Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

I have asked PC a few times to get her information to the historians that rate the presidents. Starting in 1948 the historians began rating the presidents, and have never rated FDR below third best American president.
Perhaps PC did get her priceless information to the historians because the historians changed their ratings of FDR from third best president, to America's greatest president.

Falling back yet again on logical fallacy, as expected.

Which fallacy do you claim?

Appeal to authority, for one.

That doesn't wash, the authority are a number of Ph.D historians, real authorities, unlike the iconoclasts PC offers for her evidence who are out to make a buck.

You misunderstand the fallacy in application.
Ripping one as ignorant as you are is the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

As with Prague,Patton’s request to secure Berlin was denied.Sadly, after Patton finally reached the ravaged city, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945,” for the first week after they took it (Berlin),all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped.
I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

a. "Hell, why do we care what those goddamn Russians think?We are going to have to fight them sooner or later,within the next generation. Why not do it now while our Army is intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in three months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have, if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards.[92]

These actions were all Eisenhower could handle; he could not cover this one up and had no choice but to relieve Patton of his command. Patton was personally hurt by the loss."
Military History Online

Patton was correct.
Roosevelt not.

Roosevelt had reasons for behavior....his affection for 'Uncle Joe.'

You, on the other hand, have no ability to reason....simply to follow orders.

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

The rightwing fantasy of Patton seizing most of Europe is just that...fantasy
The political realities were that the USSR fought and died for most of Eastern Europe while we were waiting three years to invade Normandy. We were spared tens of thousands of casualties because the Soviets were engaging the top Nazi divisions.

From you:
"Patton was a moron."

From the NYTimes:
"Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. was one of the most brilliant soldiers in American history. Audacious, unorthodox and inspiring, he led his troops to great victories in North Africa, Sicily and on the Western Front. Nazi generals admitted that of all American field commanders he was the one they most feared. To Americans he was a worthy successor of such hardbitten cavalrymen as Philip Sheridan, J. E. B. Stuart and Nathan Bedford Forrest."
Patton's Career A Brilliant One

And so we see one more in a long line of posts where your inability comes to bite you in your thinking apparatus.

Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

The rightwing fantasy of Patton seizing most of Europe is just that...fantasy
The political realities were that the USSR fought and died for most of Eastern Europe while we were waiting three years to invade Normandy. We were spared tens of thousands of casualties because the Soviets were engaging the top Nazi divisions.

From you:
"Patton was a moron."

From the NYTimes:
"Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. was one of the most brilliant soldiers in American history. Audacious, unorthodox and inspiring, he led his troops to great victories in North Africa, Sicily and on the Western Front. Nazi generals admitted that of all American field commanders he was the one they most feared. To Americans he was a worthy successor of such hardbitten cavalrymen as Philip Sheridan, J. E. B. Stuart and Nathan Bedford Forrest."
Patton's Career A Brilliant One

And so we see one more in a long line of posts where your inability comes to bite you in your thinking apparatus.

Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.
From you:
"Patton was a moron."

From the NYTimes:
"Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. was one of the most brilliant soldiers in American history. Audacious, unorthodox and inspiring, he led his troops to great victories in North Africa, Sicily and on the Western Front. Nazi generals admitted that of all American field commanders he was the one they most feared. To Americans he was a worthy successor of such hardbitten cavalrymen as Philip Sheridan, J. E. B. Stuart and Nathan Bedford Forrest."
Patton's Career A Brilliant One

And so we see one more in a long line of posts where your inability comes to bite you in your thinking apparatus.

Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.

Oh I'm sorry, is throwing over one hundred thousand innocent people - AMERICANS - into concentration camps not reason enough to label a fucking scumbag a fucking scumbag? Are his 'spaghetti on the wall' approaches to fucking with the national economy, creation of perpetual obligations that cannot be met forever, and sucking Stalin's dick necessary as well to round out the picture for you? How about his infidelity to his wife? How about sending a boatload of Jews back to the death that awaited them in Europe? Campaign lies? Strong-arming the Supreme Court? Fucking with the very foundation of our form of government? Requiring a Constitutional Amendment where personal character had served every president before him? How much do you need?
I have asked PC a few times to get her information to the historians that rate the presidents. Starting in 1948 the historians began rating the presidents, and have never rated FDR below third best American president.
Perhaps PC did get her priceless information to the historians because the historians changed their ratings of FDR from third best president, to America's greatest president.

Falling back yet again on logical fallacy, as expected.

Which fallacy do you claim?

Appeal to authority, for one.

That doesn't wash, the authority are a number of Ph.D historians, real authorities, unlike the iconoclasts PC offers for her evidence who are out to make a buck.

You misunderstand the fallacy in application.

