Ron Paul: Paris Attack 'Obscene,' But Blowback For French Interventionism...

Ron Paul is a jackass. The politics of appeasement have never worked no matter how many times it's tried.

What cowardly Branch Paulinians don't understand is that there's no demonstrable trend to show that Islamic terror and violence confines itself only to those countries that interfere in the Middle East. In fact, most of it is conducted IN THE MIDDLE EAST, which lays waste to the notion that we're causing them to be violent.

It's an evil, violent religion that only understands force. And far from using less force, we should be using more. Much, much, more.

Until they learn the true meaning of "submission".

Remember, you do reap what you sow. There are consequences to endless bombing & killing around the world. Nations like the U.S., Great Britain, and France shouldn't be surprised because others want revenge. It's actually the inevitable result of endless meddling.


But the stupid motherfuckers take the position that Muslims have no right to defend themselves or retaliate against the massive abuse.


American Citizens have been told that their Government has a free pass to bomb & kill anywhere in the world with no consequence. Most American, British, and French Citizens believe that. In reality, they should never be surprised when others seek revenge. It's actually inevitable.

We need to use bigger bombs. Eventually the attacks will stop. Expansionist Islam was stopped by the West before, and it can be stopped again.
Lyndon LaRouche has his acolytes also.......... :eusa_whistle:

What is he saying that you so vehemently disagree with?
vehemently disagree with?
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
Ron Paul is a jackass. The politics of appeasement have never worked no matter how many times it's tried.

What cowardly Branch Paulinians don't understand is that there's no demonstrable trend to show that Islamic terror and violence confines itself only to those countries that interfere in the Middle East. In fact, most of it is conducted IN THE MIDDLE EAST, which lays waste to the notion that we're causing them to be violent.

It's an evil, violent religion that only understands force. And far from using less force, we should be using more. Much, much, more.

Until they learn the true meaning of "submission".

Remember, you do reap what you sow. There are consequences to endless bombing & killing around the world. Nations like the U.S., Great Britain, and France shouldn't be surprised because others want revenge. It's actually the inevitable result of endless meddling.

I remember watching a movie where somebody wanted to kill a cop because that cop killed his brother. It didn't matter that his brother had a weapon and was a threat to the cop's life.

Someone like you would sympathize with that brother, thinking he's fully justified in wanting to kill that cop.

All the ethnic slaughter that's happening in Iraq and Syria by ISIS, did we cause that too? And if we put an end to that slaughter, then are they justified in further attacks against us? Do you not see the flaw in your logic? Muslims hate the West and want to conquer it whether we intervene or not. Appeasement will not solve the problem, fortunately we're not stupid enough to try.

The U.S. and Great Britain caused all the brutal chaos we see in Iraq today. Iraq was a relatively peaceful & prosperous nation before the U.S. and Great Britain invaded. Now the world is suffering the Blowback on that.
Ron Paul is a jackass. The politics of appeasement have never worked no matter how many times it's tried.

What cowardly Branch Paulinians don't understand is that there's no demonstrable trend to show that Islamic terror and violence confines itself only to those countries that interfere in the Middle East. In fact, most of it is conducted IN THE MIDDLE EAST, which lays waste to the notion that we're causing them to be violent.

It's an evil, violent religion that only understands force. And far from using less force, we should be using more. Much, much, more.

Until they learn the true meaning of "submission".

Remember, you do reap what you sow. There are consequences to endless bombing & killing around the world. Nations like the U.S., Great Britain, and France shouldn't be surprised because others want revenge. It's actually the inevitable result of endless meddling.


But the stupid motherfuckers take the position that Muslims have no right to defend themselves or retaliate against the massive abuse.


American Citizens have been told that their Government has a free pass to bomb & kill anywhere in the world with no consequence. Most American, British, and French Citizens believe that. In reality, they should never be surprised when others seek revenge. It's actually inevitable.

We need to use bigger bombs. Eventually the attacks will stop. Expansionist Islam was stopped by the West before, and it can be stopped again.

Violence only begets violence. Until our Government ends its vicious circle of endless intervention, many more will suffer.
Lyndon LaRouche has his acolytes also.......... :eusa_whistle:

What is he saying that you so vehemently disagree with?
vehemently disagree with?
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
Paul says these attacks are the result of past French foreign policy. Yet the murderers didn't attack some French embassy or government buildings and shout they have avenged such policy. They specifically attacked a paper that made shitty jokes about their religion, and shouted that they had avenged the honor of their prophet.
Lyndon LaRouche has his acolytes also.......... :eusa_whistle:

What is he saying that you so vehemently disagree with?
vehemently disagree with?
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.

