Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert

To the Left if they acknowledge that a Loch Ness monster does exist because
they have photos of Trump sneaking out in the Lake and getting pointers
from the thing { Loch Ness Monster } then its proof beyond ANY reasonable
doubt.Because they Say So.That's all the proof needed or Allowed.
Comparable to how " Natural Immunity " is not any better than the
vaunted jab { Covid vaccine }. In fact,it's far worse.It's Not recommended
by the new Dr.Death { Lord Fauci }.

Or, DeSantis is eagerly using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives.

The truest expression of the conservative vision of 'free speech'.
No, just sweet tax evading deals for every other Florida company.

March 25 2020
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to go ahead with more than a half-billion dollars in tax refunds for the state’s largest corporations — even as the state economy crashes amid the spreading coronavirus pandemic.

The Republican-controlled Florida Legislature committed to the corporate tax refunds — which will total $543 million.

“The corporate taxpayers who are entitled to receive these automatic tax refunds under the law have anticipated these refunds and have likely made business decisions around them."

Only a very narrow sliver of Florida businesses will get the tax refunds. That’s because only about 1 percent of all businesses in the state pay any Florida corporate income tax, which national experts say is one of the easiest-to-avoid state corporate income taxes in the country.
Fuck with children, find out!
Or.......we had an economic downturn as part of COVID, and the president is held responsible for that. If we're in a recession during the next election, its going to hurt Biden. Just like it did Trump in 2020. McCain in 2008. Bush Sr in 1992. And Carter in 1980.

Poor economies are hard for the incumbant party to overcome in presidential elections.

The States disagreed. The States were the one's that awarded the electoral college delegates.

You just didn't like the result.
The fucking evil assholes that CREATED the GoF virus are responsible!!!
Nah. I'm familiar with her writings. She's a false witness.
Geez Louize ... We have allowed ourselves to degenerate to this
level of absurdist reality.

" For Fascism is a lie told by bullies.A writer
who will not lie cannot live or work under
Fascism ".
-- Ernest Hemingway { Nobel Prize 1954 }
Fuck with children, find out!

The fucking evil assholes that CREATED the GoF virus are responsible!!!
It doesn't matter who YOU think is responsible.

If we have an economic downturn, for any reason, the incumbent party usually takes the blame.

Carter didn't cause the recession or oil embragos of the late 70s. Bush Sr. didn't cause the recession that preceded his loss in 1992. McCain didn't cause the housing crisis that preceded his loss in 2008. Trump didn't cause COVID that resulted in the poor economy before his loss in 2020.

Is it fair? Probably not. But the incumbant party will still take the blame for the economy, regardless of cause.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
As with Trump, it's the legion of goons following him that are the problem. Fascist leaders require fascist mobs to do their thing.

What's different is that Trump was mostly an empty, needy ego. He talked a big game, talked about "going after" his enemies and getting revenge on everyone who defied him - but mostly it was just bloviating. DeSantis is ready, willing and able to be the fascist the goons want.
Or, DeSantis is eagerly using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives.

The truest expression of the conservative vision of 'free speech'.
DeSantis has to clean house ... Dear Alphonse.Make clean what
it takes years for the Democrats to scummy-up.
No finer and pointed example than what Disney was allowed
to turn into.As Ironic as it gets.From a wonderful place to
enjoy Family and Kids to a near cheap Carnival with a huge
House of Mirrors.Replete with cheap food items like low
grade salt water taffy and more than One Gigantic Fat Lady
Statue laughing and belching for all to hear.
This is the New version of :
Andrew Breitbart warned about weeks before he passed away.
How is boycotting your ilk when they say or do stupid shit a crisis of democracy?

How is using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives 'restoring democracy'?

You need to take a long, hard look at the Bill of Rights. The first word of the first amendment isn't "Disney".

DeSantis has to clean house ... Dear Alphonse.Make clean what
it takes years for the Democrats to scummy-up.
No finer and pointed example than what Disney was allowed
to turn into.As Ironic as it gets.From a wonderful place to
enjoy Family and Kids to a near cheap Carnival with a huge
House of Mirrors.Replete with cheap food items like low
grade salt water taffy and more than One Gigantic Fat Lady
Statue laughing and belching for all to hear.
This is the New version of :
Andrew Breitbart warned about weeks before he passed away.

I have no doubt that conservatives will delight in DeSantis using the power of the state to punish free speech critical of conservatives.

Using the power of the State to punish those who criticize conservatives is the truest expression of the conservative conception of 'free speech'.

It was always the plan.

Rejected. didn't take much to run you off, now did it? All I had to do was ask you to actually read the 1st amendment......and you flee. Since you've starkly refused to look at the bill of rights, lets see if the other simple questions send you running.

How is boycotting your ilk when they say or do stupid shit a crisis of democracy?

How is using the power of the State to punish those that criticize conservatives 'restoring democracy'?
Uh huh, sure.

This of course coming from the statist shills who never dare question the government, and love when multinational billion dollar corporations infringe on citizens’ rights on behalf of the government.

currently, what rights dont you have?

id be interested in your list

honestly, i dont expect you to actually come up with much of a list
currently, what rights dont you have?

id be interested in your list

honestly, i dont expect you to actually come up with much of a list

Their right to use the power of the state to punish criticism of conservatives?

Conservatives never really understood the difference between a power and a right.
It doesn't matter who YOU think is responsible.

If we have an economic downturn, for any reason, the incumbent party usually takes the blame.

