Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Let's do
Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part
All we have established is your complete ignorance of history.

Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Let's do
All we have established is your complete ignorance of history.

Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

No- just your usual obsessive anti-FDR crap.
Once again- you are displaying sheer ignorance.

The United States went to war with Germany- because Germany declared war on the United States- a very stupid move on Germany's part- since if Hitler had not declared war, Roosevelt probably would have been forced to confront only Japan- leaving Hitler to the Soviets- which would have led to one of two conclusions- a German victory- or a Soviet victory that left the USSR with all of Western Europe.

FDR led the United States out of the Great Depression and led the United States to victory in WW2- of course you despise him.


Had Germany and the USSR gone at it without Germany's being at war with us......neither would have been meaningful afterwards.

FDR only helped the USSR...unknowingly.....but stupidly.

And you know this because of your great study of history- which led you to believe FDR should have been using his non-existant Hydrogen bombs to bomb Moscow?

You are Monday Morning quarter backing 70 years after the fact- and from ignorance.

Once again- Hitler declared war on the United States- and ordered his u-boats to attack American shipping. We supported our British allies.

And yes- we supported the Soviets- because they were facing the bulk of the Nazi Army.

IF we did nothing one of the two parties would have ended up victorious- and if it had been the Soviets- they would have stretched from France to Manchuria.

That is beyond stupid.

Had HItler thrown his full force against he Soviets, he would have created a meat grinder that would have made the USSR meaningless.

The Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942-Feb. 2, 1943), was the successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the U.S.S.R. during World War II. Russians consider it to be the greatest battle of their Great Patriotic War, and most historians consider it to be the greatest battle of the entire conflict. It stopped the German advance into the Soviet Union and marked the turning of the tide of war in favor of the Allies. The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest battles in history, with combined military and civilian casualties of nearly 2 million.
Battle of Stalingrad - World War II -

Thanks for making my point. Had Hitler thrown his full force against the USSR he would have hurt them worse.

He was never going to take over the USSR...that was not possible.

Stalin thought otherwise.

Stalin credited American lend- lease with preventing the Soviet defeat by the Germans.

But I understand you prefer that Hitler stayed in power for additional years.

What would have been the end result of Hitler staying in power in Western Europe?

The complete extermination of Jews in Europe.

Is that perhaps what you are most upset about?
Yes, I think we've pretty much established that Roosevelt was a gutless wonder.

All we have established is your complete ignorance of history.

Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Let's do
Yes, I think we've pretty much established that Roosevelt was a gutless wonder.

All we have established is your complete ignorance of history.

Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.

I notice you couldn't even answer the questions- you don't even know when the first atomic bomb went off.

You don't know when the first hydrogen bomb was set off- yet your answer was FDR should have bombed Moscow with a hydrogen bomb.

FDR was not alive when the first atomic bomb was tested- July 16, 1945.
Because FDR had died April 12, 1945.

Everyone hoped that atomic bomb would work- but didn't know if it would- and no one believed how powerful they would be- even the physicists under estimated the atomic bombs.

So- tell me how many American GI's do you think should have been sacrificed to save Eastern Europe from Stalin?
Would you have preferred HItler remain in power instead of Stalin?
I have asked PC a few times to get her information to the historians that rate the presidents. Starting in 1948 the historians began rating the presidents, and have never rated FDR below third best American president.
Perhaps PC did get her priceless information to the historians because the historians changed their ratings of FDR from third best president, to America's greatest president.

"I have asked PC a few times to get her information to the historians blah blah blah....."

And I have noted that said post is a priori evidence of a brain-numbed boot-licker searching for a way to dodge the facts presented.

Clearly you have no ability accept the truth.
On the bright are the poster child for government schooling.
Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Let's do
Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.
And now for the education that government schooling skipped.

Franklin Roosevelt rejected the Constitution, accepted communism and revered the collective...the true American President, Ronald Reagan, venerated the Constitution, stood for the individual and despised Communism.

1. It was under Franklin Roosevelt that America underwent a sea change, ending the guidance of the Founders, the Constitution, and the emphasis on capitalism in favor of socialism.
It behooves those who wish to understand what happened to analyze what happened....and why.

What Did He Know, and When Did He Know It?

