Ron DeSantis to CBS: “You ain’t running over this governor, I’m punching back!”

Ronnie would be the 8th republic loser of the last 9 presidential elections.

You cheering that...laughable.
Last 9?

Bush, Sr

Of the last 9 presidential elections, 4 have been won by Republicans. Did you learn math in government school?
Do you understand popular vote?

W lost the popular vote in 2000 and Dan would lose it in 2024.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.
I'm in Florida---Desantis has been a great governor...........
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Desantis is about the only politician I know of who has not betrayed Americans that’s why he does not have a shot at being potus.
On the positive side,maybe with trumps help him funneling him money,he can pull off another trump and shock and piss off the elite,they underestimated trump and pissed them off getting elected so maybe there is hope for Desantis.

I hope I’m wrong that he has no shot but look what they did to trump the second time,they underestimated the lengths they would have to go to keep him out of office the first time but compensated for it the second time not making the same mistakes so it would be a long shot,there is hope though cause I did not think trump had a prayer on the planet to get in. But as I said,this time I don’t think they would make the same mistake with Desantis they made with trump the first time so yeah it’s a very long shot.:(
Your death rate is higher than Florida’s, Dumbass.
LIAR, as always. DeSantis' death rate per 1 million is 1,574 and Canada's is 610 per 1 million.
Unlike you, I provided a link, Stupid.

And I used the correct stat, deaths per confirmed cases.
You provided a link to a known LYING Right-wing site, and the correct stat is the pro capita death rate. Canada has a lot more people than the shithole state of Florida.
Realclearpolitics is right wing?

You are a dumbass.
Yes, extremely so.

You are an :asshole:
Your death rate is higher than Florida’s, Dumbass.
LIAR, as always. DeSantis' death rate per 1 million is 1,574 and Canada's is 610 per 1 million.
Canada tests 746,000 per capita and Florida tests 1.2 million per capita.
Fla has nearly 3 times the deaths per capita but tests less than double per capita, so your argument falls flat on its face!
Florida tests more than your stupid Canada so your argument isnt even coherent. President Trump told you that if you want fewer cases or deaths stop testing.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.

Corrected? No. You've attempted to lie about the death rates before using "total case numbers" and we've debunked your false and misleading statistics.

There is no realistic way you can claim that a state with a 33,000 deaths in a population with 22 million people, has a higher rate of death than a country with 23,000 deaths in a population of 37 million people. Even someone as stupid as you wouldn't buy that idea.

You and your FuckBoi buddies are trying to sell the idea that the death rate should be calculated on the total number of cases, which will always deflate the true death rates of states like Florida where 2.1% of resolved cases result in death, versus 2.4% in Canada. But Canada has had half the number of cases that Florida has had, and while 2.4% of active cases die in Canada, only a little over 1 million people have gotten sick in Canada, versus 2.1 million in Florida, so our death rate per million of population is only 610 per million of population, versus 1576 in Florida.

Ron DeSantis should have had a much LOWER death rate than Canada. We're stuck indoors from late October to April 1st, and that's when our case rate started going up, up, up. In Florida, people can be outdoors all winter long, so Florida didn't have an outbreak at all until they failed to cancel Spring Break, and then it moved slowly. DeSantis had lots of time to stockpile PPE, and for scientists to test run various treatment regimens to combat the worst effects of the virus.

On June 1st last year, DeSantis had 2465 deaths in Florida, and Canada had 7356. Despite have this huge head start in the outbreak, with 6 months of time and research to look at what happened in New York, California, and Washington State, and for the scientific community to develop life saving treatments, DeSantis is now killing Floridians at an astonishing fast pace.

While Republicans are ready to tar, feather, and run Andrew Cuomo out of town on a rail for killing people in nursing homes, DeSantis record of killing people in nursing homes is no better, and the FuckBois among us are defending DeSantis covid record as a shining example of a covid response, because he didn't close the state. Maybe not, but his record of death among the black and brown people in Florida is literally criminal.

Just the daily case, and daily deaths graphs for Florida reveal the extent of the death and illness caused by DeSantis' policies, and the costs to the public purse of testing and treating sick people. Costs that Canadians are not paying because we're not getting sick, and our healthcare costs are already lower than yours.

Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
Yet it has remained consistent since the beginning of the pandemic....excellent red states, pathetic blue states...a solid year's worth of stats.
Your death rate is higher than Florida’s, Dumbass.
LIAR, as always. DeSantis' death rate per 1 million is 1,574 and Canada's is 610 per 1 million.
Canada tests 746,000 per capita and Florida tests 1.2 million per capita.
Fla has nearly 3 times the deaths per capita but tests less than double per capita, so your argument falls flat on its face!
Florida tests more than your stupid Canada so your argument isnt even coherent. President Trump told you that if you want fewer cases or deaths stop testing.
Simple math is always incoherent to the Right.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
Your death rate is higher than Florida’s, Dumbass.
LIAR, as always. DeSantis' death rate per 1 million is 1,574 and Canada's is 610 per 1 million.
Canada tests 746,000 per capita and Florida tests 1.2 million per capita.
Fla has nearly 3 times the deaths per capita but tests less than double per capita, so your argument falls flat on its face!
Florida tests more than your stupid Canada so your argument isnt even coherent. President Trump told you that if you want fewer cases or deaths stop testing.
Simple math is always incoherent to the Right.
And statistics to the braindead left.
Ronnie would be the 8th republic loser of the last 9 presidential elections.

You cheering that...laughable.
Last 9?

Bush, Sr

Of the last 9 presidential elections, 4 have been won by Republicans. Did you learn math in government school?
Do you understand popular vote?

W lost the popular vote in 2000 and Dan would lose it in 2024.
Irrelevant. The popular vote doesn't determine the winner, any more than controlling the ball for the most time determines the Super Bowl winner.
Your death rate is higher than Florida’s, Dumbass.
LIAR, as always. DeSantis' death rate per 1 million is 1,574 and Canada's is 610 per 1 million.
Canada tests 746,000 per capita and Florida tests 1.2 million per capita.
Fla has nearly 3 times the deaths per capita but tests less than double per capita, so your argument falls flat on its face!
So lets see....Florida has half the population yet does twice as many tests per capita as Canada....and you think its noteworthy that Canada has fewer cases and deaths than Florida....who doesn't understand basic math?
It's going to be a fun field in 2024...Haley, DeSantis are top two at this point, and would both be excellent Presidents.

The nation can't lose with either of them.
Abbott and DeSantis, I'd say, against each other. Haley could maybe be a vice-prez, what with being a woman and an indeterminate race, which seems to be de rigeur these days.
At first a few weeks ago I was saying I would take either Noem or Desantis in a heartbeat as a president and then Abbot next if not them now I have done a 180 degree turnabout though sense then.I did not know then that Abbot stood by and did not lift one finger to help Texans out in the winter freeze,he stood by and let them die,he is a murderer.Abbot is just putting on a show saying what Texans want to hear just like newsome is of california when he proved what a lying hypocrite he was,that he serves the corporations instead of the people,Abbot is no different.if the two choices in the next election were Biden and abbot,I would vote fir neither of those asshole murderers.

He also calls anybody anti Semitic if they critique Israel’s warmongering so they are obviously big donors to him.Noem I thought was for the people till a couple days ago when I discovered she is in favor of transgender males like Bruce Jenner competing in women sports so she is one sick depraved monster and evil,as well.she has gone over to the dark side recently.

Desantis as far as I know,has not gone over to the dark side,he seems to be the only good politician out there left.I hope they don’t get to him same as they did want to believe there are some out there not evil.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
But will every one of them stay alive. NO! So it us a useless metric.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.

Corrected? No. You've attempted to lie about the death rates before using "total case numbers" and we've debunked your false and misleading statistics.

There is no realistic way you can claim that a state with a 33,000 deaths in a population with 22 million people, has a higher rate of death than a country with 23,000 deaths in a population of 37 million people. Even someone as stupid as you wouldn't buy that idea.

You and your FuckBoi buddies are trying to sell the idea that the death rate should be calculated on the total number of cases, which will always deflate the true death rates of states like Florida where 2.1% of resolved cases result in death, versus 2.4% in Canada. But Canada has had half the number of cases that Florida has had, and while 2.4% of active cases die in Canada, only a little over 1 million people have gotten sick in Canada, versus 2.1 million in Florida, so our death rate per million of population is only 610 per million of population, versus 1576 in Florida.

Ron DeSantis should have had a much LOWER death rate than Canada. We're stuck indoors from late October to April 1st, and that's when our case rate started going up, up, up. In Florida, people can be outdoors all winter long, so Florida didn't have an outbreak at all until they failed to cancel Spring Break, and then it moved slowly. DeSantis had lots of time to stockpile PPE, and for scientists to test run various treatment regimens to combat the worst effects of the virus.

