x the President Bush or Obama was/is....

Remember Ross Perot and all the idiots that voted for him and gave The Rapist the election?

that gave him the election?.....hey if your candidate cant convince people to vote for him....thats on HIM....not the people that thought the guy was another incompetent asshole....quit making excuses and come up with people that can convince people that they are the one to vote for...
Clinton was a lying scumbag without any integrity. He is remembered well because after the last midterm he adopted most of the GOP platform, got it passed and of course things worked. Plus he lucked out with the drawdown from teh Cold War and dot com boom.
Who will Jeb select as his VP running mate? Romney? Did they strike a deal? Maybe Mitt decided that VP was better than nothing. However, since Mitt is currently almost 68 years old, that seems unlikely - unless he would just like to be VP for maybe 8 years. We may not be done with Mitt just yet...
Jeb Bush wont be the nominee so it's irrelevant.
Hillary wont be the nominee either. Even Democrats dont like her.
Who will Jeb select as his VP running mate? Romney? Did they strike a deal? Maybe Mitt decided that VP was better than nothing. However, since Mitt is currently almost 68 years old, that seems unlikely - unless he would just like to be VP for maybe 8 years. We may not be done with Mitt just yet...

Stop thinking out loud, you're making everyone who reads your posts dumber.
This is bad news. He wasn't my first choice but I thought he had the best shot at winning.

That's what people were saying two years ago. Losers lose, no sense in beating dead horses. Though, I'm still skeptical that the Republicans have a true winner to offer up. I might be so concerned about that come December, but right now I still worry that Democrats might have a strong underdog emerge from the shadows.
Jeb don't have a chance, IMHO.

He was a good Governor down here, a good administrator but no leader of men.

We already have a piece of shit that can't lead.

I think the nomination is Scott Walker's to lose.

We'll have to wait and see.

But is Scott Walker really a leader of men?
Jeb is the best the GOP has to offer? That's sad.
No, you obviously havent been paying attention. Currently no one is running from the GOP. On the Democrat side you've got a rude piece of shit from VA, while Hillary pretends the nomination is hers. So you've got rude and lying. And yes that is the best the Democrats can come up with.

Who are both double digits ahead of anyone the GOP can field. Immigration will kill Jeb. He will never win the nomination with his stance on immigration.
Jeb will kick the teeth out of the far right.

They will be impotent politically forever more.

The nomination is his if he wants it.
Sooo, now the question becomes whether the NaziCon base will support Jeb in the GOP Primary? Jeb could possibly win the General Election - but I'm less sure he can win the GOP Primary. IF he can survive the GOP Primary - the Daddy Bush political machine will be formidable. After all, Daddy Bush wanted Jeb in the White House instead of Dubya.

Yes, he could win the general, but it is very unlikely that he will get the nomination. I can see the other GOP hopefuls using Jeb's own words to slam in in the debates.
Jeb will kick the teeth out of the far right.

They will be impotent politically forever more.

The nomination is his if he wants it.

And Hillary will be very appreciative of your support of her and her daughter when she inherits. Despite those silly red jammies!

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