EDIT: I had the wrong poster you were responding to. However, Ringel was offering counter arguments too, so let's quit playing victim here.
Lyndon LaRouche has his acolytes also.......... :eusa_whistle:

What is he saying that you so vehemently disagree with?
vehemently disagree with?
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
You really are a blind acolyte!!! I offered you the myriad of subjects to explore that explain all aspects of the issue and all you have to fall back on is I'm offering insults and platitudes???!!!!!! Pretty pathetic.
What is he saying that you so vehemently disagree with?
vehemently disagree with?
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
Paul says these attacks are the result of past French foreign policy. Yet the murderers didn't attack some French embassy or government buildings and shout they have avenged such policy. They specifically attacked a paper that made shitty jokes about their religion, and shouted that they had avenged the honor of their prophet.

How many Muslims have the French murdered around the world? Do the math. The French People should fully expect retaliation for many years to come. The same could be said of the U.S. and Great Britain as well.
Ron Paul is a jackass. The politics of appeasement have never worked no matter how many times it's tried.

What cowardly Branch Paulinians don't understand is that there's no demonstrable trend to show that Islamic terror and violence confines itself only to those countries that interfere in the Middle East. In fact, most of it is conducted IN THE MIDDLE EAST, which lays waste to the notion that we're causing them to be violent.

It's an evil, violent religion that only understands force. And far from using less force, we should be using more. Much, much, more.

Until they learn the true meaning of "submission".

Remember, you do reap what you sow. There are consequences to endless bombing & killing around the world. Nations like the U.S., Great Britain, and France shouldn't be surprised because others want revenge. It's actually the inevitable result of endless meddling.


But the stupid motherfuckers take the position that Muslims have no right to defend themselves or retaliate against the massive abuse.


American Citizens have been told that their Government has a free pass to bomb & kill anywhere in the world with no consequence. Most American, British, and French Citizens believe that. In reality, they should never be surprised when others seek revenge. It's actually inevitable.

We need to use bigger bombs. Eventually the attacks will stop. Expansionist Islam was stopped by the West before, and it can be stopped again.

Violence only begets violence. Until our Government ends its vicious circle of endless intervention, many more will suffer.

Violence also ends violence the way that only violence can. Or do you think that Nazi Germany and the Japs were stopped by flower power?
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Great post, but as far as using the brain is concerned, you might just ask Rosie O'Donnell to use her beauty, since the tendency to reduce complex systems to extreme simplicity is related to the degree to which a person is capable of understanding. The more simple the explanation, the more simple the mind.

This "one size fits all" approach certainly isn't limited to any particular ideology, of course, and I might even go so far as to suggest it is a product OF ideology to a certain degree since the template used to understand the world acts to restrict the resultant understanding. Socialists prattling on in their predictable ways are little different from Bible thumpers going on in theirs are little different than the Ron Paul kids eating up anything said by their hero.

Most people can think in some fashion. Few can think originally, however, as most are too caught up in the tribal aspect of their chosen ideology to ever think outside the box. They have chosen the box, damn it, and that is where they stay.
What is he saying that you so vehemently disagree with?
vehemently disagree with?
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.

Actually he did articulate what you asked for, a counter argument. Dismissing him because you can't refute what he said is just silly. He said, "the people who were killed in France were not killed because of any state actions. They were killed because they insulted Islam. Those who killed them acted as Mohammad did when mocked similarly."

Which is all true. Now you're just being juvenile.

No, he or she didn't offer anything. The poster offered only stale personal attacks and vague platitudes. Probably didn't even watch the video. You probably didn't either.
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
Paul says these attacks are the result of past French foreign policy. Yet the murderers didn't attack some French embassy or government buildings and shout they have avenged such policy. They specifically attacked a paper that made shitty jokes about their religion, and shouted that they had avenged the honor of their prophet.

How many Muslims have the French murdered around the world? Do the math. The French People should fully expect retaliation for many years to come. The same could be said of the U.S. and Great Britain as well.
"The French" were not the target of these murderers. People who worked at a newspaper were.
What is he saying that you so vehemently disagree with?
vehemently disagree with?
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
You really are a blind acolyte!!! I offered you the myriad of subjects to explore that explain all aspects of the issue and all you have to fall back on is I'm offering insults and platitudes???!!!!!! Pretty pathetic.

What in particular do you disagree with him on? Before you answer, maybe you should watch the video. I'll give you another chance. He didn't say constant meddling was the only reason for retaliation. He said it was a major contributor. You can't run around the world bombing & killing, but then expect no consequences.
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.

Actually he did articulate what you asked for, a counter argument. Dismissing him because you can't refute what he said is just silly. He said, "the people who were killed in France were not killed because of any state actions. They were killed because they insulted Islam. Those who killed them acted as Mohammad did when mocked similarly."

Which is all true. Now you're just being juvenile.

No, he or she didn't offer anything. The poster offered only stale personal attacks and vague platitudes. Probably didn't even watch the video. You probably didn't either.
Watch the video? I'll do you one better. I read Ron Paul's revolution book. I already know his position on American interventionism and it's crap. You Branch Paulinians will never understand that appeasement doesn't work and history is replete with examples of this. It's like you people are stuck on stupid.

