Roosevelt, Stalin and The Elusive "Second Front"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Seems that any scholarly revelation about Franklin Roosevelt produces the sort of ire that one would expect in response to a slur about one's dear, departed- and saintly- mom!

An earlier thread resulted in this unwarranted attack:

"I've accused you of being dishonest on one and an unqualified sloppy researcher on the other. Still you deflect, and refuse to respond on those topics, instead wanting to start a discussion on the old stand-by FDR was a communist tool of Stalin fantasy." Roosevelt s Great Depression Page 30 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What can I say? I'm left no course of action but to reveal more facts about Franklin Roosevelt that his devotees would rather left hidden.
Perhaps a stiff dose of the truth will prove to be a sort of shock therapy for these ....disciples.

Let's begin:

From well before his election, the liar- it is well documented that he was a liar- was a totalitarian aficionado: a dictator who adored other dictators.

1. For proper context, it is important to remember that the economic policies of Hitler, Mussolini, and Franklin Roosevelt were...sympatico.
And, consdier that the policies and view of Hitler and Stalin where, for the most part, identical....right down to genocide and concentration camps as government policy. Karl Marx had been the first political thinker to support same.

a. . "Early socialists publically advocated genocide, in the 19th and 20th centuries. It first appeared in Marx's journal, Rheinishe Zeitung, in January of 1849. When the socialist class war happens, there will be primitive societies in Europe, two stages behind- not even capitalist yet- the Basques, the Bretons, the Scottish Highlanders, the Serbs, and others he calls 'racial trash,' and they will have to be destroyed because, being two stages behind in the class struggle, it will be impossible to bring them up to being revolutionary."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge University.

2. Hitler and Stalin were, essentially, clones. And, allies until 'Operation Barbarossa,...22 June 1941,... was the code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II."
Operation Barbarossa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. Where does Franklin Roosevelt come in? " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p. 48

Perhaps a closer look at Franklin Delano Roosevelt's intentions are long overdue.
FDR save the county by pulling it out of the great depression and defeating Nazi Germany. Probably the best president since Washington, maybe even better.

He had no love of Hitler and Stalin.
Perhaps you should look at the alliances of the past 300 years, Russia was around then also....
Stalin wanted a second front, he wanted Europe, but Roosevelt over ruled him and North Africa it twas, then Sicily, then Italy, Stalin protested and even put out propaganda posters showing the allies as snails, slowly making progress on the second front....
FDR save the county by pulling it out of the great depression and defeating Nazi Germany. Probably the best president since Washington, maybe even better.

He had no love of Hitler and Stalin.

I know that you are an open-minded truth-seeker, as I am....and after you read this entire thread and check the links and sources that I will and have provided, you will arrive at the very same conclusion about Franklin Delano Roosevelt that I have.
A few years after WW II many nations from E. Germany to N. Korea, 100s of millions of people, were subject to mass-murdering Communist dictators. FDR deserves a lot of the blame.

For example FDR empowered this man: Harry Dexter White


  • White was the real author of the Morgenthau plan to "turn Germany into a potato field," which when leaked, united non-Nazis with Nazis, stiffened resistance, and prolonged the war.
  • White used his position in the Treasury Department to develop a hostile U.S. policy toward Japan. The reason was to distract Japan from their plans to attack the Soviet Union and draw the U.S. into the war as an ally with the Soviet Union. White was the author of an extreme ultimatum that Japan could not comply with in the days just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • White delayed financial support mandated by law to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese government causing the triumph of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese government.
  • White was instrumental in handing over the Allied Military mark printing plates to the Soviets. This caused a $250,000,000 deficit in the occupational government budget paid out by the U.S. Treasury. This in effect amounted to the US taxpayer paying the salaries of Soviet occupation troops at a time when US/Soviet relations were deteriorating precisely because of the presence and behavior of Soviet occupation forces in Eastern Europe.
PC makes no scholarly revelations about FDR.

She made herself look like a fool last time she tackled this subject.

Readers, understand that she is writing for a small online and podcast audience who are as delusional as is she.

Request that this be placed in the Conspiracy forum.
Oh boy, this thread, again, it never rains, but man it pours...

Yet, here you are again, offering a non-informative post.

Care to dispute anything in the OP?


