Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
DeSantis isn't going to be the nominee in 2024 so you can rest easy. Trump will be the nominee. I'm just curious. Who would you like to see win in 2024?
How I hope Mr DeSantis is even half of what the Left fears he is.

It's wonderful to watch these people, whose minions physically attack conservative rallies, howl down conservative speakers on university campuses, fire professors who manifest Oldthinking ... suddenly become civil libertarians.

If a Leftist-dominated government cancelled the contract of, say, MyPillow, because it was racist-fascist-sexist-homophobic blah blah blah, they wouldn't turn a hair. In fact, they'd cheer.

However. So long as we are not in a shooting war, we must uphold the Rule of Law. (In war, "the laws are silent", as the old Roman said. But even there we want to keep to the appropriate laws when we can.)

So principled conservatives need to have a discussion about this and establish some guidelines.

One the one hand, we want the operation of the state to be neutral. To take a closely-analogous case, we would not want a government to make support for a particular political party a condition of employment for ordinary government jobs. (I'm not talking about heading departments, where incoming administrations will of course appoint those who agree with their programs.) That would take us down the road to becoming a banana republic.

On the other hand, we definitely want people applying for even ordinary government jobs to meet certain criteria. For example, someone applying for a job to teach young children who openly says that they believe sex with children is permissible, shouldn't be hired.

A company that openly says it will not hire people of a certain ethnicity is another example. Or one with close links to potential foreign enemies.

There isn't a hard-and-fast criterion here. There will be grey areas, where an individual, or a company, seeking to do business with, or to be hired by, the government, has opinions, or carries out actions, that are borderline -- not quite normal political partisanship, but not quite open attacks on what we all agree -- or used to agree -- are fundamental, decent, social norms.

There are people on the Right who disagree with Mr DeSantis:
[ Mike Pence Says DeSantis Went Too Far in Revoking Disney’s Special Tax Status | National Review ]

We -- people on the Right -- need to have a discussion to try to establish some principled guidelines on this issue. (One thing that makes this case difficult is that the Left is moving pretty rapidly away from what used to be agreed social norms. They're heading towards the sexualization of children, the discouragement of normal sexual orientation. Even ten years ago, this would not have arisen: the issue of child sex was one of the few that absolutely united Left and Right. But no longer.)

There is always a temptation to use the power of the state to punish our political enemies. Generally, this is a bad idea. But life is sometimes complicated. Plus, as a nation, we're drifting away from the sort of civil society where both sides play by the rules, and we need not continue to be Mr Nice Guy when the other side begins to hit below the belt.
You were doing okay on some of your thoughts until your 'democrats want to promote child sex, QANON CRAP,' rightwing lies....brainwashed, democrats BAD shit....

Too bad YOU went down that rabbit hole of rightwing made up nonsense, I agree on the other stuff! :)
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God that sounds amazing.

Fuck your democracy, it’s so trash.

What the left really means by "our democracy" is that you must conform to their unchallenged ideology of leftism. This is nothing more than Orwellian doublespeak designed to shame you into surrendering your free speech and individual rights. Once they've convinced you that democracy is a concept they are benevolently sharing with you, you're no longer able to recognize the tyranny of leftism and have become part of their collective.

So yeah, fuck their "democracy." Liberals are the most undemocratic hypocrites on this planet. They will never hesitate to use lofty ideals like Democracy, patriotism, or even religion, in order to force you to be subservient to their vile ideology.
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Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
Desantis is a big believer in states rights and less government iterference. The current administration in the Executive Branch is the real threat to our "Constitutional Republic," as evidenced by their repeated attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights. In short the Biden Administration and its sycophants are the true Fascists.
Not true at all. Why are leftists like you obsessed with teaching little kids about gay lifestyles and gay porn?
I think their party falls into a few groupings. Those who are pushing policies to normalize the sexualizing of children, running interference for those who are actual pedophiles, and the balance of them that are simply caught up in a vicious type of tribalism that causes them to support ANYTHING that would offend or anger those on the Right.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
I blame the education system in this country. The United States has always been a Constitutional Republic. These so called "experts" know the US is not a Democracy but they keep you low information loons in a constant state of fear, thinking your loosing something that has never been.

