Romney saved the Olympics

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while obamawas doing whatever

Mitt Romney's attack on Newt Gingrich regarding Freddie Mac has turned out to be lies.

The Gingrich group just released a second Freddie Mac contract that specifically states no lobbying:

NAPLES, Fla. (AP) — GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich began receiving payments from Freddie Mac in 1999 under a contract that paid his consulting business $25,000 a month to work with the mortgage giant's chief lobbyist, according to a second agreement released Tuesday night.

The contract specifically excluded lobbying services, stating "nothing herein is or shall be construed as an agreement to provide lobbying services of any kind or engage in lobbying activities."

The Center for Health Transformation, founded by Gingrich, provided the second contract a day after releasing a 2006 agreement for Gingrich's services. The two contracts paid Gingrich's consulting business $1.65 million and required Gingrich to report to Freddie Mac's lobbying office.

The 1999 contract was signed in July and renewed through 2002, and the 2006 contract was renewed for one year in 2007, said Susan Meyers, a spokeswoman for the Center for Health Transformation.
The Associated Press: 2nd Freddie Mac contract with Gingrich is released

JC Watt's a HAWK on Freddie Mac also defends Newt Gingrich against Mitt Romney's attacks regarding him lobbying for FM.

Republican presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks during a South Carolina Republican presidential primary night rally Saturday in Columbia, S.C. (Matt Rourke - AP) Romney’s intensifying attacks against Gingrich over his work for the federally-backed mortgage giant.

Watts said Gingrich, a former House speaker, was never a part of the discussions on Capitol Hill about Freddie Mac. He criticized Romney for accusing Gingrich of lobbying for Freddie Mac because it isn’t true.

Watts, a former four-term congressman from Oklahoma first elected with the Republican revolution that Gingrich led in 1994, is a former chairman of FM Policy Focus, an arm of his Washington consulting firm that represented various financial institutions who were pushing for greater oversight of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

“In the six years that I was chairman of FM Policy focus, we had Republican and Democrat consultants that were part of our meetings,” Watts said. “We talked to Republican and Democrat members of Congress. We talked to Wall Street types. And the first time I heard Newt Gingrich’s name was probably 45 days ago, and that was probably that first week of December, when he was getting hit in Iowa basically saying that he was peddling influence for Freddie Mac".
J.C. Watts defends Newt Gingrich on Freddie Mac - Election 2012 - The Washington Post


I would NEVER vote for a candidate who resorts to smearing other candidates like this.
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while obamawas doing whatever

You mean representing the people of Chicago and working on their behalf.

Frankly, who gives a flip about the Olympics? Seriously. A bunch of sports you don't follow the rest of the time. But suddenly, you care once every four years about curling or whatever?

But let's review this "accomplishment" in context.

Salt Lake City wanted the Winter Olympics bad. I mean, really bad.

So after being rejected twice, they paid large bribes to the IOC. Oh, sorry, they were gifts. And even though SLC didn't have the venues to really hold an Olympics, the politicians in the IOC granted it to them.

Then the people who knew what they were doing went to SLC and figured out, "hey, they aren't ready." Not only would there not be adequate places to hold the events, in some cases they were outright dangerous. It would take a shitload of money to fix it.

Well, that just wouldn't do. It would be a big black eye for the Church of Latter Day Saints. The Mormons run Utah, and they'd look really bad if it became an international fiasco.

So Romney came in and raised a bunch of money from corporate donors who weren't all that interested to fix it. Okay, I guess that's good, but would he have made such an effort if his Church wasn't involved? If it was AmPad, which was going to be around a lot longer than the Olympics.

You know, I want an America that works as well for the non-Mormons as well as the Mormons. I know that sounds all crazy and stuff, but there it is.

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