Romney, too, Believes in Redistribution of Wealth

Aug 7, 2012
Romney, too, believes in redistribution of wealth.

What would Romney call it when the government takes in tax dollars and uses them to pay for things like health care for poor folks? Is he saying he would eliminate Medicaid? We think not. Likewise, although Romney would tax the rich at a lower rate than Obama, his tax plan is still progressive.

As The New York Times’s David Firestone wrote Wednesday: “The government has long redistributed wealth, and … the country expects it to do so. That’s the point of a progressive income tax, which has been in effect for nearly a century…. The progressive tax remains so popular that Mr. Romney has promised to keep it, and he also insists he doesn’t plan to eliminate the safety net.”

Obviously, the real question – and a very legitimate one – is, how much redistribution is fair and best for society? In general, Democrats tend to want a little more, and Republicans tend to want a little less. But for Romney to pretend to be opposed to the entire concept of redistribution is totally untrue, based purely on what he himself says he would do as president.

Sorry course the progressive income tax is safe only because people are ignorant of it and other options. It's a horrible tax and no the government shouldnt be redistributing wealth, but I'm shocked, SHOCKED you could find a NY Times writer to agree with that, whats next he thinks two men buttfucking is no big deal?
Redistribution of wealth is what government do.

Every wear a uniform while in service to your nation?

Your PAY was another form of government wealth redistribution.

Everything the government does is wealth redistribution.
Redistribution of wealth is what government do.

Every wear a uniform while in service to your nation?

Your PAY was another form of government wealth redistribution.

Everything the government does is wealth redistribution.

Of course it is.... Sadly, it's just their new stupid thing to hate and go ape sh*t over....
There may be some slight differences between the parties, but overall, redistribution of wealth is what taxation does. I'm sure if most people would be objective and realisitic, they would agree that we need social programs to prevent people from having to live in poverty to an even greater extent than they do now. It isn't good for the country, for neighborhoods, cities, schools, etc. for things to be deteriorating and for people to be living in squalor. While we may not like to have to redistribute, it is really for everyone's benefit in the long run. I don't want to have to walk down the street or go to a park where people are living in tents and cardboard boxes. It isn't a pretty sight and most thoughtful and caring people don't want that for others or for themselves.
There may be some slight differences between the parties, but overall, redistribution of wealth is what taxation does. I'm sure if most people would be objective and realisitic, they would agree that we need social programs to prevent people from having to live in poverty to an even greater extent than they do now. It isn't good for the country, for neighborhoods, cities, schools, etc. for things to be deteriorating and for people to be living in squalor. While we may not like to have to redistribute, it is really for everyone's benefit in the long run. I don't want to have to walk down the street or go to a park where people are living in tents and cardboard boxes. It isn't a pretty sight and most thoughtful and caring people don't want that for others or for themselves.

At some point people have to be responsible for their behavior bit to say your opposed to all redistribution means you want a society where government does nothing to insure all Americans have a shot at success. In short you become a facist Latin American banana republic which seems to be what the right wing wants.

Redistribution is not socialism guaranteeing equal results is socialism and they are not a one for one match.
If you recall, Bush redistributed wealth to get out of his first recession in 2001. He sent every tax filer a $300 check, $600 if you filed jointly.

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