Your logical fallacy is appeal to authority

I did not, here is proof unless you believe this too is an appeal to authority.
Ripping one as ignorant as you are is the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

As with Prague,Patton’s request to secure Berlin was denied.Sadly, after Patton finally reached the ravaged city, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945,” for the first week after they took it (Berlin),all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped.
I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

a. "Hell, why do we care what those goddamn Russians think?We are going to have to fight them sooner or later,within the next generation. Why not do it now while our Army is intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in three months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have, if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards.[92]

These actions were all Eisenhower could handle; he could not cover this one up and had no choice but to relieve Patton of his command. Patton was personally hurt by the loss."
Military History Online

Patton was correct.
Roosevelt not.

Roosevelt had reasons for behavior....his affection for 'Uncle Joe.'

You, on the other hand, have no ability to reason....simply to follow orders.

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

The rightwing fantasy of Patton seizing most of Europe is just that...fantasy
The political realities were that the USSR fought and died for most of Eastern Europe while we were waiting three years to invade Normandy. We were spared tens of thousands of casualties because the Soviets were engaging the top Nazi divisions.

From you:
"Patton was a moron."

From the NYTimes:
"Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. was one of the most brilliant soldiers in American history. Audacious, unorthodox and inspiring, he led his troops to great victories in North Africa, Sicily and on the Western Front. Nazi generals admitted that of all American field commanders he was the one they most feared. To Americans he was a worthy successor of such hardbitten cavalrymen as Philip Sheridan, J. E. B. Stuart and Nathan Bedford Forrest."
Patton's Career A Brilliant One

And so we see one more in a long line of posts where your inability comes to bite you in your thinking apparatus.

Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

The rightwing fantasy of Patton seizing most of Europe is just that...fantasy
The political realities were that the USSR fought and died for most of Eastern Europe while we were waiting three years to invade Normandy. We were spared tens of thousands of casualties because the Soviets were engaging the top Nazi divisions.

From you:
"Patton was a moron."

From the NYTimes:
"Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. was one of the most brilliant soldiers in American history. Audacious, unorthodox and inspiring, he led his troops to great victories in North Africa, Sicily and on the Western Front. Nazi generals admitted that of all American field commanders he was the one they most feared. To Americans he was a worthy successor of such hardbitten cavalrymen as Philip Sheridan, J. E. B. Stuart and Nathan Bedford Forrest."
Patton's Career A Brilliant One

And so we see one more in a long line of posts where your inability comes to bite you in your thinking apparatus.

Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

You waited until page 36 to say it?

So, why is it that when RW or Dot Com or CrusaderFrank post threads....they get a maybe 40 replies whereas PC's generally range in the 500+ number ?

Because the far left does not read them.

I don't agree with her on several points, but I appreciate someone who can back up their posts.

With RW what you get is nothing but stupid pontification about the way things were just because she said so.
PC makes some absurd charges and uses questionable sources for backup. The charges can be so ridiculous that some people probably respond to set the record straight and then comes more of the same from Chic, plus a little name calling and insults. Simple game of "I gotcha."
When I first suggested that America's most noted historians have graded FDR highly since 1948, her answer was historians are communists. Her evidence for historians being communists was that historians voted highly for FDR. How does one respond to that type of reasoning. I read some of her posts, now with amusement but certainly not seriously, but as the sham they are.
PC makes some absurd charges and uses questionable sources for backup. The charges can be so ridiculous that some people probably respond to set the record straight and then comes more of the same from Chic, plus a little name calling and insults. Simple game of "I gotcha."
When I first suggested that America's most noted historians have graded FDR highly since 1948, her answer was historians are communists. Her evidence for historians being communists was that historians voted highly for FDR. How does one respond to that type of reasoning. I read some of her posts, now with amusement but certainly not seriously, but as the sham they are.
PC is playing a game where she channels Ann Coulter

The game me piss off the liberals
She makes bizarre claims, then giggles as liberals refute her.....she responds with unrelated cut and pastes ...Rinse and Repeat

For some reason, she gets a chuckle out of for more tomorrow
PC makes some absurd charges and uses questionable sources for backup. The charges can be so ridiculous that some people probably respond to set the record straight and then comes more of the same from Chic, plus a little name calling and insults. Simple game of "I gotcha."
When I first suggested that America's most noted historians have graded FDR highly since 1948, her answer was historians are communists. Her evidence for historians being communists was that historians voted highly for FDR. How does one respond to that type of reasoning. I read some of her posts, now with amusement but certainly not seriously, but as the sham they are.
PC is playing a game where she channels Ann Coulter

The game me piss off the liberals
She makes bizarre claims, then giggles as liberals refute her.....she responds with unrelated cut and pastes ...Rinse and Repeat

For some reason, she gets a chuckle out of for more tomorrow

Liberals refute her ?