It was through Franklin Roosevelt's tireless efforts that communism found a home in the United States. They don't teach that in government school.
Did FDR know he was providing a red carpet for communism, pun intended, or was he ignorant of the malevolence he was endorsing?

3.Just the other day, I watched journalists asking a Republican presidential contender specific and detailed questions about geo-politics...trying to see what he knew, and how good he would be at applying same to predicting future situations.
Apply same to FDR: was Roosevelt aware of the homicidal pathology of communism, and if so, shouldn't he have put off recognition of the Soviet empire until he perceived a change in those policies?

Let's see FDR's geopolitical education:
Here is his timeline of political education..

Nov 8, 1910 Franklin Roosevelt is elected to the New York State Senate.

In 1913, Franklin Roosevelt was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President Woodrow Wilson.

1920 Franklin Roosevelt ran as the Democratic candidate for Vice-President, alongside James M. Cox. The ticket is defeated by Republicans Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge.

Nov 6, 1928 Franklin Roosevelt is elected governor of New York.

Following the very last brokered election that produced a winning candidate, Nov 8, 1932 Franklin Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover to become the 32nd President of the United States, receiving 57.4% of the popular vote.

On November 16, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt ended almost 16 years of American non-recognition of the Soviet Union following a series of negotiations in Washington, D.C. with the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Maxim Litvinov. was a professional politician who spent a quarter century learning his craft, before he embraced the Soviet Union in what any astute observer of the world scene knew was a fraudulent agreement.

He had that quarter century to consider, refine, and make judgments about the world, about right and wrong, good and evil.....
It was his considered opinion that all previous Presidents and Secretaries of State were wrong in refusing to embrace the blood-drenched Bolsheviks.

What Did He Know, and When Did He Know It?
Was FDR the first to recognize the USSR or had other nations such as Britain, Italy, Germany and others recognized the USSR much earlier? Was America late in its recognition?

"Was FDR the first to recognize the USSR or had other nations..."

1. . FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. On November 16, 1933, President Roosevelt rushed to embrace....recognize...the USSR. If this act, based on FDR's additional pro-Soviet endeavors, was rational....then these folks must have been irrational:

"Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath"by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

2. What other nations did is not a consideration.
Or...are you one with John Kerry who demanded that United States foreign policy be left to the consensus of other nations.
Know how the American public reacted to that?

Check with your 'historians,' the amanuenses who tell you what to think, and they'll tell you that I am correct.
Last edited:
This 2010 poll was taken by Siena college that polled 238 of America's best historians and presidential experts. The presidential polling has taken place since 1948 with over a thousand of America's most noted historians.

In that case, why are you unable to dispute any of the facts that I provide?
Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Let's do
Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste
I have asked PC a few times to get her information to the historians that rate the presidents. Starting in 1948 the historians began rating the presidents, and have never rated FDR below third best American president.
Perhaps PC did get her priceless information to the historians because the historians changed their ratings of FDR from third best president, to America's greatest president.

Falling back yet again on logical fallacy, as expected.

Which fallacy do you claim?

Appeal to authority, for one.

That doesn't wash, the authority are a number of Ph.D historians, real authorities, unlike the iconoclasts PC offers for her evidence who are out to make a buck.

In a firmament of outrageously stupid, inane, false posts that you have provided....this one may be the queen of all.

"....the iconoclasts PC offers for her evidence who are out to make a buck."

Almost every university, publishing house, media outlet is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Inc.

Yet you claim that providing facts not in accordance with the Liberal view is how one 'makes a buck.'

What a moron you are.
But, you must tire of everyone telling you that.
Let's do
Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

Ripping one as ignorant as you are is the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

As with Prague,Patton’s request to secure Berlin was denied.Sadly, after Patton finally reached the ravaged city, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945,” for the first week after they took it (Berlin),all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped.
I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

a. "Hell, why do we care what those goddamn Russians think?We are going to have to fight them sooner or later,within the next generation. Why not do it now while our Army is intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in three months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have, if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards.[92]

These actions were all Eisenhower could handle; he could not cover this one up and had no choice but to relieve Patton of his command. Patton was personally hurt by the loss."
Military History Online

Patton was correct.
Roosevelt not.

