Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
This looks promising:

Ron Paul unveils libertarian think tank (VIDEO) ? RT USA

Although Ron Paul retired from politics, he hasn’t left the conversation: the former Texas congressman has launched his new think tank – an institute that will carry on his ideals to the younger generations.

“If we have no more wars, we’ll be successful,” Paul told a crowd of reporters after announcing the launch of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity on Wednesday. The think tank will take a hard look at key political issues, including the future of freedom and the human race, and US domestic and foreign affairs. Its main argument is that war and poverty go hand-in-hand, while peace and prosperity also come together.

The institute’s website will publish news analyses, encourage young Americans to write about ‘key issues of our time’, and take a stand “for peace, a peace that is intricately connected to justice, shared human values and prosperity… that leaves us safer than the empty lies of the warmongers.”

The website,, will also feature congressional scorecards that will grade and assess votes and rank lawmakers on their support or opposition to peace.

Now that the 77-year-old has retired from Congress, he has greater freedom to focus on garnering support for his ideals among the American people, he told RT’s Meghan Lopez.

“When I was on the inside, I was really on the outside – I was not what the leadership called a ‘team player’. And I was always talking to somebody outside with the whole idea of reaching people,” he said.

Some current and former lawmakers are joining the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, including Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Rep. John Duncan (R-Tenn.), and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and former congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).

Kucinich, who will serve on the institute’s board, said his views have aligned with Paul’s ever since the War in Iraq, which both former congressmen disagreed with.

“Then we started to compare notes on a whole range of issues dealing with international relations and interventions and then civil liberties and the Fed,” Kucinich told reporters. “So the affinity that Ron Paul and I have demonstrated, through our standing shoulder to shoulder on a range of issues over the years, really stems from this love of country, which knows no political boundaries and knows no ideology.”
Here's something every American should get on board with. At the very least not run the man down for actually trying to promote and nurture a better way....
Here's something every American should get on board with. At the very least not run the man down for actually trying to promote and nurture a better way....

By whose standard?!? This man is a certified wacko who should have been moved to a dementia unit years ago.

Legalize drugs so we have a nation of heroin zombies committing murders and armed robbery to get the money for their next fix?

Or how about his "close the barn door after the horses have already escaped" strategy for our national security?

The guy had his chance - there's a reason he was unilaterally rejected by even the most die-hard conservatives (such as myself). You Ron Paul worshippers are every bit as scary as the Obama worshippers.
Here's something every American should get on board with. At the very least not run the man down for actually trying to promote and nurture a better way....

One thing that our pre-occupation with left/right politics obscures is that there are more than a few bona-fide, big-government authoritarians out there. They don't fly a 'flag', but they're essentially running both major parties and will aggressively attack anyone, even those in their own party (witness the way the establishment Republicans treat Paul, or the way establishment Democrats treat Kucinich), who dares speak truth to power.
Here's something every American should get on board with. At the very least not run the man down for actually trying to promote and nurture a better way....

By whose standard?!? This man is a certified wacko who should have been moved to a dementia unit years ago.

Legalize drugs so we have a nation of heroin zombies committing murders and armed robbery to get the money for their next fix?

Or how about his "close the barn door after the horses have already escaped" strategy for our national security?

The guy had his chance - there's a reason he was unilaterally rejected by even the most die-hard conservatives (such as myself). You Ron Paul worshippers are every bit as scary as the Obama worshippers.

I'll be glad when we kick the neocon warmongers out of the Republican Party and return it to conservative ideals. You people are bloodthirsty, mean-spiritied and just plain weird.

Many neocons define conservatism as people who hate the same groups as them.

They are nutters, weirdos, wackos, extremists who waste America's blood and treasure on corporate-driven foreign adventures.

Fortunately, their day is almost over.
I'll be glad when we kick the neocon warmongers out of the Republican Party and return it to conservative ideals.

You wouldn't know "conservative" if it kicked you down 10 flights of stairs while screaming "I'm conservative". Demanding the "right" to get high and not pay taxes is about as far from "conservative" as your fellow narcotics fans from the communist left.

You people are bloodthirsty

This is Ron Paul libertarianism code for "how dare you be proactive in matters of National Security! I prefer to see dead babies and limbs scattered as far as the eye can see across America before I will actually defend this nation".

As I already stated - Paul's "close the barn door after all of the horses have already run away" defense strategy is exactly why he's the laughing stock of America and why he never had the slightest chance to be Commander in Chief.


This is Ron Paul libertarianism code for "why won't you get stoned out of your mind with us?"

and just plain weird

Really? A Ron Paul supporter is claiming someone else is "weird"? :lmao:

Who is more "weird" than ultra kook Ron Paul?!?

Fortunately, their day is almost over.

Yeah - because we all saw the tremendous victory quacks like Ron Paul and Gerry Johnson had in the 2012 election :lmao:

Listen fool, the GOP today is just big government, spend & tax, Kennedy-era liberals. And the Democrats today are nearly exclusively communists/marxists/socialists. But make no mistake - your wing-nut "Sovereign Citizen" bullshit will not be a factor ever in America. You've never had one single libertarian quack even come within a light-year of the White House. Meanwhile, the left managed to get a radical marxist elected. Says it all...

True constitutional conservative principles (and any hope for this nation) lies with the Tea Party.
You wouldn't know "conservative" if it kicked you down 10 flights of stairs while screaming "I'm conservative". Demanding the "right" to get high and not pay taxes is about as far from "conservative" as your fellow narcotics fans from the communist left.

Well to some, being a conservative means being a lock step Republican. And I suppose that's what it means to you Rottweiler.
You wouldn't know "conservative" if it kicked you down 10 flights of stairs while screaming "I'm conservative". Demanding the "right" to get high and not pay taxes is about as far from "conservative" as your fellow narcotics fans from the communist left.

Well to some, being a conservative means being a lock step Republican. And I suppose that's what it means to you Rottweiler.

Yeah, that's why I'm 100% pro Tea Party and clearly identified the Republicans as the liberals they are in the very post you responded to here (how convenient that you just happened to omit that part in your response) :cuckoo:
Here's something every American should get on board with. At the very least not run the man down for actually trying to promote and nurture a better way....

By whose standard?!? This man is a certified wacko who should have been moved to a dementia unit years ago.

Legalize drugs so we have a nation of heroin zombies committing murders and armed robbery to get the money for their next fix?

Or how about his "close the barn door after the horses have already escaped" strategy for our national security?

The guy had his chance - there's a reason he was unilaterally rejected by even the most die-hard conservatives (such as myself). You Ron Paul worshippers are every bit as scary as the Obama worshippers.


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