You are literally hating DeSantis for his opposing opinion.
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Trump and DeSantis are two peas in the same pod..... whether they have fascist tendencies or not, is opinion.... Trump can read his supporters better than DeSanctimonius imo.
Biden Hillary and pelosi are that same pod.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
So you’re saying DeSantis is the American Zelen$$$ky?

Also, the democrat Party conspiring with the Sinaloa Cartel and the CCP to use a bioweapon so they could add 10 million Biden votes destroyed our democracy
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Uh huh, sure.

This of course coming from the statist shills who never dare question the government, and love when multinational billion dollar corporations infringe on citizens’ rights on behalf of the government.
^ This post just won the Internet
His policies killed more citizens....unnecessary..... I was scared to death for my elderly parents and older sister living there! :eek-52: Prayed day and night for them!

My state of Maine and Florida have about the same percentage of senior citizens a percentage... Maine had less seniors die from COVID 19.....

MAINE was strict as heck, with all kinds of covid restrictions, with complete industries shut down even.... We had 2900 covid deaths out of 1.3 million people...mostly seniors died.

extrapolated out to Florida's population of 21.5 million, about 48,000 people would have died in Florida from covid at the same rate of deaths as us.

Instead, Florida has had 87,000 deaths from covid. That's about 40,000 excess deaths, deaths over and above what they could have been with more covid restrictions in place....

Our state vacation industry are similar, Maine is Vacation Land....only our season is primarily summer and Fall and Florida's is winter and spring...7 times our state's population come here every year on Maine too was faced with a lot of out of staters bringing covid in....if it were not for restrictions for covid put in....

Maine did lose a lot of business, but we saved a lot of citizen's lives.

Maine saved a lot of lives forcing citizens to use masks that did nothing and get shots that we now know don’t stop one from getting and spreading Covid?
DeSantis is just doing what his supporters want him to do. Conservatives don't actually give a fiddler's fuck about 'free speech.'. Most have no idea what the first amendment says.

Yet they give lip service to the idea.

When Disney criticized the 'don't say gay' bill, Ron used the power of the State to punish Disney for their free speech. Hawley took it a step further and tried to strip Disney of their property to punish them for their free speech.

And conservatives cheered. Because DeSantis did what they ACTUALLY believe in, rather than what conservatives CLAIM they believe in. DeSantis used the power of the state to punish free speech of those that criticize conservatives.

Which is an actual conservative value.

Look at Trump. He *repeatedly* tried to use the power of his office to punish those using their free speech to criticize him. With Trump trying to shut Jimmy Kimmel down after Kimmel criticized and mocked Trump. And the White House trying to force Twitter to remove tweets calling Trump a 'pussy ass bitch'.

Unwittingly proving Chrissy Teigan right in her assessment of Trump. As that was a total pussy ass bitch move.

Lou Dobbs, during Trump's presidency insisted that Trump had the power to shut down any news agency that Trump determined was spreading 'disinformation'.

"And when I say shut down, I mean shut down!" Dobbs insisted on air.

Conservatives would absolutely, without a doubt, use the power of the state to stifle free speech and ban criticism....if they could get away with it. As fascists do.
The democrat Party actually used the FBI to censor free speech on social media, including to spread false, misleading and deadly information about the Fauxi Wuhan bioweapon— and you loved that

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines fascism as "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

That sounds like the democrats

Or, the classic pot calling the kettle black
What? Florida's Covid mortality rate was, as a percentage, much lower than states such as New York and Michigan in spite of having many more elderly citizens.
No, it wasn't.

Florida has 21.4 million residents and has 86,284 COVID deaths.
New York has 19.4 million residents and has 77,097 COVID deaths.
Michigan has 9.9 million residents and has 41,957 COVID deaths.

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