Roosevelt had reasons for behavior....his affection for 'Uncle Joe.'

You, on the other hand, have no ability to reason....simply to follow orders.
Let's do
Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

They didn't pay a price to get the east.

They paid the price defending their homeland.

With the Germans beaten and the Allied forces closing in on the West, the Russians had a pretty easy time getting to Berlin.

They then just decided to stay.

If they had not had their eyes on Eastern Europe, they would have still paid a heavy price in blood.

Your false associations only support the general assertion on the board that you are nothing but a hack far left brownshirt propaganda spreader.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

Ripping one as ignorant as you are is the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

As with Prague,Patton’s request to secure Berlin was denied.Sadly, after Patton finally reached the ravaged city, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945,” for the first week after they took it (Berlin),all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped.
I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

a. "Hell, why do we care what those goddamn Russians think?We are going to have to fight them sooner or later,within the next generation. Why not do it now while our Army is intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in three months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have, if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards.[92]

These actions were all Eisenhower could handle; he could not cover this one up and had no choice but to relieve Patton of his command. Patton was personally hurt by the loss."
Military History Online

Patton was correct.
Roosevelt not.

Roosevelt had reasons for behavior....his affection for 'Uncle Joe.'

You, on the other hand, have no ability to reason....simply to follow orders.
The OP is following her usual pattern. She ignores specific challenges and moves on to new cut and pastes theories to deflect from the lies she has already been caught in. Most of her cut and paste has been debunked in the past in numerous other anti-FDR conspiracy threads. This one is no exception.
Patton was not concerning himself with the unfinished war with Japan. Military planners were preparing to use the US forces from Europe to defeat Japan. Russian forces were planned for defeating the Japanese occupying China and Korea. Patton wanted to continue the war in Europe, even to the level of rearming the Germans, forcing battles onto already devastaed areas of Eastern Europe and forcing a whole new era of American consriptions to fight the Japaneses while the American troops who survivied the war in Euruope were used up in a new campaign against Russia.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

They didn't pay a price to get the east.
With that statement you have lost any and all credibility as a student of WWII history.
"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

They didn't pay a price to get the east.
With that statement you have lost any and all credibility as a student of WWII history.

Coming from you....I'm crushed.......GFY.

If you think no Russians died in defense of their homeland.......knock yourself out.
"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

They didn't pay a price to get the east.
With that statement you have lost any and all credibility as a student of WWII history.

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

Ripping one as ignorant as you are is the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

As with Prague,Patton’s request to secure Berlin was denied.Sadly, after Patton finally reached the ravaged city, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945,” for the first week after they took it (Berlin),all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped.
I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

a. "Hell, why do we care what those goddamn Russians think?We are going to have to fight them sooner or later,within the next generation. Why not do it now while our Army is intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in three months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have, if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards.[92]

These actions were all Eisenhower could handle; he could not cover this one up and had no choice but to relieve Patton of his command. Patton was personally hurt by the loss."
Military History Online

Patton was correct.
Roosevelt not.

Roosevelt had reasons for behavior....his affection for 'Uncle Joe.'

You, on the other hand, have no ability to reason....simply to follow orders.

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

The rightwing fantasy of Patton seizing most of Europe is just that...fantasy
The political realities were that the USSR fought and died for most of Eastern Europe while we were waiting three years to invade Normandy. We were spared tens of thousands of casualties because the Soviets were engaging the top Nazi divisions.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

We were in no position to dislodge them

We got the West...they got the east

They paid much, much more for their piece and we got the better part

Your post is false in every single element.

Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

They didn't pay a price to get the east.

They paid the price defending their homeland.

With the Germans beaten and the Allied forces closing in on the West, the Russians had a pretty easy time getting to Berlin.

They then just decided to stay.

If they had not had their eyes on Eastern Europe, they would have still paid a heavy price in blood.

Your false associations only support the general assertion on the board that you are nothing but a hack far left brownshirt propaganda spreader.

The Soviets paid a horrific price ...20 million dead
When you are invaded and driven almost to the breaking point and fight to save come out with one goal...NEVER AGAIN

Never again meant the Soviets would build a security buffer and ensure that no miltary force could get as close to their border. FDR was in no position to convince them otherwise

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