I've already written about you people here: Branch Paulinians. What s WRONG with these people

You people deserve to be marginalized.
Putting words in my mouth? Sounds like an acolyte.......
Placing the blame on only one aspect of the issue is either complete ignorance of the full scope of causative factors, a purely political ploy or simple insanity, you choose.
It isn't as simple as he's trying to make it out to be.

So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.

Actually he did articulate what you asked for, a counter argument. Dismissing him because you can't refute what he said is just silly. He said, "the people who were killed in France were not killed because of any state actions. They were killed because they insulted Islam. Those who killed them acted as Mohammad did when mocked similarly."

Which is all true. Now you're just being juvenile.

No, he or she didn't offer anything. The poster offered only stale personal attacks and vague platitudes. Probably didn't even watch the video. You probably didn't either.
You have personal paradigm justification down to a T, can't refute attack and claim I'm doing exactly what you're doing....... No, it's you turn to be properly dismissed. Have a nice day. :cuckoo:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
Paul says these attacks are the result of past French foreign policy. Yet the murderers didn't attack some French embassy or government buildings and shout they have avenged such policy. They specifically attacked a paper that made shitty jokes about their religion, and shouted that they had avenged the honor of their prophet.

How many Muslims have the French murdered around the world? Do the math. The French People should fully expect retaliation for many years to come. The same could be said of the U.S. and Great Britain as well.
"The French" were not the target of these murderers. People who worked at a newspaper were.

As long as France, Great Britain, and the U.S. continue to meddle so much around the world, their Citizens will be a target. It's the brutal price you pay for Empire-building Interventionism.
So what in particular are you disagreeing with him on? So far you've only spewed tired personal insults and vague platitudes. Offer something, or kindly exit my thread. Thank you.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.

Actually he did articulate what you asked for, a counter argument. Dismissing him because you can't refute what he said is just silly. He said, "the people who were killed in France were not killed because of any state actions. They were killed because they insulted Islam. Those who killed them acted as Mohammad did when mocked similarly."

Which is all true. Now you're just being juvenile.

No, he or she didn't offer anything. The poster offered only stale personal attacks and vague platitudes. Probably didn't even watch the video. You probably didn't either.
Watch the video? I'll do you one better. I read Ron Paul's revolution book. I already know his position on American interventionism and it's crap. You Branch Paulinians will never understand that appeasement doesn't work and history is replete with examples of this. It's like you people are stuck on stupid.

I've already written about you people here: Branch Paulinians. What s WRONG with these people

You people deserve to be marginalized.

Like i said, personal attacks and vague platitudes. Time for you wingnuts to exit my thread and go screech about Sarah Palin or somethin. You got nothin. Bye.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
Paul says these attacks are the result of past French foreign policy. Yet the murderers didn't attack some French embassy or government buildings and shout they have avenged such policy. They specifically attacked a paper that made shitty jokes about their religion, and shouted that they had avenged the honor of their prophet.

How many Muslims have the French murdered around the world? Do the math. The French People should fully expect retaliation for many years to come. The same could be said of the U.S. and Great Britain as well.
"The French" were not the target of these murderers. People who worked at a newspaper were.

As long as France, Great Britain, and the U.S. continue to meddle so much around the world, their Citizens will be a target. It's the brutal price you pay for Empire-building Interventionism.

Empire Building? Do you Leftist Branch Paulinians even understand the meaning of the words you use?

Please read The Rise And Fall of the Roman Empire. It will give you a better idea of what "empire building" is.

OMG Branch Paulinians are dumb as dogshit.
I'm inviting you to use your brain and not regurgitate rhetoric. If you wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that decades of western nations foreign policy is the sole cause of the current situation then there is no convincing you or anyone that it's only one part of the whole. To think that if we and others pulled out of the regions would cure the problem is akin to playing ostrich and hiding one's head in the sand. Do some research on your own as I'm not going to present a dissertation on every aspect of the issue that would go back to first Caliphate. The issue encompasses the history of those involved, the cultures, political/economics up to today, individual/religious encapsulation and individual/group psychology.

Ok, so you have nothing but personal insults and vague platitudes to offer. That's what i said. I gave you a chance to discuss what in particular you disagree with him on. But you offered nothing. So you can exit my thread now. You've been dismissed. Have a good one.
Paul says these attacks are the result of past French foreign policy. Yet the murderers didn't attack some French embassy or government buildings and shout they have avenged such policy. They specifically attacked a paper that made shitty jokes about their religion, and shouted that they had avenged the honor of their prophet.

How many Muslims have the French murdered around the world? Do the math. The French People should fully expect retaliation for many years to come. The same could be said of the U.S. and Great Britain as well.
"The French" were not the target of these murderers. People who worked at a newspaper were.

As long as France, Great Britain, and the U.S. continue to meddle so much around the world, their Citizens will be a target. It's the brutal price you pay for Empire-building Interventionism.
Their people were not the target. A newspaper was.

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