Romney Reboot: He's All About The Poor Now!

“Since the president has been president, the cost of gasoline has doubled. Not exactly what he might have hoped for. … He’s said it’s not my fault. By the way, we’ve gone from ‘Yes, we can’ to ‘It’s not my fault.’ Well, this is in fact his fault.” – Mitt Romney (March 2012)

Oh wait...
This is the lies and smears that Republicans are up against. As if he never cared for the poor.

The left is shameful in they have no honor and feel the need they have to lie
This is the lies and smears that Republicans are up against. As if he never cared for the poor.

The left is shameful in they have no honor and feel the need they have to lie

Well Steph three of my quotes were from Romminy hisself, and the fourth was from his dad. Parse that.

With the shake of an Etch-A-Sketch, Mitt Romney reintroduced himself to the Republican Party on Friday as a man interested in running for president because of his desire to address poverty and income inequality. One only wonders why the former governor of Massachusetts neglected to focus on the growing problems the last time he held the title of GOP standard bearer.

Addressing a gathering of Republican National Committee officials below deck of the decommissioned U.S.S. Midway aircraft carrier in San Diego, California, Romney ticked off three priorities crucial to what he called the "post-Obama era": making the world safer with a more muscular foreign policy, providing opportunity to all Americans, and lifting people out of poverty.

"It's a tragedy, a human tragedy, that the middle class in this country by and large doesn't believe that the future will be better than the past," he said. "We haven't seen rising incomes over decades."

"The rich have gotten richer, income inequality has gotten worse and there are more people in poverty than ever before under this president," he added.

Romney stressed his years as an LDS pastor, a topic he and his campaign rarely broached in 2012, and described working "with people who are very poor to help them get help."

More: Mitt Romney s Re-Invention As Anti-Poverty Warrior

Etch-A-Sketch certainly does describe Romney.
Wow! Pretty much tells you what some politicians think of the intelligence level and attention span of voters. I hope they slap him so hard with that 47% remark it leaves and imprint on his forehead.

Mitt Romney s Incredible 47-Percent Denial Actually I Didn t Say That Mother Jones

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what… These are people who pay no income tax..."[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.""
Yes, that Romney who's never been about the poor, who donates $10,000 a day to charity ($3.6 million annually...more than $20 million in his lifetime). You hate him because as a homosexual, hate is what you do...loser. You hate Christians, you especially hate Mormons, but most of all, you hate yourself.
Yes, that Romney who's never been about the poor, who donates $10,000 a day to charity ($3.6 million annually...more than $20 million in his lifetime). You hate him because as a homosexual, hate is what you do...loser. You hate Christians, you especially hate Mormons, but most of all, you hate yourself.

Whoa, that made a lot of sense....


With the shake of an Etch-A-Sketch, Mitt Romney reintroduced himself to the Republican Party on Friday as a man interested in running for president because of his desire to address poverty and income inequality. One only wonders why the former governor of Massachusetts neglected to focus on the growing problems the last time he held the title of GOP standard bearer.

Addressing a gathering of Republican National Committee officials below deck of the decommissioned U.S.S. Midway aircraft carrier in San Diego, California, Romney ticked off three priorities crucial to what he called the "post-Obama era": making the world safer with a more muscular foreign policy, providing opportunity to all Americans, and lifting people out of poverty.

"It's a tragedy, a human tragedy, that the middle class in this country by and large doesn't believe that the future will be better than the past," he said. "We haven't seen rising incomes over decades."

"The rich have gotten richer, income inequality has gotten worse and there are more people in poverty than ever before under this president," he added.

Romney stressed his years as an LDS pastor, a topic he and his campaign rarely broached in 2012, and described working "with people who are very poor to help them get help."

More: Mitt Romney s Re-Invention As Anti-Poverty Warrior

Etch-A-Sketch certainly does describe Romney.
"We haven't seen rising incomes over decades."

