Ron DeSantis Hates Democracy and Freedom. Period. End of discussion.

I'd even prefer a Biden 2nd term or even a Kamala presidency over DeSantis

Libelous rag writer fussy about prospect of legal consequences for libel in article full of libel…

This is just some stupid meta-joke right?
I'd even prefer a Biden 2nd term or even a Kamala presidency over DeSantis

Why would anyone think that an ultra liberal leftist Democrat such as yourself would vote for DeSantis? You direct people to ultra leftist websites expecting conservatives to think you have an ounce of brain material in that cranium of yours. Huckabee is right. Democrat have gone completely crazy.
The article says DeSantis has election police. You might want to dig into the story a bit more. You may find that not having the right to vote and do so anyway is a crime. Not to Democrats who think non-citizens should be able to vote in U.S. elections. But, rational non-crazy citizens do not agree with you. Apparently, this was a ring of people setting up illegals to vote. And, why would you be against nighttime raids by law enforcement? You had no problem with raiding Trump but didn't say a thing when the FBI didn't raid any of Biden's homes in the middle of the night. The word that describes you is "Hypocrite."
There is no "Don't say gay" bill. It's a parent's rights bill to decide what their children will learn from the state. But, we see in blue states where the state is deciding for the parents whether their child can start pubic blockers and even mutilate children. It's up to the parents what and how their children will learn, not the state. You probably think it's okay to have transvestites in drag come into elementary schools and teach them about their mental illness and perverse way of thinking and living. Conservative Republicans do not agree with you and that is one reason Florida has turned a very red state now.
It's hysterical to think anyone believes there is academic freedom in colleges and universities now. 95% of teachers in colleges and universities are liberal nutcases. So are the administrations as well. Try being a conservative Republican at a state sponsored and run university and you will know quickly there is no such thing as academic freedom. So, good for DeSantis to level the playing field allowing for academic freedom.

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