Ron Paul on the 1963 coup d' etat.

Like him no evideence supports it
Long distance phone call slip document exists, the affidavit exists.

Soupnazi630. . . .

So you know I didn't just make it up, jump to 34:50......

I don't think ya made it up, its just that I don't see the mob having the means to pull it off...I once read in a book called "HOFFA's MAN" by Joseph Franco [edited: changed "HOFFA" to Franco] that he was the another an ex-Chicago cop claimed he was the hitman...
A planned assassination on a president takes far more clout and money than the mob can produce, then they would have to make sure the Warren commission was in their hip pocket...
...they would have to be able to change the parade route and then make sure the secret service approved it...
They would need payrolls and a way to get the president's body out of Dallas, they would need to rig the autopsy at a military hospital and make sure air force one did their part, never mind the fact that they would be hunted down until times end....
...just way too much for anyone other than a top flight intelligence agency to get away with and even then it would be called into question...
...The Ruby hit is right up the mobs alley, that is how they would do it and what they can get away with, a President is totally out of their league.
...most of my life I believed Oswald acted alone, I have since come to believe otherwise based on the evidence that is not in dispute.
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So you know I didn't just make it up, jump to 34:50......

btw, not sure when construction of the Verrazano Bridge was complete but the guy in the video claims he went under it the morning after the President was shot [I think it was around 34:25, if not, then somewhere shortly after 34:50] and the bridge did not open until almost exactly one year later, if it were still under construction the waterway would have been closed.
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I don't think ya made it up, its just that I don't see the mob having the means to pull it off...I once read in a book called "HOFFA's MAN" by Joseph Franco [edited: changed "HOFFA" to Franco] that he was the another an ex-Chicago cop claimed he was the hitman...
A planned assassination on a president takes far more clout and money than the mob can produce, then they would have to make sure the Warren commission was in their hip pocket...
...they would have to be able to change the parade route and then make sure the secret service approved it...
They would need payrolls and a way to get the president's body out of Dallas, they would need to rig the autopsy at a military hospital and make sure air force one did their part, never mind the fact that they would be hunted down until times end....
...just way too much for anyone other than a top flight intelligence agency to get away with and even then it would be called into question...
...The Ruby hit is right up the mobs alley, that is how they would do it and what they can get away with, a President is totally out of their league.
...most of my life I believed Oswald acted alone, I have since come to believe otherwise based on the evidence that is not in dispute.
It's long been my opinion that the wall, between the intel operations, and organized crime, more or less, started disappearing, when the mob taught Hoover how to keep files of blackmail list operations, upon all influential persons in the world/nation of consequence.


It may have even started to dissolve when the Mafia helped the US government invade Italy during WWII.

Maybe even Donald Trump and the current crop of pols., is associated with that corruption? We are given to believe, it has gone away, but has it? Has it really? Or did Epstein just pick up, where Roy Cohn left off?

It is easy to believe organized crime is gone, when it is what now rules the nation, both on the left, and the right. . .

I don't think ya made it up, its just that I don't see the mob having the means to pull it off...I once read in a book called "HOFFA's MAN" by Joseph Franco [edited: changed "HOFFA" to Franco] that he was the another an ex-Chicago cop claimed he was the hitman...
A planned assassination on a president takes far more clout and money than the mob can produce, then they would have to make sure the Warren commission was in their hip pocket...
...they would have to be able to change the parade route and then make sure the secret service approved it...
They would need payrolls and a way to get the president's body out of Dallas, they would need to rig the autopsy at a military hospital and make sure air force one did their part, never mind the fact that they would be hunted down until times end....
...just way too much for anyone other than a top flight intelligence agency to get away with and even then it would be called into question...
...The Ruby hit is right up the mobs alley, that is how they would do it and what they can get away with, a President is totally out of their league.
...most of my life I believed Oswald acted alone, I have since come to believe otherwise based on the evidence that is not in dispute.
There is no such evidence sorry

The claim about no dispute is a lie and he did act alone

Although you are correct about the mob. The only problem being that Ruby was not mob
Your still humping that dead horse..

You kjmow Iam right and I massively crushed you in every debate on this subject

Oswald shot Kennedy and did so alone

Yes we can prove he is the only one who fired any shots that day and you have never posted evidence to the contrary

As usual lets see your evidence
NNow you are gonna screech CIA BAD CIA BAD which is your only argument
I own you again bitch
Who is "we"?
Indeed,same as 9/11 a joint cia / mossad operation despite all the shit on the floor laid by grandson allen nazi every time he opened his mouth and farted in this thread and hundreds of times on other threads in the past over the years as well. bush same as he did in 9/11 ,had a role in it.
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Allen Dulles grandson the nazi gets checkmated with his ass handed to him on a platter as always.:up:
:thankusmile: amazing how that senator spoke of Oswald’s military intelligence connections to congress back then and despite that it’s been kept a secret all these decades,I even never knrew about that and I have exhaustively researched this for decades.our media has really done quite a job in suppressing all that information in that video of that senator..

Sense the American media won’t cover this story maybe overseas hopefully they do,we can only hope.that is news that should have been on the front pages of newspapers everday for months and months at sometime in our past history.

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