Ron Paul's Last hurrah

Obama's top donor is Goldman Sachs. Romney's top donor is Goldman Sachs. Ron Paul's top donor is The US military.

Lol and the Obamabots and Bushbots truly believe their heroes aren't bought off by special interests.

What do they think? That Goldman Sachs is run by a bunch of idiots who don't think their investments will warrant a good return?

They're charitable donations. For the good of the country. Duh.
Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:
Note to self: Don't ask Jroc's opinion on anything political.

Iowa was the only place Ron Paul had a chance of winning, he didn't. NH was probably the last place Paul will finish fairly strong, it's all downhill from here for him. Having said that I have no problem with Paul having some say at the convention, because we need more fiscal responsibility, but all these Whack jobs who think Paul has a shot at winning anything are delusional, and he's not going to run as a third party with his son being a Republican senator, he also wants his say at the convention
Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:
Note to self: Don't ask Jroc's opinion on anything political.

Iowa was the only place Ron Paul had a chance of winning, he didn't. NH was probably the last place Paul will finish fairly strong, it's all downhill from here for him. Having said that I have no problem with Paul having some say at the convention, because we need more fiscal responsibility, but all these Whack jobs who think Paul has a shot at winning anything are delusional, and he's not going to run as a third party with his son being a Republican senator, he also wants his say at the convention

Jroc I'll give you some credit. At least you won't stoop to lying and saying that Romney winning these is a good thing for fiscal responsiblity or small gov't conservatism.

You wouldn't address it when I asked you a bunch of times over and over again, but at least you didn't lie.
Note to self: Don't ask Jroc's opinion on anything political.

Iowa was the only place Ron Paul had a chance of winning, he didn't. NH was probably the last place Paul will finish fairly strong, it's all downhill from here for him. Having said that I have no problem with Paul having some say at the convention, because we need more fiscal responsibility, but all these Whack jobs who think Paul has a shot at winning anything are delusional, and he's not going to run as a third party with his son being a Republican senator, he also wants his say at the convention

Jroc I'll give you some credit. At least you won't stoop to lying and saying that Romney winning these is a good thing for fiscal responsiblity or small gov't conservatism.

You wouldn't address it when I asked you a bunch of times over and over again, but at least you didn't lie.

Romney was never my first choice, But what you gonna do? we've got to get Obama out, and to say Romney is the same as Obama is stupid, None of the Republicans are like Obama.
Iowa was the only place Ron Paul had a chance of winning, he didn't. NH was probably the last place Paul will finish fairly strong, it's all downhill from here for him. Having said that I have no problem with Paul having some say at the convention, because we need more fiscal responsibility, but all these Whack jobs who think Paul has a shot at winning anything are delusional, and he's not going to run as a third party with his son being a Republican senator, he also wants his say at the convention

Jroc I'll give you some credit. At least you won't stoop to lying and saying that Romney winning these is a good thing for fiscal responsiblity or small gov't conservatism.

You wouldn't address it when I asked you a bunch of times over and over again, but at least you didn't lie.

Romney was never my first choice, But what you gonna do? we've got to get Obama out, and to say Romney is the same as Obama is stupid, None of the Republicans are like Obama.

In terms of big government, big spending and tax raising he's the same, which is all the stuff that matters the most to me at least.
Iowa was the only place Ron Paul had a chance of winning, he didn't. NH was probably the last place Paul will finish fairly strong, it's all downhill from here for him. Having said that I have no problem with Paul having some say at the convention, because we need more fiscal responsibility, but all these Whack jobs who think Paul has a shot at winning anything are delusional, and he's not going to run as a third party with his son being a Republican senator, he also wants his say at the convention

Jroc I'll give you some credit. At least you won't stoop to lying and saying that Romney winning these is a good thing for fiscal responsiblity or small gov't conservatism.

You wouldn't address it when I asked you a bunch of times over and over again, but at least you didn't lie.

Romney was never my first choice, But what you gonna do? we've got to get Obama out, and to say Romney is the same as Obama is stupid, None of the Republicans are like Obama.

Romney is no one's idea of a conservative.
But the conservative movement needs to ask itself at this point: We have had two presidential election cycles where we failed to nominate a conservative (assuming that Perry doesn't get the nomination). That failure seems to represent an inability to organize and identify suitable candidates. So what are we going to do about it in the future?
I'll take Romney over Obama. At least he wont go around apologizing for America. And he won't be introducing new huge entitlements.
We'll have more conservatives in Congress, which will in turn push Romney more to the right.
I was listening to the radio today and everyone is talking about Ron Paul. These are mostly local guys but I caught the beginning of Glenn Beck who I have never listened to before and he was actually being nice to Ron Paul too. I think as people start to see that he has support he will get more support and once the others drop out he might gain their supporters. I am not fooling myself and thinking he is a sure thing but I do think there is an outside chance still. What if Romney says something really really stupid that pisses off the enitre republican base? Ron Paul could be one Romney Flub away from the nomination.
We have a deficit that is larger than our GDP! We have budget deficit of $2 trillion annually. Our taxes are insane and our monetary policies are crippling. All candidates say they will cut spending and taxes. The only one people believe is Ron Paul. The only one I believe is Ron Paul. On spending and taxes, Ron is right on. When he talks about taxes and spending he is hard not to love!