You are not a liberal....not by a long shot.
PC makes some absurd charges and uses questionable sources for backup. The charges can be so ridiculous that some people probably respond to set the record straight and then comes more of the same from Chic, plus a little name calling and insults. Simple game of "I gotcha."
When I first suggested that America's most noted historians have graded FDR highly since 1948, her answer was historians are communists. Her evidence for historians being communists was that historians voted highly for FDR. How does one respond to that type of reasoning. I read some of her posts, now with amusement but certainly not seriously, but as the sham they are.
We just humor the rw wingnut by letting her think we care about her Day Room scrivenings
Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.

Oh I'm sorry, is throwing over one hundred thousand innocent people - AMERICANS - into concentration camps not reason enough to label a fucking scumbag a fucking scumbag? Are his 'spaghetti on the wall' approaches to fucking with the national economy, creation of perpetual obligations that cannot be met forever, and sucking Stalin's dick necessary as well to round out the picture for you? How about his infidelity to his wife? How about sending a boatload of Jews back to the death that awaited them in Europe? Campaign lies? Strong-arming the Supreme Court? Fucking with the very foundation of our form of government? Requiring a Constitutional Amendment where personal character had served every president before him? How much do you need?

I hope you'll add the fact that his anti-black sentiments resulted in appointing KKKer Hugo Black as his very first Supreme Court Justice.

He has an unbroken record of anti-black, anti-Jew, anti-Asian actions.....yet he receives genuflection from the Liberals.
This is true of so very many others, reveals the inability and low nature of the defenders of myth and totalitarian governance on the Left.....
...versus the-truth tellers of the Right.

The pantheon of posts from the Leftists are 'is not,is not,' without any support for the denials...

....outright lies about imagined success of their demigods,....

....ignoring the malevolence and misbehavior of their lords and masters,,,,

,,,charges that any who reveal the truth are fascists and Nazis......

...and a multitude of attacks on your poor

As this thread has become quite behooves me to remind of some of the truths it provided and the Roosevelt lap-dogs were unable to refute...

So it will be done in the next several posts.
This is true of so very many others, reveals the inability and low nature of the defenders of myth and totalitarian governance on the Left.....
...versus the-truth tellers of the Right.

The pantheon of posts from the Leftists are 'is not,is not,' without any support for the denials...

....outright lies about imagined success of their demigods,....

....ignoring the malevolence and misbehavior of their lords and masters,,,,

,,,charges that any who reveal the truth are fascists and Nazis......

...and a multitude of attacks on your poor

As this thread has become quite behooves me to remind of some of the truths it provided and the Roosevelt lap-dogs were unable to refute...

So it will be done in the next several posts.
Your lies have indeed been refuted. It is the reason your thread is so long. You keep ignoring the beating you get as your assertions are debunked. Your method of prolonging the thread is simply to not answer challenges and move on to new lies and misrepresentations.
For a reminder, I challenged your lie about FDR not preparing the military for WWII with links to the modern weapons he had developed quietly as he prepared industry to transform into war production. One of the things celebrated about FDR is the way he did in fact, prepare the US military for WWII. You take a distorted single quote to promote your lie. I provided numerous links to debunk that lie.
Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

It is academic lazyness on your part

Making a position and using references to support your position is justifiable

Cut and paste without forming your own conclusions is just fucking lazy

I asked:

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

So....based on your is the former?

The profanity is a give-away.
Cut and paste is the print version of video editing and distorting. It is only viable when the author can defend those challenges of distortion. You never seem able to defend your distortions when you are challenged. Your pattern is to ignore those challenges and flood the thread with new cut and paste to deflect away from the fact you have been caught in a lie of distortion. In this thread, I challenged your assessment that followed a cut and paste that FDR has not prepared the US Military for WWII. I had shown how you were distorting a quote by Gen. Marshall on numerous occasions, but you continue to use it. I debunked your assertion once again giving links to show how FDR was developing new modern weapons and preparing US industry to transform into the arsenal of freedom that it became on his command.
You have failed to show you are not telling an indisputable lie about FDR not preparing for WWII. You haven't even attempted to defend that lie.

FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming- it just came about a year before we were really ready.

I believe almost every successful U.S. weapon deployed in WW2 was developed- and produced- during FDR's presidency- from the P-51 Mustang to the B-29 bomber.

Hell FDR approved the Manhattan project despite many of his generals not believing such a bomb could be possible.

PC just has a massive hate-on for FDR- from his rantings it appears to be based upon some John Birch anti-communist crap from the 1950's, with GOP malicious envy gossip added in. is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

He failed at the war as he did at solving the Depression, both of which he extended by years with the commensurate casualties each caused.

