Ron DeSantis finally gets what he deserves in stunning development

“Immigrant workers”? You mean illegal aliens. They broke the law and are here illegally, as their proper description informs. Most countries keep them out. Ours doesn’t, so our states have to deal with it.

Watch your economy collapse, because these "illegals" were the ones doing all of the crap, labor-intensive work. Now you young Caucasians better pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and get to work. Oh, wait, most of the white youth doesn't want to break a sweat or get their hands and fingernails dirty, so you old-school white guys in your 50s, 60s, and 70s, better get those helmets on, because you're hitting the construction site, under that hot Florida sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen.
Watch your economy collapse, because these "illegals" were the ones doing all of the crap, labor-intensive work. Now you young Caucasians better pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and get to work. Oh, wait, most of the white youth doesn't want to break a sweat or get their hands and fingernails dirty, so you old-school white guys in your 50s, 60s, and 70s, better get those helmets on, because you're hitting the construction site, under that hot Florida sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen.
Why are you putting quotes around “illegals”?
They will get completed in time.

I'd rather see stalled projects than just accepting illegals. A lot of times in order to solve a problem or set things right there is no magic bullet, you have to tolerate a bad period before things improve and go back to how they should be.

Course if we didn't raise the last 2 generations (particularly the newest one) to be pussy ass weak bitches we wouldn't be in this mess right now. We sissified so many young people no one is capable of doing any work or learning a trade.

Just flooding places with illegals to do work is not the answer. All it does is insure younger Americans don't actually have to work, it means a certain percent of dollars are sent back to the illegals countries and not used in our economy, it dumbs down our society as we stock it with poor illegals that don't even speak English, it means companies are less likely to pay a American a wage to do real work when they can hire a illegal cheaper, and so on. So yeah illegals fix all labor problems end up costing us as a whole a lot more.

America should be for Americans, both born in America and those that go through the immigration process. But America should not be for illegals.

Calling illegals immigrants doesn't make them American or even immigrants.

Desantis isn't anti immigration, he is anti illegal and I agree with him 100%.
Clearly one has to go back to the evolution of a United States now industrially hollowed-out.
Sounds to me like a lot of white construction workers might be headed to FL. ;)

I remember back when the Cat 5 hurricane hit Miami a couple of construction outfits in my AO finished up their local jobs (or subbed them out) and headed down there and made bank for better than two years. One firm stayed there.

LOL....I still have a Dade County stop sign in my garage one of them brought back to me. He removed it from a home where it blew through three walls, post and all!
Watch your economy collapse, because these "illegals" were the ones doing all of the crap, labor-intensive work. Now you young Caucasians better pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and get to work. Oh, wait, most of the white youth doesn't want to break a sweat or get their hands and fingernails dirty, so you old-school white guys in your 50s, 60s, and 70s, better get those helmets on, because you're hitting the construction site, under that hot Florida sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen.
you ain't from the US, fk off foreigner.
Another pathology is the biased immigrant movement of the Catholic mafia on the capitalist axis (= the north-south axis). Genuflection is what these have in common, so the POSPOTUS knows what's going on for future voters: the copulation of church and state, of which Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, etc. would likely not approve.

To understand further the details of drug trafficking psychopathologies the catholics are now up to, suggested is a review of their evolution in Sinaloa.
Why are you putting quotes around “illegals”?

Why not? The US government does a bunch of illegal shit in Latin America in order to advance the vested interests of American and European companies so, who's really illegal? The US government creates the conditions for all of these illegals to come here seeking a better life. We ousted Manuel Zelaya from power in Honduras in 2009 and created much worse conditions in that country, leading to hundreds of thousands of Hondurans migrating here, that otherwise would've stayed in their country. President Bukele in El Salvador is now being threatened by the US State Department for cracking down on gangs and imprisoning their members to stop them from terrorizing everyone.

The US government creates the conditions for people to leave their countries and seek a better life in THE EMPIRE. If you don't want these Hispanics or illegals in general, coming here to our country, then stop supporting a foreign policy that contributes to illegal immigration. Of course, you're not going to acknowledge this hence the bad foreign policy toward Latin America will continue and more illegals will come to our country. What's happening now in Florida is indicative of what will occur throughout the country. We're going to see mass shortages in several industries due to the lack of labor. Do you actually believe these limp-wristed blue-haired "Zoomers" and Millenials are going to pick up the slack? You're in Lalaland.

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