Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
That ship has already sailed, Moon Bat.

The Democrats destroyed our Republic when they stole the 2020 Presidential election with the scam of using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.
What the left really means by "our democracy" is that you must conform to their unchallenged ideology of leftism. This is nothing more than Orwellian doublespeak designed to shame you into surrendering your free speech and individual rights. Once they've convinced you that democracy is a concept they are benevolently sharing with you, you're no longer able to recognize the tyranny of leftism and have become part of their collective.

So yeah, fuck their "democracy." Liberals are the most undemocratic hypocrites on this planet. They will never hesitate to use lofty ideals like Democracy, patriotism, or even religion, in order to force you to be subservient to their vile ideology.

Again, individual citizens refusing to associate with you because you say something that's abhorrent to as American as apple pie. Ask any pearl clutching church lady calling for a boycott of some rock band she insists is 'worshipping satan'.

What YOU and your ilk want to do is use the power of the State to punish people for criticizing conservatives.

DeSantis is a perfect example of the conservative vision for the future. DeSantis held a special sessions of the legislature to turn over the Reedy Creek board to his appointees. Including the head of a ministry. That's right.......Disney now has to answer to an Evangelical church, or be punished. If Disney says something that the church doesn't like.....their free speech can be punished.

If Disney were to criticize DeSantis or oppose conservative policies, the board can punish Disney by borrowing money.....that Disney is responsible for repaying. Or deny needed infrastructure projects. Or deny garbage service. Or deny any construction projects. Or build a new highway right through Disney world.

And it goes farther than that. If Disney were to release a movie that DeSantis or the Evangelical Ministry didn't like......Disney could again be punished. Its parks could be damaged. Its tax rates increased. Its vital services withheld. Or a 'highway' could be built to threatened the companies holdings in FL.

This is the conservative vision of 'free speech'. With a financial gun held to your head by the State, where any dissent, any criticism, anything but obedience to the the conservative punished with the power of the State.

And conservatives cheer.
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That ship has already sailed, Moon Bat.

The Democrats destroyed our Republic when they stole the 2020 Presidential election with the scam of using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Or.....Trump, an unpopular candidate in the midst of an economic downturn, just lost.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.

At present he appears to be America's best chance for reversing the Woke-ism of recent decades and RESTORING our democracy from it present degenerate state.

The so-called Trump agenda --- anti-Woke-ism, conservative values, etc. --- are righteous and worthwhile, in large part...

But Trump was never really the one to execute on that agenda --- he lacked the governing and leadership skills --- although he DID put it on the table...

Now that it's "on the table" it's time to execute... and Ron DeSantis has experience in governing a State and executing that agenda within his jurisdiction...

That, and he's a veteran, and was serving in the US Navy Reserve as a Lieutenant Commander right up to the moment he was sworn-in as governor...

He's old enough to pass the Youngster Barrier and young enough to make either Uncle Joe or the Orange Cheetoh look like doddering old relics.

Here's hoping he decides to run, and pulls it off.

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At present he appears to be America's best chance for reversing the Woke-ism of recent decades and RESTORING our democracy from it present degenerate state.

How is boycotting your ilk when they say or do stupid shit a crisis of democracy?

How is using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives 'restoring democracy'?

You need to take a long, hard look at the Bill of Rights. The first word of the first amendment isn't "Disney".
Just goes to show, no matter who is in the forefront of the Republicans, they will be deemed the spawn of Satan by the demented LEFT.
They can't help but spew their PROJECTION upon their opponents.
Just goes to show, no matter who is in the forefront of the Republicans, they will be deemed the spawn of Satan by the demented LEFT.
They can't help but spew their PROJECTION upon their opponents.

Or......your ilk are using the power of the State to punish those who criticize it.

So much for 'free speech'.
No more BULLSHIT sweet tax evading deals for woke Disney.
Too bad for you!!!!

And in a perfect demonstration of my point.....another conservative lauds, celebrates and makes excuses for DeSantis using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives.