Now here is the pattern: I will destroy this statement with facts and quotes....and the dolt who wrote it will provide the oh-so-insightful 'sez you!!!'

"....preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

1. “Though FDR is treated in many histories as a far-seeing statesman waging a great crusade for freedom, the record provided by the Folsoms, backed by their extensive researches, shows us something different. In lack of preparedness during the run-up to the war (while contriving to get us into it), thereafter in many phases of its conduct, and most of all in the end game played out with the Soviet dictator Stalin at Teheran and Yalta, Roosevelt made countless tragic blunders, … In particular, by various wartime stratagems he pursued and postwar policies he favored, he materially increased the strength of the Soviet Union and so helped consign untold numbers of suffering victims to its despotic rule.” M. Stanton Evans

2. He became President in 1933, and rushed to embrace Stalin with recognition that same year....
It took seven years to begin to prepare for the war.
a. On May 16, 1940, Roosevelt had addressed Congress and asked for more than a billion dollars for defense, with a commitment for fifty thousand military aircraft. He knew, also, that he needed the good will of business to win the war: no longer would he call them “privileged princes…thirsting for power.”
b. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

3. Why prepare?
Due to cuts in military spending through the 30’s as a percentage of the federal budget, the United States was woefully unprepared for war. The US was 17th in the world in military strength, and this ultimately let us into a two-ocean war.

4. The more astute knew what was coming.

a. Admiral Richardson pleaded with the President to move the Pearl Harbor fleet to the mainland…but he not only would not listen… “Prior to the attack, Admiral Richardson was stripped of his command of Pearl Harbor by FDR, for warning of the fleet's vulnerability.”

b. FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone. To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence.

Now watch this imbecile's response to that unassailable argument....propbably the same one he keeps trying: " Nazi, you!!!!"
This is true of so very many others, reveals the inability and low nature of the defenders of myth and totalitarian governance on the Left.....
...versus the-truth tellers of the Right.

The pantheon of posts from the Leftists are 'is not,is not,' without any support for the denials...

....outright lies about imagined success of their demigods,....

....ignoring the malevolence and misbehavior of their lords and masters,,,,

,,,charges that any who reveal the truth are fascists and Nazis......

...and a multitude of attacks on your poor

As this thread has become quite behooves me to remind of some of the truths it provided and the Roosevelt lap-dogs were unable to refute...

So it will be done in the next several posts.
Your lies have indeed been refuted. It is the reason your thread is so long. You keep ignoring the beating you get as your assertions are debunked. Your method of prolonging the thread is simply to not answer challenges and move on to new lies and misrepresentations.
For a reminder, I challenged your lie about FDR not preparing the military for WWII with links to the modern weapons he had developed quietly as he prepared industry to transform into war production. One of the things celebrated about FDR is the way he did in fact, prepare the US military for WWII. You take a distorted single quote to promote your lie. I provided numerous links to debunk that lie.

Try post #378 on for size, you lying gutter snipe.
PC makes some absurd charges and uses questionable sources for backup. The charges can be so ridiculous that some people probably respond to set the record straight and then comes more of the same from Chic, plus a little name calling and insults. Simple game of "I gotcha."
When I first suggested that America's most noted historians have graded FDR highly since 1948, her answer was historians are communists. Her evidence for historians being communists was that historians voted highly for FDR. How does one respond to that type of reasoning. I read some of her posts, now with amusement but certainly not seriously, but as the sham they are.

"When I first suggested that America's most noted historians have graded FDR highly since 1948, her answer was historians are communists."

My response was that the 'historians' you allow to do your thinking for you are no more than amanuenses

Definition: a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another; secretary.

That's the meaning, and the fact.
They are academics whose income and status is determined by Liberalism, Inc.

But the truth is seeping out......

  1. 'Scholars have discovered that totalitarian philosophies have a social-egalitarian component that adds to the mass popularity of such regimes. Thus, not only National Socialism, with its belief that its racial doctrine entailed the promise of equality for all members of the German people, or ‘Volk,’ but if one can look beyond the repression and terror, the New Deal can be seen as a series of economic misadventures achieved through the force of mass propaganda, and owing its success solely to America’s victory in WWII.' Wolfgang Schivelbusch
    1. In an insightful analysis, John A. Garraty compared Roosevelt’s New Deal with aspects of the Third Reich: a strong leader; an ideology stressing the nation, the people and the land; state control of economic and social affairs; and the quality and quantity of government propaganda. Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78 (1973) p. 907ff.

Now.....aren't you embarrassed that you are too fearful to actually think for yourself?

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