From the OP:
'What can I say? I'm left no course of action but to reveal more facts about Franklin Roosevelt that his devotees would rather left hidden.
Perhaps a stiff dose of the truth will prove to be a sort of shock therapy for these ....disciples.' can only conclude that you are one of said 'disciples.'
PC makes no scholarly revelations about FDR.

She made herself look like a fool last time she tackled this subject.

Readers, understand that she is writing for a small online and podcast audience who are as delusional as is she.

Another dunce scoots out from under a moss-covered rock....and, sure enough, unable to offer any response to the facts offered in the OP.

In fact, as is the default of every Liberal, an attack both on truth and on any who disagree: "...a small online and podcast audience who are as delusional as is she."

And, once again, readers of this thread will find that Jakal will be put where he belongs, last seat in the dumb row.
To that end, White also supported a $10 billion loan by the United States to aid the postwar reconstruction of the Soviet economy. He believed that such a loan, together with a loan to Britain, would promote economic vitality in war-torn Europe, address the acute dollar shortage in European nations, and help stimulate America’s domestic economy. In spite of all his efforts, in the end Stalin’s suspicions and the emergence of the Cold War insured the failure of White’s and other Rooseveltian internationalists’ vision of post-war American/Soviet cooperation.
Treasonable Doubt
All PC can do is attack personalities because she can't defend her OP. And she cannot at all defend the stupidity of the default standard of liberals. She is a small podcast hack, nothing more, to get money from stupid people.
Harry White's Creed, which PC hates

"I believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of the press, freedom of criticism, and freedom of movement. I believe in the goal of equality of opportunity, and the right of each individual to follow the calling of his or her own choice, and the right of every individual to have an opportunity to develop his or her capacity to the fullest. . . . I consider these principles sacred. I regard them as the basic fabric of our American way of life, and I believe in them as living realities, and not mere words on paper. This is my creed."
To that end, White also supported a $10 billion loan by the United States to aid the postwar reconstruction of the Soviet economy. He believed that such a loan, together with a loan to Britain, would promote economic vitality in war-torn Europe, address the acute dollar shortage in European nations, and help stimulate America’s domestic economy. In spite of all his efforts, in the end Stalin’s suspicions and the emergence of the Cold War insured the failure of White’s and other Rooseveltian internationalists’ vision of post-war American/Soviet cooperation.
Treasonable Doubt
Only during the Hiss perjury investigation and in the years after White’s death did evidence emerge suggesting that White indeed was involved in espionage. The most suggestive evidence came to light in 1995 when the National Security Agency (NSA) released copies of the VENONA decrypts—intercepted Soviet transmissions cables from Moscow to "stations" throughout the world. The decrypts show that White met with a mysterious KGB agent, code-named KOL’TsOV whose identity is revealed in Treasonable Doubt. Craig argues that while the VENONA decrypts confirm White’s complicity with the Soviet underground, there is no evidence that White’s association with the Soviet underground affected White’s loyalty to the United States or the international institutions he helped found.
To that end, White also supported a $10 billion loan by the United States to aid the postwar reconstruction of the Soviet economy. He believed that such a loan, together with a loan to Britain, would promote economic vitality in war-torn Europe, address the acute dollar shortage in European nations, and help stimulate America’s domestic economy. In spite of all his efforts, in the end Stalin’s suspicions and the emergence of the Cold War insured the failure of White’s and other Rooseveltian internationalists’ vision of post-war American/Soviet cooperation.
Treasonable Doubt

Just for clarity, you do realize that your link finds that Harry Dexter White was a spy, don't you?

If so, yours is both a substantive post, and correct.
Harry White's Creed, which PC hates

"I believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of the press, freedom of criticism, and freedom of movement. I believe in the goal of equality of opportunity, and the right of each individual to follow the calling of his or her own choice, and the right of every individual to have an opportunity to develop his or her capacity to the fullest. . . . I consider these principles sacred. I regard them as the basic fabric of our American way of life, and I believe in them as living realities, and not mere words on paper. This is my creed."

Let's remind all that Harry Dexter White was a Soviet spy, and that you are both a liar and an imbecile.
All PC can do is attack personalities because she can't defend her OP. And she cannot at all defend the stupidity of the default standard of liberals. She is a small podcast hack, nothing more, to get money from stupid people.

"... she can't defend her OP..."

Defend against what, you imbecile???

You haven't even quoted any part of it.

