Roommate of Kaci Hickox diagnosed with Ebola - Yet another obama screwup


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
We shouldn't let any americans go to these ebola nations or let anyone there come here. Tell stupid africa to solve it's own problems. I know that's tough when your continent has an average IQ of 68, but africans have to take care of themselves.

Report Kaci Hickox s Roommate In Africa Has Ebola The Daily Caller

oct 31 2014
A Maine official said Friday that Kaci Hickox’s roommate while she helped Ebola patients in Africa has been diagnosed with Ebola, WAGM-TV reports.

“The respondent’s roommate in Africa became infected without knowing how she became infected with Ebola,” said Sheila Pinette with the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adding that “any potential risk to respondent from that incident has passed.”

It’s also unclear exactly how Dallas nurses Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, the only two people to become infected with Ebola within the U.S., contracted the disease.

Hickox worked as a nurse treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone with Doctors Without Borders and was the subject of a forced, three-day quarantine in New Jersey when she registered a slight fever when she returned to the U.S.
We shouldn't let any americans go to these ebola nations or let anyone there come here. Tell stupid africa to solve it's own problems. I know that's tough when your continent has an average IQ of 68, but africans have to take care of themselves.

Report Kaci Hickox s Roommate In Africa Has Ebola The Daily Caller

oct 31 2014
A Maine official said Friday that Kaci Hickox’s roommate while she helped Ebola patients in Africa has been diagnosed with Ebola, WAGM-TV reports.

“The respondent’s roommate in Africa became infected without knowing how she became infected with Ebola,” said Sheila Pinette with the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adding that “any potential risk to respondent from that incident has passed.”

It’s also unclear exactly how Dallas nurses Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, the only two people to become infected with Ebola within the U.S., contracted the disease.

Hickox worked as a nurse treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone with Doctors Without Borders and was the subject of a forced, three-day quarantine in New Jersey when she registered a slight fever when she returned to the U.S.

I think we need to practice controlling the outbreak, preferably someplace else at the very least.

Now I do believe in quarantines upon return...not sure on thetest and a 7 day period or if 21 are needed or what, but I do agree with em.
Vigi, go back and read the exposure window

You are being dumber than usual, much means right now you are barely sentient.
Vigi, go back and read the exposure window

You are being dumber than usual, much means right now you are barely sentient.

Now you're a doctor that has treated Obola and YOU KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that it's 21 days, and disagree with the WHO.... You, my 2 digit IQ'd friend, are the perfect DemocRAT voter!
Show us the link from the WHO that says 42 days.
Vigi, go back and read the exposure window

You are being dumber than usual, much means right now you are barely sentient.

Now you're a doctor that has treated Obola and YOU KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that it's 21 days, and disagree with the WHO.... You, my 2 digit IQ'd friend, are the perfect DemocRAT voter!
Show us the link from the WHO that says 42 days.

Now Jerky, just put that info in ANY SEARCH ENGINE and it will come up.... I know this is hard for you mental midgets, but try.... Let me know in 10 minutes if you can't find it, and I'll be happy to put it up for you so others can see just how LAME you are!...OK?
Vigi, go back and read the exposure window

You are being dumber than usual, much means right now you are barely sentient.

Now you're a doctor that has treated Obola and YOU KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that it's 21 days, and disagree with the WHO.... You, my 2 digit IQ'd friend, are the perfect DemocRAT voter!

Isn't it 42 days or whatever that a man who had it can transmit it via sex? I read a couple articles a few weeks back thats all.

Don't let em get to you and let this turn into a name calling fest.
Vigi, go back and read the exposure window

You are being dumber than usual, much means right now you are barely sentient.

Now you're a doctor that has treated Obola and YOU KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that it's 21 days, and disagree with the WHO.... You, my 2 digit IQ'd friend, are the perfect DemocRAT voter!

Isn't it 42 days or whatever that a man who had it can transmit it via sex? I read a couple articles a few weeks back thats all.

Don't let em get to you and let this turn into a name calling fest.

Let's see if Jerky can find the link, but I don't remember reading 42 days for only sexual contact!
We shouldn't let any americans go to these ebola nations or let anyone there come here. Tell stupid africa to solve it's own problems. I know that's tough when your continent has an average IQ of 68, but africans have to take care of themselves.

Report Kaci Hickox s Roommate In Africa Has Ebola The Daily Caller

oct 31 2014
A Maine official said Friday that Kaci Hickox’s roommate while she helped Ebola patients in Africa has been diagnosed with Ebola, WAGM-TV reports.

“The respondent’s roommate in Africa became infected without knowing how she became infected with Ebola,” said Sheila Pinette with the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adding that “any potential risk to respondent from that incident has passed.”

It’s also unclear exactly how Dallas nurses Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, the only two people to become infected with Ebola within the U.S., contracted the disease.

Hickox worked as a nurse treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone with Doctors Without Borders and was the subject of a forced, three-day quarantine in New Jersey when she registered a slight fever when she returned to the U.S.

You do know the story of the boy who cried wolf don't you??? Is there anything that the right doesn't shit itself over?!
We shouldn't let any americans go to these ebola nations or let anyone there come here. Tell stupid africa to solve it's own problems. I know that's tough when your continent has an average IQ of 68, but africans have to take care of themselves.

Report Kaci Hickox s Roommate In Africa Has Ebola The Daily Caller

oct 31 2014
A Maine official said Friday that Kaci Hickox’s roommate while she helped Ebola patients in Africa has been diagnosed with Ebola, WAGM-TV reports.

“The respondent’s roommate in Africa became infected without knowing how she became infected with Ebola,” said Sheila Pinette with the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adding that “any potential risk to respondent from that incident has passed.”

It’s also unclear exactly how Dallas nurses Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, the only two people to become infected with Ebola within the U.S., contracted the disease.

Hickox worked as a nurse treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone with Doctors Without Borders and was the subject of a forced, three-day quarantine in New Jersey when she registered a slight fever when she returned to the U.S.

You do know the story of the boy who cried wolf don't you??? Is there anything that the right doesn't shit itself over?!

You mean like...

Ebola response ignores history’s lessons: Risks from AIDS were discounted and thousands died

Washington Times ^

The last time we treated a deadly disease as a political problem instead of using time-tested medical precautions, we doomed many hemophiliacs to early deaths, along with hundreds of thousands of homosexual men. I was thinking about the HIV-AIDS epidemic while perusing the Obama administration’s latest rationales for rejecting mandatory, 21-day quarantines of health care workers and others coming from Ebola-stricken nations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the incubation period for Ebola is two to 21 days. Why not err on the side of safety? The similarities are striking. When HIV-AIDS erupted in the early...

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