On June 1st last year, DeSantis had 2465 deaths in Florida, and Canada had 7356. Despite have this huge head start in the outbreak, with 6 months of time and research to look at what happened in New York, California, and Washington State, and for the scientific community to develop life saving treatments, DeSantis is now killing Floridians at an astonishing fast pace.

While Republicans are ready to tar, feather, and run Andrew Cuomo out of town on a rail for killing people in nursing homes, DeSantis record of killing people in nursing homes is no better, and the FuckBois among us are defending DeSantis covid record as a shining example of a covid response, because he didn't close the state. Maybe not, but his record of death among the black and brown people in Florida is literally criminal.

Just the daily case, and daily deaths graphs for Florida reveal the extent of the death and illness caused by DeSantis' policies, and the costs to the public purse of testing and treating sick people. Costs that Canadians are not paying because we're not getting sick, and our healthcare costs are already lower than yours.

You sure go to Bible length rants when your lying gets exposed to try and save face shill. Jesus Christ,nobody wants to read the Bible.
Your death rate is higher than Florida’s, Dumbass.
LIAR, as always. DeSantis' death rate per 1 million is 1,574 and Canada's is 610 per 1 million.
Canada tests 746,000 per capita and Florida tests 1.2 million per capita.
Fla has nearly 3 times the deaths per capita but tests less than double per capita, so your argument falls flat on its face!
So lets see....Florida has half the population yet does twice as many tests per capita as Canada....and you think its noteworthy that Canada has fewer cases and deaths than Florida....who doesn't understand basic math?
And Fla has 3 times as many deaths, and so with only 2 times as many tests Fla still has more deaths per capita even allowing for the more testing.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
Yet it has remained consistent since the beginning of the pandemic....excellent red states, pathetic blue states...a solid year's worth of stats.
You sure owned his sorry in taking him to school the dems are destroying America , :up: :thankusmile:

I ain't gonna tread where angels fear to go ----- into who has the most Covid cases.

So, I'll stick to the 60-Minutes program.

First, as my avatar said in another thread touching upon the story: 60-Minutes came late to that story. The Publix donations to DiSantis, and the donations by the Publix heir to Trump's Insurrection Day cheerfest have been covered here in Florida by virtually all of the newspapers.

Publix' money and DiSantis' announcement to give Publix the first big drop of vaccines was noted by everybody. And also noted by everybody has been the extensive newspaper and broadcast coverage of the 'Pop Up Clinics' for administering vaccines......with those Clinics popping up first in very affluent and Republican locations, Palm Beach, Lakewood Ranch, Boca, etc. So 60-Minutes' story is not a new story for those of us in Florida.60-Minutes likely got wind of the controversy and anger from one of their affiliates and sent their crew down to Florida.

Notably, in Manatee county where Lakewood Ranch is, the coverage was particularly critical of DiSantis. Publix wasn't involved in the Lakewood Ranch thing. It was a Pop-Up. But only residents of the two Zips covering Lakewood were allowed to get shots.

Well, except the non-resident father of the developer was able to fly in from out of state and get his shot.
And the County Commissioner who coordinated the Clinic (DiSanits and the Commisioner cut out the County Health Dpt. )...anyway, that Commissioner who was ineligible due to her age....well, she jumped into line too and got her shot.

And as 60-Minutes stated DiSantis publicly fibbed, made a mistake, or lied (?) when he stated he had spoken with the Manatee County Health Commissioner about the Lakewood Pop-Up. She denied he ever spoke with her. He ran it through the Republican Commissioner, who jumped the line, Vanessa Baugh. There have been plenty of calls, including demonstrations, for Baugh to resign.

In short, how DiSantis rolled this thing out has plenty of legitimate critics.

I myself and my bride got both our shots through Publix, and from my perspective they did a pretty decent job of rolling it. It was awkward at first, but given the rush rush nature of it and the build-the-plane-while-its-flying nature of a big vaccine rollout, it went OK. We both got both of our shots. And our view now of Covid has markedly changed. It was a big relief.

Here's what CBS stated about DiSantis' criticism:

"......a CBS spokesperson said it had "requested and conducted interviews with dozens of sources and authorities involved."

"We requested an interview with Gov. Ron DeSantis, he declined; We spoke to State Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz twice, but he declined to be interviewed on camera for our story until well after our deadline," the spokesperson explained.

"The idea we ignored their perspective is untrue," the spokesperson added. "Counter to his statement yesterday, we also spoke on the record with Palm Beach County Mayor David Kerner. For over 50 years, the facts reported by 60 Minutes have often stirred debate and prompted strong reactions. Our story Sunday night speaks for itself."


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