And, I haven't done as you claim, "attack personalities..."
I couldn't have, as you are bereft of any.
A few years after WW II many nations from E. Germany to N. Korea, 100s of millions of people, were subject to mass-murdering Communist dictators. FDR deserves a lot of the blame.

For example FDR empowered this man: Harry Dexter White


  • White was the real author of the Morgenthau plan to "turn Germany into a potato field," which when leaked, united non-Nazis with Nazis, stiffened resistance, and prolonged the war.
  • White used his position in the Treasury Department to develop a hostile U.S. policy toward Japan. The reason was to distract Japan from their plans to attack the Soviet Union and draw the U.S. into the war as an ally with the Soviet Union. White was the author of an extreme ultimatum that Japan could not comply with in the days just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • White delayed financial support mandated by law to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese government causing the triumph of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese government.
  • White was instrumental in handing over the Allied Military mark printing plates to the Soviets. This caused a $250,000,000 deficit in the occupational government budget paid out by the U.S. Treasury. This in effect amounted to the US taxpayer paying the salaries of Soviet occupation troops at a time when US/Soviet relations were deteriorating precisely because of the presence and behavior of Soviet occupation forces in Eastern Europe.
As the civil war gained strength from 1947 to 1949, eventual Communist victory seemed more and more likely. Although the Communists did not hold any major cities after World War II, they had strong grassroots support, superior military organization and morale, and large stocks of weapons seized from Japanese supplies in Manchuria. Years of corruption and mismanagement had eroded popular support for the Nationalist Government. Early in 1947, the ROC Government was already looking to the island province of Taiwan, off the coast of Fujian Province, as a potential point of retreat. Although officials in the Truman Administration were not convinced of the strategic importance to the United States of maintaining relations with Nationalist China, no one in the U.S. Government wanted to be charged with facilitating the “loss” of China to communism. Military and financial aid to the floundering Nationalists continued, though not at the level that Chiang Kai-shek would have liked. In October of 1949, after a string of military victories, Mao Zedong proclaimed the establishment of the PRC; Chiang and his forces fled to Taiwan to regroup and plan for their efforts to retake the mainland.
The Chinese Revolution of 1949 - 1945 1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian
A few years after WW II many nations from E. Germany to N. Korea, 100s of millions of people, were subject to mass-murdering Communist dictators. FDR deserves a lot of the blame.

For example FDR empowered this man: Harry Dexter White


  • White was the real author of the Morgenthau plan to "turn Germany into a potato field," which when leaked, united non-Nazis with Nazis, stiffened resistance, and prolonged the war.
  • White used his position in the Treasury Department to develop a hostile U.S. policy toward Japan. The reason was to distract Japan from their plans to attack the Soviet Union and draw the U.S. into the war as an ally with the Soviet Union. White was the author of an extreme ultimatum that Japan could not comply with in the days just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • White delayed financial support mandated by law to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese government causing the triumph of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese government.
  • White was instrumental in handing over the Allied Military mark printing plates to the Soviets. This caused a $250,000,000 deficit in the occupational government budget paid out by the U.S. Treasury. This in effect amounted to the US taxpayer paying the salaries of Soviet occupation troops at a time when US/Soviet relations were deteriorating precisely because of the presence and behavior of Soviet occupation forces in Eastern Europe.
As the civil war gained strength from 1947 to 1949, eventual Communist victory seemed more and more likely. Although the Communists did not hold any major cities after World War II, they had strong grassroots support, superior military organization and morale, and large stocks of weapons seized from Japanese supplies in Manchuria. Years of corruption and mismanagement had eroded popular support for the Nationalist Government. Early in 1947, the ROC Government was already looking to the island province of Taiwan, off the coast of Fujian Province, as a potential point of retreat. Although officials in the Truman Administration were not convinced of the strategic importance to the United States of maintaining relations with Nationalist China, no one in the U.S. Government wanted to be charged with facilitating the “loss” of China to communism. Military and financial aid to the floundering Nationalists continued, though not at the level that Chiang Kai-shek would have liked. In October of 1949, after a string of military victories, Mao Zedong proclaimed the establishment of the PRC; Chiang and his forces fled to Taiwan to regroup and plan for their efforts to retake the mainland.
The Chinese Revolution of 1949 - 1945 1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

Please articulate a point so that I can eviscerate it.

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