Carter didn't cause the recession or oil embragos of the late 70s. Bush Sr. didn't cause the recession that preceded his loss in 1992. McCain didn't cause the housing crisis that preceded his loss in 2008. Trump didn't cause COVID that resulted in the poor economy before his loss in 2020.

Is it fair? Probably not. But the incumbant party will still take the blame for the economy, regardless of cause.
KInda forgetting one huge fact.Republicans DO NOT EXIST to use
The Blame Game.Nor Alinsky - Rules for Radicals -.
Alinsky Rules,the Blame Game and outright Lying is the best
partner the Democrats have,use and rely upon.
Have you learn't Nothing over the years.
You were doing okay on some of your thoughts until your 'democrats want to promote child sex, QANON CRAP,' rightwing lies....brainwashed, democrats BAD shit....

Too bad YOU went down that rabbit hole of rightwing made up nonsense, I agree on the other stuff! :)
I do NOT think 'Democrats want to promote child sex'. It's more complicated than that, and actually worth a thread on its own. (Nor do I think that Hilary, etc take part in Satanic child sex rings, etc.)

For the record, I believe most ordinary Democratic voters probably feel about 'child sex' as all ordinary Republican voters feel. (I use the word 'feel' here, instead of 'think', because of all political issues, it's the most emotional, the most likely to provoke strong, non-rational reactions.)

And, I believe most ordinary Democratic political leaders know this, and shape their actions accordingly.

BUT ... there is also a serious 'lobby' within the Left who do NOT feel this way. I'm not talking here about actual paedophiles, who are found on both sides of the political barricades, although this 'lobby' includes such people.

(I'm putting 'lobby' in quote marks because this group is not actually a lobby in the traditional sense, with offices in Washington DC and bribes, I mean, campaign contribution, to politicians. But it has definite political aims, and a certain amount of self-awareness.)

At the heart of this 'lobby' are post-modernist intellectuals, who, some fifty years ago, disappointed in the performance of the Third World revolutionaries on whom their hopes had focussed, developed an analysis of Western society that viewed all social arrangements, laws, customs, etc as simply rationales for the exercise of power by privileged layers of society. This analysis was to some extent foreshadowed by Marxist theory, but went beyond it.

Since then, we have seen a slow, steady assault on all traditional values, including the concept of objective truth.

By the way, the best analyses of this intellectual cancer have been made by people who are, broadly speaking, on the Left, especially those whose main interest is in promoting rational thinking ... people like those who put out journals like Skeptical Inquirer. (Thirty years ago they exposed the leftist Portland School Board's curriculum for Black children, teaching them that they were the descendants of ancient Egpytians, who had psionic powers. )

With the great overthrowing of allegiance to traditional Americanism that occurred in the 60s and 70s, the people who want normalize sex with children came out into the open, with their own organizations, and for a time, were accepted by the rest of the Left, even if they (other Leftists) did not agree with them. But even for the Left (at that time), open advocacy of paedophile practices was too much, and so these organizations faded into the background. Their members dispersed into other arenas, and campaigned for less radical ideas, like gay marriage. Their agenda has been pursued since then by stealth, a step at a time.

Just twenty years ago, no one would have dreamed of 'Drag Queen Story Hour' for kindergartners. Now, defending it has become a point of honor for the Left. What is the point of 'Drag Queen Story Hour'? It's to normalize the previously abnormal ... to take what was previously a tolerated eccentricity with sexual overtones, and make it normal. The same thing is happening with transgenderism.

This campaign is aided by objective social changes that are happening for other reasons ... namely, the disintegration of the traditional family, which has had as one of its effects the population implosion, now affecting all advanced countries. (In short: as a species, we are dying off.)

Step by step. We don't need craziness like the "Pizzagate" nonsense to see what's happening.
DeSantis has to clean house ... Dear Alphonse.Make clean what
it takes years for the Democrats to scummy-up.
No finer and pointed example than what Disney was allowed
to turn into.As Ironic as it gets.From a wonderful place to
enjoy Family and Kids to a near cheap Carnival with a huge
House of Mirrors.Replete with cheap food items like low
grade salt water taffy and more than One Gigantic Fat Lady
Statue laughing and belching for all to hear.
This is the New version of :
Andrew Breitbart warned about weeks before he passed away.
Spaces after periods. Try again.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.

And Democrats DON’T hate opposing opinions? They hate them so much that they suppress them! Posts are deleted; posters are banned.

Thank G-d we have a large social media platform that will permit conservative voices. It will make a difference in the 2024 election as Democrats try, once again, to silence all opposing views.
KInda forgetting one huge fact.Republicans DO NOT EXIST to use
The Blame Game.Nor Alinsky - Rules for Radicals -.
Alinsky Rules,the Blame Game and outright Lying is the best
partner the Democrats have,use and rely upon.
Have you learn't Nothing over the years.

I didn't use the word 'republican' in that post. I used the words 'incumbent party'.

The rest of your post is meaningless wordsalad.
And Democrats DON’T hate opposing opinions? They hate them so much that they suppress them! Posts are deleted; posters are banned.

Thank G-d we have a large social media platform that will permit conservative voices. It will make a difference in thr 2024 election as Democrats try, once again, to silence all opposing views.

From private platforms. DeSantis is using the power of the state to PUNISH those that criticize conservatives.

Check the first word in the first amendment. Its neither 'Twitter' nor 'Disney'.
And Democrats DON’T hate opposing opinions? They hate them so much that they suppress them! Posts are deleted; posters are banned.
These kind of responses are such a joke. "We're just as bad as them" isn't much of a campaign slogan.

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