We? get the eff out of here. You have too! :laugh2:
You have to wonder about the education level of the low information left when they can't even remember the sponsor of the monumental failure of the "war on poverty". That's right it was oil millionaire democrat Lyndon Johnson. Oil money didn't worry democrats too much back when organized crime money financed the Kennedy campaigns. Romney is just a nice guy and a successful businessman who is trying to do the right thing. He happens to be a capitalist republican so the knee jerk radical left hates him no matter what he says.
Yes, that Romney who's never been about the poor, who donates $10,000 a day to charity ($3.6 million annually...more than $20 million in his lifetime). You hate him because as a homosexual, hate is what you do...loser. You hate Christians, you especially hate Mormons, but most of all, you hate yourself.

Tithing to the Mormon Church is not really "donating to charity". Plus there's nothing that says those tax deductible donations were used to help the poor. If Romney didn't tithe, he could face excommunication.

That hardly indicates any real commitment to helping the poor since the money he donates to the Church pays for administration, buildings, sending Church youth on missions, etc.
Yes, that Romney who's never been about the poor, who donates $10,000 a day to charity ($3.6 million annually...more than $20 million in his lifetime). You hate him because as a homosexual, hate is what you do...loser. You hate Christians, you especially hate Mormons, but most of all, you hate yourself.

Tithing to the Mormon Church is not really "donating to charity". Plus there's nothing that says those tax deductible donations were used to help the poor. If Romney didn't tithe, he could face excommunication.

That hardly indicates any real commitment to helping the poor since the money he donates to the Church pays for administration, buildings, sending Church youth on missions, etc.

what's it anyone's business? Do you people ask to see how much the Obama's "donate" to a charity. Any politician can care for the poor because it's NOT THEIR monies THEY are handing out

With the shake of an Etch-A-Sketch, Mitt Romney reintroduced himself to the Republican Party on Friday as a man interested in running for president because of his desire to address poverty and income inequality. One only wonders why the former governor of Massachusetts neglected to focus on the growing problems the last time he held the title of GOP standard bearer.

Addressing a gathering of Republican National Committee officials below deck of the decommissioned U.S.S. Midway aircraft carrier in San Diego, California, Romney ticked off three priorities crucial to what he called the "post-Obama era": making the world safer with a more muscular foreign policy, providing opportunity to all Americans, and lifting people out of poverty.

"It's a tragedy, a human tragedy, that the middle class in this country by and large doesn't believe that the future will be better than the past," he said. "We haven't seen rising incomes over decades."

"The rich have gotten richer, income inequality has gotten worse and there are more people in poverty than ever before under this president," he added.

Romney stressed his years as an LDS pastor, a topic he and his campaign rarely broached in 2012, and described working "with people who are very poor to help them get help."

More: Mitt Romney s Re-Invention As Anti-Poverty Warrior

Etch-A-Sketch certainly does describe Romney.
Are you against income equality now? Romney has always been on the side of the poor. You know nothing of his life.

With the shake of an Etch-A-Sketch, Mitt Romney reintroduced himself to the Republican Party on Friday as a man interested in running for president because of his desire to address poverty and income inequality. One only wonders why the former governor of Massachusetts neglected to focus on the growing problems the last time he held the title of GOP standard bearer.

Addressing a gathering of Republican National Committee officials below deck of the decommissioned U.S.S. Midway aircraft carrier in San Diego, California, Romney ticked off three priorities crucial to what he called the "post-Obama era": making the world safer with a more muscular foreign policy, providing opportunity to all Americans, and lifting people out of poverty.

"It's a tragedy, a human tragedy, that the middle class in this country by and large doesn't believe that the future will be better than the past," he said. "We haven't seen rising incomes over decades."

"The rich have gotten richer, income inequality has gotten worse and there are more people in poverty than ever before under this president," he added.

Romney stressed his years as an LDS pastor, a topic he and his campaign rarely broached in 2012, and described working "with people who are very poor to help them get help."

More: Mitt Romney s Re-Invention As Anti-Poverty Warrior

Etch-A-Sketch certainly does describe Romney.
Are you against income equality now? Romney has always been on the side of the poor. You know nothing of his life.

Democrats going back to all they know. Dirty politics and smears. I hope the people learned their lesson about them... when they kicked them out of power from Congress under this Obama regime after only six years.

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