Using the power of the State to PUNISH those that criticize conservatives is the most perfect expression of the conservative vision of 'free speech'.
So you’re saying DeSantis is the American Zelen$$$ky?

Also, the democrat Party conspiring with the Sinaloa Cartel and the CCP to use a bioweapon so they could add 10 million Biden votes destroyed our democracy

The Sinaloa cartel has been folded into your insanity? Wasn't the ghost of Hugo Chavez enough delusion?
Or.....Trump, an unpopular candidate in the midst of an economic downturn, just lost.

The stupid Moon Bats, Negroes, Illegals, welfare queens and queers didn't like him but he was loved by real Americans because he did a great job as President.

The Democrats stole the Electoral College delegates from Trump and that destroyed our "Democracy". Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
wow some op-ed writer from the UK found a NYU professor that’s willing to bash a republican and claim they will be the downfall of democracy…

what did Shakespeare say about this?
And in a perfect demonstration of my point.....another conservative lauds, celebrates and makes excuses for DeSantis using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives.

Using the power of the State to PUNISH those that criticize conservatives is the most perfect expression of the conservative vision of 'free speech'.
Fuck you and every child abuse advocate!

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.

Authoritarians are especially sensitive to being criticized. Trump actually tried to pressure Twitter as president to censor Chrissy Tiegan. He tried to punish Jimmy Kimmel for mocking and criticizing him. Lou Dobbs called on Trump as president to shut down any news agency that Trump deemed spreading 'disinformation'.

And DeSantis now holds a financial gun to Disney's head, with his own appointees (including the head of an Evangelical Ministry) poised to punish Disney, withhold construction, deny vital services, or even build a highway straight through Disney world....

.....if Disney says anything DeSantis doesn't like. Or releases a film that offends the Evangelical Ministry. Or takes any action that doesn't service the conservative agenda.

This is the conservative vision of 'free speech'.
Fuck you and every child abuse advocate!

Every authoritarian that has ever existed calls those they wish to subjugate, whose rights they wish to strip......names.

Its how your ilk internally justifies using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives.
No more BULLSHIT sweet tax evading deals for woke Disney.
Too bad for you!!!!
No, just sweet tax evading deals for every other Florida company.

March 25 2020
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to go ahead with more than a half-billion dollars in tax refunds for the state’s largest corporations — even as the state economy crashes amid the spreading coronavirus pandemic.

The Republican-controlled Florida Legislature committed to the corporate tax refunds — which will total $543 million.

“The corporate taxpayers who are entitled to receive these automatic tax refunds under the law have anticipated these refunds and have likely made business decisions around them."

Only a very narrow sliver of Florida businesses will get the tax refunds. That’s because only about 1 percent of all businesses in the state pay any Florida corporate income tax, which national experts say is one of the easiest-to-avoid state corporate income taxes in the country.
The stupid Moon Bats, Negroes, Illegals, welfare queens and queers didn't like him but he was loved by real Americans because he did a great job as President.
Or.......we had an economic downturn as part of COVID, and the president is held responsible for that. If we're in a recession during the next election, its going to hurt Biden. Just like it did Trump in 2020. McCain in 2008. Bush Sr in 1992. And Carter in 1980.

Poor economies are hard for the incumbant party to overcome in presidential elections.

The Democrats stole the Electoral College delegates from Trump and that destroyed our "Democracy". Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The States disagreed. The States were the one's that awarded the electoral college delegates.

You just didn't like the result.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
To the Left if they acknowledge that a Loch Ness monster does exist because
they have photos of Trump sneaking out in the Lake and getting pointers
from the thing { Loch Ness Monster } then its proof beyond ANY reasonable
doubt.Because they Say So.That's all the proof needed or Allowed.
Comparable to how " Natural Immunity " is not any better than the
vaunted jab { Covid vaccine }. In fact,it's far worse.It's Not recommended
by the new Dr.Death { Lord Fauci }.

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