If you support that whack job your a fool.

I love his domestic fiscal policy. Its ingenious and the best of the bunch. However, I could never support him fully because of his naiveté on Islamic terrorism and its TRUE threat! He is Neville Chamberlain to the Islamic threat!

Yep, Nation building has worked so well these past few decades. No pol, not Paul nor Mitt and certainly not Obama has the starch. Of them all, only Paul gets the constitutional limits the government is supposed to operate under. Show me someone else who gets it and has the character to at least make the effort.

You're doing great, you really look stupid now. Way to go kid.

You still haven't figured out how the game is played. Oh well, here we go round......

Everyone has figured out you are an idiot, kid.

You don't discuss, you don't debate. You leave little bullshit comments and then cry because I am better at all three than you. Cry me a river bitch eyes.

We'll have more conservatives in Congress, which will in turn push Romney more to the right.

I wish you were right. But you are not. Romney is just a white obama with whose controllers are prefaced with and R instead of a D
You don't discuss, you don't debate.

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, you dim-witted little punk? Do you really think "yo yo yo you been seeeeeerrrrrvvvveeeed!' is debate or discussion, kid? Grow the fuck up.
I was listening to the radio today and everyone is talking about Ron Paul. These are mostly local guys but I caught the beginning of Glenn Beck who I have never listened to before and he was actually being nice to Ron Paul too. I think as people start to see that he has support he will get more support and once the others drop out he might gain their supporters. I am not fooling myself and thinking he is a sure thing but I do think there is an outside chance still. What if Romney says something really really stupid that pisses off the enitre republican base? Ron Paul could be one Romney Flub away from the nomination.

I hate to say so, but I don't think the country is ready (yet) for a libertarian president. Even if hell does, in fact, freeze over and he gets the Republican nomination - it will be a relatively easy matter for Obama to scare everyone away. A growing number of people are starting to think that maybe freedom is worth hanging onto, but I'm not sure it's enough just yet.

'course I'd love to be wrong. :)
I was listening to the radio today and everyone is talking about Ron Paul. These are mostly local guys but I caught the beginning of Glenn Beck who I have never listened to before and he was actually being nice to Ron Paul too. I think as people start to see that he has support he will get more support and once the others drop out he might gain their supporters. I am not fooling myself and thinking he is a sure thing but I do think there is an outside chance still. What if Romney says something really really stupid that pisses off the enitre republican base? Ron Paul could be one Romney Flub away from the nomination.

I hate to say so, but I don't think the country is ready (yet) for a libertarian president. Even if hell does, in fact, freeze over and he gets the Republican nomination - it will be a relatively easy matter for Obama to scare everyone away. A growing number of people are starting to think that maybe freedom is worth hanging onto, but I'm not sure it's enough just yet.

'course I'd love to be wrong. :)

I am hoping you are wrong but I fear you are right. Gen X is coming up now though and I think we are starting to see the impact of my generation on politics. Gen Y is right behind so the status quo is facing internet educated voters vs. MSM educated voters. I think that there is a subtle but important difference in how opinions are being formulated now as opposed to my parents generation.
I was listening to the radio today and everyone is talking about Ron Paul. These are mostly local guys but I caught the beginning of Glenn Beck who I have never listened to before and he was actually being nice to Ron Paul too. I think as people start to see that he has support he will get more support and once the others drop out he might gain their supporters. I am not fooling myself and thinking he is a sure thing but I do think there is an outside chance still. What if Romney says something really really stupid that pisses off the enitre republican base? Ron Paul could be one Romney Flub away from the nomination.

I hate to say so, but I don't think the country is ready (yet) for a libertarian president. Even if hell does, in fact, freeze over and he gets the Republican nomination - it will be a relatively easy matter for Obama to scare everyone away. A growing number of people are starting to think that maybe freedom is worth hanging onto, but I'm not sure it's enough just yet.

'course I'd love to be wrong. :)

I am hoping you are wrong but I fear you are right. Gen X is coming up now though and I think we are starting to see the impact of my generation on politics. Gen Y is right behind so the status quo is facing internet educated voters vs. MSM educated voters. I think that there is a subtle but important difference in how opinions are being formulated now as opposed to my parents generation.

I think a slight delay would be a good thing actually. Paul is building a foundation, and while he's great at inspiring those of us already convinced that government isn't the answer to every problem, he's not great at selling it to the skeptical.

In a general election, the fear-mongers will have a field day with Paul. His Republican rivals haven't opened up that can of worms because they (nominally) are in favor of limited government too, and don't want to defend big government programs, even if they won't work to get rid of them. But Democrats won't have any reluctance in portraying Paul as a mean old man who will steal your child's lunch money. And it won't be entirely disingenuous. A large portion of Democrats (and Republicans too, for that matter) really do see things as a choice between caretaker government and social Darwinism.
Yes, you've proven over and over that you are an idiotic little punk. Congratulations.

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